THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OliltfSON'. SATURDAY, (XTOHKIt Hi. 1!M)i). .' addition I,. Ali).,,! L MEDFORD PUB LIS II I NO COMPANY ,,r',m "l1"" filM? "Pl'itU.v to a.lvortiso herself MEDF iSLtS?rJ2 P A Y : nml to a.-.m.iint the worM with her natural .rsou.vos, and utunuoj- u",u.wi " "u" t, k,.,mii'i. t- n ,i,mti i.i... ,i.,v.i,.i.i., h,..,. ' rosomvos but" what rouhl bo expected when -Oregon's iloiuluiK nion are ignorant ot Oregon themselves Adniittid as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medf ord, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail $5.00 One month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune is for sule by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Stand, San Francisco, Cal. Oregon is perpetually missing these opportunities. COMMERCIAL CLUB JIS'KS. "Wednesday evening, October 20, the Med ford Commer cial club will hold its annual high jinks at Angle opera house. An elaborate musical program has been prepared, a dainty luncheon will be served and everything possible done to entertain members and guests. ' Every member of the elnb is expected to attend and bring at least one prospective member. The work of the club towards building up a greater Medf ord will be in formally discussed and preparations made for the coming year. The growth of Medford and of the Rogne River valley is attributable in no small degree to efforts of the Com mercial club. The life, enterprise, energy and push that has sent Medford up like a rocket is concentrated in this club. Every citizen who wants to do his share in the up building of the community should take a hand and do his share in supporting the club, so that Cedford may double its population within the next tew years. . The progressive citizenship of Medford is enrolled -in the Commercial club. If you are not a member, seize this opportunity, attend the annual celebration "Wednesday eve ning, get acquainted with the business men of the commu nity, become enthused with the Medford spirit and join. GRANTS PASS PLAYS HOST TO COUNTY BIJOU SECURES LARGE VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTION Entertains People From All Sur rounding Towns Affair a Great Success. OREGON'S LOST OPPORTUNITY. One cannot read of President Taft's travels without realizing Oregon's inefficiency in securing public atten tion. - Not a state the president has passed through has been so slighted as Oregon. . Mr. Taft was shown the Yosemite, the Grand canyon and other scenic spots, but passed by Crater Lake, the GRANTS PASS, Or., Oct. 10. With the good weather prevailing the reception of Grants Pass to the cit izens of the county yesterday wns a success. The Commercial club of this city city lias been making pil grimages to various parts of the county through the summer, and to return the compliment invited the country to spend a day with tho city. The program included automobile rides around tho city, .dinner, free tickets to the moving picture shows and daylight fireworks in the after noon. 1 Ins enterprise is n result of an organized effort to bring the city and country of Josephine county into a more harmonious relation. Edward G. Lowell, chief auditor of the Sullivan & Coiisidino vaudeville circuit of San Francisco, is spending a tiny oi' so in Medford while clos ing a deal with the lii.jou theater management to place this popular amusement house on their regular circuit. Mr. Lowell, after watching the full houses that witnessed the performances of "A Family Affair," has arranged that tho regular teams that play at the San Francisco and Portland houses of .the Sullivan &i I oiisiiliue circuit will stop over in Medford Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday nights of each week. While they are at the Bijou the Darling Slock company will show nt Ashland, returning hero to appear Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays of each week. third in I ho recent. AliNteiu tried to score, and was caught off the plate and put out. There was none out at the lime and a long fly next madu would have allowed AliNteiu to tie the seoro. FRISCO FANS ARE DIVIDED BETWEEN GAME AND FIGHT DEMENTED MAN GRABS WOMEN AT EUGENE Commander R. E. Peary Is In the City Commander R. K. Peary, one of the discoverers of the le. and his fam ily arrived in the city yesterday. You will have an opportunity to see this famous man at "The Savoy'' tonight. Don't miss it. Other features are "The Legend of tho Lighthouse," "Dropped From the Clouds" and "Gen evieve of Brabrnnt," all headliners in their class. Entire change of pro gram tomorrow night. One dime. EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 10. For sev eral nights women have been fright ened by n man who has appeared suddenly on a dark street in the east ern part of the city, and grabbed the women by the ankles in an appa rent effort to throw them to the ground. Ho has not been success ful, ns the women in each instance being accompanied by others, fought tho man off. Each of the women attacked says the man Uns n wild nppenranee and is hnllcss and sometimes coatless. Mo is believed to be demented. Tho of ficers are looking for him. SAN FRANC I S('t), Cal., Oct. 111. The Frisco Inns are today divided between the I to burning questions of the day - iiether Kelchi'll or Johnson will win the fight or which team will cop t'le championship, Will Stanley K'etchcll be able to wrest the heavyweight chaiupiousliip honors from Jack Johnson f That is a great ipiestiou here. Both fighters are ready for a 'JO-round go begin ning at II o'clock this afternoon at the Mission street arena. All of the choico seats are disposed of, and it is anticipated that the great bleach ers will also be filled. Kctchcll will enter weighing 18(1 pounds and John son about 195. DETROIT HAS GONE CRAZY WITH THE BASEBALL FEVER LOST Ranch of keys. Return Sum tnerville barber shop and receive re ward., ISO DETROIT. Oct. 10. Never in the history of baseball has there been such a rush to secure scats in this city as is . io this city todav in or der to witness the contest this after noon to decide whether the Detroit Tigers or Pittsburg Pirates will hoist the eliampioii.hip banner. This city is simply baseball crazy. Detroit, three times a pennant winner, has a better chance to take the ehiiiaiiion- ip than ever heroic in its hi-tory. money has been wagered on the out come of the two eveulM. From all over Jackson county has come liiiig-ilislancu telephone culls 'i The Tribuuo asking for results, Mo lo interest is shown today in out side events IIiiiii at any time since the national election, FORMER MEDFORD GIRL NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH LOCAL SPORTS SHOW GREAT INTEREST IN OUTCOME OF CONTESTS Iii and about the Nash hotel today, as well as on the principal streets of the city, local sports have been dis cussing the two great SKrting events of the day. One will decide the cham pionship of tho world in baseball cir cles and the other will decide Iho Mrs. Mabel Million, formerly Miss Mabel Wilson of this cily, accompli pauicd by her husband, recently had a very narrow escape Iroin lieiug dashed to death while riding in an nutomohile near Siieriiiueulo, Oil,, anil only the coolness of Mr, Million nod the Chauffeur, Charles Fetlerley, prevented a terrible accident. The car with lis human freight, was rushing to almost certain des truction down the ii i I ii 1 1 1 in side five miles above l'lavcrville, on Ihn Lake Talioe road. Coming down the steep grade, the brakes guvo way, and at tho suggestion of one of his passen gers, who claimed to bo familiar with the roads and declared that there was no danger, Fetlerley started to make tho descent with tho crippled nr. As the speed increased ho found himself poworless to cheek to run away, the driver roeogtuzeil Hint it was impossible to tako further bailees over the rough road, mid -leered the big car into the embank ment, where it tinned over. The oc cupants were thrown out, but no one was injured beyond a bruise or two. REMOVAL NOTICE. Meiiimau and Elliott have moved to their new shop on Kiver-ide ave nue, where they will be better lire pared to do blacksmithing in all its branches than ever before. We lake pleasure in thanking all our old cus tomers who havo staved with us in the old shop and inviting newcomers. You will now get the benefit of our long experience and increase facili ties. Wo nre hero to stay nnd to please our customers. Horseshoeing is our specialty. MERRIMAN & ELLIOTT. ' THE VALLEY AUTO COMPANY ! Presents the ml the Hudson 20 To the discriminating buyers of Medford and vicinity, these Gars W ill Surprise You, However Much You Expect WHEN YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL SAY, LIKE THE REST, THAT NOT HALF HAS BEEN TOLD. MERE FIGURES AND DETAILS AND PICTURES CAN'T BEGIN TO SHOW THESE CARS AS TIIEY ARE. YOU MUST CALL AND SEE THEM. NOBODY EXPECTS FOR $1500 ANYWHERE NEAR SUCH A CAR AS WE SHOW IN OUR CHALMERS-DETROIT "30," OR FOR $000 THAT WE SHOW IN OUR JUSTLY CELEBRATED HUDSON "20." SO, WE ASK YOU TO SEE THEM, AND JUDGE IF YOU WANT ONE, FOR ORDERS ARE BEING FILLED IN ROTATION. The Reasons For The Success OF THESE CARS ARE QUICKLY STATED UTMOST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY; ALL THE PROFITS TO EXCEED 0 PER CENT GOES INTO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CAR WITHOUT EXTRA COST TO YOU. ENDURANCE RECORDS SUCH AS NO OTHER CAR AT ANY PRICE EVER EQUALED. A LONG-DISTANCE SPEED RECORD OF 55.5 MILES. PER HOUR. AN ECONOMY RECORD OF 25.7 MILES ON ONE GALLON OF GASOLINE. ANOTHER IS OUR LOW PRICE FOR EXTRAS. WE FIT OUR ":)()" WITH A BOSCH MAGNETO, A GAS TANK, AND TWO GAS LAMPS ALL FOR $100 EXTRA. THE REGULAR PRICE OF. THESE EXTRAS IS $175. ALL THESE THINGS AND MORE WILL BE" FULLY EXPLAINED TO YOU IF YOU WILL CALL ON US. The Valley Auto Co. Medford