tiassniea Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports y . v 4 4 4 4 BIG APPLE CROP 'BELIEVES IN ROAD HEAR THE PASSj UIKE TO SEA Josephine County Will Plant 10,000 Acres of Fruit Trees During the Coiniiid Season. OH ANTS l'AK, nr., Oct, lS.Tho Sluuik & Hall Dii'liiu'il in 11 buny place. duriiiK this tin: tin rv.-t-l limit of the fruit year. Tin-.,, men Iniil the forc- xiljit In CIUUC lnl drive Hi- trout king, who liiirli in In. lair by tln tie III' Mlllltllui' l l i'I ihIk (ill. I Ik result is a -! three neiot ul N onp, which. ii ilucc '.'Mil) !,.., montly Ni'wIiim'ii. ly $2000 it ,rn i, in in ft ii' ill 1 1 1- nil i''Iiwiih mill Winc-i-iin miv, Will pro -', ami thcee lii-itii: , i li.-y will bring ltil . A part of tin! tree ul' this orchiml ..in -ul,' ul tliu three acre, diil in. i lit i this year, lint tut ulioli' .'l.'i ii . i . - will lirmif to it" owner mil In-- i Ii ii ii 12,0(10 worth! of inarkutitlilii Iniil. . Apple (fiowiiii; him In mo u popu- i - I.- iiiiiii ,i.,iii ihoicii up ifoguo river lar business mi.l ninny new orchards -oul,l not !,,. expensive uiidcrliik aro started in ihi- county every your, ,1C K,)V,.rmil,,llt ,rilli ,, , nml tlirniighoi.l tin stale mill other t . wiiictioil us far ns finished anil Mate in Hie in.rili.',t, ami the (pies- )(. ;., ,iln ai,...,!.. .,, j... linn niiliii-iillv mi. will the Iiiih incus he overdone ami apples henotne a drug on the iiuirketT llieru l mi other side to thin, which takes cure of the apple grower of tho futuro. The hiiiineHN. it is trim, is rnpiilly extending, liul tin. apple ix king nnd l I Hiding ii new market every year ltd quality in improving ami the tin northwest, ml oiHciully the Rogue River vullev. produces the choiccl fruit in the world. Thin will ensure prices for the future. Joscpliiiu enmity will plant next year 10,000 ncres in nii.l.'-. pears ami other fruits. Well Known Hntnl Keeper Uses and Recommrnrts Chainhcrlain's Cnlic. Chnlrra and Diar rhoea Remedy. "I take plcaim.? in saying that 1 have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era ami llinrilinc i Remedy m tny fainilv medicine i !iiht for ahnut 1.") years, nml lia- always hml sali-fue. lory results from its use. I have ad ministered il t.i u ureat many trav elint; men wh.i w.tk suffering from trouliles for which it is recommended, ami have nev..,. failed to relieve,'' Hays ,1. ('. .leiiliir. 4 of Olusjjow, Ky. This remedy U t.ir salo hy I.emi P. Ilaskins' plnrm.icv. MEDF0RO TIME TABLE. SOUTHERN' PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound. Noisoiliosehnr I'ass. . ' No. 12ShaMta Limited.. No. lOlOrcKOii Kxprnss. No. Mll'ortlinin Kxprcss Southbound. No. lllShastu Limited...! 5:"i0n. m. No. lrt'Califoiiiia Kxpresn 10 :35 a. in. No. 13 S. V. KvpnwK 1 3:.l-'p. m. Medtord to Jacksonville. Motor ear leaves Train leaves Tinin leaves Train leaves . 8:00 a. in. 10:45 a. in 3 :?.;") p. m. fi :00 p. m Motor car lemis 0 :30 p. n- Jacksonville to Mcdford. Motor ieaves . . . Train leaves . . . Train leaves . . . Train loaves . . . Motor car leaves 7:00 a. in. 8:45 n. m. 2 :30 p. m 4 :30 p. m 7:30 p. m PACIFIC"T"EASf ERN RAILWAY, No. I Lea ves Med ford. 8:00 a. m No. 3 Loaves Med ford. Mcdford. 2 :20 p. m. No. 2 Arrives 10:10 a. m No. 4Ar rives Mod ford. r :00 p. m. 8 :4.r) a. m. 0 :05 a. m 3 :0,r p. m 4 ;15 p. m. . No. 1 Arrive Euclo Pt. No. iLcnvos Eagle. Pt. No. 3 Arrives Eairle Pt. No. 4Leavcr. Eagle Pt. . . . MAIL CLOSES. Northbound 8 :.rf a. m 9 :00 p, m 8 :10 p. m. Southbound , . Englo Point. . 13 :00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. . 7:41 .m . 9:2r). . . 5 :21 p. m. . 8:o!)p. m. Official Talks of Great Highway Which Shall B inn Prosperity to Four Counties. GRANTS PASS, Or., Oc. Kl.-R. A. Dean nf tin- forest ri-MTfl force iniil who is in charge i,' ilio fiolil lU'iii'h i i i-1 rii-1 . arrived in fir,,,,!. j )'.sh llst Tliiirxilny mi. ,h been iciiiliin i',.u- ,l,,v. .. i i , - " , in-,, (,, I, , '-- I" i-pcnkiug of I h country ilowii tin' river ln win iij'iii.st in Iiir iiihucncy of Hip holding of n wagon lllllll llOIII fluid .II(. , It,,,,,. rjv. it lo Crater Lake. Hi- believes such a ruin! woiilil he of ri.;i f 1 1 1 I i t- )i.. I'l'il, not only un a mail route, lint wonlil serve as mi outlet for Curry cotuily ami a practical way for new i.etllcr In reach that country. Mr. Dean hii.vk Hint a wagon roail tnilll (mill Bench a cood road tin the river to rialiee and from ihcro on' a county road lends to Orants Pass and heyond. In buildim; the place to eoiiiinencu is at Alnieda. from there to (iniil Reach is only 7." miles. Half of this dis tance is an easy prude ami compara tively inexpensive in road construc tion. This route penetrates a farm int; counlry ami after Icavinc AI mcila will pass through well known points, such as Mule Creek. Illahe. Amies, and Iheii 30 miles lielow it will end at fluid Reach. Allies is a wonderful copper district ami will -nine tune he the renter of copper mitiins on a lame Hcale. The' river from Amies is imvitiahle to the ocean for ifasoline hunts and a Inrjje amount cf IreiL'ht cues to the upper country this wav. More Than Enough Is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just onoiisih food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than is nec essary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach trouliles. rheumatism and disorders of the Kid neys. f troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take n few doses of Chamberlain's Stomnch and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all riuht again. For sale by Leon II. Hawkins' pharmacy. MEDF0RD MARKETS. Fruit and v-etables. (Prices paid hy Mod rd merchants. I Apples l(f?2c'lh.; r, nchei 21Am;4c lb; pears, li.(i2e; t.ectarines. 3c: sweetwaler grapes, 2V(If3ii whims. V2e; blackberries, $1.20 crate; To kay grapes, 4c. Potatoes, le lb: onions. SI .fid cwt;; green onions, 3oo doz. bunch'ns; earrols, KffiliAe: beets. ltfjiUc- siring heaiis, 3c j cabbage, l',e; green peppers, (Is; eucumhers, jOc dozer, tomatoes, lc; snnash. 30(?50c doz: wnter melons, l(i()2ric; eantaloii es, 30e((i)$l dozen ; green corn, :l6lTe dozen: pumpkins, 10o7irc. Butter, Eggs and Poultry., (Prices paid hy Medford merchants. Ranch butter, 30c; fancy cream ery, 371oc. Fresh ranch eggs, 35c. Mixed poultry. 10c; spring chick ens, Inc: ducks, 0n: turkeys, lfic. Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Prices paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15: grass, $14 ton. Whoat Old, $1.20 bushol : new, $1. bushel; oats, $39 ton; barley, old, $30; now. $2!). (Selling prices.) Rolled hnrlcy. $2.00 cwt ; $30 ton : brim, $1.7f; middlings, $l.8ii(S)l.n0; shorts. $1.801.8.1. Hoof, 2,2(iMo; pork, fic; mutton, 30", 'nmh, 4, -1e; voal (dressed), Ce Your CAN Be Easily Satisfied by COStS but a FCW ffint; Matter What It ls-a Want Cent a Word, Six Insertions v' 4. WANTFn WANTKI) - Two hoys to pile wood. Iinpiire John Ralliiiifi.r. 180 WANTKI - A wife. Apply Darling Slock Co., Ri.jou theater. U'ANTKO-Thr services of a man with horse ami nty"i' .solicit in Kiirancu ami show real estate. Hen son Inve-tnicnt (,'o. 180 WANTKI) Man to work on ranch; winter's jnh for nht man. ,. K. W., cure Trihime. WANTKI) - A huycr wanted for one of the bet buys in Mudford, U, lols, nice new house, 0 rooms, hath and pantry, plenty of shade. Ad dress H. Tribune. J82 WANTKI) Men to handle lumber. Apply office of Kg Pines Lumber Co. WANTKI) Men to handle lumber. Apply office of Kg Pines Lumber Co. WANTKI) A position by strictly Al Japanese cook; sober, ami reliable; private house preferred. Address Rox -diU. Medio id, Or. 180 WANTKI t Von to look up He 11 son's bargains on page 4. WANTKI) Kirst-class porter at the Moore hotel. WANTKI) $7o0; 0110 year, interest 12 per cent; payable monthly: good real estate. Box 118. Medford. 170 WANTKI) .V competent cirl for n small family; good wages. P.0. Jto.xjr.23. Address J: vtA.Mr.o wiiolo, white, clean cot- ton rags, at the Tribune oftiec: m. ovemlls or junipers taken. WANTKI) -Experienced ounrrv man. Add res Or. P. O. Rox 41S. Medford,! WANTED An experienced waitress nt the Tolel Nash. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tierwood. Address E. W. Litic'ran. Tolo, Or. KOR RENT Farm in tho Meadow district. 32' acres, 280 good farming laud. For one or more years. Rent er expected to buy stock, soncict ing of hogs, horses and farming tools, ltiugain on latt'jr. Address A. ,T. Olson. Gold Hill. Or. FOU RENT hooms at 604 West 10th street, corner King street; one front room upstairs, suite of rooms downstairs in suite or single; hot and cold wnter and bath; large screened porches; , lawn and shado for tho comfort of pntrons. FOR RENT Bonrding house, in bus iness renter of Medford. nicelv lo cated with beautiful grounds, at n reasonable rental. Inquire at Rogue River Electric Companv. 200 W. Main St. FOR RFNT 4 444 KOR RENT Show window in cen tral location; also office space in store if your business suits. For parliculars address Box No. 455, Medford. Or. KOI! RENT 5-room modern cottage for rent, with furniture for sale; best location. 1013 West Main St. FOR RENT Or sale, cheap, 4-room house, 1218 Tenth street. Inquire 322 South Central avenue. 184 FOR RENT Or sale, four-room house,, 1218 Tenth street. Inquire nt 322 South Central avc. TO BUY A PIANO and know yon are treated the samo as your neighbor is n satisfaction. You enn do this bv dealing with SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., THE ONE. PRICE PIANO HOUSE. I.tl -WEST MBAIN ST. 134 .' . 184 Wants a Want Ad In The Tribune. avei Time nrl M f f f Ad Will Supply it. One for the Price of Four. FOR SALE. - KO.lt SALE Kirst-class ticket from Portlund to Louisville, Ky., cheap if taken at once. Address X, care Tri bune. 184 KOR SALIC Incubators and brood- W. M. Ruins, West Clark St., Mcdford. 181 KOR SALE Oood 4-room house, on easy terms. Address P. 0. Box 7-10. 1782 KOR SALE Ray driving team; well matched, koiiiii, weight about 1200 pounds; 7 years old. Address T. L. Holdredge, Talent, Or. 82 KOR SALE A brand new complete job and newspaper plant and out fit with large stock of paper and first-class furniture; two publica tions; will sell for less than cost of outfit; $1100 cash or $700 cash and balance of $300 on time. Address C. E. D., care of Me'dford Daily Tribune. FOR SALE Finely split stovewood in oak, fir and pine, and cordwood sawed into 16-inch length blocks. Call on F. Osenbruggc, Studebaker Bros. Warehouse. FOR SALE At West Side stables, one mule, one saddle pony, one sin nlo driver, one young ranch team. FOR SALE 3 acres eood irarden 1 land, under ditch; good house; Phoenix. Matt Calhoun. rot? sitr - 1 01 c . '. ..,., uuui:, ox Orange street. $350; three lots and 1 house 20IIO. P. O. Hot 53fi.' FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 South A..., I 1 O it j stic-i, iiL-icfii otntuiii unui Eighth streets, for $1350; same with "r. i J-l.rnn. i..i i-n I 75 feet $1500: with 90 feet $1025, or three lots and house for $2000; one lot for $550; two lots $1000. In quire on premises. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. 0. Box 418. FOR SxVLE New 5-room bungalow on Peach street N.; pantry, bath room, closets, screened porch, mis sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection,, city water supply con tracted for. Good well and pump. Woodshed. Apply to W. J. Roberts, office over Medford National bnnk.' FOR SALE 100 acres good fruit land, du acrts cleared; stock and implements with place $2000. Chas. R. Pigeon. Medford. FOR SALE 1200 acres nnimproved land, also improved land, suitable for fruit, for salo cheap. See II. M. Coss. solo agent, 604 W. Tenth St , Medford. FOR SALE Twenty acres, near Merlin; good fruit land; $400; terms. Address S, Tribune. FOR SALE--Choicc business proper ty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 7-year-old black mare, rido or drive single or double; also good milk cow. G. L. Pnnkey, 14 miles northeast of Central Point, or address care Tribune. mi) e,u, iT, : I. OR SALE-Chenp to close estate, j ono splondid thoroughbred Perchor- on tilly, black; ono nearly new hack, for one or two horses, good as new; for rash or approved security. Ap ply W. M Tribune. FOR SALE 1200 acres improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale " cheap. See H. M. Coss, sole agent, G04 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf. Advertising is the breath of life for weak business lungs how is yours t F. . f BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jinyjiaansurge. R. tTT CTP t r vn r t-v .. . . oimii.h j1. u. nppoaite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and rea ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main at. Phone Main 577, Medford. DR. R. J. CONROT Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build Jig- S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician" and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray.' Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office ia Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, Dfi. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 201, Medford. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours : 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon; Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st. Darling Stock Co. in rewrtoire of high-grade comedy-drama produc tions. Changes Sunday and Thurs days. Admission 10c and 20c. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANONBill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Furniture n. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit - chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS- Corncr 8th and Hollv Sts.. Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves . . .3 T t. t- and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases a specialty; thorough equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop., 440 E. Evergreen St.. Medford. Photograph Studios. MAC'KrJY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance oo Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOO"RE. GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 561 Stand at S. P. Depot LOST. LOST One 18-months-old black mare colt; gentle, with star brand circle B upside down. Return to V. A. Dimlap and get reward. 174 REACH I NG TH E SPOT It Can Be Done. So Scores of Mettford Citizens Sfy To cure an aching Kick. The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feoliug You must reach the snit get at the cause. In most cases 'tis the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills ore for the kid neys. G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets, Medtorrt, (Jr., says: "1 was tmubM w,th rhellnmt,l3m ywncn x firat bocan using Doan's Kidney Pills. I did not think thev -yould do me anv good, but finaily p?-cnred a box at Hrskins' drug store. They proved to be the romody I required. My kidnoys were restored to thoir nnrmnl condition, nnd tho pains and aches in my back were removed. Doan's Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my casj." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foator-Milburn Co., Buffalo; N. Y., sole agents for the Unitod Stotcs. Romomber the namo Doan's and tike no other. 46 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Buildina and Loan Associate I . JACKSON COUNTY BCTLDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. uoggs, Acting secretary, 125 E. Main street. jttorngrs F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CAR KIN. Newman & Catkin, Court Lawyers. Corporation and criminal prac tice io state and federal courts. Of ficea over Jackson County bank. COLVIG & REAMS W. M. Colvig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Second Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building PORTER J. NEFF-Attorney-at-Iaw No. 9 Djstreet imnndflnnr Stenographer. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO.-Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the best equipped job office io Southern Oregon; Portia ad prices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street and railroad. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specialist, when others fail. Offioe , in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'Anio u. Jeweler. . ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew- iert,, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sta Nurseries CARLTON NURSERY Grow . oil all kinds of nursery stock without irrigation or fertilizer, but on deep, rich soil, producing a normal growth and a vigorous, healthy tree, with a strongo root growth. Those trees are especially adapted to Rogue Kiver valley soil and conditions. J. P. Adams, Agent, P. 0. Box 143 Office in Central Point Hotel, Cen tral Point, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES-Our trees are nudded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY n ... urowers ot high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. 0. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and m,..le to order 128 North G street. Brick Comnanies. U. W. Friddy. - A. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also lime, cement and piaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main ., 545. ' Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Vmitv' dertakers. Day Phone 353. Ni -Phones C. W. Conklin 36; j7lC Butler 148. ME DFORD. Or., Aug. 5, 1909. "' Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a Revem tiiJn and blndder trouble ofter dontora . failed to give any relief, nnd I can I cheorfullv recommend it.' MVa r. T. Wilson. 135 Bnrtlett St. Sold by Hnskine' Drug Store.