Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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An ordinance declaring assoss
uient on tlio property benotitod tor
the cost of laving water mam on
Hose avenue and directing the re
corder to enter, a statement thereof
in tlio wutor umin lieu docket.
The citv of Medford doth ordain
us follows: . '
Section 1. Whereas, tho cit" coun
cil did heretofore by resolution de
clare its intention to lav a 4-ineh wa
ter main on Kose avenue from West
Main street to West Fourth street,
and to assess the cost thereof on the
proiiertv fronting on said portion of
said street in proportion to the front -age
of said property, and did fix a
time and place for hearing protests
against the lavinir of said water maiu
on said portion of said street and the
assessment of the cost thereof us
ul'oresaid ; and.
Whereas, said resolution was dulv
posted and published as required bv
section lit) of the charter of said
citv; and.
Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
iu said resolution for the purpose of
considering any such protests, but
no protests were at such time or at
anv time made to or received bv the
council to the laving of said water
main or the assessing of the cost
thereof as aforesaid, and said coun
cil bavins: considered the matter, and
deeming that said water main was
and is of material benefit to said-citv
and that all property to be assessed
therefor would be benefited thereby
to the extent of the probable amount
of the respective assessments
to be levied agaiust s"aid property,
did order said water main laid ; and.
Whereas, the cost of said water
main has been and hereby, is deter
mined to he the sum of $695.00.
Now. therefore, it is hereby . fur
ther determined that the proportion
ate share of the cost of laving said
water main of each parcel of thej
property fronting on said portion of
said street is the amount set opposite
the description of each piece or. par
cel of land below and that each such
piece or parcel of land is beuefited
by the lawns of tsaid water maiu to
the full extent of the amount so set
opposite the description of such piece
or parcel.: aud that the respective
amounts represent the proportional
benefits of said water maiu to said
respective parcels of property and
also the proportional frontage there
of on said portion of said street, and
the council does hereby declare each
of the parcels of property described
below to be assessed and each of the
same hereby is assessed the amount
set opposite each respective descrip
tion for the cost of laving said water
Assessment No. 1 Fred H. Cook
m mc.. lnt 1. block 2. Roanoke ad
dition in the citv of Medford. Oreeon,
frontage 140 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described vol ... page ...
county recorder's record of Jackson
county. Oregon: 140 feet: rate per
loot. 47 cents; amount due $05.80.
Assessment No. 2 Fred H. Cook
et'ux.. lot 4. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. .'.-. page
c'ountv recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per
foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 3 Fred H. Cook
et ux.. lot 5, block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. ... page...
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
ii cents: amount due S-Jd.oO.
Assessment No. 4 Fred H. Cook
et ux., lot 0, block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol... page
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 5 Fred IT. Cook
. et ux.. lot 7, block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol.., .page...
county recorder's records' of Jack
son county, Oregon ; 50 feet: rate per
fool, 47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 0 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot, 8. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oreeon.
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol... page
county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnfe per
foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 7 Fred 11. Cook
t. ux.. lot !). block 2. Roanoke addi
tion; in the city of Medford, Oregon
froutnge 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described W . .. page . .
county r"-"rder's words of Jack
por .muni,, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per
foot 4" cents: amount duo $23,50.
Assessment No. 8 Fred 11. Cook
el ux., lot 10, block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Kose
avenue, described Vol. ... page . ..
countv recorder's records of Jackson
count v, Orcgou; 50 feet : rate per foot
47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 0 Fred H. Cook
et ux., lot 11. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, iu tho citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Uoso
avenue, described Vol. ... pago ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 12. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side Kose
avenue, described Vo. ... pace . .,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 coats; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 11 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 13. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol.... page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson,
countv. Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per toot
47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 12 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 14. block 2. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 teet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. ... page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 13 Fred H. Cook
et ux.. lot 15. block 2. Roanoke uddr
tion. iu the city ot Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. . .'. page ...
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon"; 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 cents:' amount due $23.50.
Assessment .No. 14 Fred II. Cook
et us., lot 3. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion. u the city of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 140 feet on the east side of
Rose avenue, described Vol.-..,' page. .".
county recorder's records of Jackson
county.' Oregon; 140 feet: rate per
foot 47 cents: amount due $65.80.
Assessment No. 15 Fred H. Cook
et ux.. lot 4. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of
Rose avenue, described Vol. .. page. ..
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregou : 50 feet : rate per foot
47 cents: amount due $23.50. '
Assessment No. 10 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 5, block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregou,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol... page . ..
countv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregou ; 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment Xo. 17 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 6. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side Rose
avenue, described -Vol ... . page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon : 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 18 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 7, block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the city of Medford, Oregou.
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. ,,. page ..
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon : 50 feet : rate per foot
47 cent; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 19 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 8. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol'. . . . page . . .
countv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 9. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet ou east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol. ... page . ..
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot
47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 21 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 10. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol ... page ..,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot
17 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 22 Fred fl. Cook
et ux..- lot 11. block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol ... page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 23 Fred II. Cook
et ux.. lot 12.block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on cast side of Rose
avenue, described Vol . ., page . .,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon: 50-feet: rate per foot
47 cents: amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 24 Fred IT. Cook
ot ux., lot 13. block 1. Ronuoke addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose
avenue, described Vol ... nnge ..,
ctmntv recorder's records of Jackson
omit v. Oregon 50 feel ; rate per foot
47 cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 25 Fred II. Cook
et ux., lot II, block 1, Roanoke addi
tion, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon,
Iron I ago 50 feet ou east side of Kose
avenue, descrobed Vol ... page .,,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon; 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 2ti Fred It. Cook
et ux.'. lot 15, block 1. Roanoke addi
tion, iu the citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on east side of Kose
avenue, described Vol...'., page ,,,
count v recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon; 50 feet ; rate per foot
47 cents; amount duo $23.50.
Section 2. Tho recorder of the
citv of Medford is hereby directed to
enter a statement of said several as
sessments in tho water main lien
docket of said citv as rcuuired bv.tlte
citv charter.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the citv eouucil of the citv of
Medford on the 5th day of October,
1909,' hv the following vote: Merrick
avo, Welch uve, Eifert nve, Kmerick
absent, Wormian absent, Demmer aye.
Approved October G, 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
An ordinance declaring the assess
ment on the property' benefited for
the cost of laving a water main on
North Pencil street and directing the
recorder to enter a statement thereof
in the water main lieu docket.
The citv of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. Whereas, tho citv coun
cil did heretofore by resolution de
clare its intention to lav a 4-ineh wa
ter main on North Peach street from
West Main street to West Fourth
street, and to assess the cost thereof
on the property fronting on said por
tion of said street iu proportion to
the frontage of said property, and
did fix a time and place for hearing
protests against the laving of said
water main on said portion of said
street, aud the assessment of the
cost thereof us aforesaid: and.
Whereas, said resolution was dulv
posted and published as reuuired bv
section 110 of the charter of . said
citv: and.
Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
iu said resolution for the purpose of
considering any such protests, but no
protests were at such time or at anv
time made to or received by the
council to the laving of said water
main or the assessing of the cost
thereof as aforesaid, and said council
having considered the mutter, and
deeming that said water main was
and is of material benefit to said citv
and that all property to be assessed
therefor would be benefited thereby
to the extent of the probable amount
of the respective assessments to be
levied against said property, did or
der said water main laid: und.
Whereas, the cost of said water
main has been and hereby is deter
mined to be the sum of $095.00:
Now, therefore, it is hereby further
determined that the proportionate
share of the cost of laving said water
main of each parcel of property
fronting on said portion of said street
is the amount set opposite the des
cription of each piece or parcel of
land below and that each such piece
or parcel of land is benefited bv the
laving of said main to the full ex
tent of the amount so set opposite the
description of such piece or parcel.
aud that the respective amounts rcn
resent the proportional benefits of
said water main to said respective
parcels of property and also the pro
portional frontage thereof on said
portion of said street, aud the coun
cil does hereby declare each of the
parcels of property described below
to be assessed and each of the same
hereby is ussessed the amount set op
posite each respective description for
tlie cost ot laving said water main.
Assessment No. 1 John M. Root.,
lot 1, block 1. CrWell's additon, in
the citv of Medford. Oregon, front
age 140 feet on west side Peach
street. North, described Vol. 70, page
293. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon; 140 feet;
rate per foot 47 ccnls: amount duo
Assessment No. 2 Delroy Getchell,
lot 12, block 4, ('rowtirs addition, in
the citv of Medford. Oregon, front
age 50 feet on west side of Peach
street. North; and described Vol. 7!J.
page 240. countv recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet:
rate per foot 47 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 3 Ida Silsbv. lot
11. block 4. Crowell's addition, in the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on west side of Peach street,
North, described Vol. 71, page 21.5.
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon; 50 foot; rate pur'
foot 47 ceiil s; amount duo $23.50..
Assessment No, idu Silsbv, lot
10, block 4, Crowdl's addition, iu the
oily of Medford Oregou, frontage 50
foot on west side Poach street, North,
described Vol. 71, page 215, countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot 47
cunts; amount due $23.50,
Assessment No, 5 Charles J, Mi
8r, lot I), block 4, Crowell's addition,
in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, front
ago 50 feet on west side Peach street,
ago 50 foot on west side Peach street.
North, described Vol. 72, page 25,
county recorder's records of Jack
son countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per
foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No,. 0 Charles J. Mi
zor, lot 8, block 4, Crowell's addition,
in the citv of Medford, Oregon, front
North, described Vol. 72, ' page 25,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon! 50 feet; rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23.50,
Assessment No. 7 D. M. Witt, lot
7, block 4. Crowell's addition, iu the
citv of Medford, Oregou, frontage 50
feet on west side Peach street, North,
described Vol . ., pngo . county re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 8 II. O. Ilarvev,
lot 0. block 4. Crowell's addition, iu
the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage
50 feet on west side Peach street,
North, described Vol. 07, page 277,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon: 50 feet : rate per foot
47 cents; amount due $23,501
Assessment No. 9 R. II. Toft, lot
5. block 4. Crowell's addition, yi the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on west side Peach street. North,
described Vol. 70. page 201. countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Orcgou; 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 Ereso J. Pot
ter, lot 4, block 4. Crowell's addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side Pencil
street, North, described Vol. 71, page
421, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon : 50 feet ; rato
per foot 47 cents; amount duo $':). oil.
Assessment No. 11 Margaret J.
Ruinsev. lot 3. block 4. Crowell's ad
dition, in the citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on west side Peach
street. North, described Vol. t. .. page
. ., county recorder's records ot Jack
son countv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per
foot 47 cents: amount due $23:5,0.
Assessment No. 12 J. E. Toft, lot
2. block 4. Crotfell's addition, iu the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on west side Peach street. North,
described Vol. ... page ... countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 13 J. E. Toft, lot
1. block 4. Crowell's addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50
feel on west side Peach street. North,
described Vol. . ., page . county re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon : 50 feet : rato per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 14 Willium Lewis
el ux., lot 1. Lewis addition, iu the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on cast side Peach street. North,
described Vol. . ., page'. ., countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon; 50 foot; rule tier foot 47
cents ; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 15 William Lewis
el ux., lot 2, Lewis addition, iu the
city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feel ou east side of Peach si reel,
North, described Vol. .., page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon; 50 foot: rale per foot
47 cunts; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No, 10 William Lewis
et ux., lot 3, Lewis addition, in the
oil v of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
fool ou east side Peach street, North.
described Vol, ... pngo ... countv
I recorder's records of Jackson oouu
'tv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
47 cents ; amount diio $23.50.
Assessment No. 17 William Lewis
cl ux., lot 4, Lewis addition, in the
city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feel ou east side Peach street, North,
described Vol. ... page ,., county
recorder's records of Jackson coiiu
Iv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per fool 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 18 Williutu Lewis
et ux., lot 5, Lewis addition, iu the
citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50
feet on uasl sidu Peach street. North,
described Vol. ... page . county re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No, 19 William Lewis
et ux., lot 0, Lewis addition, in the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
foot on oast side Peach street. North
described Vol. . ., page countv re
corder's records ot Jackson countv.
Oregon: 50 feet; rato per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 William Lewis
et ux., lot 7, Lewis addition, iu the
citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on cast side of Peach street,
North, described Vol. ... page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv; 50 feet; rato per fool 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 21 William Lewis
et ux.. lot 8, Lewis addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50
feet on oast sidu Peach street. North,
described Vol. . ... page ... countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 foot: rate per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50. '
Assessment No. 22 William Lewis
ot ux., lot 9, Lewis addition, iu the
city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50
feet on east side Peach street, North,
described Vol. . ., pngo , ., countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
I )ri"fon : 511 feet: rate per foot 47"
A New Line of Silverware
That is Absolutely Guaranteed
See the Latest Patent Tea Strainer
Martin.!. Reddy lER
YOU have nothing to
lose and all to gain,
in placing it with a reliable
home nursery.
cents ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 due $113.50,
Assessment No, 23 Willium Lewis
et ux., lot 10, Lewis addition, iu tho
citv of Medford, Oregon, Iroiitngo 50
lout ou oust side of Pouch street,
North, described Vol, ,., page ,,,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon; 50 feet ; rate per foot
17 cents; amount duo $23.50,
Assessment No. 24 William Lew is
ot ux., lot II, Lewis addition, iu the
citv of Medford, Oregou, frontage 50
feet on east sidu Poach street, North,
described Vol.', ,, pane , ,, count v re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 foot; rate per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50,
Assessment No. 25 William Lewis
el ux., lot. 12. Lewis addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50
feet ou cast side Peach street. North,
described Vol. , ,, page , ., countv re
corder's records of Jackson conn' v.
Oregon; 50 fool; rale tier fool 47
cents; amount due $23,50.
Assessment No. 20 William Lewis
et ux., lot 15, Lewis addition, iu llio
citv of Modl'ord. Oregon, Irontinro
110 foot on cast side Pencil street.
North, described Vol, ... page . .,
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon: 1 10 fool; rate per
foot 47 cents: ninouiit due $05.80.
Suction 2. The recorder of Ihc citv
of Medford is horchv directed to culer
a statement of said several assess.
ments in. the water inn'tn lit.n flitcl.-i.l
I ..c ..: .. : i i... ,t
... n.n.i ,,,, im inimini n i mi cny
The foregoing ordinance was pass,
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Modl'ord ou the 5lh dnv of October,
1901), bv the following vote: Merrick
ave, Welch live, Kifert avo. Wortiinin
absent, Deminer nye.
Approved October 0, 1909.
W. II. CANON,, Mayor.
Office of City Treasurer, Medford,
Oregon, October 19th, 1009.
Notice is hereby given that there
arc funds on hand iu the city treasury
for tho redemption of city warrants
Nos. 1 to 14, inclusive, issued naginst
sewer district No. 7; also warrant
No. 8, 'issued against sewer district
No. 8.
Interest on same will cease after
the above dale.
183 L. L. JACOBS.
City Treasurer.
PHONE 3221