THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OuVa ION'. SATURDAY, TOl.KR Hi. ISM!). 2 ATTACK VALIDITY OF LOCAL OPTION LAW Much Interest In Case Recently Ar gued Before Supreme Court Regarding Liquor Law. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 10. More than ordinary interest is being manifested bv attorneys in the outcome of the case of the stale vs. Langworthy, a Tillamook county local option contest, which was argued this week before the supreme court. Both in their brief and oral ar guments, attorneys for Langworthy mado direct attacks upon the valid ity of the local option law and other initiative legislation in force m tins state, including the primary election law. The principal contention of the appellant is that the secretary of state, in certifying the names of the state and district officers to the county clerk, and the names and numbers of initiative measures, did not certify the title of the local op tion act as was given in the law and as section 6, laws of 1903. requires, but instead simply walled the act the local option net and in accord ance therewith it was placed on the the ballot under the title. "For local option" and "Against local option." The claim is made that because the title of the act did not appear on the ballot the law is invalid. The point is thus set forth: "The initiative and referendum is only an amendment to the constitution and its other provisions with respect to the enactment of laws applies, even if by initiative petition. Every act shall have a title, and article 4, sec tion 20, of the constitution applies to the initiative enactments the same as legislative." Numerous authorities are cited. Langworthy is represented by Holmes & Hundley and Talmage & Johnson; the state by Attorney General Crawford. I. H. Van Winkle, John H. MeXary. assistant district attorney, and W. H. Cooper and H. T. Botts of Tillamook. It is claimed that as no local op tion measure was ever properly sub mitted to the voters there is now none in force. Christian Church. At the Christian ehureh, corner Ivy and Sixth streets. Lord's day, Octo ber 17, Bible school at 10 o'clock. Every member of the church is earn estly requested to be present at the Bible school. The Lord's Supper at 11 o'clock, followed by a sermon on the subject, "Forward." Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Subject of the evening sermon. "Bargain Counter Religion." Everybody made welcome. W. Theodore Matlock, the new pas tor, will conduct the service evening and morning. New Cases. State of Oregon vs. Leonard Gas kens; burglary. State of Oregon vs. Harold Mack: burglary State of Oregon vs. XHiolas Rnpis ford; burglary. E. D. Thompson vs. John Oden et nl.; action to recover money. Gus Xewbury, attorney for plaintiff. R. L. Burdic vs. H. M. Coss e nl. : suit to foreclose mortgage. E. D. Briggs. attorney for plaintiff. J. W. Slinger vs. Robert Smith and Margaret J. Smith; suit to quiet ti tle. Gus Xewbury, attorney for plain tiff. Herman Bros., the saddle and har ness makers, desire to announce to the trade that they are not only pre pared to fill all orders at short no tice, but carry the most complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, etc., that can be found in southern Oregon at prices that cannot fail to please when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget the place, 317 E. Seventh 'street, Medford. ' a. a. a. a a. a. A an We are Orowera-Bny direct from na NO AQINTl Our Trera are frown trletly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for fro. catalog. Lance atock of varlotlfwmi table furoommorclal orchard Viola, Frail, Nut and Ornamental Trwa, Gran - Viaei, Small Fruit Ptanta and Shrubbery Tub Dalles NimsKMRB Matin oraos, mi Grand A.ra,Portlud,Ora. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. t Edward Courtois to Jerdina F. Wood, 40 acres in section :!(. township 'Mi, vaaga " E 1500 Edward Courtois to Jerdina F. . Wood, 40 acres in soetion 36, township yti, range 2 E ... 1500 Marion X. Cowden to Edward Courtois! X W i of S W Vi and S W i of N W 1-4 seotion :tti, township 3ti, range 2 E Mary E. O'Xeill to J. It. Wil son, 10 Hcres in D I C 84, township 37, range 2 W . . . Florence X. Denny to C. O. Porter, lots 28, 29 and 30, block H, Railroad addition to Ashland David L. Miukler to Fred H. Kundell, lot 15. block 45, '10 1050 ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain un called for at the ostoffico at Medford, Oregon, Wednesday. October 13, 1909 Mrs. H. E. Armstrong, Miss E. Ar thurs, Ella M. Baker. Dr. M. C. Bar ber, C. A. Barr, Mrs. Susie Bas set!, Charles Berwent, Mrs. Etta Big ham, R. W. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brewer, Charles Brown, Mrs. Elsie Brown. Frederick M. Carlook, Claud Carroll, William Crook, Mrs. W. L. Donley, Frank Eckstrom, Mrs. Chas. C. Farley. G. W. G.iodwiu, Miss Anna Greiner, Will King, Mrs. E. A. Holmes Miss Agnes Johnston, Marvin E. Jones, George W. Lindsley, J. E. Mc Cutcheon, Chester McKeaver, J. .H. Murray, Jim Osborn, Frank Ornel los, D. W. Peoples, John Preuss, Mrs. Susan' Robinson. E. 'J. Rouhe, George Redmond, A. C. Seller, Mrs. H. Smith, Charles H. H. M.. E. Smith (2), ,B. J. Spencer, Mrs.. E. R. Stevenson, George Stough, Mrs. W. B. Stevens, Tucker & Cherry, Mrs. Susan Wil kinson, John W. Wooden, COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER i rr i i mi tri ! ata-rimi. i a I J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are treated right, the price is right, the team is right in fact, everything ia right. Come and see. NASH LIVERY CO. Summit addition to Ahlmnl, lot, )), Pincht's addition In Ashland 10 Lucy E. Payne to .1. S. Miller, lots I, .", ti, 7 and 8, South- . em Home tract, Ashland.. "0 William L. llaukins to Mar garet A. llaukins, lot block 27, Toio 1 W. T. Wade to Cecilia Peel;, S E s W 4 section 30, township 38, range 2 E 7."0 George R. Limllcy to Ahbie Morloy Hai.e, 8.707 acres i in township 37. range I W 5000 Martina Thiele Adm. W. ('. Thielo estate, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 13, 14, 15. Hi, 17, 18, block 13, Gold Hill 1171 United States to Adrian (.'rot chett, 120 acres in section 18, township 37, range 2 E. patent H. C, Stoddard to F. E. Martin. E lot 5. block 4, Snn-et Park 100 N. J. G irrctt to P. C. Garrett, land in township 37, range 1 W 3IMI0 Christiana Reed ct nl. to C. II. Lowis, land in D L C 4", town ship 37. range 1 W 11000 Edgar S. llafer to Oris Craw ford, lots 7and 10, block 2, Oak Park addition to Med ford 1"'00 Elizabeth Horning to William A. Medley, lots 3. 4, 5 and 0. block .". Fruitdalc addition lo Medford 10 J. M. Hockcrsinith to William A. Medley, lots 1 and 2, block 5, Fruitdalc addition to Med ford 10 Anna M. Woodruff to Charles R. Rose, lots U and 12, block S, Railroad addition to Ash land 10 G. R. Slingcrland to Charles R. R.ise, lots 9 and 10, block S, Railroad addition to A-h-land : 10 Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. i Call and let us demonstrate its merits. THE.,, NASH LIVERY GO. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So I Have a Full and Complete Slock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to ;et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. GET KITHAT TREE ORDER EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. 1201 N. CENTRAL AVE. Now is the time to have your cleaning done. Don't wait till cold weath er. Get out that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have it fixed up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, fpiilts, furs, por tieres, laces. W.e clean everything, do all kinds of repairing. . A trial or der will convince you. Phone 3304 1 C. F. COOK, Proprietor OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT YOU have nothing to lose and all to gain, in placing it with a reliable home nursery. S. BENNETT X: PHONE 3221