Ureflon Historical society City Hall Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually Medpord Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFOKD, OK EUAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, Tim. No. 183. COMMERCIAL CLDB WILL ENTERTAIN THIS EVENING HIGH JINKS ON T E TIME IN SIGHT Medford Commercial Club to Hold Annual Session This Evening Everything Augurs Success. SPLENDID PROGRAM HAS BEEN ARRANGED FOR Music, Short Addresses and Puns Will Be Order of Evening Elaborate Refreshments. Tlio minimi meeting nnd high jinks of the Medford Commercial club will lo held this evening in (lie Anglo op. era house mid following; n short busi ness session during which officers will bo elected for (lie ensuing year, a social evening will bo inaugurated, during which the company will enjoy short addresses, music und puns. Elaborate refreshments nre to bo in formally served. The annual high Jinkn of Ilia club M the one lime of the year when nil cares nre put aside by the Medford business men and n good time is had. The affair this evening promises to be most successful. All nre invited. Come, bring your friends and jolly up. Every member is supposed to bring n new candidnte. Aiiioiik' the distinguished guests this evening will be Congressman Hawley, Federal Judgo Wolverton, and John A. Allen of New York, who is building tho Pacific & Eastern. Tlio program ns arranged is as fol lows : Music, orchestra; opening remarks clinirninn ; fivc-minuln address, Hon. W. C. Hnwlcy; vocal solo, W. F. Tsaacs; five-minute address, Hon. V. S. Crowell; cornet solo, John A. Nor ling; five-ininuto nddross, Hon. V. I. Vuwtcr; song by tho "bunch"; fivo niinuto address, I Ion. K, K. Kelly: vocal duet, Ed Andrews nnd F. W. Walters; fivc-miuuto nddress, Por ter J. Neff; vocal solo, Henri dun son; violin solo, Professor Antnno Romanoff; five-minute nddress, Hon. A. K. Rennies; vocal solo, F. W. Wal lers ; five-niinuto nddress; topical i-'ong, A C. Iturgoss and II. Withing toll. FOLLOWERS OF DAVID , THINK WORLD WILL LAST LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 20. Two messengers of the Tsrnolilo House of David, hailing from tho Isrnolito col only nt- Denton , Harbor, Mich., who hnvo been touring tho wost, spread ing their faith, hnvo reached Ln Orando, and are busy night nnd day telling of their fnith. Que noto of interest in their; preaching is that they do not boliovo in tho destruction of the earth' or world. Tho planet earth is, to be nearly, but not entire ly depopulated by u series of nwfnl plagues nnd accident-, but the rneo is not to be extinguished nnd the world it sol f ill not disnpi'cnr. HAVE YOUR AUTO ' OUT TOMORROW ' All owners of aiiloinoliilcs are reiiicstcd lo bring th"ir cars to Main slrect, cast of the track, nt 2 o'clock Tliurs. day nfternooii, so that Mr. Weiser, llie Southern Pacific phologrniilier, can secure n picture of them for us? in the next Commercial club pnm- phlel. Mcdfonl has receivod much advertising from the fact that it is such an automobile cen- ter, nnd such n photograph will go n long way to prove tho claim made, nnd find rendy reproduction in news. paper nnd magazines of the . country. - A box car will be moved across Seventh street nnd tho photo tnken from the top of the car. Ry taking it nt 2 o'clock- the light will be right, rnin or shine. OPTION IS SECURED VAWTER RESIDENCE FDR NEW CLUBHOUSE Proposed to Organize Social Club and Secure Residence in Which to House It. An option has been secured upon t lie palatial residenco ;iid grounds of Willium I. Vnwter on West Main and Holly streets by Charles Palm nnd associates, who, if their plans inulcriali.c, will turn tho mansion into n club house. The option ex tens for 30 days and enlls for the payment of $42,500. Tho entire half block from Main to Sixth street is included in the property, as well as tho $30,000 house, tho finest resi dence in southern Oregon. It is proposed to organize n social club, placing tho membership fee nt $50(1. The property will be turned over to tlio club, which it is expected will hnvo a membership to stnrt with of nt least 100. If an opportunity occurs to sell tho Main street front age for business purposes nt n good profit the club house can be moved to tho Sixth street frontage. As a business investment there is much to commend tho proposed pur- j chase, as club members would uu- j douhlcdly make a good profit on their; investment, besides such a club house' will he a great credit to tho commu nity. Tho same parties are also figuring on purchasing the Dr. Pickel prop erty adjoining, for use ns business property. FIRST ELECTION BET IN NEW YORK CAMPAIGN NEW YORK. Oct: 20 The first real election hot to bo recorded in tho present municipal campaign hns been posted nt tho noffmnn house. Charles Mnhnnoy of that hotel, who hns hold hundreds of thousnnds of dollars as n stakeholder in provious enmpnigns, stated that one well known man had bet $1000 to $500 Hint Onynor will he elected mayor. H is believed that from now on bet ling will be lively. MEDFORD MOST ATTRACTIVE IS Correspondent of Chicago Record Herald Doing Much Mission ary Work In the ' West. IF HE CAME WEST WOULD CHOOSE MEDFORD AS HOME Has Already Sent Two Young Men to This City Wrote 25 Articles. William E. Curtis, special corre sKudent of the Chicago Record-Herald, has written to William McMur- ray of the Southern Pacific that of all the pluces he visited while in the northwest Medford was the most at tractive, to him. Mr. Curtis writes: "I have written altogether 83 let lers .concerning the Damnum sys lui, nnd 25 of them are about your territory. "I have received a great many let ters inquiring for details, nnd two young gentlemen have started for Medford nlrcady upon my ndvice. Of all the places I visited, Medford seemed to me the most attractive, and I should select it ns n homo if I went west." REBEKAHS GIVE MOST ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT The members of tho Rebeknh lodge of this city, with brothers of the su bordinate lodge as their guests, had a most enjoyable time at tho lodge linll Mondny night. A very interest ing program consisted of pinno solos by Professor Fields, vocnl solo by Mrs. Andrews and special music by tho Olin brothers, rending by Miss Cox and A. II. Ohlin. At the close of the program re freshments were served in the bnn- quct room nfter which the remainder of the evening was spent in n general social good timo. The entertainment committee for the evening was as follows: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Olin. Mrs. Nellie Wing, Mr. nnd Mrs, Alberts, Miss Wilson nnd Mr. Lnwton. CAR SHORTAGE ALREADY STRIKES UNION COUNTY LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 20. Car shortage mnv prove serious in this county, for the shippers are nlrondy feeling it and the fruit shipments nre not yet stnrted. Ordors for four nnd five cars are met with' 50 per cent supplies nnd shippers hnve been putting in their orders far in ndvnnce but tho results hnvo not been bettor. Apple shipments nre nbout to stnrt, which will ndd to the trouble when tho wheat, now genornlly stored, is jarred loose for shipments. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. S. Keller of Coun cil Dluffs, In., were visiting their son, J. S. Keller of this plnco a short time ago. 1 FRANCHISE THIS CITY E. C. Sharpe of California Would Build New Telephone System in Medford and Asks for Franchise. COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER MATTER NEXT FRIDAY Says He Will Have System in Work- ing Order With 18 Months ' If Allowed. At a meetim? of the city council held Tuesday .evening E. C. Sharpe of Oakland, Tul., applied for a fran chise for a Home telephone company He was represented by Judge Colvig, who explained the object of the new company in applying for a franchise. Mr. Sharpe agreed to put $500 into any bank which the city might name ns on evidence of his good faitk He ngrccd to start work within four months of the time the franchise wns granted and hpve the new systttn in operation within 18 monthf, the sys tem to be modern in ever MBpect. The franchise nsked for is similn: to that granted the Citizens' Tele phone company 'a few-months ago. The matter wns referred to a com mittee of the whole nnd will be con sidered Fridny. A resolution directing thnt n con crete pavement be put in in the Moore hotel block alley from Main street wns passed. Protests will be heard November 2. Resolutions were passed authoriz ing the assessment of costs for lay ing wnter mains on Olson street nnd on Second street from North Onkdale avenue west to the city limits. . Seventy-five dollars was voted to assist in pnying for n street neross the Voorhies property hi southwest Medford. The matter of providing for the re moval of n wnter way across private property at the corner of South Cen tral n venue nnd Eighth street wns considered. The council is to exnm ine the premises Thursday afternoon. DOUGLAS BOOTLEGGERS GET MONTH IN JAIL ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 20. Two confessed bootleggers, Frnnk Vnrrel mnn of Gardiner and Dnle Strange, proprietor of n local printing office, were sentenced to a month each in jail this morning. This is Vnrrel mnn's third offense. He wns also fined $200. Gibbon Botsford, nged 48, convict ed ofa statutory offense against a 5-yenr-old child, wns given six years in the penitentiary. lie wns enp tured in Portland a week after the commission of the crime last month. MEASURES STREAMS OF NORTHEASTERN OREGON I,A GRANDE, Or.. Oct. 20. "Fred F. Henshnw, United States geological surveyor of Washington, D. C, has just completed n mensturement of the wnters of the Grand Rondo nnd Wallown rivers for government sta tistics. The Wallown nnd Minnm rivers nre said to hnve the best pow er facilities of any stream of their size in tho northwest. Mr. Henshnw left for North Powder, where ho will mensuro the Powder river. HUNDREDS CHINESE STORM Many Chinese Dead, Shipping Is" Des troyed and Hundreds of Vil- lages Wrecked as Result of Typhoon. SEVERAL COAST TOWNS ARE TOTALLY DESTROYED Interior Is Still Unheard From Communication Disrupted Hav oc Is Terrible. LONDON, Oct. 20. Hundreds have been killed and much shipping destroyed in a typhoon which has swept the Chinese coast, according to dispatches received here from Macao, a Portuguess port near Hongkong. AH communication has been dis rupted. The interior is as yet un heard from. Several coast towns are reported to have been totally des troyed. TO APPLY FOR E At Next Meeting of City Council Ap plication Will Be Made for Elec tric Road Franchise. i At the next meeting of the citv I council an application will be made j for a franchise for an electric rail road, part of an interurbnn trolley system to connect the cities of the Rogue River valley. Who is back of the scheme is not mnde public, but Dr. J. F. Reddy nu thorizes the statement that applica tion will be made by him and that Inter announcements will be' forth coming ns to who the interested par ties nre. It is rumored thnt either J. R. Al len, owner of the Pacific & Eastern, or tho Palmer Investment company are the financial interests back of the franchise application, though there is no authority for the asser tion. SUSPENDED HAZER, STAR ON GRIDIRON, REINSTATED MADISON, Wis.', Oct. 20. "Keck io'' Moll, Wisconsin's stnrt quarter hack, who was suspended indefinitely by the faculty descipline committee for mixing in a hazing affair, will join the football sqund Wednesdny, At n special meeting of the univer sity faculty held last night to pass upon the recommendation of the dis ciplino committee, Moll wns given n conditional reinstatement. He stnnds suspended until the students' confer ence committee passes resolutions placing n ban on brutal hazing at Wis cousin. Miss Lillian Rnbbish of Portland, Or., is here for a short timo visiting W. A. Robbins nnd family of Den ver, Col., hnve been visiting for some time in the Rogue valley. Gus Ditswortt of Peyton, Or., wns in the city recently on business nnd pleasure. Helen M. Hart of Fort Dodge, Knn.. wns n reient visitor lo 5red" ?d. RAD FRANCHIS HftWLEY SAYS HE IS AT CITY'S Medford Best Known Oregon Town in Washington With Lone ' Exception of Port land. WHILE- HE EXPECTED BIG CHANGE, IS SURPRISED Addresses Fruit Growers This After noon In Opera House and Learns of Medf ord's Needs. "I expeeted great improvement in Medford, but the change made during the past two years has been far great er than I anticipated, ' stated Con gressman W. C. Hawley Wednesday. Mr. Hawley arrived h Medford on Tuesday evening on i lour he is mak ing of his district in order to learn more fully of its. needs. This after noon he is meeting with the fruit gioiters at the oper.i house, where a discussion is under way regarding local needs. "Medford is the best known town in the state, barring Portland, in Washington," -continued Mr. Hawley. "No.other city makes half the kicks " to the delegation and urges action in the different departments." Mr. Hawley states that he believes an appropriation can be secured dur ing the coming session for the pur chase of n site for a federal build ing in this city and possibly one for the erection of such a building. Ho also believes it will be possible to secure a weather station. Mr. Hawley this morning address ed the children in the high school. Mr. Hawley began by congratulat ing Medford on its educational fa cilities. He then began the discus sion of the representation of the peo ple. He explained in detail tho cus toms which are obse'-ved at the capi tal and the way in which they ap peal to a new number. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS MAKE DAMAGE LESS TRENTON, Oct. 20. Filing an opinion in the supreme court here today, Justice Garrison laid down the rule that juries must give considera tion to the value of cork legs or oth er artificial limbs in the awarding of damages in suits for personal inju ries. II? held that with the ii'Tlern perfection in artificial limbs v'cims of accidents were entitled to corre spondingly less damages, for there wns less suffering and inconvenience now than formerly. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Moore R. S. McDowell nnd wife, Harry Perkins, R. F. Hill, O:. F. Stillmnn, C. S. Ilolbrook, Norn C. Knnuck, Ben C. Dcy, William D. Fen- ton, Mabel oodworth, J. E. Femom, Portland; A. II. Lenrson, Grants Pass; L. IT. Morse', Roseburg; W. C. Hanley, M. S. Wallace, Snn Fran cisco. At tho Nash II. R. Boskwitz, New York: P. J. Wisdom, Rochester; El mer Hnlbcrn, F. F. F. Field, Chicago ; Christina Keekritz, Miss Edna P. Clark, Ashland; L. E. Tidlmll, Eu gene; C. R. Miller, McCloud; J. R. Allen, New York; C. E. Webb, city; L. Strauss, Snn Francisco; N. ' D. Josephi, Now York: Mrs. L. E. Coch ran. Boston ; E. R. Jlanun, Ro3cburg. GROWTH