8 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUK(iONr. KltlDA V; (XTOIJER- H. 1f)0!) JURY DRAWN FOR FEDERAL COURT Federal Court Will Open in This City on Thursday October Twenty-First. (Orcgouian.) Xoxt Thursday will be United States ; court day in Medford aud will mark the first time that citv has been hon t ored by that distinction. Yesterday ' a trial jury was drawn to deliberate ' on four eases to be tried by Jude Wolverton in Medford, the panel be ing ordered to report October 21 at 10 o'clock in the morning. Three of the cases to be tried bj Judge Wolverton in the southern Ore-; iron city are damage suits against j the Southern Pacific Railway com- I puny, one of which has been hanging fire for the last four years. The oth-j er is entitled La Moine Lumber & Trading company against Silby, a suit over lumber wherein the plaintiff seeks $10,625 and costs. Damage suits against the South ern Pacific to be heard are as fol lows: George W. Light, who seeks $20,000 damages for personal injury, the complaint having been filed in 1905 and a new trial granted; the D. W. ITazIe case and the suit filed by Mrs. H. C. Colby in Jackson county wherein $7500 is sought for the death of her husband in a railway accident. The panel drawn by Judge Wolver ton yesterday includes 26 fanners, two capitalists, two miners, a livery man and a printer. The men selected are r Lewis Knipps. Benton Bowers. Ed Barren, J. W. Gilmore, Joseph Burk hart, J. A. Larrabee, J. R. Mackin. Thomas Overton, Thomas Berry. A. H. Peachy, L. George. James Ker shaw, I. B. Rolmett, N. E. Osborne, A. Gissom, E. J. Farlow, E. R. Oat man. J. G. Briscoe, Ralph Billings, Sam Howlett, Hosiah Pardee, Fred Smith. Thomas Riley, Will Kerby, T. E. McKoin, L. B. Hall, Thomas Young. .J. O. Grimes. .1. O. Griffin. C, H. McCann. E. H. Maddox, Thomas Gil ligan, T3S011 Beall, J. L. McColm, R. J. Grimmctt, W. H. Karasey. Saturday or Saturday Night AT THE ANNIVERSARY SALE Thousands of Dollars Worth of New Goods Going for Less l)OXT wait until your neighbors and friends have secured all the best plume from this grand new stock, but. come Sat urdav and share m the hundmls of "snaps ottered at this sale. Thousands of dollars' worth of new goods, including Suits, Cats, Skirts, Waists, Dry (roods, .Millinery, etc., have but recently arrived and been put in this big' sale at special prices. DOXT take our word for it, but come and let us show you. People who have come to learn how we do business, people who have tried our goods, am loud in their praise. They know that we are offering, real specials at real sale prices, aud thev know, too, that ri-ht now is the time to take advantage of the sale and save money. n We Keep Our Stock of Butterick's Patterns Always Complete The Hutchason Co. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. Central Ave., Just North of Jackson Co. Bank HOTEL ARRIVALS. More Than Enough Is too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than is nec essary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the Kid neys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by Leon B. Haskins' pharmacy. At the Moore J. A. Kewcll, Seat tle; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lafferty, Callahan; Isaac Williams, Newell; Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Riddle, Monta gue; Mr. and Mrs. List, Cawker; F. E. Harney, Ashland; R. E. Byron, San Francisco; H. II. Graups, Min neapolis; John Lees, Croswell; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sharpe, San Francis co: F. A. Schaeffer, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.IIeybrock, Index; II. T. Batch elor, Pittsburg; A. D. Chase, F. L. Fay, D. G. Gray.' Harry Cash. L. A. Murray, Portland. At the Xash A. L. Gritzner, Xew York; J. P. Barn, San Francisco, R. D. Mauson, Chicago; T. Fufzliugh, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Munger. Long Beach; Benton Bowers W. E. Koycs, Ashland: M. L. Opy dyke, Grants Pass; R. C. FAstbury, Gold Hill; T. C. Grnble, San Fran cisco: M. Katz, Philadelphia; T. E. Parsons, MeCloud; A. Jockennan, Xew York; G. G. Taylor. M. Griswold, W. Wheeler, Herbert Wheeler, Port land; George Sirlon, Xew York; Jas. L. Houston, Columbus; Alex Hanley, Burn,; Haines Devol, Xew Albany: Dwight Edwards. Xew Yorfl. Mrs. J.. M. Reader passed through here on her way from Eagle Point to Jacksonville, where she visited with friends. WANTED Two boys lo pile wood, fiuiuiro John Hullingcr. 180 i ! We are Grower Utiy direct from ue NO AO E NTS Oar Treca aro frown tricfly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for fr catalog. Large Hock of ratietiessai table f or commercial orchard Cbolc Fruit, Hoi md Omimtntal Tmi, Grip Vines Small Fruit Plants sA Shwbtwy - Tub Dalles Nurskries Main Office, 12i Grand Are, Port land. Ore. v www ww wwh Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses and Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. "I take pleasuro in saying that 1 have kept Cliambcrlaiu'H Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea, Remedy in my family medicine chest for about 13 years, and havo always had satisfac tory results from its use. I havo ad ministered it to a jjroat many trav eling men who were suffering from troubles for which it is recommended, and have never failed to relievc," says J. U. Jenkins of Glasgow. Ky. This remedy is for sale by Leon 11. Hawkins' nlinrmacv. ' Medford housewives arc invited to morrow to call in at Aitkin's plumb ing store, 211 W. Main, to taste the food prepared in the Hot Fireless Cooker and see a practical kitchen demonstration of the Range Boiler Insulator. Don't miss it. Phone 3303 for tea or coffee. The ABC o! Advertising I dvertising ft ttracts Mention Brightens ackward usiness Catches isculating oln BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT Friday and Saturday Wanted-A Wife A ROARING 3-ACT FARCE COMEDY ADMISSION 10c AND. 20c The Verdict of the Nations .People of all nations are adopting WALK OA KH .shoes in preference to their native shoes in spite of the fact that foreign la bor is cheap and that a very high duty is plac ed mi American made shoes. Could any but the very best be sold under those condi tions? WALK-OVERS are sold in -14 different countries. Prices tn this country areJ4 00-4.50-5.00 Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE DO YOU KNOW That it wont be long until time for setting your trees? Better come in and let me make you PRICES ON THE BEST TREES Before it is too late as they are being booked out fast at this time of year B. PATTERSON Jhe Quake rNurseryman Office in Hotel Nash Office