THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1000. 3 THE WEATHER. linin tonight iu id Wcilniwriuy. Orders fur tweet cream or butler milk promptly filled. Phone tbe dreamery. Mr. Kildiu Kully of Yrcku, Cut., who Iiiim been viHitini; her lnihliiind here, left Monday fur her home. Why tiihIi liiimcT Try the Spot Cofo'n 2fio dinner. Mr. iiml Mrx. J. M. Smilli of Oriinil Korku, N. I)., IcN for the cunt Moii iluy lifter u 1 11 Hit i t Htiiy in thin vul ley. See lint of Hoimon's bargain! on piiKO 4. . - Mr. mid Mr. K. 0. Wood of lliiH place Hint MijimIuv in Aililmid. ' Spices nnd extracts at 30 rto. 0 Hired. ' MrH. C. Huttcr of Hun FrunmiNCO wax vimling for u few days hint week .with her nicec, Mrn. Major Duinon of thin place. ' Kiln. Gnimynw, publio stenographer, room 4, Palm building. C, O. Smith ami J. Juiced of Valley City, N are in the city niihtseeiii mid visiting friend. Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co., 30 So. O Htreet. Clyde r'iteli, who was cii(jut;cil ill hiltiinexK here u few inontliH ago, re tunieil to thin city from , Hugeae, where ho hit been slaying for some time, Mondiiy. IicHt meal for tho leant money at thn Spot eafo. ('buries I'. Wiuiihley of Kngle l'oint departed the firt of the week for St. Louis, where he will attend uehool of architecture. I'hone X103 for ten or-coffco. T. M. (leiutgc arrived hero ychtcr- day from Chicago in March of a In eation. Uho Cascade coal for fuel. $0..ri0 ner ton. rhotio 701. Jo. (leoriM) HuruHKK in over from Thrall, Cul.. im vinif old friends a v'wit. Will deliver yon CnHcudc ronl, at n r.n m.r ton. to nnv nlacc in tho eitv. I'hono 791. 183 R. V. McClnnalinn was in tho city the other day visiting bis duughtcr, Mm. D. Shearer. Mr. and Mr. . W. Maddux of I.n Oninde, Or., are visiting Mr. Mnddox' cousin, M. C. Meadows, hero. Mrs. C. K. Austin of Huntington, Ind line here rerently to join her husband, who has been here for some time. They will make this their home. , A. H. Klam is here from r'ruitvillc, (',,!.. paying the different orchards n visit and looking over tho fruit prospects in general. Hoy Ashpole and Curl Jackson of F.nglc Point wero down on a pleasure trip thn other day. A. M. Cuiiier ii of I'orllaiid wan in the city Monday in company with Judge Wolverlon. Mr. mid Mr. Henry Hecke of F.v erett, Wash., mliinied homo Monday ii It or a plniismit ttay in thn city. Mr. mid Mrs. II. H. Askor, who liavo been employed iu tho Willamette valley for a few months, have re turned lo this city. Mm. (Jcnrgc A. Louv wiih down from Seattle recently . visiting in thej city. J. L. Craig of Eaglu Point whh in the city tb firt.1 of tho week trnnn aclig bnsineHH. MrH. William Wood mid her Hon are louring the Rogue valley and vis iting friendM hero. Much work along building lines is being done on Laurel street mid sev eral more buildings are being plan ned. Pcchnta and Leveiia arc build ing a six-room bungalow for Harry Lauglilan on Laurel street at a cost of $1(1(10; If. W. Oray is erecting n five-room bungalow for himself on tho same street, and J. II. Daley is excavating on hi lot for a fine mod ern dwelling. Cement sidewalk will be laid ulong tho west side of tin sired mid the Appearance will he rtiucli improved. Meda Turnin ban filed suit in the circuit court for divorce from Ncrron Turfpin. Withing & Kelly ere ap pearing for the plaintiff. In company with several local an- tiers, Judge Wolverton of the fed eral court is spending two or throe ilnvs on Hol'iic river fishing. I lie federal court will open ill Medford Thursday morning. ('omit De Bogus, better known as Kd Piirdv, is spending several weeks in Medford from Klamath l'lills. A marriage license has been issued to John W. Wright ami Horn i. crumble. A car of material arrived Monday for the Warren Construction com ii.Miiv iiml was taken out to their plant. Jesse Enyart went to Hoguo river on n fishing expedition tho first of the week. Deputy Sheriff Robert Dow was in Medford Monday night on business Mrs. M. McQuislon of Wnynesburg, Ind., is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Claude Hazclrigg., Miss A. Clark was n visitor in Omuls Pass recently, where shn vis ited friends mid enjoyed a vacation. Mrs. t'laire Morey, who has 'been sick for some time, is improving rap idly. Sfr. and Mrs. Walter Hoover have returned to their home in Los An geles after a protracted visit with friends here. Mrs. Thomas 0. Bailey of Hamilton. Mont., visited relatives here recently before continuing her journey south J. C. Jenkins and daughter of Ani lii. Tn.. are visit inir James Jordan and family of Kaglo Point this week. Mary Stuart was down from Coos Bay on business the fir-l of the week John L. Miller of this place do parted Tuesday in eompnny of his L'ranildaiighter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lafferty, for Callahan, where he will visit, the young folks. Andrew Johnson lecently of Wil lami'tto valley, now of Mvilfonl, will spend the winter in Ashland. II. II. Stone of KockforiL III., the Kreut wuti-h manufacturing town, slopped off in Medford on his lourj or llio coast. W. 0. Vaiighan of Itoguo rivor din- trict was in town Tuesday on his Way to Ahhlund. Albert Burehan arrived here the other dny from Trinidad, Col., and will make his home in Medford. T. II. B. Taylor, who came down from Ahhlund Monday on business, returned home Tuesday morning. W. E. Sliulc of this place loft for Los Angeles tho other day for a Hhort business visit. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wood returned recently from visiting with friends in Ahhlund. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Allen of But- er, Mo., left for their homo Tuesday after living here for n short time. Mrs. II. P. Hargruve mid Miss 0. Weeks left for Ashland the first of the week to meet Mr. Hurgraves' sis ter. - - - ' W. II. Corbett, president and man ager of the Willamette Iron and Steel company of Portland, left for Son I runciseo after a short slay in this city. Mr. Corbett, who is also presi dent of the Pucific Gas Traction com pany, stopped off here for the pur pose of investigating the character of engine which will meet the re quirements of the orchnrdists in the Rogue valley and elsewhere'. To this end he visited W. II. Gore and became his guest while making the investiga tions. Mr. Corbett is traveling south in the interest of his companies. "The Bohemian," which is being presented by the Darling Stock eom pnny, under the efficient management of Billy Einpcy Van, is having a large rim. Tho firt-t few nights people were turned away and the attend ance is still large. The play is u five act melodrama. The Psp.r They Were Written On. The BVintite iiuilior would prolmlily laugh at i lit- miiiemeiit ttint fit one time In 'flie world'! history mnnu Hcrlpt!. dimply as micb. Irrespective of the onture of I lie- text, were Immense ly valuable. In ancient time! manu script! were Important article! from a commercial point of view. They were excessively warce mid were prenerred wltb (be utmovt core. Even the usur ere were glod to lend money on tbein when the owner! were obliged to offer tbem In pnwn. It Ii related In an ancient tome that a itudent of Pavla. wbo was reduced by bli debaucberkn. ralaed a new fortune by leaving (n pawn maunicrlpt of a body of law. and a grammarian wbo waa ruined by a Are rebuilt bli bonne wltb two imall volume of Cicero through the ready aid of tbe pawnbroker. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALK A modern house. In quire ut the city recorder's office. LOST Collio dog,, about one year old, small size, color light .brown, white chest. Finder please comma nicute with R. W. Northup,' Med- i ford. Reward. .. . 9 ' ' MONEY TO LOAN $1000 and $500 on real estate secHrity,. ,Apply to! W. G. Estep, Pain block. 182 Yes; the other fellow read this, no did his wife. Moral Advertise. F. BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. -TONIGHT Tuesday and Wednesday The Bohemians Five -acts and eight scenes. ' ADMISSION 1 0c AND 20c Highest Cross In the World. The highest cross In tbo world Is anld to be that which enpshe loftiest peak of the Eorz mountains. The cross Is In reality a tower, and It com mands a magnlQcent view of tbe coun try around. Tbo height of the tower Is 120 feet, and It stands on a moun tain 1.731 feet nhove tbe sea level. A stair of 200 steps leads to the top of the cross, but there Is an elevator of which people may avail themselves wbo for any reason wish to avoid tbe long climb. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So Grateful.- Young Lady Give me one yard of why. haven't 1 seen you before? Draper's Assistunt Oh. Maud, have you forgotten me? 1 saved your life at tho seaside last summer. Young Lady (warmly) Why. of course you did. Then you may give me two ynrds of the ribbon. pleuse.-Illustrated Bits. I k,..;t'y'i,: I '-"Oik "... 3 Lettuce Saint) With Fried Cheese. Dress tho lettuce in the usual wny with French dressing. Ilnve a mild cheese, rather' dry. cut In strips like Freucb fried potatoes, dip the strips In benteu egg. roll them in fine bread crumbs niul drop them Into boiling fat to brown as quickly as possible. Serve jvlth the lettuce. Boston Post. I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to 2,et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. C. F. COOK, Froprietor OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT WHY NOT SPEND A FEW MINUTES OR HOURS AS THE CASE MAY REQUIRE LOOKING OVER. ' YOUR HOUSE OR BARN OR OUTBUILDINGS, AND SEE WHAT IS NECESSARY TO PLACE , n .THEM IN CONDITION TO "WITHSTAND THE WIND AND RAINS OF THE COMING WINTER, . ' - THEN - - Order Your Lumber Now '. WHILE TIIR WEATHER REMAINS GOOD AND GET THE REPAIRS COMPLETED. YOUR 'FAMILY, YOUR STOCK AND EVEN YOUR MACHINERY WILL NOT ONLY LOOK AND ' FEEL BETTER, BUT WILL BE BETTER FOR A LITTLE FORETHOUGHT ON YOUR PART, . " AND WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. MEDFORD LMBER CO