8 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OUKUOX, SATURDAY. OCTOHKR Hi. 100!). mLi ARGAINS U a IT IS IMMATERIAL who you are, or ' where you are, if you are looking for a home or an investment in Medford or the Rogue River Valley, you cannot afford to miss reading the following bargains. The Soil The Drainage The Climate The Market are four indispensable factors in the selection of a commer cial orchard. What good is your soil if it isn't properly drained? What good is soil and proper drainage it' the frost gets you ? What good is a big crop if you have no market? We have them all Xo. 79 TO acres, one mile from Phoenix; 13 acres 2-year-old Newtown. 10 acres 2-year-old Spitz, 100 Bartlett pears, 3.10 strawberries; 40 acres under cultivation; new G-room house, with bath, barn 32x44j old 2-room house, barn 22x16. This is one of the finest locations in the Rogue River valley. A beautiful place and an ideal home : is siire to double in value within five years. Irice per acre $150 No. 72 27 acres, four miles south of Medford; across road southeast from the Burrell orchard; 5-room house, good barn, chicken house; 9 acres of 3-year-old pear or chard, 15 acres alfalfa, large vegetable garden, berries, etc Price . , $6500 No. 66 40 acres, 16 miles north of Medford, half mile from Beagle ; 8 acres cultivated, 4 acres in fruit trees from 2 to l&years old; on two good roads; small house, barn, woodshed, etc ; two wells. This can all be cleared without a foot of waste land ; 25 acres enclosed in woven wire fence. Price $2000 Xo. 85 28 3-4 acres, one mile north of P. and E. depot and only one and one-half miles from the center of Med ford; one of the best locations in the valley. Within two vears after being set to trees will be worth double the price asked. Price .$6000 No. 74 10 acres,' one mile from Medford on main trav eled road to xshland ; Bear creek bottom land, set to apples and pears, 2 years old ; Bear creek flows along one end of tract, the other end fronts on road. Trees are strong and vigorous. Here is a beautiful site for a home. Terms. $500 cash, balance $10 per acre per year. Price . . . $3500 No. 104 5 acres adjoining city limits, with good 5-room house, two welLs, chicken house, all necessary outbuildings ; 2 1-2 acres set to fruit. This property can be subdivided into 28 large lots. It has a fine location, lying just across the street from the famous Tuttle orchard. Price. .$4000 Xo. 84 10 acres fine level land four miles northwest from Medford, one and one-half miles from Central Point, on good main traveled road; all newly cleared land; about 8 1-2 acres ready to cultivate ; all under a good fence ; beau tiful shade trees ; good new 3-room house ; good barn. This is the verv best orchard land in the valley an4 is a bargain. Price ..: .$3000 Rental department We are unable to supply the de mand for vacant and f urnished houses, and now have sev eral applications on file. Our charge for renting and col lecting is $1-00 Per month. f If you can find nothing in these lists to suit you write us, this ad as we are possessed of others as good, or tetter. B ensoiis Investment Company Opposite Moore Hotel, Medford Oregon Location Character of Building Price and Municipal Improvements are four indispensable factors in the selection of a home. What use is the location if the building is poorly construct ed What use is a well constructed building if there is no sewer, water or lights? What use is all the above if the price is uxorbitant ( We have properly listed below that combine oil essential points (5-room new bungalow; modern; bath, pantry, large kit chen porch; Well built; electric wired; one aiid one-half blocks from Oakdale avenue; lot 50x100; second house from southeast corner of Hamilton street $2050 3-room house and bath; east front; lot .10(5x1 OS; upstairs not finished; 219 ( Meson street . $2300 (5-room house, not completed; lot; 50x150; near Hen son addition $900 (5-room house, modern; lot 50x100; unfurnished, 2830; furnished, with 400 piano $3350 6- room house and bath, modern; city water; well and pump; sewer; screened porch; new cciuciit sidewalk on Jackson street; lot. 141x170; 400 Riverside avenue, corner Jackson street; $1800 cash, balance 8 per cent . . .$1000 3-room house, modern; very nice place; lot 55x185; Riverside avenue; $1500 cash, balance easy $3200 Small house and barn, with 7 lots, north side of Jack son street .$1000 Two houses. Jackson and Fir streets, each 5 rooms with woodshed, well on back porch; lots 50x100, each. .$1150 9-room house, 2-story barn, chicken house, city water, well and pump; lot 1 acre; about. (500 feet east of liiverside ave nue. Price $3100 G-room house, modern, bath, hall, 3 closets: chicken house; lot 73x100; furnished complete with range. .$3100 3- room house; lot 30x100; Fir street, corner .Jackson; $1000 cash, balance to suit $1850 4- room house, with kitchen leanto; lot. 50x1(58; west side Main street $1500 , 5-room house, up-to-date; lot 50x140; South Central avenue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth street . .$2200 5- room bungalow, modern, closets; Queen Anne addi tion. Price $1950 G-room house, nearly new; 1 acre of land; Tavlor street. Price $3000 G-rooin house and bath ; South Fir street. Price . . $3200 5-room house and bath ; water not yet in ; Grape st reet. Price .' $2200 7- room house and bath ; corner 12th and Fir, sts.$2600 9-room house' modern, Bungalow addition; lot 50x1(50; chandeliers and fixtures complete; corner Fourth and Or ange near Oakdale avenue $3850 2-room house, nearly new; lot 51x100; Holly St. $2200 8- room house with bath, city water, sewer, furnished; lot 50x1031-2 $4300 Good 4-room house and lot, 50x101 ; woodshed and out side toilet ; a bargain at the price asked ; tern'is. $1000 Strictly modern six-room bungalow in course of con struction in Bungalow addition; lot 50x100; in the verv best residence district '. $3600 Lot 100x200 on Clark street, a good location and a bar gain. Owner is a non-resident and will sell at $1000 Fine business location; lot 100x100, with two-story good inline building; 14 rooms; can be made to pay $300 per month. This is one of the very best business' proposi tions in the city ' $6500 Rooming house, 20 rooms, right in the center of the business district of the city; now clearing 150 per month ; three years' lease; a big bargain at $2500 2 acres on Jackson street, close in property; good new 5-room house; large two-story barn ; 30 bearing fruit trees, 80 young pear trees, berries, grapes, etc $3700 Fine building lot, close in, corner Jackson street; set, to bearing fruit trees; if taken at once .$325 Will exchange fine building lot with ocean view in Santa Cruz, Cal., for lot of equal value in Medford. .$450 Several choice building lots in West Medford, which we will sell on easy payments 10 down and 10 per month until paid for. Price each $260