Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 18, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Showers tonight mill Tuesday.
Mr. iiikI Mrs. it. (I. flnl.i of Norlli
Head ii if spending some lime with
friends living hero.
Wliy rush linini!? Try tlio Spot
Cm i o h 2.r)0 dinner.
)r. mill Mrs. It. T. P.uriicll linvi! re
turned frniii a linen weeks' trip to
Si'iilllii mul Poiilnnii.
Order for sweot orcmm or butter-
milk promptly filled. Phono tho
Mm. Ilcrlhu Id lilv of Mi'ill'iiril spent
Friday iilli'i-iiiioii in Jacksonville.
I)o tint forget tliut till! Itogno ltiv
or l''ihh Co. wants to Ncu you nil to
night fur fish, clams, oysters, crabs,
Mliriiup, dressed chickens, turkeys,
smoked ami salt salmon, iiiiiriiroiii
mul imported cheese, 1KII
John I hlli mul ('. I.. Kennies i-1 n-ii t
ii tin y recently hunting in the vicin
ity of Jacksonville.
ricst iiiimiI for llio Icnst money nt
tho Spot enfc.
Will llinw.ii mul Dr. T. W. Meter
have relumed from ii hunting (rip to
Kviiiik creek.
Southern Orison Ton mul C'uffi'n
f'n., So. (i street.
Mr. mul Mr.-. Ili'iiry !nriiebiir' of
li I ji ! mi1 visiting nl llii" home "I
Andrew ( 'mil rnll Ibis ivi-i-li.
Klin Oiiunynw, public stenographer,
loom -I, Pal::; building.
Mr. mul Mr-. W I'. Ihclle of Norih
Purkc, Or., me in-port in); tin" town
mul surrounding country.
Spices mul extracts nt Ilfl So. 0
K. F. Snylor was down tin1 lir-t of
tin- week from Eugene.
Mitchell & Uoeck have removed to
new brick building across alley from
olil stand. 1H0
li. Mililii'll is mi Ashland resident
in tin? city this week.
Son list of P.cnson's bargains i:i
pngo 4.
W. ('. Kitln of Jacksonville was in
tlui city on business Monilny.
Will deliver you Onscado coal, nt
$i)..')0 per Ion, to nny plnrc in the
city, Phono 701. ' 183
Hurry J. O'llricn of Modfnrd mul
Daisy U. Alli'ii of Eagle I'oiiit wore
uiiilril in wedlock nt the Methodist
church North Thursday --n i 1 1 tr. Oc
tober 1 I. liuv. I.. Itelknnp offi
ciiiting. Mr. O'llricn is n brick enn
trnclor of this place nnil Mrs. O'llricn
is ii iiiilivc ol Jackson futility, liolli
nro well known here mul have miiny
well wishing friend.-;.
I'so Cascade t-ojtl for fuel, $!).()
per ton. Phone 701. 1HII
H. Unlilo mul J. W. Davis of Elk
r'ulgo, Kan., lire vi-iting in tin1 ltoguc
valley, making Modfnrd tlm sent of
their investigations.
l'hono XnU for ten or enffeo.
S. S. Aikin is ln-i-o from Prospect
on hu.sincss this. week.
Miiyki'ii flihson iirrivnl tlm other
ilny from San Antonio, Tex., in Meil
foril mnl is looking; nroiinil.
I. ('. Jorf.'1'iisiMi was ilown from
Aslilimil reeenlly on hiisiness.
Mr. nnil Mrs. II. K. Mullin urn vis
iting llii' town from Yrekn, Pal.
Itr. h. V. Hlneltnnl mul S. Wmle,
linlh of Vint Worth, Tex., lire reeent
arrivals in this hurir.
V. A. ltellnws of Knuln Point pnss
eil Ihrnuh hen recently, retiirniiin
from n visit with frienils in eastern
llerhert 0. Kasliiimi is n visitor
from the north lookinc over the Italy
of America nnil (ompnrina; it with
Ins own i nlr.v. Mr. Kasfmnu's
home is in Ontario, run., where lie
lias larfte interests.
W. T. r.i'veriilfre's party of engin
eers left for Knu'le Point to hesin
work on the Paeifie & Eastern rail
way Mondny,
Miss, fieri rude Peierlein departed
Monday morninir for Hock Point, Or.,
whore sdie will tench school.
Mr. nnil Mrs. F. T,. Tinell. who hnve
lieen visitors of W. R. MoAlvin of
IliiK plnee, left Momlnv for their home
in Snlcm.
Mr. nml Mrs. M. C. Curdy went to
Orants PriHR tho other day nftcr n
short nlay in the city. Mr., MeCurdy
is orneed in business in that city.
, The Kuv. (I. l.eroy Hull is in Kouc -
lung IIiih week iilleinliiig tho eonveij -
lion being held thorn.
Mrs. N. Holer mnl Myrtle Hulmr, of
(li'iiulw Pass, mo in the city on busi
ness mnl pleasure.
V. W. (Ilasgow iiiiiiIii a biisiiiesK trip
lo JackHoiivillu thn first of thu week
K. I). Ilurney of IiiilimiapoliH, Ind.,
returned liomu tint other day lifter
it short slav in Ibis city. Hu him
requested that literature bo Kent to
his homo and contemplates sellling in
Ibis place hoiiiu lime in tho near fu
ture, Mrs. Cluirlcx I Illicit of l.illli) SIiiih
la, Cul., who Iiim been visiting in
Ashland for Nome lime, was i:i the
ily Mondny.
J. t. Itrowii of Mi'ilfonl returned
lioiiie Iroin Porlliiuil, where ho bus
'leeii for somi! time on business,
Mrs. F. Filmeades left Monday for
A-liland on ii visit with friends.'
Mrs. It. II. Kirby of Ashland, who
has been visiting F. Filineuiles of this
place, ilepnrled for home Monday
II. (i. Spooner of fircenfield, In.,
urrivcil in the city recently mnl will
ook iiroiiud.
Mrs. Frank Miirliu, who bus been
isiling II. K. Itoydeii of Ibis place,
left Monday for her home in Daven
port, In.
A. P. Whitney, who lias been in
l(o-ebiirg on liu-im-s tor the past
cw days, relumed home the first of
the week. Mr. Whitney is ii director
f the Siskiyou Copper mill licvel-
opnient ii.inpnny of this pliice.
Owing to a nii-inidersliini'iing il
ivns miiioiiiiceil in rvil tinliiy s i-sue
ol The Tribune lluit Sullivnn !c ( on-
iiliue vaudeville eilviiil teuton would
Ii giii their engagement at the I'.ijou
lodav, when il should have rend to-
lay week. Meanwhile the building
i ill be littered to -lyit 'JOd more peo
ple, u new singe wim all moiiern ae-
--ories built mul everything made
reinlv lor their nppen ranee next .Mon-
II. (1. Spooner of fircenfield, la..
an olil newspaper man, is loouing
iver the Kou'lie valley. Two yeiir-
ngo he sent in his siibseripljoii to the
Southern Oiegouiiin and became so
iinpri'--cd wilh the idea it gave of the
country Hint he ilcnileil to eonie t
Ihe place where il was published. Mr.
Spooner is well plea.-ed wilh the val
ley and is milking the nm-t of the
week which he ha- to stay here.
Miss MeNeaol. daughter of Mrs.
W. M. Tullle of ibis place, has-gone
lo Kiigene to lake a po-l -griiilnate
cour-e at the I", of O.
I.. K. Hoover lias returned from n
trip to Yakiiiia valley mi business.
A. If. Lewis left the other day for
i vi-it lo the Seattle fair.
Mi-s Tale of Michigan has come
here lo live i.i the hope of improving
her healih.
Mrs. F.. M. I.e-iie, who has been ill
for a short lime, is improving rap
idly. Mrs.' A. If. Olin went out to flrif
lin creek" recently on a visit with
friends in that neighborhood.
.Toseph flilliert of Peru.-, Ind., is
looking over the. ltogiie valley.
Mrs. N. Huberts of this city is vis
iting wilh rclnlives in Phoenix.
David MeMurrny of Chicago is vis
iting A. C. McDonald, n former re
tired shoe denier of Med ford.
Mrs. P. IS. Taylor of Josephine
eoiinly is visiting Mr. and Mrs. IT.
Howell for n few days.
Presence of mind alone saved
Ch.irles Cnniey from n serious mis
hap Saturday evening whilo driving
across the liear creek bridge. A run
away delivery team nppronched from
behind, frightening liis tenin, but Mr.
Carney drew ns close to ono sido ns
possible and nllowed tho rtiunwnys to
pass. His own tenm bolted, but lie
held them. The delivery. wagon hung
up on Mr. Carney's carriage, but tho
team went on.
Poller J. Xeff and C. M. Kidd have
purchased (ill acres of the Obenchnin
place west of Central Point for n eon
sidernlion of $10,000. The sale was
Hindi.' by W. K. Whilosiiles of Central
Point.. The new owners will' plant
the place lo fruit and ptitoo it on tho
iinrket in ten-aero tracts.
Ifoss Kline has returned from a
trip to Chieo, where he went to look
over Ihe country. Tt did not look ns
good ns liogue Hiver valley, so Ross
A consignment of "fi mules nnd n
car of grading machinery hns ar
rived for Porter brothers for work on
the Pncifie & KnMcrn.
' Chief of Police Rhenrer developed
into n 100-ynrd-dnsh man Mondny
morning whon a prisoner whom he
was conducting to the lockup bolt-
1 cd mul endeavored to get nway. Tin;
; chiet, bmiilicapped by it fall into n
ditch lit the start, run iih Iiim iih liis
200 pounds would let him mid 1'innlly
iiiiIiIiimI Ins inaii. Die visilor im hlcejr
iiiff off a jiiff today mul will appear
in court 'i'uoKduy.
Hubert Medley of Gold Kay wax
in the city tho other dny on biisiiicHH.
IHm parents Imve arrived hero from
Mr. A. C. Jtaniliill and family have
left for (heir Minneapolis home. Mr.
lla.idiill nccompmiiiiil them hh fur as
San l'Vancittco,
Mr. and Mr. 1. W. Zimmnr Inivo
reliirncil Jroui a trip to Porlliiuil.
W. I). Allen of Allen & Heiimi left
for Portland Sat unlay evening.
M. K. Worrell n I tended the wedding
of ii niece in Portland Monday.
Miirriinan and Klliott have moved
to their new shop on Itiver.-iile ave
nue, where they will he better pre
pnj-cd to do b!acksinitliii( in nil it h
liranches than ever before. Wo take
pleasure in tliankinp all our old cus
tomers who have Mnycd with us in
tho old shop nnd inviting newcomers.
You will now get the benefit of our
:onj experience nnd increase facili
ties. We are hero to May nnd to
please our customers. Horseshoeing
is our speeinlty.
In th Old Germanic Wildarnais.
Leaving .Muiiiuielsee on a misty
tiioruiug, 'u cuter u grcui unilerworld
of Htriinge dew lieillmuoiiil lirlllliiuee,
tklri tin- lieinl nt a deep xouiliwnrd
looking vulley nml emerge Uj.oii u
ktliiny open plateau l.e.vonil Iklc ami
look dow n upon W'ililsee. i Ircleil hy t tic
dark pines of an uiiioiiclicil forest that
Htrcti lii'M away lo the lilue mid dlslaiit
lillls. It Is easy liere to Imagine your
ctf l.a. I; In the heart of the old Ocr
maiile wllileruess. In the heroic days
when Iliigea slew Siegfried with a
eoward'H.lilow. The uioriiiug xuu glints
upon lii lght spear lops niiiong the trees
nnd the wind brings snatches of rough
war songs shouted by barbarian voices.
Your heart swells with I lie .lust of bat-,
tie and the chase, mid If you hnvo
flerninu blood in your veins It culls
back through the dark middle ngeg to
that dim and mystic .voiitliday of the
world when heroes met nt the ItnveH
nn Sehlneht. Within the hour -you
llnd yourself back In the twentieth
century among niotorcnrs drawn up
beside the hostelry nt Kulicstclii. where
the Ilohenwcg drops Into the common,
place nnd crosses the government nin
en da in before climbing the steep side
of the Iiothe Selilltrkopr. Fro A
liluck Forest Pathway." by Frederick
Van rienren. Jr.. In Scrlbner's.
Verdi and Bismarck on Titles.
The composer Verdi was offered n
title of nobility by King Victor Kin
inn ii in I. It was Intended that he should
be created .Manpiis or Comte de Hus
seto. nftcr the estate upon wlih h he
lived. The composer refused the offer
energetically. He considered that Verdi
whs somebody nml Unit tiie Munpiis
de IlUsscto would be nobody.
F.ven IlNniarcl; was uniibie to pnrry
n blow of this character. Wheu the
young emperor broke with tilm tie
conferred upon him the title of Duke
of I.auciihnuri: Hisinurck received the
parchment with this exclamation:
"A pretty name: It will be handy
for traveling Incognito."
Some days after n parcel arrived nt
Vniv.lll bearing Ihe address "Mmo. la
Ducliesso do l.auoabourg."
Itlsmnrck. to whom it was delivered,
being then at table, arose nnd. offering
the letter to his wife, remarked tron
lenlly. "Duchess, enchanted to make your
Faithful to Hia Trust.
I was walling near the elevntor In
the factory building for my friend to
come down when I noticed n sninll liny
sitting In one corner of the hnll hold
ing a large, thick sandwich. lie eyed
the sandwich lovingly for n long time,
then lie carefully lifted off the top
slice of bread, took out n piece of dill
pickle, nle it nnd replnccd nil ns be
fore. In n few seconds lie ngnln re
moved I lie top piece, extracted n piece
of pickle nnd n piece of incut and re
placed the top. Again mid agnln the
performance was repeated until nil the
pickle and alums! all the meat were
gone, the siindwlch, however, appear
ing Intact ns In the beginning.
"Why don't you eat up your sand
wich and not pick at It In that way?"
I nsked the boy with some curiosity.
"Why." he answered, looking up
wilh great innocence. "It ain't my
snndwich." Woman's Home Compan
ion. Friends.
"Denr friends." said the philosopher,
"nro senrce tteniii In tills world. They
lire too few to v counted."
"Wlint d'ye call n friend?" he wns
"A friend." he replied. "Is one who
would lend j oh money if you wnnted
It nnd lo whom yen would lend money
-If ynti hud tt."-New Yo;-k Times.
Death on Ih. Guillotine.
Pardon. In order lo be prcHont at the
execution of Tropriian In January,
I87.'i. spent the night before with La
ltoipieile. the prison director. In bin
description lie hh: "At daybreak tbe
guests went out upon the cold, bleak
vxoruttou pluce. where tho guillotine
bud already been erected. The be
draggled crowd, which bad spent the
night In drinking places, sang ribald
songs and from lime to time shouted
for Del bier, "the executioner, who
meanwhile warf explaining the mechan
ism. The basket In which tbe head
wn to drop was brought, and while
looking at It 1 was horrified to ace
tho ltd arise and a human form
emerge. 'Don't worry.' mild Dclhlcr,
wltb a smile; 'Hint Is only my wife,
who wanted to see the execution, and
I chose the simplest way to seeuro a
good place or her" Clemenceau snw
Kmllo Henry decapitated on Mny 22, I
IBM. In bis capacity as a Journalist,
and. describing how the culprit was
drugged to the machine, strapped upon
the plank and there tortured by await
ing the pleasure of lieibler till the
knlfo finally ended It nil. said that the
"borror of It" unide blm sick.
Why Blinds Were Drawn.
The Edinburgh landlady of the sev
enties who astounded James I'ayn by
her stern determination to have the
blinds drawn closely down on tbe Sab
bath wns but carrying on tbe tradi
tions of her great-grandparents. Tbe
Scot of the early eighteenth century
had a reason for drawing bis blinds
on Sunday. Mr. Thompson In bis
"Wenver's Craft" gives It. "Some
times the minister himself." he wrote,
"when lie got a colleague to preach for
hi in would illlike the rounds, accom
pli nled by an elder, to spy with bis
own eyes the sins of the absentees.
Here one liian Is found romping with
his balms, another ns the minister
peeped through the window was de
tected kissing bis wife, two men were
found drinking ale. and one was found
with hl.s coat off. ns if he were going
to work, and sllll another wns seen
eating u hearty (Hiiucr. All were pull
ed up before Ihe session of the kirk
mid repenl.iiice forced upon each."
London Standard.
Bread and Cheese.
couple advanced In years got mar
ried lately.
The husbnrd had a room In the bouse
securely locked, the Inside of which
bis wife had never seen. and. being
curious of Its contents, she begged
ngaln nnd ngnln to see the room.
At last he consented, and. lo and he
boid, the room was full of whole
He explained matters by telling ber
that for every sweetheart he bnd In
his young days he bought a cheese.
His wife tiegan to cry.
"Don't cry. dear," be said. "I've bad
no sweethearts since I met you."
"It's not that." she replied, still sob
bing. "1 only wish 1 had been as
thoughtful as you and bought n loaf of
bread for every man that kissed me.
We could have hud bread and cheese
enough to last us all our days." Lon
don Tit-Hits.
Trouble For Creditors.
Even the -simplest law transactions I
seem lo be beyond the comprehension j
of some people. An old farmer went !
Into a grocer's shop n short time ago. ,
ordered a sovereign's won It of goods ;
and when they were ready for deliv
ery laid down a Ave shilling piece In
payment thereof.
The shopkeeper called out, "Here, i
this Isn't right!" as the customer start- j
ed to- leave.
Oh. yes. that's nil right." replied the
mnn. "t ve got permission from the
Judge to pay .1 shillings iu the pound."
A hented discussion revealed that
the mnn hnd lately sell led nil insol
vency upoti this tmsis and expected lo
continue . that method Indclinitely.
When he wns shown his mistake he
was very indignant nnd evidently con
sidered himself a much abused man.
London Ulobe.
She Wasn't Superstitious.
"Mary. Mary." cried Mrs. Johnson
to her maid, "what shall I do? I've
just laid n most dreadful accident and j
don't know what's going to happen, i
I've broken my new hand glass, and I
you know how unlucky tt Is to break
n looking glass. It means seven years'
"Lor." mum." replied Mary, "don't
you set no heed on that. Look nt me.
I'm not fretting, and I've just broken
the largo pier glass In the drawing
room," London Fun,
Leftover Material.
Barbara, aged four, had nlwnys been
nllowed to make small cakes out of the
scraps of dough left from the morn
ing's baking, so one inorni"s after be
l ig sent to gather the eg;;s she came
running in wilh a very tiny one ami
exclaimed: "Oil. mamma, see this little
egg! It must be that's all the dough
the hen had left!"-'Dellneator.
Ups nnd Downs.
"The world Is full of ups and downs."
ip'.oted the wise guy. "That's right,"
agreed the simple mug. "We are ei
ther trying to live up to n good repu
tation or trying to live a bnd one
down." Philadelphia Record.
v t..
FOIf KKNT A suite of office rooms
wilh some furniture for snle. 2.'I"i
Fast .Main, room 8. 181
FOIt IfKXT Modern seven-room
furnished house, .close in, $3.j - a
month. Address M, Tribune of
fice. FOIt SALK $700 cash, balance like
rent, house of seven liirgc rooms,
pantry and bath; xnrtly furnished;
,lwo lots, .') blocks from Main street.
Address Y, care Tribune.
. WE
is every mother in the city of Medford to get acquaint
ed with the lines of boys' and misses' Hosiery we are
No Hot Air
About our Hosiery values. "VVe don't retend to give
you a 25c hose for 10c. This or no other store can do
that ; but we do give you the best hosiery for the price
that can be found in anv store in Medford.
2 pr for 25c
Boys', Misses'
Men's or Ladies'
Absolutely fast color
uid the best wearing Hose
at the price in the city.
Come in and see tlieni.
We Also Carry
A good line of men's leather and cotton flannel work
Gloves, Suspenders, etc.; also Ribbons, Combs, Hair
Brushes, Silk and Cotton Thread, Notions of all kinds,
and all popular price.
You can always save
money on the things the
good housewife wants at
WA.VfF.D Position by Jirst-thiss
engineer, either steam or gasoline,
do nil my own repairs.. What hnve
you? Address "Kngineer," cure Tri
bune. 180
WANTED Lady of good appearance
who has had some experience in al
terutionse, to do repair work nnd
tend to office. Good position to
right party. Must hnve references.
Pantntoritim Dye Works. 182
WANTED To sell or exchange for
real estate, new 5-pnsscnger auto
mobile. Apply Joe Leggett, Hotel
Moore. 182
Mens, Ladies,
Misses and Boys
Hosiery at 25c
Come in and take a look
at them. A full line of
sizes and in several quali
ties. .
Common Tableware, fancy
Porcelain Iliches, Japan
ese Fancy China, Hand
Painted China, the best
prices are always found at