TUB MKPFORI) DAILY TlttBUNJi, MEDFORD, PUMPX, SATURDAY, OCTOHKR HJ, 1000. . THF WFATHFR l''nir IiiiiikIiI iiihI Sunday ill. lii'fii 1 front tiiii(;ht. Mr. V.. Wiilicr mill tin itfjttf !-. Mr. J. L. Di'iiiiiiit. left recently for Ah tn i) l In vihiI Mrx. Wolter'it nuii, K1 Wlllter. I'll r II enliplc! Ill' (lllVM. (', i;.. Lindhlnin of Turlock, Ciil., in 4iiiiiiiK off here mi liin rt'liirn trip limn Urn Si'iittli' fair. Iln i vt lus tlic Clii'ltrri'ii brother nf thin plnee mill in looking over the valtc-J wilh Hit' view nf inventing. , Now in tlio lime to Iny in n mipply of coiil for winter. I'lioiie 711, Can ciiiIb coiil, ifll.fiO per tun. 1M J. L. Hiik-iIiiIm of Lake Creek wim in Inwn (lining the week with n loud of very fine potatoes. Mr. KiigHilule Iiiih been here fur 12 yearn mid dur ing tlmt time him Hindu u Kwiiilty of rni"inK pot ii I oc". fur which bin Imiil i well adapted. He in ne of the liiri;i"t poliito ifrowern in the viillcy. Phone :nf3 for ten or onffco. Hoy I.nthnip nnd I). A. Ityrhorn, two yoimir (irchnrdihl from near flrniitx 1'iixx, in" tourinir the coun try n round here on liicyclcH mid look ing over the on-hard l iret pointer", on oii liiird core. Mr-. K. Moiiiiioitc of rii.Miiix ic ' turned home III" "f the week from a lioii May. in town. W Cicenilc coiil for fuel. $11. ."ill per ton. riione 7!M. 183 L. S. fntlierl of Klniniith 1'alln pnid the town H hiikiiK"" vif.it the Intit of the week. Miwm Storey nnd Miss Kittridh'C, hulli teacher ill the coinliioll heboid in thii city, left for their homes in A-hlnnd Siitiirdiiy. . Will deliver yon PiiKcnde coal, lit $(I..'iO per ton. to any place in the city. I'hone 701. IN 3 Louis (1. llnyhrook of Index, Watdi. relumed home the lost of the week hy way of Sun l'n iseo nfle- a short vi.it in the valley. Johii Keiu'iicr, a Portland basinem? tt i ii ii who has hceu Miiyini; in the city, left for Diiiisiuuir. Cel., the oilier day. Thomas II. Thompson of Ashland was nn nrrivnl in the cily Saturday. Mr. M. Kviiiih, who Iiiih heen visit in!.' I'r. fiohlc of thi. place, left for Ifalcnt Salnrday, where she will visit her cousin, fieort'c Gardner. . See list of T'.ensnn'.s tnirpninH on pa'c (. .'frs. C. H. Yoin.tr enmn down from fluid Hill S.itunlr.v for n couple of week' visit will' Mrs. ('. ('. .Tojiiison. Mrs. C. Untie and son of Sun Fran ciseo are visiting Mrs. Major Damon, mi old resident of this sccliou. Ocoriie H. ITolman of Wivetsiile. Cal.. stopped off lieref Saturday to sec the. town. Mitchell & Hoeelc have removed to new hrick huildiiiK across alley from old stand; 180 L. .1. Ifutterficld has returned from n short pleasure trip to Portland. Minnie J. Woe of Hartford is slip pine off here on. her journey south. Her next Slon will he Ashland. Ruth Shoudv of Ashlnnd was in Mcdford Sntiirilay takinfr her music ' lesson and returned homo on the Spices nnd cxlrncts nt 30 So. 0 street. Within Our Ontn," the. Porllnnd .Tour-iii-i piihlishes the following interview wilh W. C. Green of this cily: "I know of a dozen enscs riirht in Med ford where men have li nil t up a lu crative hnsiness out of nothing with in the past ten yenrs. They came there hefore the town started to prow nnd when the, timo enmn for ns to go alieiid thev were wafted alonir on Ihe c'"sl of Ihe wave. Speak'unr person ally, T can say Hint when I landed in Mcdford T didn't know exactly whero T was going to eat. Today T own sev eral Ihoiisiind dollars' worth of prop erty in and nround Mcdford nnd 1 didn't work very hnrd, cither. Oreaon is the country for the young mnn." Elln Gamiynw. puhlie Htenoernpl"i room 4, Pnkn hnildine. Tj. Mnrshnll of Eugene paid Med ford n visit the Inst of thn week. ,T. A. MeLcod of Glendalo is in town on business this week. , Under the caption, "The Strangers illieiii as till' lis Sail I'llllicisi'i). (', 1. Lindley has purchased a half interest in tin; Mission grill. The esliililirlniienl has hceu iliiilcrgoillg extensivu repairs recenlly mid pro--enls n much improved appeiiraiicc. John I,. Myipiist is hero from Mo iled), Cal., lookiiiK for n location. Mrs. iloliu llnmillon, widow of Ma jor ,Iohu lliiiiiillou, who died in tho Philippines, miis in tliu cily ii bliorl time Siitiirdav with her cliililren. Southern Oregon Ten mid Coffee Co., MO So. 0 slrcct. John llriimherg of Independence, Or., was a visitor to Mcdford Friday on hiisinesH. Mr. mid Mrs. K. C. Sharpn of San PriiiiciHeo were visitors in this sec tion Friday. Waller Miindy returned Friday eve ning from mi extended trip cast. He reports a Inrge corn crop this yetir ill the middle west. ifest meal for tho least money at the Spot enfe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Talent of Mcdford left lor San Francisco the last of the week on a visit. 0. K. Khiiicliiirt is in the city from Iliilulh, Minn., attending to some bus iness hero. Why rush hornet Try tho Spot Cufo's 2.ro dinner. Mrs. F.lla .HiirvcKlon of Wagner, Okla., left Friday for San Fraiiciiisco after a pleasant visit wilh J. J. Frj'or mil family of Kagle Point. Mrs. F. Ji. Kinsman of this place ell Friday for A-hlnnd on himincss. I,, (iilmorc l St. Johns has heen vis iting Mrs. II. (1. Slienrer for some timo. orders for sweet cream or bntier nilk promptly filled. Phone tht ronmery. Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Struck of Chi-j ago left Medlurd for Anderson, Cal., Friday morning. They had been stay ing in the cily for some time. (., II. Darnell of Hilt, Cal., return 1 home Friday after n few days' stay in Medford. lo not forget that the Kogue Kiv r Fish Co. wants to see you all to night for fish, clams, oysters, crab, hrimp, drcsM'il chickens, turkeys. smoked mid salt salmon, inacaroiii and imported cheese. ISO 0. K. licinharl of Huluth, Minn., departed for the south Friday eve ning. He will slop dff nt Sun Fran cisco mid from there will proceed to ward' his home. Mrs. L. II. Warner returned Friday from a visit to the Scuttle fair, where -he had a very enjoyable time. ('ieorire P. lloldeu of liivcrsidc, Cal. is in the cily on business for n few days. J. II. Mason is down from Klamath Falls this week taking in the town. Mr. and Mm. (). S. fleurgo are here from San Francisco. They will stay for a short time while Mr. (icorge attends to his business interests here. T. H. Thompson of Ashland was in the cily Saturday. Mrs. I). H. Harucburg of Ashlnnd, who has been visiting in Jacksonville for a few days, returned to Ihe city Fridny. Miss Mabel Hull is here from Cal ifornia visiting her brother, Frank H. Hull of this place. Peter Jamison of Northport, Tnd., left for home the Inst of the week nfler spending a few pleasant days in tho valley. Hon McGlashnn has left for north ern points Friday. He expects to visit several places, including Albany, where ho will spend tho winter. K. P. Stock nnd family of Hast ings, Neb., nre new settlors in tho valley, having arrived during tho week. Fort Hubbard and Jack T?neho left Saturday for n hunting nnd fishing trip. H. A. Lunisden nnd family left the last of the week for California, in which slnle they will spend tho win ter. Claude Hamilton nnd IT. A. Thorn ton of Grand Hnpids. Mich., nre sight secirsr in the vnllev t'lis week. G. M. Seropinn is here from Fres no. Cal., touring the valley.' Mr. nnd Mrs. G. TT. Hnrhmn of Grnnts Pnss nre in Mcdford visiting. H. W. Bennett of Porllnnd wns n visitor to this city Saturday. . The Bungalow wns tnstofully and clnborntely decorated hy tlic Indies of Ihn Swastika club for the opening t dunce of the season Friday evening. I There wns n lnrtre attendance of so ciety folks. Pointy refreshments , wore served nnd it wns a Into hour bufore tho dancers dispersed,: down hero to live. Two years ago Ihcy became dissatisfied wilh (his country iiml left for other piirls, As Ihcy found nothing, nfler two years of absence, Ihcy thought wan as good as Ihe cily of .Medford, they have re turned to stay. Mr. mid Mrs. Chil li ret h's parents are living near Kagle Point. L. If. Ilcybrock of Index, Wash., is visiting in thn Itoguo valley this wock, Charles W. Auslin of Derby, Or., mid A. J. Smoot of tho same place were in Mcdford Friday. If. A. McLclhin nnd wife of Marsh field are spending a few days in Mcd ford. Mr. McLellau was formerly coiineclod wilh the Daily Const Mail of Marshficld. TOGGERY BILL REMODELING SHOW WINDOWS OF STORE . Toggery Hill is "doing things" to Iho interior of his establishment, and when he ceases from his labors ho will have a couple of show windows second to none in the city, this with the installation of new sliding pnncl cabincls, he has lately completed, will add much to the appearance of the store. B & C Cash Store Saturday Specials Anniversay Sale Your best opportunity to save money Tli is store is becoming noted all over Southern Oregon for the way it distributes dependable merchandise at excep tionally low prices. Xo fuss just simple economy for every person trading at this store. Here Are A Few Hints Ready-to-Wears on Sale, Saving 15 to 33 1-3 per cent , Dress Goods and Staples on Sale Saving 15 to 50 per cent AH Fancy Goods and Art Goods at exceptionally low priGes The Hutchason Co. Successor to Baker Hutchason Company Don't forget the table 'dhote dinner at the Nash Grille Tomorrow. CAULIFLOWER LA I J OK W1IITK HEADS I5c EACH. GREEN AND WAX BEANS 10c LB. HOT AND BELL PEPPERS 10c LB. APPLES FOUH-TIKR FANCY DAI.DWIX $1.25 BOX. MAPLE SYRUP HIGH GKADE $1.65 GAL. BRUSSELS SPROUTS I2'2C LB. ARTICHOKES. Wo nre. headquarters for nil kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Tho store that serves you best by telephone 2351. . B & C Cash 8 OU Billy Empey Van, Manager Last Chance to See "Wanted A Wife" Store 223 WEST MAIN STREET. Beginning Tomorrow Night "The Bohemians" Will be given for at least one performance Special Scenery. 5 Acts 8 scenes Beginning Monday The Regular Sullivan 6 Considine Vaudeville Circuit Teams Will give you three performances each week. Prices Tonight Tomorrow Night 10 and 20 Cents