MRS. LOZIER BOOSTED FOR IRRIGATION COMMITTEE MEDFORD AT CONVENTION AT KLAMATH SOON Mi's. L. F. Lower has just returned ; KLAMATH. FALLS, Or., (VI. 19.- fiDiu Hood li'ivcr, where slio wont us o county delegate to uttund the state convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union. Mrs. lazier gives a very interesting und appreciable account of the cuuveu- Tlii Kliuniiih Fulls chamber of com merce has received letter from Semitor Chamberlain stilting (lull I lie senate committee of irrigation of which Senator Carter of Moiilnna is chiiirmnn and Senator Chamberlain is u member, is scheduled to rearh KUiui ion, buying there were 24 couutios Klls Xovember !1, nud that , .1 1 11 T ....... ' . represented und 117 delegates pros eut. One of the most interesting fea-' tures of the convention was the fact i the committee will spend the day in the city to study conditions surround ing the Klamath reclamation project. Senator 1'bamberlaiii says his wish Hint the Iirst evening was uevoio.i to (s (hat ,lu, sot,(rs lllul farnieM w, u regular full-fledged '"booster meet-, ((WM ,am, mi(1(.r Klallmlll ,m,j(H.t iiiB," und each delegate was alloted bp (ln )lllnJ o nuH,, , lom, a certain length of time to exploit Uie;litteB ,, (Usciis. the various phases wonders and possibilities of her rep-.((,. (h slll)jt.rl. S)1UL OKisntioii look resentntive county. Through the cour- . (owm, 1(; 1(ssellillB (f Ulir tesy of the Ilillorest Orchard coin- (,on of n,1livmiint bv ,lle Waterusers pany, Mrs. Loner was furnished with l(l (lf 111,I,il.lllio a box of Cornice pears, and needless ()f wa(or () lcir'liuljs is (lesired. to say tuey were the center or aa miration and favorable comment. Mrs. l.ozier lost no opportunity either at the hosier meeting or individually to hind the possibilities of Jackson county, and having been a resident here tor the past 16 years, was very capable of doing justice to her sub- rtf Tl.., ni tvi.a vrti'v ftHrnn- .. , ." , , , , ,. ... I .S0,0U0 four-storv brick hostelrv on tivelv arranged m a basket artistical ly trimmed with ropes of white rib-. present site of the St. Charles lion, the W. C. T. U. emblem, and hotel. The plans provide for the re each and every delegate besrsed for ' nioval of the old structure on the cor "just one to take to my mother," orner of First and Washington to the My brother is a fruit inspector of .rear ot its present location and mak- HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash Max Stiel'etl, K. Hall. W. II. Uavey, t). W. Hennelt, T. II. I'nge, l'orlliiud; J. C. Fitishenry, Mor eover; S. Keager, Xew York; J. C. Ji'iikins mid daughter, Anita; K. L. Savior, Kugene; L. O. Kricksou, city; Thurston Daniels, Spokane. At the Moore Charles Kushims, L. II. Jerard, Denver; Oeorgo Whit ney, New York; Lota Hugam, Myrtle Creek; W. C. Singe, Seattle; s! W. Xolsnn, Table Rock; J, S, Craig, En gle l'oinl ; L, Humphrey, A. 11. Flet cher, J. Kirschbcrg, San Francisco; 1). Franklin, Sajita Cruz; Leopold Licke, Knowille; J. W. inn, Bos ton; A. W. Arnold, E. Hall, X. II. Norton, W. l Smith,, Portland. "CHARLIE'S AUNT.' !$SC 000 BRICK HOSTELRY i IN PROSPECT FOR ALBANY ALOAXY. Or., .Oct. 1'.). Local cap italists, assisted by some outsiders, are backing a, movement to erect an mg il into annex tor Hie new mulct -iiiji. This will give Albany one of the finest hotels in the valley and one that will be modern in every respect. LABOR BAKES APPEAL TO CHURCHES FOR AID Liim county and must one of those pears," and many similar comments. The prominent men of Hood River declared the meeting to be equal to any fair and did an immense amount of credit to the ladies, as well as their respective counties. A number of the pears exhibited by Mrs. Lozier were presented to the state president from Portland, who is now in Oma ha, Neb., attending the national W. C. T. V. convention, and will be dis played there the same as they' were in Hood River. . ' The state convention next year will be held at Corvalbs and should have . Chicago Federation of Labor was in the support of the orchardists and , strutted at yesterday's meeting to the Commercial club in obtaining a . communicate with every clergyman in first-class, though necessarily small J the city and ask him to raise his display of the various products. This voice in the pulpit in the name of is-truly a worthy and loyal cause in-1 the motherhood of the state, stigated by the ladies and will in all, probability not lack for support from CRIMINALOGIST DIES CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Organized la bor in Chicago for the first time in its history has decided to appeal to the churches for aid in nrousing pub lie opinion in favor of legislation limiting the hours of labor of work ing women. The secretary of the every side. RAILROAD AIDS IN BUILDING GOOD ROADS OF CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 19. Con-' cessions made by the Xorthern Pa-j cific railway to the state highway commission will prove a material aid ; in carrying out the plans for a net- ( work of good roads in Washington. As a direct result of a tour made by high authorities and railway men, co-operation is promised, for the rail-; road has greed to permit spurs and sidings to be built at various points j along the line where rock for road building purposes is to be quarried. ' TFRIX, Oct. I9.i-Cecnre Lombra so, the eminent eriminulogist. died here this morning of cerebral hemorrhage. TO BUY A PIANO and know you are treated the same as your neighbor is a satisfaction. You can do this bv dealing with SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., THE OXE-PRICE PIAXO HOUSE, 134 WEST MBAIX ST. 134 .- 184 J. W. Crosland is here from Bak ersfield, Cal., looking over the valley. Now is the time to seed your lawns and bed your bulbs. "Cook, the Nur seryman," has everything in the seed line you will require. 184 The McKcnzie Merry-Makers will open their stock engagement Tlturs. day, October 21. They will be seen in that very funny farce-coinedy. "Charlie's Aunt." From all reports it abounds iu inuuy funny situations and has often been called the plu of 10(10 laughs. Miss Audrey Davis, a graduate ot the I'niversity of Cal ifornia in music, is with tbo company and can be heard every night during the company's engagement. Miss Davis singing has met with the approval of all music lovers. Mr. Loudalc, the leading man of the company, has been a matinee idol everywhere this year. The Stampede at Jhe Savoy. Tonight will be your last opportu nity to witness Selig's sensation 'The Stampede." The most realistic west ern picture ever shown. It tells the story of the love of two cowboys for the queen of the "101" ranch. Amidst all the local color of the range, the vast herds of cattle, excellent rid ing, roping nud the broncho busting, is shown with startling vividness, while the plot is unfolded in a vein of humor replete with intense situa tions that hold your attention from start to finish. The balance of the program is of such high cluss pictures as "Tpnnessee Guards," the "Eter nal Romance" and "Spring Has Come," all the best of their kind. En tire change of program tomorrow night. One dime. REMOVAL NOTICE. Merrimnn and Elliott have moved j to their new shop on Riverside nvc-j nue, where they will be belter prc-j pared to do blacksmithmg in all its branches than ever before. We take pleasure in thanking all our old cus tomers who have stayed with us in the old shop and inviting newcomers. You wiil now get the benefit of our long experience and increase facili ties. We are here to stay and to please our customers. Horseshoeing is our specialty. MERRLMAX & ELLIOTT. Work For Boys and Girls A Chance to Earn Money We want to employ the services of every hoy and girl in Hie entire city of Medford and .Jackson comity. The work is easy and pleasant.. You can make your salary large or small according to the results you produce. The harder you work the more we can pay you. The lny or girl that does the most work and produces the best results will receive a genuine Browniekar on small auto mobile in return for their services. Every hoy and girl that works for us will he paid something for their services. We can use 10,000 hoys and girls. Apply at the store iu person-at once, or its hoou as possible this week. The Browniekar Is a Genuine Child's Automobile The Browniekar is constructed to stand hard usage, having an engine made by one of the best companies in the world. The speed is so regulated as to ad mit of no damage and any child ten years of age and over can learn to run it with perfect safety and a very considerable amount of pleasure. We have made arrangements with the distributors to give away this Browniekar to . the boy or girl who secures the most business for our store. Every boy or girl is welcome to work for this grand prize and we offer to do even better. We of fer to pay each one for their services. Here is an opportunity to earn money which you can can use to buy Xnias presents, and if ymi work hard enough you ma )' secure the Browniekar. SOME BOY 01? GIRL WILL (JET THIS BKOWNI EKAB. The Hutchason Co. Successor to Baker Hutchason Company Successful Business Persons who make a thorough investigation of the possible results before undertak ing to start in any line, why not you use the same caution before buying a piano? There is nothing more np piopriate for a home than a fine piano, and it will last a lifetime if properly chosen. For this purpose cull at Sherman-Clay & Co., 134 W. Main street, where you will find the Steinuny; also the peer of nice play ers A. B. Chase, as well as the well known Ludwig, Kingsbury and Wel lington. One price to nil is our mot to. . 184 VAN WALTERS, Manager. ) NOTICE. j Xoticc is hereby given that the un ilersigned will aiply to the city enun- j oil of the city of Medford, Oregon, nt the meeting thoreof on October 1!), 1909, for a license to sell spirit- I ous, -vinous and malt liquors iu quiin- ' tities less than a gallon, for tbo pe- i riod of six mouths, at his place of business nt Xos. 22 nnd 24 Front ; street, Xorth, in snid citv. j JOIINT HAHRIXGTOX. j Dated October 0, 1909. Herman Itros., the snddlo nud har ness makers, desire to aniiounco to the trade that they nro not only pre pared to fill all orders at short no. ti'-o, but carry the most complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, etc., that can bo found iu southern Oregon at prices that cannot fail to plonsn when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget tbo place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. I rim D O YOU KNOW That it wont be long until time for setting your trees? Better come in and let me make you PRICES ON THE BEST TREES Before it is too late as they are being booked out fast at this time of year H.8 PATTERSONJh e QuakerNurseryman Olfice in Hotel Nash Office