THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OltKOAX, WKDXEHPAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. 9 lOflPIHI Ann DCDOnU Al t tOUUIHL HI1U I LI0UI1HL1 -f-f-f 4 THE WEATHER. OuouHiuuiil ruin tonight and Thursday. CliriMlinii KccliriK mid Mri. Kdnu 1. Chirk of Axliliuid Hpcnt n few diiyn tlio first of week in this burg. The DiiiiIi'Ih for Hud Hloro linn lidded n complete hat cleaning mid blocking department. 183 L, K. Tidbnll in yisi'ing hero from Kiigcun. limidi'iiinlly tit- ix also mak ing n noli! of Nome of (li fine jiointH of I hit miiiinuiiily. Sii!on nnd extract lit 30 So. 0 direct. H. Nullor of McCloiid. Cnl., Mopped off in Medford Tuesday on Ii'ih tour north. 1 1 lit K clcuurd nnd blocked at Diin ioln for IiudH. 183 A. H. Kli'tclii-r of Lexington, Ky., in vixilhiK in town on biiKiiieHH. Seo lint of Tteiixoti's bnrgiiins on pngo 4. Mr. nnd Mr. It. S Kruzicr are hero from Win-cling, W. Vn., for n few dllVh' Hlll.V. Why rindi Imtnof. Try tlio Spot Cure's 2.ric dinner. Mm. V. II. ("oiler nnd Mrs. K. T. KoiiiimivcIIo of A-lil.iiid tire" ihiliiiff George II. Colter of this place. M. W. Ncebcr ix over from Spring field paying the eily i visit. Onlnrn for Hweol crcntn or butior milk promptly filled. Phono tht oresmnry. 11. F. rolilnnd of Aililnnd wns in town tin) oilier dny on buhincss. Hest meal for tlio lcnxt money nt thn Spot enfo. William ltnxter nnd M. J. I-ovo left Tiiewdny for Iliippy Camp, where the KixViyon Copper nnd 'lolil IVvclop tnent roniiiim v'h mine ii lornled. Unix ehiined nnd liloeked lit Dan iel for T)iii1h. - 183 J. V. C'rohlimd of H ikernfield, Oil., is looking over the eity thin week. Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co.. 30 So. 0 direct. Mm. M. H. Hiley wimc down from .AMilmid Wednexdiiy morning to nt tend the W. C. T. V. convention to be he'd here. Elln Onnnynw, pnhlie stenographer, mnin I. Pnl:n building. 1). Franklin of Siiutii Cruz. Cnl.. is vpeinling n few iIiivh looking over tlio it. v. iliitw elcnned nnd blocked nt Pun iols for T)mln. 183 S. II. Morse was down from Hose hurt: Tiiesdny for n short business Htiiv here. Will deliver von Cnxende con!, nt $f)..r0 per ton, to nny plneo in the city. Phono 701. ld Among thoMi looking for fruit land near the eity Charles Kushner of I)enver, Col. Hills donned nnd Worked nt Dan iels for Dads. 183 J. J. Sehimes, who is stopping off here on n tour of the west, is well pleased with the city nnd vnlley. ' Uko Cftxenilii coal for fuel, $n..r0 per ton. rhono 701. 183 .1. D. Skinner, n recent nrrivnl from Texns, has invested in property and will set lie here. Phonn 33113 for ten or coffee. Mrs. W. Wiikcfiehl is visitinir her sister. Mrs. A. IT. Fisher of Phoe nix, for n few weeks. Two boy ushers wanted. Apply at Pi ion theater. Must bo neat np ponring nnd courteous. 183 V. C. Since of Senllle nrrived Tuesday to look over, Hie metropolis f Hie l?o2iie Hiver valley. T,. Like of Knoxville. Tn.. who has been lourinsr the northwest, stopped off here Hie first of the week to visit friends. . , , Fred J. lllakelev of Hosi-hnnr is m Med ford on n short, business trip. Robert ('' Smith of On.nts l'nss was in Med ford on professional bus iness Monday. A. C. Tiandnll. the Talent Newtown nppln kii'ir. has relumed from a visit in San Francisco. The Oregon flinnile eonmnny is adding lo ils force of nnnrrymen, pnllinc out the stone for the Corcy flnrnelt building. Judge ITollis nnd K. C. Tlmlcher of ForeBt drove are visiting in Mod ford. They are old time friends of Dr. J. M. keene. Fred II. Hopkinx of Cenlral Point xpcnl Tiiexduy in Jledford on buxi- IIOHH. Tlio ditcher of Shirley linker is iliKKinK "P West Jnekxon htrcct pro piirntory to tlm liiyin(( of n water muin. , M. C. Anient, n OrnntH Push enp ilalisl, ix upendiiiK a few ditya in Moil ford on businc. Ilnery 0. Jnliimon of KiiKcne is MpeuditiK n few dnyx in Medford on businesn. t A lnrR force of men U'bnsy loy iii tlm foundation for the- new hotel huildiiiK near tlio opera hoimo. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Klmer A. Hicks lire speniliiiK n few days with Mr. nnd Mrs. fluy Lnwton on North Rivcrxido nveinie, .... Will Muller will lenvo In tbo nenr future on mi extended trip to Run Dietto, Cnl. John Ilenderxon of Axlilnnil spenl Tuexilav in Modfonl on bnxiiicss. Will MeClee of Portland is in Med ford on n short buxiiiexs trip. Mi-x. II. C. Cornell of Wellen spenl Wednesday in Medford. John n. Allen, president of the Pa cific nnd Kiixtern. arrived in Med ford from New York Wednesday. Howard flnle. ndvnnee man of the "Three Twins," spent Tuesday in Med ford. Thurxlon Dnniels of Spokane is visitinir his son, Daniels for Puds. J. W. Holmes, the Armour repre sentative, is milking calls on vnlley customer. I.. K. Tidhall of Hlnke, McFnll & Co., the Portliind iaper house, is culling niion Medford customers. W. F. Jeffries of Crime pipe nnd plumbing supply house spent Wednes duv in Medford. F. 11. Pnvne of the Portland coin mission house of Page & Son is buy ing eppb's in thu valley. U. S. McDonnell i.nd wife were vis itors in the eily I ruin Portland Tues day. Juke Kowns w:ix down from Hilt on business ree.,il.v. C. W. MeFaddeii of Dulutli, Minn., continued his journey south nfter a short stay in the vnlley. John Lees and daughter of Cros well, Mich., were visitors here' on business the other dny. P. J. Wisdom of Rochester, X. Y arrived ill the town Tuesday cvenirig to transnct business . Mrs. J. T. Hreedy of Phoenix is visiting friends, in the city. Mrs. E. II. Perce left Wednesday for Gold Hill to visit her pnrents. Four lurge Gloria Monday apples ere brought into the exhibit build ing from the Kennedy ranch. G. E. Metcnlf of Allen & Lewis, the Portland wholesalers, is ngniu selling groceries in valley towns. l.'nitcd Stntes Judge Wolverton, Clerk Cannon, J. E. Enynrt, J. A. Perry and Toggery Hill spent Tues day angling on the Rogue. Mrs. IT. Carnell of Wellen spent Wednesday shopping in this city. Slate Organizer Uullock of the Yoc men of America is spending the dny in Ashland in thu interests of his or der. Tht Art of giving. I believe Unit If iwinietxHjy could In- rent unlipiu wuy of saving money the public would biive an assured future. Men. women and children would re gard laving a game nud play It wild all llielr heart. There are penny livings bunk wbere Dcwuboy and bootblaeke carry tbelr tiny lavlngi. but other children regard their penny bank at homo wltb unfriendly eye. There are working glrla wbo put away tbelr Ore cent piece and fatten tbelr imall bank account by walking lnatend of riding nnd making other petty acrl flces. Hut tbe majority of working girls spend a fast a tbey can earn and declare that tbey cannot belp It. One read of a man who began bl career by regarding erery dollar a a worker and getting all tbe profit be could. Wltb that quaint conceit In bla bead laving became a pleasure, and be won rlcbe without realizing tbat It wa a druggie. I know of more than i one woman wbo receives eacb night from her husband every dime be bo received In cbnngo through tbo day. for be Is careful to avoid spending uch a piece of money. These, with her own saving In the time direction, make a respectable weekly showing. Kansa City Journal. Only 8klng Information. Tbe average New York boy 1 not a wonder of wit and wldom, but moat of tliem know a good thing when tbey see it. Also the contrary. Not long ogo one of them saw a 1gn In front of n Sixth avenue place. "Boy Want ed." He wn looking for something of that kind and walked In. There wn uolKsly In sight, and be stood gaz ing. Presently the proprietor, a most grouchy person, appeared. "What do you want here?" be In quired with scant courtesy. "Well." replied the boy. disturbed by the iiian'a mntiner nnd hesitating, "do you want a boy here?" "That's what the sign say, don't It?" snapped the man. "Yep." responded the boy, getting bis second wind. "Then we want n boy." "Aw right." grinned the boy. back ing nwny. "You g!t one. You enn't bnve me." nnd he wiggled his finger ut tbe man and went out quickly. New York tleruld. 'There' .1 language In hotel labels, the same ns In stnmps or flowers." snld a courier. . "All over Europe the hotel porters paste the hotel labels on your trunks In such a way that tlio porters In future towns will know what sort of u tipper you are. "Up nt the top of the trunk the lnbcl menus you are generous, in the mid dle It means you're a middling sort. Down very low It meiins you are no good." Willing to Help. "Mo. what nre the folks in our church cettlti' up n subscription fer?' "To send our minister on a vacation to Europe." "Won't there bo no church services while he's gone?" "No. dear." "Ma. I got $1.23 In my bank. Can I give that?" Cleveland Lender. Tir Themtelvot Getting Roedy. Washington Irving tell n story of a man wbo tried to Jump over a hill. He went buck so far to get bis start for the great leap and ran so bard tbat be was completely exhausted wben be came to the bill and bad to lie down nnd rest. Then be got up nnd walked over the bill. A grent many people exhaust themselves getting ready to do their work. Tbey nre always pre paring. They spend their lives get ting ready to" do something which they never do. It Is nn excellent thing to keep Improving oneself, to keep grow ing, but there must tie a time to begin the grent "work of life. I know a mad who Is almost forty years old who has not yet decided .what he Is going to do. He has graduated from college and taken n number of postgraduate courses, but nil along general lines. He has not yet begun to specialize. This ninn fully believes he Is goiug to do great things yet. I hope be may. Success Magazine. Franklin and the Balloon. When the balloon was tlrst discov ered some one said to Franklin. "What will ever come of It?" Franklin point ed to a baby in Its cradle and said. "And what will ever come of that?" A Truthful Cign. .Mr. Imgeai'-Ky the way. did you ever know that large ears are a sign of generosity? Miss neiuitl of course, Mr. Lmigenr. They arc n sign that nnture has been generous. Hunting For Justice. Juetlve is of course loudly demanded by every litigant In a court of law. but It is il fretiucut lullrmlty ot thu human mind to confuse Justice with one's own cause. The late Thomas B. Jteed. ac cording to a writer In Law Notes, used to tell an uimisliig story to illustrate this, tendency. He was once retained by nu enter prising client to prosecute nn action. On talking with the plaintiff's wit nesses Mr. Heed fouud thut their sto ries were far from consistent, so he re ported the fact to his client n:td ad vised that the suit bo dropped. The client was somewhat perturbed, but told the nttornoy he would bnve a talk with the witnesses and let him know the next morning what he had decided to do. True to his word, he dropped In bright nnd enrly, wearing the cheer ful look of one who bns fought the good light. "I've seen those witnesses." he ex plained, "nnd they say they must have been mistaken when they tnlkod with you. They nil see It nllke now. I've also seen some of the Jurymen, nud they think I'll win. Now, if there's such a thing as Justice In law we .can't lose." ' A Piano Club. Mrs. riutton-Wo nre organizing a piano club. Mr. Flatlelgh. Will yon Join us? Flntlclgh With pleasure. Mrs. Iluttiui. What pianist do you propose to club llrsl '-Chicago News. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT SHOW YOUR LICENSE A VISIT TO BISKRA MOZART'S LAST REQUIEM ONE DIME I twxai RESOLVED i The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of tbe ordinary We do tbe best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TEE FBOQB&SBTVS TAXLUK WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table -5 We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs le per meal to operate. "We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E Cr 0 N The Spelling Class. Tcndier-Spell oolncUlenee. Willie. Wlllle-I enn't spoil It. but I rnn tell , wlmt It menus. Tenclier-Well. then,' wlmt does It mean? Wlllle-Twlns.-Judge. Better Left Unsaid. Hostess-It's lienlnnliiR to rnln. You'll get wet. I llilnk you'd better stny to dinner. Departing Guest Oh, den'r, no! It's not ruining so badly as all that.-Syrtney Rullctln. IP A FoodjExport. "What Is n food expert?" "Any man who can mnko his wages Ho who relics on posterity to do him buy enouRh for the family table." Justice will not feel the pain of dHnp- Philadelphia Ledger. totntment.-ruclt. State Depositary . EstnliiiBhecl 1888. Capital nnd Surplus 125,000 Reinurros (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jnckson Comity Bnnk respect fully solicits your account, subject l i your check, -ith the sti,tt pinr.iutee of sufety and et'! 'ii-ionr. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which' assures the greatest enre in every -financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. YAWTER, President. Q. R. L1NDLEY, Cashier. Advertise in the Tribune p -$ CD CO CD p O CD O O Hi- CD CD CD HP- a ras-p- SrrlCT? o i. p P P o o 3 C3 W LrJ hh W CD r MS c-r r Hr1 O h-l L CD JO bj p $4 K o ; . e Jt p CD CD CD PL, gc O o hi O 'V w O P ii TZ An 5ES PL, h p p Pi S' o p QjK H o I m w - . CD O H- O