THE '-'RDFOitD DAILY Till. HUNK, MEDFORD, OJlTlOX, MONDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1000. FROM ALL OVER JACKSON COUNTY Gold Hill. Tint (lulil Hill Lumber roiiipiiii.v'H luill tin Kiirilinn creek started up ii Tui'silay, on im iiiih-r for HO.000 fi-et III' 1 1 1 1 1 1 - fur tlx j ri.v Kllglll lllilKI. Ml-. Ilolxtiy of (lie Hlnrkwcll ilin Irirt was in (lohl Hill WimIiii.'kiIiiv. Sin look Imiiic with her Hcvcnil iiinil. locution hlnnkn, oiiii of which hli" proposes to use immediately. J. MeKcy nf Hi" Mi'ill'iTil Lumber riiinpiiny was in Gold Hill Weiliies ilny attending to some business con nected willi Mm IihiiIiit hauled in from liinlKcyf, f"ir Ihm I'oiiipim.v. V. W. Dodge of Hi" Electric. Gold Dredge, tut h received woril from the east to resume wyrk nt that instilii tion lit tlifl earliest possible moment, which will probably Im in several weeks. V. W, Dodge, civil engineer, went to Mudfnrd on liiiMini'HH Wednesday. Mr. Dodge is nt present interested in gathering information for tho com pletion of n limp on a larger scale of tlie (lolil Hill mining district than has heretofore been in use, V. L. Edd'uigs, Floyd Edd'uigs, Civile Walker nml Charles Piingnn started Wednesday morning on n 30 inilc hunt for big game. They took three puck horses nml five dogs with them nml will he gone till t r ten tin vs. school picnic which we had hint Kitn- lit y proves lliin fuel. Having started, curly, wo arrived lit tho top of "Ketch inouiitiiiii" iihout noon uiitl everyone j iliil ninpln justice to tho luncheon, which wiih iuimediiilidy hpreiul. From I hit high miiiuciici) we. wort) nhlo to -im! i u 1 1 1 v Iiicch of intcrcKl, iih Mt. Logan, 'J utile Kock, Gold Hill, Mctl-' lord, cle After exploring the nioun-' luiil wt htnrtetl on our return, rench-1 il.'ti home . 1 1 j 1 1 1 iluxk ouile exhiiiisl- cil, hut lec'ing limply repiiitl for our evi'ilii.ii iih thi! scenery was very llClllltlf'll . I CI. ill; Siiviiuc lilt 4 finished thresh-j in;r his lit'M.f nml iih a result Iiiih U'M poi;nin rcmly for market. This in ii I'jiiiarknVy good harvest for ono acre of ground. Wontlvllle. Mr. Shorrod's new ipiml. mill will t-iiuii he in i-mir-e of construction: then look "lit for the iiimi with n gold brick. llcnrv Hreediiig relfirncd from II11 .i Sunday nii'niim' willi one of the fiiir -" iu low. Wc think it it lime fur the ohl tin cnn. PosMliilities for Womlville l'ir-1. ' .iul out of town to the wet is the 1 1 rick. viiril ownctl by C. W. Ilortciw where one can vet mhiio of the finest brick ill mutt horn Oregon. Thin has .just heen opcin'il up the pn-l summer and proini-cs to become ipiite nn in. ilii'itry. Vc.vl wc have the Ilomcliike mine, that Im in the 1'nM licen n law gold producer, until the company liccame involved throiinh the hail mnmitrP liictit of their Mipciinlclitlent. They Mill have iniinense hotlie of rich ore in Mtiht. anil .joiniiii: the llouieKtenil it n claim owned hv '.. SIcvimih. where Home, very rich ore is in i-iuhl. This property is practically undeveloped, lull promises pood. Then comes Mr. Conway's copper prospect, u undeveloped property, hut one that promises flood, heinjr in rich in copper anil in uolil. Kow we conic to the sawmill sec tion. Miloiirn Kniipti owns mid operates a siiu mill on Fielder creek in the midst of millions of feet of us fine timlicr as one will see anywhere. Carter mid Owens arc opcratim; another farther up Kvans creek. McKce. Cowcn & Hodges on Pleas ant creek, have u laru-e mill with al most unlimited supply of timher. Evans Creek. Wo mo huvinv; very nieo weather up on Kvans ercek. The farmers nro hiisy pectlini; grain, nml 1'itsy n heos (,'iithering corn. School of May's Creek has hegun. Jt stnrted uhout threo weeks nn". 'I'l'o teacher is Mrs. I.izzio Siunincrvillo of lOvans Creek. Shu in a very kind teacher to her pupils. They hud a nice time. Friday -had fine speukiiif,', William Monro of F.vans Creek soltl his place a mile ahove Winter, llo received 1 ."(() lor it. The buyer was Mr. Infc'lodon. The Otleu brothers nro very busy at llieir sawmill and lire cutting tim ber tpiiln fast. William Van fluelhan. near Wi iner, has put himself up a new barn, i;nd now lie is preparing; to build a new houso. Mr. Streets, the man who bought the (tdt-ii place, is fixing the Otleu house up. lie is gelling it to look very nice. Mr. Streets hax a nice au tomobile up to his ranch near Mays Creek school lot. Talent. Mrs. Stitcs from Denver, Col., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1), Slump of Talent. J. S, Spitzer has shown himself to be a progressive citizen by building a new sidewalk on I lie street near his rcsidiuicii property. lohu Shidclcr Iiiih much improved his place by making graveled walks and graveling the sidewalks near his residence. On Sal unlay Mrs. W. Qiiiickenbush was iu Metlford fraternizing with the merchants. Mrs. W. Spitzer on Saturday re turned from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Kansas. Marion Tryor front Metlford has rented one ol the new store rooms from C. W. Woltcrs and will put in a slock of Ii, i ril w ii if. Mr. Tryor has trouble in finding u bouse to rent in Talent. More houses art: budlv need ed. I.. K. Dentin's ami family arrived in Talent Saturday from Oklahoma. Mr. I.'cnmcs is a son of Mrs. I.. Wa terman of Talent and will permanent ly locale here' N. O. I'owcrs is building a two--lory addition lo lit- dwelling hme. Next year be means to tear down the oltl house mill replace it with a new residence. The flowers ami lawn in J. I!. Rob inson's front yard demonstrate to the pcipl" of Talent what can be do:te with irriu'iition. All we need to beau ril'y our homes is enterprise. Mr. ltob iiisini mid wife deserve credit for selling tho cxamplw. LARGE APPLE ORCHARD PLANTED IN WASHINGTON SI'OKAS'K, Wash., Oct. 1H. What in designed to be the largest commer cial orcharil iu Washington, devoted exclusively to Winesnp and Spitzcn burg apples, will he developed near llie town of Fnliiit, Wash., in the Col- iniibia river volley, north of We- ; niilchee, by a Hvinlicatn headed by II. ' .(. Shina mid Dr: Frederick X. F.ssig of Spokane mid Joseph I'latter ot F.ntinl. The new firm Iiiih 480 acres of land on the fjitint river, where it will plant between 311,000 and 40,(100 trees, including 8000 al ready in the ground. The land is served by tho cornpnny'n irrigation plant, Inking water from the F.ntiat river. Contnicls have been awarded for 111. 0110 winesnp nml Spilzcnbiirg trees, which will be planted this fall mid next sprin. KxpcrtH sny that these varieties are certain to bo ae cepled by the American I'ornological society at its convention in 012 lis the highest standard commercial va rieties because of (heir color, flavor, uniformity and keeping quality. GERMANS THINK BRITISH SEEK TO PREJUDICE US FortheBest in harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds . of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Preuald Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or ililo interest to tho public generally nnd which is irhnp.s not generally tiers now in effect between stntions of tho Southern I'acific pompuny and nil points in tho United Stntes. P means of lliij system tickets tuny 'io purchased at Metlford from any uliice in tho I'niled Stales and mail d or telegraphed direct to the party ivishing lo come here. Sleeper ne t'ommotlalions and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets ii fi r ilQ be foivarded nt tho namr liKHUX. Oct. 18. Recent speech cs attributed to Lord Xorthcliffc, ! loril Charles I'ercsford mid Earl ; flrcy, together with magazine articles i upon Tlrilisji-Oerman relations, have been widely reproduced nnd comment ed upon in (Icnuany. It is feared thai a regular campaign has been started to deprive Ocrmnny of Amer ica's ennd " ill and make it appear that (iermany is threatening Britain, i It is pointed out that nil suggest-' ions of trouble between Oermnny nnd Urilaiii ctjric from the Hritih. It is noted that the war party in Mreat llritain today is small but in fluential, anil, fed with doubts, ruis-' representations and fanciful accounts of (icrniauy's aims, is gathering strength. i An official effort is being made to restrain (icrman comment upon these speeches nnd articles. , Acreage Property At A Bargain ' We have threo acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at ' $2200 The property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an elect rie motor and pump which goes with the place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but a short time at this price. W T. York 5 Co. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. i Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aa4 we tell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWAEE, FRUIT AND FEED. J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presideat, JOHN S ORTH, Cashier. , W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 surplus : $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for pen oral housework; good wapes. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT TIRELESS COOKER Mr?? It i- iii r lit FVvf ,r, " i vj Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of eeon oiny. Call and let. us demonstrate its merits. LJ. 0. Plansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Savage Creek. As tho recent rains- moistened tip tho prontid, tho fanners in this lo cality nro now busily eiipaged in plowing nml yircpnrinp lite land for tho future crops. Little Helen, the youngest daughter of Mrs. M. T. Rick, has been very low with paralysis and rheumatism, but at present is slowly improving. Who says wo don't have pood timos in our neighborhood? I guess our Now is tlie time to have your clenningMono. Don't waft till cold weath er, (let out that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have it fixed up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, quilts, furs, por tieres, laces. Wo clean everything, do all kinds of repairing. A trial or der will convince vou. Phone 3304 Low Colonist Rates To Oregon .will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 via the Oregon RailroatfJ navigation Co. and Southern Pacific (LIXES IX OREGOX) From Chicago ! $33.00 From St. Louis $32.0011 From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City ...$25.00 Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. R. & N or S. P. Agent nnd ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name nnd address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.