THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ORKdON. SATURDAY. ()( TOHKlf Hi. Jrifie (Continued.) . SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jack Hillinrd, n wenlthy New York clubmnn, hears a mysterious voice singing in the night under his -window. II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ccolnmn to find the singer. He receives a reply. CHAPTER IV. BLISDKOLDED. FOR two days the club steward only nodded when Hillard came in. He had no letters to pre sent. "1 am thirty-three years old," Hil lard mused as he sought the reading room. "Downtown 1 am looked upou as a man of affairs, a business man. with the care of half a dozen fortunes on my hands. Now. what's the mat ter with me? 1 begin to tremble when 1 look that sober old steward in the face. If be had -.banded me a letter tonight I should have bad to lean against the wall for support. This will never do at all. I have not seen her face; I do not know her name. For all I know she may be this Leddy LightSnger. No; that would be impos sible. Leddy Ligbtfinger would have made ah appointment. What possesses me to dwell in this realm of fancy, which is less tangible than a cloud of smoke?" He smoked thoughtfully. "Or am I romantic? To create romance out of nothing I nsed to do that when I was a boy. But I'm a boy no longer. Or am 1 a boy thirty-three years old? Bhe does not answer my letter. Sensl- ble woman. Well, well." reaching for T ,, .... ' ... .. the London Illustrated News, "lets see ,. . . . . ,, , . . i lng." He dropped the paper. There was really nothing new in the world. If Giovanni returned to Italy ' In the spring be was of a mind to go with mm. ae looKea up ana was giaa 10 see Merrihew in the doorway. "Been looking for you. Jack. Want ! grew is giving a little bite to eat after ( the performance and has asked me to bring yon along. Will you come?" "With pleasure, Dan. Are you din ing, with any one tonight?" Hillard was lonesome. "Yes. A little bridge till 11." "You're hopeless. I can see you In limbo, matching coffin plates with Charon. I'll hunt you up at 11." "Heard the talk?" "About what?" "Why. some one iu the club has been using the agony column. The J. H.'s are being guyed unmercifully, and you'll come in for it presently. It's a case of wine on the man who did it" Hillard felt of his collar and drew down his cuffs. "Probably some joke." be ventured tentatively. ' If it Isn t the man who would stoop to such tommyrot and tack the name of his club to it must be an ass." "No doubt about that. Odd that this Is the first time I have heard about it." But silently Hillard was swearing at Dls fo!,y- "I may depend upon you tonight. then?" said Merrihew. "I shall be pleased to meet Miss Kll llgrew." which was a white one. Hil lard would have paid c:urt to a laun dress rather than offended Merrihew. And promptly at 11 he went np to the card room and dragged Merrihew fairy story come true." away. Merrihew gave up bis chair "Who Is your prima donna?" he reluctantly. He was winning. The asked. amateur gambler never wants to stop, i . "Ah!" Kitty's face became eager On the way to the Kllllgrew apart- with excitement "Now you have put ment Merrlhew's moods varied. At your finger on the mystery that Is one moment he was on the heights, at bothering us all. Not one of us has the next In the depths. He simply seen her or knows her name. She has could not live without Kitty. Per- not rehearsed with us and will not till haps If this trip abroad turned out ve reach Naples, where we rest a badly she might change her mind. . week. When we .speak of her the Seven thousand could be made to mus- manager smiles and says nothing, and ter. Twice Hillard came very near as none of us has seen the backer Mr. makiig his friend a confidant of his Worth thinks that she herself Is the own affair, but he realized that, while Prima douna and backer in one. We Merrihew was to be trusted In all tWnk 0181 be ' some rlcn young wo tbjpjs. Jt was not y?t tiroe. ' : Wu0 wishea to eiDlull hex soJce, iUire of the Mask By ii a nrti y MAC GRATH I Cepyrigbl. 1908. by the Bobbs Merrill Co. He found a pleasing and diverting company. There was Mere Kllllgrew. a quaint little old lady who deplored her daughter's occupation, but admit ted that without her success heaven only knew how they would have got along. Ther was. the genial Thomas O'Mally. a low cornedlnir of gtit)lne ability, whom Hillard knew castmfty: Smith, a light comedian, and Worth, moderately successful baritone, to whom Hillard took one of those In stant and unaccountable dislikes. These three and Kitty were going abroad. Kitty fancied Hillard from' the start, and he on his side found her wi;U edu cated, witty and unaffected. Bin was even prettier than her photograph. Merrlhew's face beamed upon them both In a kind of benediction. He fc:ui known all along that once Jack sat Kitty he would become a good ally In fighting down her objections. "Think of singing iu Italy!" cried Kitty. "Isn't It just wonderful?" "And has Merriuew told you to get a return ticket before you sail?" with half a Jest. "Don't you think It will be success ful?" a shade of disappointment. "There will be thousands or lonesome Americans over there. Out of patriot ism, if for nothing else, they ought to come to see us." "They certainly ought to. But I'm an old kill-joy." "No. no; go on and tell me all your doubts. You have been over there so many times." "Well, supposing your tourists are tired after having walked all day through the churches uud galleries, they may want to go to bed .early. But you never can tell till you try. You may become the rage on the con tinent. Yet you go Into the enemy's " ,-' V ' . country. It isn t the same as going to T , , , . London, among tolerant cous ns. In She u-tn prettier titan her pliotnijraph. Italy an(1 , Germany there Is always so lbuch reu tape-blunderlug. confus- ng re(j tape custom duties, excessive charges. But your manager must know wnat he is doing." ..IIe uas everything in black nnd white, 1 believe. But your advice is sensible." "Do you know anything about Italy or Germany?" "Only what I learned In my geogra phies," laughing "Home, Florence, Genoa, Venice. Nice, Milan, Strnssburg, Cologne and on to Berlin. It is like a , it link-, mill (ho less wild the lu-tler. As wo can't walk back, 1 uiust It-nru to swim. Luuch U ready, every one I" The mummers ami the outsider Ducked Into the aiuull dining room. There was pleuty to oat; beer, soda, whisky uud two iiuikuuiiis of cham pagne, Morrihew's coutriliiillou to the least. Hillard IWtoued with increas ing uiiiusi-iiit-nt to the shop talk. It was ufter 1 when they returned to the sitting room, whero the pluuo stood. The wlue was uow opcnnl. and toasts were drunk. O'Mally told inimitable stories. There was something exceed ingly droll iu thut vxpresslro Irish face of his. Worth did hot drink, but Hillard did not like his handsome face uny the more for this virtue. Ho saug re markably well, however, and with a willingness Hillard bad uot believed he possessed. He wondered vaguely why be disliked the uiuu. Otherwise Hillard cujoyed himself vastly. "Mr. Merrihew bus been telling tne all about you," suld Kitty. "You menu, of course, my good quali ties," replied Hillard. "To bear him talk one would think that you possessed nothing else. But 1 am sure that you bare glaring faults such as a man might pass over uud a womau go rouud." "I believed that Merrihew had a se rious fault till tonight." be said. She looked at him and col ored. "Has the foolish boy beeu telling you that 1 refused to marry hliu? 1 like him very much." she milled grave ly, "but I shall never many any man till I huve ceased to love tin- since. I urn uot a whit less wxtrav :i:uit than he Is. How could the two "f us live uu an liK-nme which he lil:nsi-lf ndmlts that he cannot live wltbui? A month after I am gone he wi.l forget all about me." "Merrihew is the most loyal man I know." Hillard declared. "Of course he Is loyal: And be Is always Iu earnest for the moment." And then they both laughed. ' It was outrageously late, nearly 4, when the revelers took leave. Merri hew was happy with that evanescent happiness which goes hand in glove with late suppers nnd magnums. "Isn't she a little wonder, Jack?" "Yes. she Is. Dan. It might be a good thing for you to marry a sensible little woman like that. But she wou't have you." ' "No, she won't." Merrihew reached for his watch. ."Four a. m." "Say, what do you think of that man Worth?" "Very good voice, but he's too band some." "Oh. go on! You're as fine a looking :hap as there is In New York. But this mau Worth has the looks of a lady killer. He's been eying Kitty, but It doesn't go. Hang It, I can't see why she won't marry me now." "You must have patience." "Or more money. Can't O'Mally tell a good story, though?" "Yes. but 1 should hate to turn blin loose in my wine cellars. 1 Imagine he will praise unythiug good to drink but water." Merrihew roared. "Well, hero's yrnr rtitlon. Dan. Shall 1 see you tomorrow?" "Eight-thirty In the park. Nothing like a bprse for a headache." Hillard arrived, home tired and sleepy, but as he saw a letter on the stand In the hall bis drowsiness passed quickly. There was uu other blue en velope like it. She now hnd his house address; she was interested enough to look it up. She did not follow tils lead and write in Italian: li wrote In liu;: llsh crisp English too. Again there was neither beginning nor ending. But this was a letter. There was something here of the woman, something to read and read again: I hud told the maid tu burn your letter, but sue left it on the floor where i had thrown il, and I came across It this morning. It looked rather pathetic. Bo 1 am writing you my butter Judg ment. Ycb, 1 know your name. I tlnd that I am well acquainted with people you know. 1 am a womnn who often sur renders to the impulse of the moment. 1 may or may not answer any future letter from you. Vou write very good Italian, but It will surprise you to learn that 1 de test all things that are Italian. Once 1 loved then, well. Why should you wish to know me? Our ways are as divergent as the two poles. Happy because 1 sing? There are some thingn over which we can sing or laugh, but of which we can not speak without crying. Happy or un happy, what can this matter to you? To you I shall always remain the lady In the fog. Are you rich, young, talented? 1 care not in the least, l'erhaps it amuses me to add to your confubion. Find me? I think not. Misguided energy! Hillard put the letter away, extin guished the lights and passed up to bis room. This was a direct challenge. He would accept it. This time be would use no personal to tell her that a letter awaited bcr. Bhe should make the Inquiries herself. And from the mall clerk be would obtain a descrip tion of the elusive Mine. Angot. Next morning he rode in the park with Merrihew. - Again be saw the veiled lady on the Sandford black. Out of normal curiosity he telephoned the tables and made Inquiries. The reply was short. No one at the stables knew the lady, but she rode the home on proper authority. . Ul .' , - you. Yuil bid niu to Hnd oil. 1 accept tho t-halleUKv. Vou lmi( miilutalulid at unco Ihut It Is tlio mystery thut Inliirosts niu. it Is the unknown thut utiruets ma. 1 uiu moiituhy palntliiK yuu in ull sorts of rudtuut euluru. Vuil df-fy ins tu Hnd yuu. Tiler Is nutltlliK u reliable, a ttis uuvximcted, nothing su despvrniiTly un cvrtutii as a thins ussured. 1 wurn you that 1 shull iuy ull manner of trans, wuy lay your mvftt-eUKOtg, brlhtt llirlu. 1 slmil llnd out wlivio yuu llvs. Til lost will b simple. film replied: 1 hsv no desire to allevluto your con fessed boi-udom. Your persistence would b prulseworthy if well Uliecled. Waters wear awuy stone, tils wind mumbles the nimble, but u woman Is not muved till she wishes tu be. 1 never Ihuuiiht that I should dabble In nn Intrigue of (Ills sort, and 1 am surprised at the umiiseinaut It ufTords mo. 1 leu 11 y owe you some grati tude. Tile fuw 1 huvo met alio know you tell mo that yuu urn a "nlee yuung man." Every man has some portion f self love. So his next effort was a pas sionate denial that lie was "nice." When should he meet her? The post man brought hliu a It-tier which con tained one word Mnitiier! He sent ber four pages, a fi'ituk and witty de scription of himself and his friends. On the day she received this letter a cablegram came to her from the far Mediterranean. Whatever It contained hnd the effect to cause nil restraint to disappear from the tone of her letters. They became charming, and more and more Hillard found himself loving a voice. All his wulcultig, all his traps, came to no successful end. She was too clever for him. He sought the mall department of tho great newspaper; the clerk couldu't remember, there were so many calling fur tiiall. Let ters passed to nnd fro dully uow, but always she declared that It was Im possible for them tu meet. No. it was out of the iui-stlou to dine with him In a restaurant. It was equally out of the quest Inn to cook a dinner where sho lived, us she ami tier maid dined at a small restaurant near by. Finally he proposed to bring the dinner all cooked from the club. Two days went by without a slgu', then the blue letter ca me. I surrender. The most falul thing in life Is curloalty. It has the power to lead us into all tnunner of trouble. And J have my shuro of curiosity. Kemeiober, you never would have found me. 1 may dwell In a Kurrvt; I may be hideous: perhaps nothing remains' tu mc but my voice. And now the terms. And If you do not follow them conlldently and blindly your dinner will grow cold In the carriage. Dinner will be at 8. Feb. 1. At 7 a car riage will call for you. The messenger will blindfold you. Ho will then proceed to the club and take the dinner and bring you here. Be wurned: If you so much as lift the corner of the btinduge. the ro mance will end then and. there. I roallxa that I am doing somuthlng very foolish and unwise; but, as you suy. I am a wo man who has seen much of the world. Thus 1 have my worldly side. 1 shall use It as a buffer. "Blindfolded:" Hillard scrubbed his chin. All these precautions! Who was she? What was she? Shire there was no escape, blindfolded he would go. At half after 0 on the night of tho 1st of February, then, be began to dress. It was some time since ho bad taUeu such particular care. "The slgnor seems In high spirits lonlirbt." observed Giovanni iih ho laid out the linen. "Man. I'm happy and' greatly ex cited. Do you recollect the lady who sang under my window? I am going to meet her tonight. The mystery will be n mystery no longer." "Ah!" Giovanni strobed his Hps doubtfully. "It Is not like the slguot to plunge blindly Into nuvciiiui ;s like this." "The very word, blindly. I go blind folded, ninlco. What do you think of that?" "Blindfolded?" Giovanni was horri fied, "it Is a trap!" lie cried. "They will assassinate you'. So: ymi shall not go! In liome. at the c.-inilvnlH, Il Is uu old game. They will rub you." "Take the number of ilie cab as 1 get iu. If any thing should happen, give the number to the police." Giovanni, with a sharp movement of the hands, expressed his resignation to the worst. He knew the futility of arguing with his m-'isii-r. Hut he fol lowed him down to the hall and lied on the bandage himself, lie was lioui-st about It, too. for Hillard could see noth ing. Then the messenger boy took him by the hand nnd led liltn lo (he car riage; As the two were climbing in Giovanni spoke rapidly In his unlive tongue. "There Is no number on the car riage!" "Too late to bother now." The carriage rolled off toward the club, where the dinner, hot mid smok ing, was taken on. (Td be continued.) TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to ine for mount ing. Big game bends, f'ib, birds und mammals mounted true lo nature by improved methods. I do funning, tnnlte fur rugs, make, remodel nnd clcnn fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. II wtwm Rings All Kinds All Sizes 'SSnMartin J.' Reddy WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FU UN I SUED. B. II. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table AVe do not mean that you should cat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast ' costs lc. per meal to operate. We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $-1.00. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. iU' cssoi'H to Condor Water & Power Co. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ' ' OEEaON IS State Depositary Established 1B88. Capital and Burplua $125,000 Roiourroi 1700,000 41 vroroBD, ouooir M. THE JEWELER Near P. 0. RESOLVED The lieHt resolution for you to miiko is to come to iih for your next suit, if yo.i want Mtiitivlliing out of lli ordinary. We do tlio bust work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE FEOORlhSlVE TAILOX HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tlio Jackson County Bnnk rospoet fully solioits your necount, subject to your check, with tho strongest giuirantco of safety nnd efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which nsBiircs the greatest enre in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. It. LINDLEY, Cnshior. r si