Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually 1 M edfoed Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFOKJJ, OUJXJOX, SATUKDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1909. No. 180. PITTS BO TO CO PS CWlPB 0 WSHIP n imtjrnn ni "HinTiiuin rnimn T . uwnuhuv ui ii i t n miu n i' Lininiii n l n m v m mi l l mm m m m m m m m nm m m m m m c U 1L 111 I LHItt r SEATTLE FAIR AT 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 a i mw m m m m mrn m m m m THOUSANDS SEE DECIDING GAME OVERWHELMING El SCORE PILED UP BYPIRATES Great Interest Taken In Game World Over Abstein Suspended, hut Put Back In the Game. DONOVAN IN BOX POUNDED TO DEATH WALSWORTH IS FOUND GUILTY Jury in Celebrated Murder Case Re turns Verdict of Manslaugh terCase Will Be Appealed. BOMB THROWING IS ON IN SPAIN CKHIiEIK,', Franco, Oct. 10. A bomb explosion in Barce lona nciir tho cathedral in-' jured ten people, lliree fatal ly. The explosion occurred 1hh( night in lb bouse of the bishop. It is evident Hint the uiili-olcriciils lire aroused over Hie execution of Profes sor Ferrer mid are endeavor ing to destroy the cathedral. I WALSWORTH WILL BE SENTENCED NEXT WEEK Mullin Sent In, but Is Helpless When It Comes to Stemming the Tide. SCORE: li. II. Pittsburg 8 8 Detroit 0 6 Law Provides Penalty of Imprison mentFrom One to Fifteen Years Jury In at 5:30 P. M. M-".TtiHT, M. 1(1. The Pittsburg Pirates won the baseball champion ship of the world for 1IHH) after u sensational scries of seven uames by taking today's game ,1V ,'10 ovor whelming hcoi-o of 8 to 0. The grounds were jaiiuned willi ox- j ( cited fans, intensely interested in tlie uutroinc, saw Pittsburg take the final and seventh gumo after n week in which tho score was again and again tied by tho Detroit Timers. Tim ' triune bcirnn nt 'I'M. Mana- .Taiininirri sent in Donovan, win Charles X. Walsworlh is guilty of manslaughter, according to the ver dict of the jury, relumed Friday eve ning at :'M o'clock after six hours of deliberation, for tho shooting of James Minikins nearly two years ago. Judge lliinna will )ronouuce sentence next week. Tho case will be appealed to the supreme court. Norval Walsworlh, who is also im plicated, will bo tried next. The jury finding tho verdict was composed ot Curiiiiliaii. h. K. Clore. II. II. BILLY BOY PUTS END TO CHASE Blows Out His Brains With Last Cart ridge and Foils His pursuers. ., SAN BEUXAHDIXO, Cul., Oct. 10. Hilly I!oy, the Piuie Indian murdor er, is dead. With his only remain ing cartridge he sent a bullet through his brain and died lit the granite fortress where ho made his last des i.ernle stand against the sheriff's posse last week. Tho Indian's body was cremated on'a hastily constructed funeral pryo by the officers who ran hi into death on the Colorado desert, the sandy home of his Indian forefathers. BIG TIME IN ASHLAND SEATTLE FAIR AT A CLOSE TONIGHT Hillah Temple Will Be Instituted by Al Kader Potentate and Many Shriners Will Be on Hand. LARGE DELEGATION Tfl GO FROM HERE Up Until This Time Hillah Temple Has Been Working Under Dispensa tion, but Now Gets Charter. SKATTLK, Oct. 10. With the firing of a farewell salute of 21 cans from the govern ment life saving station and Miiping of '"Auld Lang Syne" in chorus, the A. Y. P. expo sition will end at midnight to night. The carnival spirit which has marked the closing hours today will be continued tonight. OF MEN WH BROKE TAET AND DIAZ 1 SHAKE HANDS ( . ' H: '-- ;:, r. , , Gringo and Greaser Drink Each 0th ers' Health and Feuds . Forgotten. f Iter At tho . , . . O il. I . W11M linlllH I'll Dili Ol 1110 W'.v end of tho third witli the score stand 2 to 0, Mullin was sent in in a vain nltemnl to stem tho tide, but Taylor, II. O. Meyers, Jeff Xeil. F. Y. Allen, X. I). Brophy, Wolborn Bee son, Marion Hartley, Jesse Hodges, W. T. Vincent and 11. P. Little. History of Case. Tho shooting affray which rcsult- ' ! ed in the killing of James Mankin a year ago last Christmas was olio of the bloodiest affairs in the annals of Jackson county. The Walsworths were at (hat tunc SECRETARY OF WAR MAY RESIGN POSITION failed to do so, tho I'irales get Imp I rusj,ijng ; cabin upon a piece of land owned by tho Mnnkius. and the trouble grew out of an ntlompt to eject the Walsworths from the land. Ilenrv Mankin went to tho Wals- i worth place in company with n wit- six runs off of him First Baseman Abslein. whoso sus pension was iinnounoeil by Pitts burg for disoboymcnt of orders pro- ... il. ..nnin who Kent ill whoil VIOMS VO llll. Itiiiv, --- i Hvnie was disabled in a collision wun )pss )() sprvj) noti,.c to vaeate on Moriurity. ll,P older Walsworlh, and bncamo m- lt is esliniated that no loss than I vo,v(1(1 in ft nwm wilh the latter. .$'jnn,n0() oT Detroit money win 1 1)m.inR ,), Uprealion James Man- Ibis city tonight in tho pockols of the ... (i(nl)C ovol, ;t is charged, took llOOfl l'illsbiirg fans who were in at-1 (1p qlinrl.ei 0f his brother Henry, tendaneo today. By winning today s.j Jn (ho ln0iultim0) Carrol. Mankin. game the Fillsburg club is entitled i mio(1)pr i.other, being nltraeled by not only to the chnmpionship of tho ())() )()u(1 mlisp onmc, hurrying to the world, but lo 0 per cent 01 inc gmu nvmot wi,h n i,ge stick Wins receipts, which have ninouiueu 10 over $1 80,000. Tho scoro by innings : ritlsburg 020203010-8 Detroit. ,......r.i)0 0 0 0 0 00 0-0 FIRST BASEMAN ABSTEIN FIRED FROM THE TEAM DF.THOIT, Oct. 10. Big Bill Ab stein, tho Pirnto first baseman, has played his last game in a ritlsburg uniform. This startling announce ment was made today by a member of (ho Pittsburg club. Neilher will Ab sliiu Inkfl part in tho deciding gamo Ibis nflernoon. Hamilton Hyatt, tho pirate oiiieldm'. will ''ovor first. Tho ( . ..ntiiincd on wo 4.) i. worth, noticing tho latter s npproacu and mistaking tho stick for a gun, van to tho house, crying "it s guns you want, is itf" Up to this point Norvnl Walsworth, who had token no part in tho affray, called to his father that it was not a gun, but a stick. Brought a Rifle. Tho older Walsworth, upon reach ing tho house, enmo to tho door with a riflo nnd, ns ho clnims, fired a shot in the air for tho purposo of fright ening away tho Mankins. nolle Mankin. a sister of tho bellig- to tmnn llKlll'lllD tllO rfiPftl't of Wnlswovlli's rifle, hurriedly brought a shotL'iin and Inter a rifle, nnd then followed a duel in. which n number WASI1IXOTOX, fct. 16. There is a strong possibility that J. M. Dickinson, secretary of war, may shortly resign from the Tal't cnbi ncl, his eldest son has just suffered a serious attack of heart failure, coupled with the recent death in his family, it is said to prompt Mr. Dick inson to this thought. Mr. Dickinson is now ot Belle Mead, Teiinesee, where hnstencd to his son's bedside today. Nobody here seems to speak authoritatively on the question of bis resignation, but mem bers of the cabinet circle would not bo surmised if Mr. Dickinson ehould make the announcement shortly after his return to Washington. . President Tuft's earnest desire to strengthen the republican party in the south would nntnrally prompt him to name a southern man in Mr. Dickinson's phico, but no names aro yet mentioned. GRAND JURY INDICTS DETROIT BALL PLAYER CLEVELAND, Oct. 16. Tho grand inrv vesterdnv returned a true in dictment against lyrns l odd. ine sensational fielder of the Detroit Ti gers, for stabbing Watchman Oeorge Stnnchfield nt tho Euclid hotel dur ing a series of games in that city with tho Cleveland Naps. The author ities hnvo not announced what notion they will take to apprehend tho Geor gia crackor. ' Six of Nine Prisoners Confined in County Jail Escape No Trace Has Been .' Found. - j V't B00SEY AND WALSWORTHS . REMAIN IN THEIR CELLS EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 16. Presi. dent Taft of the United States and President Diaz of Mexico met, shook hnnds nnd exchanged expressions of good will today, whIe the bands and eainnons of the two republics jouied in the echoes over the Rio Grande. The American and Mexican sec tions were festooned in national col ors. The gringoes nnd greasers join ed in drinking each others' health in mescal nnd whisky and feuds were forgotten for the day nt least. Taft was surrounded by a resplendent mil itary staff. Sheriff Has Men Scouring Country Believed They Made Toward Applegate. A large number of local Shriners will visit Ashland Saturday evening lo attend the formal institution of Hillah temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, which, up In now, has been acting under dispensation from the imperial council. Arrangements are being made for a celebration befitting an event of such .magnitude. Ashlnnd- ers have vowed by the tiger's paw and the double-orificed decanter of zem-zem that the night shall go down into inoslem history as one of the most scrumptious" affairs ever tak ing place on the American continent. Accompanied by J. G. Mack, past potentate, and William C. Bristol. high priest and prophet, Illustrious Potentate Louis G. Clark of AI Kader! limit. l.i T..,..,l ;il l.n in AzMnxil i - i .11 .-i n.1 oe "ie richest bov in the world, has to nil mute at the institution of the i - J- bnbv temple, which will be carried arrived on the North German Lftyd out under authority of the imperial steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der GrAsse council, as v.iioed at the last annual j accompanied by his mother, Mrs! N. conclnve. hnliT in Jnnrt nt Louisville. I r t . J Kv. There Noble Staples made the WEALTHIEST BOY IN WORLD IS WATCHLESS NEW YORK, Oct. 16. John Nich olas Brown, ten years old, reputed to name of; Hillah temple famous B. Brown. The bov was looked afteY nurse, who also served aa?niaidffor It appears that more than lone watch had been intrusted, tiy hml re cently but heiuvjhkea them in throwing oft las coat Totake some violcafeTeTo'iiJlVof ivlik'lrhe is very fond. Finally his mother shut down on w'SPRos of shots were exchanged, James Man kin being fatally wounded and the older Walsworth receiving a serious wound in the bend from a rifle ball and n number of gunshot wounds about tho head nnd amis. It appears that the shot which kill ed Mankin was fired by Norval Wals worth from tho read of tho house, it being his claim that he thought his mother was in tho house nt tho time nnd that her life was endangered by be- No word has been learned today of the six men who escaped from the county jail in Jacksonville; Fri day evening, altlioughSheriff Jones has had men scourina;;the country for theescaped jailbirds. The' jail delivery occurred Friday evening about .7 o'clock, six' of the nine prisoners confined in the jail escaping through a ,, window f rom which a bar-was cut. Those. escaping were: Leoriard ' Gaskins, burglary; Harold MoeTie, burglary j Nicholas B. Rensford, burglary; Chester' -Mow, theft : Richard Mow, 1 thef t-;' George Gunnison,' highway' robbery. n-W; J. Boosey, 'serving' six- months for eon tempt of court; Norval Walsworth and Charles H. Walsworth' remained nnd gave 'the ; njarmr It is thought-tlrat!'tlie men took to the hills back of Jacksonville1 and are making their way to1 'tlie' Applegate valley beyond. ' - " n-" throughout Shrinedom by scattering i ,lis p(lrellt He played afi' the Ihip abroad thousands of bndges repre- on jjie wav overi alH the" 'only fair he seining wregon peacaes. oriiau.eme.. seemed to bemoan was that he? did by appropriate lettering and the es-1 not )iave a watch. scntial crescent nnd scimitar. Shriners from all of southern Ore gon will be on hand at the exercises. J. E. LANCASTER DIES IN PORTLAND HOSPITAL J. E. Lancaster, formerly of Cen tral Point and at one time part owner of the Herald and Central Point ; townsite, died nt the Good Samaritan; FRUITS WILLVBE. MADE ..... . m Hospital in Portland, isalurday. uct-- PERMANENT EJXHIBIT ..I n .Ud.? niwl wne tint. I -.'JL I 1 iod at Eugene Monday. TeeeA MmttSftMmd t xirfrZYz 7,.;; Mfirm ef ,il,it i iwt p c,.;n,wls overvwhere ,he-;"T roMivta -ninttwijjfc.cimiiorce wn l.nnvvn will siiii'.M'clv re?rot MiiAiV.ft...tlat...ftlld-tiuUUlCllt) ol To- nntimelv end. He loaves a widcfw,f Eiiy Rrapes isiBwg'prttbarffd by Mrs. Grace Pickard Lancaster, .laU.hwCtvQIbir will Eugeno. and a son at Spokane. Kftiuttf! niA w nr- kfib Tocre I i ViydeT which will nrerw'-f Irar fresh' utnr rv I F' HnPKliS,,",h,,T ' 1 eating purposes. I I.' ... .t.l. V.U. IT I P 1 (ill- . . M .. o. x . iiimnis, IIU.M..S.W ... ... ,,.! paison. Tlie rnut was tral foint Mirsenes. PfTCH ! onJe;1nn oCfTr. Wl'.GJ?Ff luesoay jor a uig m"' "irm-in uu.i l.... I I 'il . , with (. unningham vV an nyke. oi of ,mnsun) sizc nil(J ricll (lnrk near Medford. whorbought 12.000 shipment chappie nnd peni one order. These Trees consist of',;-.,,.' n(.ron 1 Bnrtlotts, D'An5on;Iand Bosc:' t5taak'r."i ...i1 fi, .- s,,. from lis well-known nursery is giyng i Ml.s. E j. Wol, who has hod STOCK COMPANY TO !. OPEN AT, THE: MEDFORD rMedford is soon to be favored with one of the best-stock oompaiSies on the road the' MeKeiizie Merrymak ers. From all reports gleaned from Salem, Eugene, CorvalHs. Ro'seburg and ' then-Coois .Bay., countries,,, they hove always made all merry. ,vr. Mr. ITazelrigg has-been afte:' this company for some time, and w as only able to sign them up for, 11 perform ances. On isunday night the MeKeii zie troupe will close in Coos Bay. where: they have been for the past eight weeks. ' : ; "' This company will be seen for the first time on October 21,, when they will piny that l-oaring fnrce comedy, "Charlio's Aunt," followed by such plays: ns 'The Man Fi-omi:Mexk'o." "King df flief Philippines," .A-Tip on nie iiprny. " "HumnniiITai-ts. .."Civ- as the chemiial 'Crffi.n'J.lNl,irtffiw3 .j dr'$HratlPTv of excellent snlHstaBtim frrp tTcT7Ti iTfig vTtJft1dJ'1'1f 'trf-ViHiland. kiiw lnaniuiitoenUJh'iuijiesy 1,.,,,,. lEknjn the Mankins firing through the house, gaining a most enviable reputation. Aslnn5 trhern el., livo.- L)va,stak.ou tjie new house wn m hiiiw)ai3aj-Mj1rif0gliirins V 4flttlT(t,",''"iitilS),.slt,ou1iV called Mc- i;ft for t'isit in