THE "WDFOftD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON, TtTKSDAY. OOTOMER 19.-1900. DELEGATION A UNIT FOR IMPROVEMENTS GREAT FIRE STARTS IN WEED. LUMBER MS A BIG JUMP Government's Income Will Greatly Bin Conference Held In Portland Last Week-Hill Will Conflno Op erations to Orepn. I'MhTI.ANIi, Or., Od. 111. Junius J. Hill will nut t'Vldiiil tint On'K"M Trunk linyunil the Oivk'HI line, lint will 1'iiiililii: 1 1 i K picrilli"lis ill I'oiiliui'ti'ill willi thai iiiiji'i't In (l(!velniiiiK this htiiti'. Stories tu tin.! otTcct that the ultimate (li'htiniiti'iii or th Ori'Kim Trunk in. Sun I'liinriNi-o were denied 1 V Mi'. Hill thi week, wliii said: "All the IniililiiiL' tho liiid will do will lie. ilinii! in Oregon, There is plenty of iiMiin leu' new leeiler in the. state iitnl thi! mili'iiKi) wliirli wit inti'inl to mid tn mil- system will bii confined l' Oregon. We have M inti'iitiun of en triuj Ciilit'nriiiii." Oregon iipplii (jri-jvcr are hhsciii liliug e.xhiliits fur llm Nnlinniil Applu show nt Npiiknnu Novciiilicr 1.VJ0. Tim stale will piiiliiMpnti) In n (.'renter extent tlimi ever licl'iiro and hoiiio iniijinilii'i'iit displays will In- sent. Hood Kiver, tlm ICutfiiu Kiver valley mid tin- Williimelle valley apple-grow-inK ili-tries will iniikn strung bids fur ninny of the pri.. Onrlniid ll will In- Hi'iil hy some exhibitor and in nil ilipaiMmihl- liii-K'in'h showing will In; n strung iin'. Knlrie close Novciii- !.. r i:t. Memorial tor Simpson. A nii'M'iiwnt luif been stiirlcd to CMVI'I III Silll'IM II Mlitllllll' IIIHIIIIIIHMlt I l tin- memory of Siiiiniid Simpson, thi well known Oregon po,t, win, u,..t,. I'.oiuilil ill Willnini-ttc." Mr. Exceed Last Year's Fltires. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Tho big liooht in income J'rom internal revenue continues, mid report indicate that iiti-rnal revenue collections during tliu current fiscal yi'iir will exceed hint year' li.v between l-.0)0,000 und . l.",tOO,D()0. Mince July , thn beginning of tlm now fiscal your, tlm collodions have aggregated $7(i,(i(i(l,087, which is a jump of ii:i,K7:i,(ltili ovit thn similar period of a year ngo. So far IImh mouth tlm aggregate revenue Iiiik been jl:2,'77,lr,H I, which lients tho similar period of lust, year hy $01.',- Oil. Does $100,000 Datnafje, Jumps Into Timber and Has Gone EIjht Miles. After v i n i t i 1 1 l' for a short t im with Mr. mid Mr. II. K. Tuttlo of thin place, Mr. mul Mrs. Andrew Veitch of (Irunil Porks, N, I)., left for home via the southern route. TALENT TALES. Sljiuikoii was mi nlmniiu ol iimm clli nnivcri-ity iiutl it win thought lil ting that the movement to procure the memorial to the poet should have it H Marl at the y ami that tli" monument choiild Maud near it. All liufciiciiitiiiii for the purpose haw hecu formed itirn mvr tin iilunini of the v. It i- intended to interest the entire northwet in the movement. What is ret'iirdeii it- the most im- porlanl eon fen e ever hchl helwcen the coiircssional delegation of this state ami the comim-reiul interests of Portland took place tins this week when the needs of the state were dis eiissed for two hours anil suggestions mmle us to needed improvement that reiiiic government aid. Senators Hoiinie anil ('hiimb.'rlnin met with f.1 proininrul business men und when the conference ended the senators hud pledged their aid to se cure as hiir appropriations as possible tor this state. Among the bit' pro jects lor which aid was enlisted were the improvement of the Coluuibin liv er from Portland to the sea ; the free canal and locks lit Oregon City; the t'clilo eannl and the improvement of Coos liny. These improvement lire expected to cost about as follows: Columbia river improvement, $l.'i, 000,000, $3, 7(10,(1(1(1 for llm completion of tlm Cc lilo canal; $'2.7(10,0(10 for tho im provement, of Coos Hay, and $l.ri(l, Olii) fr tlm free ennnl and locks nt Oregon City. Out of the money need ed for tho latter project, the state has already authorized mi appropri ation of $:i0n,0(in, leaving only $1.r(i, Oltn to he furnished by the govern ment. Portland may Ink in neighboring suburbs before tho census of imxl year is taken. Tho ninller was dis cussed .by the Henlly board at tlm Cunmereiul club this week mid was (jenerally favored. This addition to the city would include only thoso dis tricts lying so near that it is impossi ble to tell when passin,' from the city proper to the suburbs. An expres sion will be nslied from llm various districts as to their opinion on tlm annexation question. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Soniflthini? which is of eotisidar knnwn is tho system of prepaid or nhlft intorest to tha puhlie ponorally nnd which is nerhnps not gonorally ders now in effect between stations of tho Southorn Pneifie ' eomimny and all points in the United Stntos. By moans of this system tickets may be pnrchnsod at Modford from any place in tho United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to ' eome here. ' Sleeper ac commodations nnd small nmounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also b forwarded at tb Bamf tW . f Mrs. J. W. Dean visited her dau.'h- ter. Mrs. I.oua I olver ol Phoenix, Tuesdav. 'Mrs. Tommy IJell and her aunt, Mrs. V, II. lieiiuett, were down to tin; I'hoeiiit ccmctcrv Mondav. .Mi-s Minnie Sloper of Kllcnsbui'f.', Wiishinirton, who is visiting her sis ter, Mis. 'Ran Itell. w;is over in Pern valley visiting Inst week. IM Jacob o) North Talent was do iiis trading in Phoenix Saturday eve ning. Mrs. M. Ii. Ilartlfv was at Phoe nix, a business visitor, Saturday aft- j eruoon. I I ir. Prank Woherts of Med ford I spent Sunday with his family,, whn are sojouniin' in North Talent for tho present. James Allen and Willis Chandler are putting their fourth crop oi ;i I t'nl I a hay in the barn and the iiian- tit.v is Mirpriniug for so dry a season. ('. Carey is beginning to did hisj crop of fiiiu Knrly Sunrise potatoes, j of which he will have several tons. S. S. Stephens was a business call-1 er in Phoenix last Saturday. j Mi's. K, (iibbs and her mother, Mrs. Nmiey Helmio of North Talent, were j in Medford doing, trading Saturday.! Mrs. C. . W'oltcrs nnd hor father, ! A. Allot .1. and Mrs. JmnVs Pclleltj were Medlord vi-itors last Thursday evening. . ! It. H. Pouch, superintendent of the I Powell fruit ranch, was over in North Talent, where he purchased half a ton j of fine potatoes from C. Carey. Milton Anderson of phoenix, who has been out to Klamath Falls for several weeks, came home lust Friday evening. II. H. Taylor of Wagner creek nnd his funnily wero doing trading in Medford Saturday. Andy Weiihier of Talent was n Medford business culler ' Inst Tues day. Andy's fine new dwelling is fast Hearing completion. Mrs. Joshua Patterson nnd her daughter, Miss Hazel, were Medford visitors last Wednesday. F.ugcno Foster has purchased ho II. II. Helms place. It consists of 18 acres. The price paid was $0000. Mr. Foster is said to he a man of much business ability and we welcome such men to our little town. Talent! is gelling her share of men of busi ness and capital, and some of the very best laud in tho valley is being sold to them. WKKI), Oil., 'Oct. 10. The drying shed of thn Weed Lumber company, containing l.riOO.OOO feet of the best lumber, was tolully destroyed by fire Monday, the lobs being over $100,000, partially covered by insurance. A strong gale was blowing and it was only hy the most strenuous exertion of all the company's employes that llm flames were prevented from spreading to the rest of the plant und to tho town itself. Tho flames spreud to the woods and, funned by a terrific wind, are (.ported already to have reached a point eight 'miles west of wood.' A small bridge on the Califor nia Xorthwtwlorn railroad has been burned, which will delay traffic sev- j eral hours. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Forthe B es t In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag , on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see . J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. WANTED Throe girls for gen eruj housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Acreage Property At A Bargain -.We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house," which we consider a bar-, gain at ' $2200 The property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor and pump which goes with the place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in, order to -sell ipiickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but a short time at this price. W T. York 6 Co. " For you particular customers who demand tb? j best groceries, we recommend Polgers Golden Gate Coffee.". . It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee riot if we paid $1 a pound for it. , 1 . Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we jell it with the positive guarantrc that it will please you.' . ' Allen & Reagan i GROCERIES, CHINA WAHE, FRUIT AND FEED . J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Viee-Presidejt. , JOHN SOItTH. Cashier. W. B. -JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 ' SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. : : lit r MTf MWMMMmifi : - i'"M''M'''wrwiwiiii m nn n, iiubi COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER f. o. Hansen. . Tom 'AJ-ffat, We make any kind and style of windows.' V carry' glass of any size on band. Medford Sash & Door Co. -TTwm i. a.viv pi Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ oni'. i Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. Now is the time to have your cleaning done. Don't wait till cold weath er. Get out that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have it fixed up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, quilts, furs, por tieres, laces. AVe clean everything, do r.ll kinds of repairing. A trial or der will convince vou. Oregon Galls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Phone 3304 t Low Colonist Rates , To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00i v From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City $25.00 Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. It. & N or S. P. Agent mid ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the Stale for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, 1 Portland, Or.