TOE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOBD, OliKdOX, TPKHIHAY.' 1!. 1!I0!I. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at - Medford, Oregon'. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail .'.$5.00Ghe month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by'Hotel Portlund News Stand, Portland, Or.j retry jnpws Mniifl, tan rrnneispo, Vai. CRAWFORD'S OP1XIOX. Attorney General Crawford has prepared an attack on the supreme court as at present constituted, holding that J ustiees King and Slater were unconstitutionally appoipt- ed and that the legislative act creating two additional jus- The attorney general bases his ruling upon the consti tutional provision limiting the number of justices to three. While he is about it, Mr. Crawford might as well declare out of order some other constitutional violations that pass as the law in Oregon.- ,t. .... The salaries drawn by the governor, supreme court jus tices and other state officials are all in excess of the limits fixed by the constitution, and therefore unconstitutional. existence of state, institutions outside of Salem is for bidden, by the constitution) and all such in existence ai;e unconstitutional. " ;. "While he is abolishing offices, Mr. Crawford should abolish his own, Yiot only because he is a needless luxury imposing an unnecessary tax on the public, but because the office is unconstitutional, there being no provision in the constitution for an attorney general. Only by the most liberal construction can Oregon do business" as a state under its obsolete mossback constitu tion, which ought to be abolished and an up-to-date instru ment adopted. Oregon's constitution is a joke. THE OREGON TRUST FARCE. As big a farce as has been enacted in a long time is the grand jury investigation of the affairs of the defunct Oregon Trust & SaAings bank of Portland, now under way. - The bank closed its doors two" years ago last August. T. C. Devlin was appointed receiver. Shortly afterwards, the German-American bank, assumed all the liabilities of the bank and purchased the assets. After a lapse of two years,' experts are placed on the books of the refunct institution and a grand jury begins to probe. All of the rottenness revealed was fully exploit ed two years ago at the time of the failure. Receiver Devlin knew conditions. Why did he wait two years and then rush into print to air the scandal? Why did the district attorney wait until the statute of lim itations had intervened before starting the grand jury at work? ' It certainly looks as if the receiver and the German American bank, having disposed of the assets of the failed bank, are seeking an excuse for escaping the obligations assumed. ' One thing is certain the United Railroads project, the Board of Trade building and the Pacific & Eastern bonds were among the assets disposed of at a loss to' depos itors. The Pacific & Eastern' deal is a sample, $100,000 worth of bonds were traded for an $81,500 obligation, and the bonds are worth par. : While the grand jury is investigating twice-told scan dals, it ought to probe the handling of the bank's assets by the receiver and the German-American bank and as certain whether the assets have been disposed of at an un necessary loss to depositors and it ought to be done before the statute of limitations expires. What Brought Him to Grief. Writing to a son who was In trouble In Texas, the old man said, "Ton must take courage. Bill!" y To which Bill replied: "I took cour age and ever'tblng else In sight That's why I'm In Jail!" Atlanta Con stitution. "He that has more knowledge than Judgment la made for another man's use more tbnrf bis own." At the Bookstore. Unattractive Spinster Can you get me "A Man to I.ove?" Bashful Clerk Er ah. you might nsk the gentleman at the next counter. Uncle Remus' Magazine. God grants liberty only to those who love It and are always ready to guard nd defend it.-Webster. The Drawback. "Elsie says there was only one draw back to her wedding." "What was that?" "She says her father looked too cheerful when be gave her away." His Provisions. Bootmaker (to arctic explorer just returned) How did you like those boots 1 made for you. sir? Arctic Ex plorerExcellent: Best I ever tasted, Loudon Tatler. Pleasure. Some men move through life as a band of music moves down the street, flinging out pleasure on every side through the nlr to every one far and near tbnt can listen. Henry Ward Beeeher. Sun Cooking, Sun cooking-roasting and boiling by sunlight Instead of by coal or gas has been going on for 300 years. There nro suu stoves that roast a sirloin or boll a soup to ierfoctlon. They uro only used, however, by scientists. A. suu stove consists mainly of a mirror a spherical mirror on a joint. There Is also a reflector. The place for pot or plate is so situated that the mirror's rays can be focused on It accurately. A German, Baron Tchettausen, was the first sun cook. He began In 108T to boll water, and In 1088 he bad very good success lu boiling eggs. Sir John Herachel and Burton are other famous names associated with sun cooking. In California various sun cooks have boiled a gnllon of water In twenty minutes, roasted meat In two hours and poached eggs In fifteen minutes, quite as good time as the ordinary flro makes. An odd thing about meat roasted by sun rays Is that It lias an unpleasant taste. This Is avoided by the Insertion of a plate of yollow glass between the meat and mirror. In all solar stoves the sheet of yellow glass figures. Lou. dou Tlt-Blts. On 8idtd Gambling. "One need only to try bis luck at any of the Riviera gambling palaces to learn how slender are the chances to win at roulette," says a German corre spondent writing from Ostend. "But If be would experience the gambler's disadvantage at Its best let him come to Ostend and Join the baccarat play? era. The game as It la played gives) the nino who places his money against the bank Do chance whatever, a 1(4 J"it were known now muco moni i. ,. rlflced la a season In. tve endeavor to win by, tuck n ml fcy system the public would b horrified. It Is nothing un usual f0 the bunk to win twenty-four times before an outsider Wins once. The people who play, if they have ever played before, know this, and still tbey come again, respond to the call until tbey depart and pin nt their gold In the baccarat mire lu the hope that It will bear fruit. It does. But what Is the harvest?" A Shacked Scot. The London Chronicle says Hint two Englishmen recently" touring In Scot land found that Sabbatarianism occa sionally extends to the middle of the week. They were forced by the weath er to take refuge In a small country hotel and after lunch adjourned to the billiard room to kill time until the rain stopped. The game had hardly started when the landlord entered In a very drunken condition, upbraided his vis itors for their unseemly conduct and Insisted on their leaving the billiard room. Tbey received profuse apolo gies from the landlady. Her husband always got drunk on Sundays, she explained, but. mistaking the day. he bad got drunk on. Thursday instead. and from force of habit, believing It was Sunday, had been shocked at the click of the billiard balls. At Van Dyke's New shipments of dress and every day trousers, medium heavy, mixed pants in all sizes at $2.o0 per pair extra sizes included extra good patterns in wool pants, with belt loops and buckles, at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50 each. Dress pants at $4.00, $5.00 and $(5.00 per pair. Umbrellas, Ribbons and wet weather Clothing in all sizes' and styles. Van Dyke's Dry Goods Shoes Furnishings Rebuked the Bishop. The bishop of Petersburg, England, is a great motorist aud is also a stanch teetotnler, and thereby hangs a tale. On one occasion, while out In bis car, the chauffeur run short of petrol and npplied ut a public house for some more. The publican came out, and. seeing l!u- lilsliop lu his episcopal dress In the car. wild: "Yes. I've got plenty of petrol, but 1 don't sell It to the likes of tbem what never buys my beer." The Medford Theatre SEASON OF STOCK Merry Makers First Class Productions at Popular Prices Sf Thursday, October 21 Making Herself at Home. Last summer llve-year-old Loin's aunt came to spend u week with them. Now,, aunty." said Lola, "you must 1 make yourself at home." I 'How cau I do that dear?" queried her aunt. ! Why." nuswered Lola, "you can pitch lu and help mamma work." Chi- ! cago News. Whale snd Elephant Meat. There Is something unpleasant abont the thought of eating whale meat, but it is said Jhat the reality Is very pala table. Japan bns quite a trade In canned and salted whale meat, and there is to be a campaign to educate the European peoples to like It Some whaling companies have distributed from their headquarters samples of canned whale meat, and those who have eaten it describe It as tenderer than beef and much like it In taste. Whale steak seems no queerer than Frankfort sausage made out of ah ele phant, which is what some German people have been eating. An epter prlslng butcher over there, hearing that an unruly elephant in the Ghent zoological gardens wns to be killed, engaged the carcass. He mud? 3.WKI pounds of sauuuge out of it and s.ild every pound at good prices. Keep Cool. "Why worry about the children?" "I can't help it." "But. my dear, ymi are hurling your gnme of bridge." Kaunas City .lnr.r nal. A man Is never appreciated In his home town, mid he Is iimmlly 'nol known in other places, and limre'y ti are. Atchison Globe. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice L Storage Co. ? HI 1X 1 I mr 1 J mcuiuru iron wopks X E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. i Foundry and Machinist All k!r.i" of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-' .Xnfitnaru A nonta In CnnthnnH ft - iihiiigiji nycm? in tjuuuiuiii uicyUII IUI i. . FAIRBANKS. MORSE A M T ' I BENSON'S BARGAINS Strictly modern six-room bungalow in courso of construction in bunga low uddition, lot 60x100, a modem beauty mid u snap $3600 Three yours' lunso ami furniture first-oliiHs rooming house,., 20 rooms, boHt locution in the city; clears over ip00 per month , $2400 Ono of tho vory best business lo cutions in tho city, comer lot 75x 110, with good two-story frume building, oh'iirinu $100 tier month A conservative, safe investment $11,000 Fivo room. bath, toilet, wild oil fiiriiituro, woodshed, Bower connect ed, closo in $2500 business location, large corner lot in tho heart of tho city, with frume building, olonriiig about $100 per month. . Investigate .$8500 Soven lots, with small house. n Jackson slrcet, at . '. $1560 Soven-room house, lot 00x100, on Twelfth and Fir; hath, toilet; n snup at $2800 . .si) Six-room lioimo, lot fiO.xlOO, close in, buth and nil fnrnituro; eusy terms $3350 Itnro opportunity Lot 100x100, two blocks from Contra! nveuiie and Main street j'lurgu ll-rooin building, in splendid repair; can be to pay $.'100 per month, boarding or lodging house $6500 New, modern 0-ruoin house in lluii gulow addition, lot 50x1(10, with all improvements and furnishings $3850 5 acres, olnso in, good 5-rooiu house, ull necessary outbuildings, 2'j ucres set to fruit, a fine loca tion. Let us show you this prop erty. Easy terms. 70 acres, one mile from Thoonix; 15 uercs 2-year-old Nowtowns, 10 acres 2-yeur-yld Spitz, 00 Hnrtlolt pears, 3;10 strawberries; -10 acres un l.r cultivation j now 0-renm bungalow with bath, ham .T.'x-Uj old 2-roon house; bnrn 10x32; livestock, fann ing tools, buy in burn. Price $150 per acre. 27 norcs, 4 miles south of Medford, nomas road r.outhiMiHt from tho Itur rell orchards; ,1-room house, good bnin, chicken house, 0 acres of .')-year-old near orchard, 1.1 .icrcs nl I'lilfi., largo vvgcluhlii garden; ber ries, etc. Prion $6500. 10 acres, 3(i miles north of Med ford, 'i mile from Henglc; 8 norcs cultivated, -1 in fruit trees from 2 to 10 yours old; on two good roads; small house, burn, woodshed, etc.; two wells. This can all he cleared without n foot of wnsto lun (!. 2.1 neiVs enclosed in woven wire fence. Will exchange. Price $2000 Two fine building- lots on West Seventh street ; fine location: will soli on terms, $2.1 down uud .tT',.10 per montlr. 28 acres of fine, level land, onlw one mile north of tho P. & K. depot.; A fine locntion. Terms. 10 acres ono milo from Medford on main traveled road to Ashhind; nenr orenK bottom land, set to apples and pears 2 yenrs old. Hear crock flows along- ono em of tho tract. Tho other end fronts on tho rond. Trees arc strong and vigorous. Hero is n beautiful site for n homo. Terms. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. " Wo have on file sovcrnl applica tion: for housekeeping rnntnR; also applicants for Iioiikcs, furnished nnd unfurnished. If yon luivo anything tor rent, see us or telephone us nt once. Fire and pluto glnss insurance. We represent tho best companies on onrlh. Wo also hnve some good building lots, which we will exchange for n good driving tenm. BENSON INVESTMENT CO Opposite Moore Hotel