ItHl 0 iiuim nmnu Many Matters Will Come Up fur Final Settlement During the Cunilnu Year. WASHINGTON-, (),!. JH.-l'rri-di-nt Tnll, who, in lint liuitfiHiK" Ciiiniti Archie Hull, hi nidi1, ih now hlnwly Hilintf hi way inward WiikIi iiiljUiii, will liuvu u Mienunu adniin isliulivn year I" look forward Id wIiwi III.' Ill'live lit lllll Wllillf UnUhU in N- vcuihcr. SiM'ii'liii'v Meyer linn Iihcii (i vin iiiiii'Ii ill' h'w li'irtiiiii hour Id pro inning ii plan tor llui riMiiiiiiiiiziiliDii ill' tin- navy dcpiirtnmnt n piohleiu wliii li Iiiim lii'i'ii ii thorn in the Kidi) of iiciirly every iHliiiiiiiMriiliiin hiiii-u tli l.ntien. President Tnl'ti inut-t hIno nettle. Iho fiii'Hliiin which emitted nueh a riim iiin iliuiiitf lh Knuxuvi'lt iiiliniiiiHtiu liiiii wlicihcr or not a surgeon hlmiilil (hiiiiiiiimI u li(ihiiinl hhip r v. tictlif-r thin fiiiinliuii hhould lie ex civiM'd by a liiie officer. In tin- hIiiIh lU'piirliiH'iit 1 1 1 ? t-c- me llininelitnu iitH'sliollM to hi' decided. K.-i'.-I.H-.v Knox haw already nmnoine d in ni'ial terms I lie foreign pol icy of ill" iidiiiini"! ration notably tlinl il i to lie a ciiiiiiiieiciiil one. I liiiL- it i" pniclicc, however, involve tunny (iicsiinnu n yel ntnm-wered. Oriental t-i-ln l ii.iiK necessarily af-f.-cl .mi- relMlionx Willi oilier eoiin tritM. Announcement will prolialily tie iniidc hliorily ntlcr president Tnft re turn of Hie appointment of new airi-liiis-ador- l.i London, I'aris and Vi enna. The army offer" no (.-rent problems but il remain to be seen whether the parintr down of expense will have any n-rimis effect on the military establishment. Anion): some of the more important tliines which will cnu-ane th" presi dent's attention ill other brunches of the con eminent is the creation of the customs court. The ucncral tariff board appointed to help the president enforce the mnx imnm and minimum features of the ii.'Wtaril'l law will bepn its work in earnesi November 1. i-tiidy'ui): the tar iff of foreign countries to lind which ones diM-riiniuale against the I'niled Slates. This board will doubtless- report from lime to lime to the resident rcenrdiiilf individual coun tries, ,,nil die president will Iiave to i ennntrv will prepare proclamations uraiitii.).' to ! Ki.t;ni.e (in.... eiMintii's which do not dis entail. ntc auiiiiisl Us ininiuiiily from 'lie uniMumm rales which will other v.ise into ell'cet Mirch Ml next. The president has already indicat ed that he if p""'K lo lunlic somi! iia portnnt recommendations for changes in the interstate commerce and anli Iriist laws, inelndini: lb" establish- nunin ul ikiiiiuu Believes Roosevelt Had Taft Elected Prc6lili:nt for Selfish Reason. KI'OK.WK, el. Hi. - John I'. Kt. .John, formerly governor f Kiiiihiih, who Iiiim coma lo Spokane Id becjn I he ficjil. for prohibition in Ihe slulc of Washington, iinide two prediction in Ihe course of an interview: "N'ol liiii bill his ilealh will pre venl the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt to succeed ('resident Taft, inn! il he is not elected no oilier re publican can be. t ''Ten yea I'm hence there won't be a !cj.'iiicd saloon within the bouuda ric of Ibis commonwealth. Spokane will be 'dry' in five years from this lime." .Mr. SI. John said amon oilier IhiiiKH in spcnliin),' of Koosevelt anil Taft: "Theodore Koosevelt is the shar est publicum in the I'niled States, lint for him Mr. Tnft would never hiivn been ihouuhl of for Ihe presi dency. Koosevelt knew Tnft, and so do I, bul he knew that Tall is n putty man. soil putty nl that. Koosevelt helped lo elect Tall. He knew that his administration would he a fail ure. 'IImo-cvcII wenl off lo Africa. Ib is mil mixed mi in any of the ques tion before the people today. In Ihe conre of IS mould- he will re turn, covered with rhino hides, ele phant tusks and (.-lory. The 'howl and yell' clement in politics will raise Ihe cry lor Koosevelt. The country will en 'wild' over him. Xolhimr but his dentil will prevent bis nomination to succeed Taft. and if be is not elect ed il will be because no republican could win." i.iiiii i ii ik niicriioon tnfl' turn! union sold prnelienli'j il en lire output of apples for Ihe present season. I). Ciossley & Sons of New Vil li, apple dealers, are I hit buyerx. The it iiu is not announced. The closjuu: of lint ileal means Ihe sale of from :in,IIMO , .0,11110 bo.c. It i said the jrealer portion of lltc-e i'pp!es will io lo Liverpool and (ilnsKow, although some will remain in Ihe markets in tint eastern part of ihe I'niled Stales. This is one of Ihe lai'ics apple deals ever made in (bits valley. XO'WK OK SALE. of FINLEY ENTHUSIASTIC REGARDING ROGUE APPLES S.W.KM. Or.. Oi l. 111. -W. 1. Kin ley, iissistnnl mutineer of the Na tional Apple show at Spokane, was ill the city recently iirriinjjiujr for an exhibit from the Willamette valley. Il i planned lo secure the entire ex hibit of the Albany apple fair and ship it direct to Spokane. Mr. Kin ley is enthusiastic reen ni hil: the quality and quantity of the apple crop of the Koune Kiver valley eoitiitrv. and snv the Ito'jue Kivor hip ciuht to ten ears to S-p, DIED. In Ihe mutter of ihe estate fieore ,f, Xeedles, deceased. Xolice is hereby tfiven that in pur HimncR of an order of the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, made on the lib day of October, Kill!), in the matter of the above niiined eslate. the uiidcrsijned ailmin islralor of the estate of mi id deceas ed will sell at public niietion to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 'J.'.lh day of October, 100(1, at 10 o'idock a. in., in front of what is known av, the. "Horseshoe Club Sa loon," situated on front street in the cily of Medford, the entire Ktoek of merchandise contained in said sa loon, consist inif of a larpe amount of whisky in barrels, in hollies and oth erwise, together with n variety of other kinds of liquor usually kept by retail vendors thereof; also including two pool tables, both ill good condi tion, and each completely equipped with fixtures; also a stock of tobac cos, dinars, pipes, cigarettes etc.. and a full set of decanters, glasses and tumblers, and other articles used in connection with and in a saloon where liquors are sold by rclftil. For a more definite knowledge of the kind and amount of liquors, fixtures, etc., to be disposed of nt said sale, inquire at the office of C'olvigt Kennies, Medford, Oregon. Haled October l.'illl. 1000. C'LAKF.NCTrL. REAMF.S, Administrator of the Estate of George M. Xecdlcs, Deceased. incut of nil interstate commerce court. Then there is the I'mehot-IInllin-L'er conlrover; v. which, despite the iin'Milcul's success in ouicling the i helipgerents, still threatens to break out anew at nn v time. Despite the heat of his controversy with Chief Forester I'inchot, Ilallinger has been pursuing the even tenor of his way. having; lands examined for power sites and withdrawing only such a "his engineers of Ihe geological' sur vey declare! are valuable for this purpose. The departmental and governmental commission which have been study ing, in nccordanee with his wishes, how to economize in the expenses of 111" government, will probably he able I submit reports to the president slinrtlv afler his return. XF.F.LF.Y At Merlin. Monday. (V toher 11. 101111. James Xeeley, aged 72 venrs, 1 mouth and 'Jfi days. HOI.T- At Ovanls 1'a-s. Saturday. October 0, 1 !!, Lucy S. Holt, wife of Sidncv Holt, aged 02 years. ; mouths and 20 days. Probate. l'slale fienrge M. Needle; inven tory and appraisement filed showing esij'iii. vnlu-d at $i:!!)2.IO: order made for sulo of personal properly. Estate Marin Carlson: inventory and appraisement filed, showing1 es tate valued at $l'i00. Estate F.phrnim Hedberp; C. W. Paulsen, F. W. Rwedetiburc and Pe terson appointed npprnisevs. Eslatc George M. Needles; order made npnoinling C, L. Realties ad minislrntor and John S. Orth, J. R. Wilson nnd George P. Lindley np praiscrs. Eslato J.'T. Layton; sixth semi nnnmil neeoiiiit of ndministrator fil ed nnd npprpved. , , - . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thnt the un dersignrtd will apply to the city coun cil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting thereof on October 10, 1009, for a license to sell spirit ous, vinous and malt liquors in quan tities less than a gallon, for the pe riod of six months, at his place of business at Nos. 22 and 24 Front street, North, in said citv. JOHN HARRINGTON. Dated October 0, 1000. You Are In Debt to your relatives and friends for a good photo of yourself. 1 Yon have been promising them a J lie turn for year. Don't wait longer; have them taken now by GREGORY Prepaid Raiiroao. Orders. "Something which is of eonsider known is the system of prepaid or iblc interest to the public generally nnd which is nerhaps not generally ders now in 'effect between stntions of the Southern Pneific company nnd nil points in the United Stntes. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from nny plnco in the United Stntes nnd mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to coma here. Sleeper ac commodations nnd small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same tim.n In harness, saddles, whips, .ones, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle urease and gal! cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 The property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an eleetric motor and pump which goes with the place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but n short time at this price. W. T. York 6 Co. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." ' It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, ao4 we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED- ' FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. . i T Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Hr,.' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-T chincry, Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t Savoy Theatre TONIGHT COMMANDER R. E. PEARY AT HOME Showing reception, family and other phases of the life of the great Arctic explorer. Don't miss it. LEGEND OF THE LIGHTHOUSE DROPPED FROM THE CLOUDS GENEVIEVE OF BR0BRANT J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERKY, Vice-Presideat. JOHN S OKTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashie-. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 ' SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry" glass of any size on hand. " Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Calls "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East - ' SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 , via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. nnd Southern Pacific (LIXES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00i From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City $25.00 , Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. R. & N or S. P. Agent and ticket will he delivered in the East without extra cost. Send ns the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, ' V Portland, Or.