THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, 'KIM DAY, OCTOBER 15, VM) T f SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! . THE WEATHER. Vn'ir mid cooler tonight, wilh light frost. Friday, fnir. Now iH Ihe lime tn lay in n supply nf coal fur winter. I'lmno "111, Cas cade cniil, $!I,MI per Inn, JH.'I Mrs. II. .. Young mill daughter re turned In Medfuril Thursday, having Ihm'ii visiting I'm' some limr with id nlivi'H mill friends in Oaliliuiil. I 'ho I'iiscikIc coal fur fuel, $!l.."() h t ton. I'l i7Hl. S!I Mrs. A. M. Kendall in visiting her daughter, Mrs, Joseph Foley of Ash land. Will deliver you Cascade eonl, nt II. 5(1 per tun, to miy placo in llii' city. I'lmno "111. " 183 Kiiginocr Osgood, overseer of the street paving work lit Ashland, made n short lo Medford recently on business. I ;. i h ' Tin not forget flint llio TJogue ftiv er Fish Co. wuitts to sco you nil to morrow for fish, clams, oysters, cruliK, Nlirimp, dressed chickens, tur keys, smoked nml salt salmon, innc iironi nml imported cheese. 178 Mr. nml Mrs. It. T. ilnrnelt of Jacksonville have ri'tiirni'd from a short visit to III" Scut tli fnir. Sweet filler nt Ij. Mrl.t'llmi'-i city ranch, Slii'iiimiit hltwl, I'll "t Side. ITS ft. Steven- of West l'lineuix WHS shopping in M I'd ford one day thin week. See list of fti'iimn'M bargains on page 1. 0. II. Alvond is down from (Iraiits I'nss this week on business, Mitehell & Hoeek have removed to new liriek building ncross alloy from old stnnd. 180 Mrs. I'niil Iti'inmer is visiting friends in Talent this week. Spices mid cxtrnctH nt HO So. 0 street. . If. A. I'liillop of Sun Francisco is n visitor in Mudford. EII11 flaimynw, public stenographer, room 4. I'nlrn building. W. S. Noyer nnd Itenton Ttowers were down frotn Ashland one day thin this week. Southern Oregon Ten nnd Coffee Co.. nil So. 0 street. Frniik Wolgnmott. reeenllv from I'.lg'm. 111., who has heen in Med ford for 11 short time, has left for n few days' visit to Urnwnshoro, where he lias ncipiiiintniiecs. rtcst meal for the leant money nt the Snot eafe. A. S. Johnson relumed to lliis city Thursday after n prolraeled stay in I.oomis, where he fnvmerlv lived. II. V. Unlehelor of Pittsburg, Tn who litis heen paying the city a mixrd pleasure nnd business visit, relumed home Friday. Why rush home? Try thn Spot Cafe's Crie dirner. P. ftrny of thin plaec is visiting in Ashlnnd on business. M. T Opdvke of Ornnts Tuss wns visiting Medford Fridav. Mrs. T. C. Itailcv of Spokane, who has heen visilincr her nephew, Pr. F. O. Carlow. has left for her home. Mr. nml Mrs. T,. I?. Minurer left Friday ltniriiiiiir for their home nt Lone Peaeli. Cal. They hnvo heen visit inp in the eily for some time nnd are well sal isfied wilh what they linve seen of it. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Marlin nf Mon (...rne, Or., nre visitors in thn innlrnp ol!s for n short time. I.ndica. if yon have hair In sell ov if voit want it made up into switch, puffs or eurls. I also reiinir and color ilie near hair. I'lease hrinc it tn me. Mnilnin I,. T. Kemne, No. 201, corner Fourth and Oakdale nvenue, John T.ees nnd dauehlers of Cros v ell. Mich., were sichNeeinp in the Kn.'iin valley Friday. Alhert T.owi-' is nenin n visilor to Medford. ITe wns here hpfore. in Fi hrunrv of last yenr nnd ho Temem hered thn plnep. Mr. mid Mrs. M. flist nre here from Cnwker county. Knnsns, invos tipntiiiR reports. Orders fo' sweet iwnm or hutiei-. milk promptly filled. Thntin thf erenmcr ' Mrs. W. J. Tlolmnn returned Fri dny tn her home in Jacksonville aft er n short visit with friends in Thoe ni,x. i Mi. K. K. Millit'im met Mro, M. J. I'owei'H of Hoisc, liliilio, mi old J'l'ieiid of hern, nt the Irniii Friday iiiornini; mid wi'li'oiued her In llio city. Judgment IliviruiJ. A iiililille atti'd mill iiervoui) tenant In 1111 upiirliiiuiit Iioiihu linil HUiiiiiioiicil bin next door nelijlilior. 11 youiiK wo man Hlink'iil nt tliv cuiiHervnlory, Into court mid cliaiKeil Unit tliv pcncu nml yulet of hi IoiIkIiiux liud been tllMturU el by tier kIiikIiik. The court wim Inclliied to regard tlio proi.TcdliiKM iik iiiiwiirriintcd. "How tiuii'li do you hIiikV" Iio nuked the ili-fciiiliinl. "Only two ImurM 11 day." hIh; aiiNwer cd. "An hour In tliu iiioruliitf ami on at nlKlit." "Two Iioiii-h!" mild tliu JuilKe, "It np peai'M tinrciiHuiialilu to complain of that." . "Hut, your honor," IntcrpoHcd tlio complainant. BtnrlliiK up excitedly, "I triiHt you will not (Ici ldu the iiiatler until you liuve heard the ilcfciiiliiiit Blll." 'J'lio defendant wan not at nil loath to hIiii;. In fact, her perHoual iiHHiir-, nneu mid profoNNloiuil pride urfc'ed her to inn Iio I he inoxt of this opportunity In tliu IntereHtH of hlftli art. She hi-Kiui mi nrlu from WiiKiier. but he hail hiiiik but four or II vo bun when tlio court Interrupted her. "Thut will do-that will do." lie snld. "No further tcMlinoiiy need bo tnken. Tlio court; Juilumt'iit In revemcd." Youth' Companion. Lady Piiaenuer'i Log. It wiin IiI'.hIiiu I'litlier hard, ind tUAro wa 11 i.imty hcii on mi hour nnd tl luilf before the lli'Ht brenkfiiHt bUKlv. Ad olllcer of 1111 ocean liner hurried along I ho piismico between tlio itute room, nnd 11 timid voice culled to him: "Oil, Mr. Olllcer, pleiwo top!" Hit turned nnd mw 11 dear old holy with n wrapper thrown around her peeping tlirouxli her half open door. -"Yeii, mail a 111," wild the olllcer. "Mr. Olllcer, plcinie would you call till n kiiIc?" united the old ludy anx iously. "Oh. no, inndii 111! 'J'hure' not the leant dniiuer. I iitimire you." "Wull, Ik li half u (juler "Not even half n K'Hc, and thin i (inch mi excellent Men bout tfinc you ueedn't worry a bit," explained tbo of ficer. "Well, wim t would you call It, pleimeV" Knld the Indy, Htviidyliitf Iier Blf in the vexKel rolled, "Juki n frcKli iior'wcNt breeze, innd 11 111. with 11 crosH den riiuniiiKT. lint, really, there' iiothlni; to fenr." "Tlianli you ho much. I Just wanted to not It (pilte right In my diary, you know." New York Time. cra'.fMi of :' r.s r, "In-; p 1 uri! f In very clriirly :riV. ., iu. perfiiramiiee If the yoiin:.- wire' husband l,c n fann er, Hhe wi:: l.e iiHiiid p, hiinie.HH 11 borne mid carl nml to harrow a small piece of laml. If l,rT choice ha fallen oil mi Ironworker, she immt liiimmer a piece of Iron: If on a miller, Hhe must ini-nsnre out wheat from n basket ut the church door: If on a smith, she la supposed to lx able to strike tlio anvil; If on a anllor, she has to clean and mend oino ueltlinr. nml so on win, ti. other occup.'itlons. ICvldently the keep- Ujg o on line wire in not understood In The Finisher, fjiwyer-Whnt Is your occupation? Willies I'm n plant llnlsher. LawyerHi- n little inoro definite. Do you polish them or move them? Boston Transcript. The Qoeiip. Nell She' nn awful gossip. She tel.' everything she hears. Belle Oh, she tells more than that. -Philadelphia Itecord. Do not make unjust gain. Tbey are "IMiil to n loss. Ileslod. The Speed of Light. Light holds the record for high apecil among all moving thinga that have been measured. It travel at the rate of 828.K.80O yards a second. This la faster than thinking. .even by the most (pilck wltted person. Let any reader try to think the simplest thought and then with the aid of n stop watch note how long It ha taken him to think It. Ue will then be able to un derstand how alow bis mental opera tions are compared to the speed of light A Bobolink With Cenery Song. A friend of mine tells of 11 bobolink which learned 10 slug like n caiinry.. Iio was captured when quite small and given n cage beside n llne'slnger. for which he soon exhibited a great ntlnclinienl. Me would sit perfectly still on his pen h for a long time watching his friend Intently, then try his bent lo Imitate his sweet notes. He tried for three or four weeks beforo making any progress; then he succeed ed In sounding one note almost cor rectly. When he realized his success Ills wild joy 'was pathetic, nnd the canary's pleasure wns very evident. Then he redoubled his efforts until he could sing nearly the whole canary song. After that he nnd Dick always snug lu concert. Hut. strangest of nil, his character seemed to chnngo with his song. Instead of singing but a short tlnio lu the spring, as bobolinks do. he wing nil the lime except when molting. And he Imitated his friend's characteristics so perfectly that he be. enmc n canary In all but appearance. Kiln II. Strut ton In Suburban Life. W It Worth Itf Workemer Smeargeiit. roynl acade mician, was painting the portrait of Lady Austrutlier Austruthers, and Lady Austrutlier Austruthers wa very plain well, as a matter of fuct, she wu Jolly ugly. And. though she was paying him 300 guineas merely for painting the portrait and wns going to pay him UOO guineas more fur the por trait itself when It wns completed, Workemer Smeargeiit was not sutls lied. He felt he might be going blind. Looking at her face so much hurt his eyes. "Now, what I want. Mr. Pmcargcnt." said the unfair lady, "Is for you to do me plain, simple Justice." "My dear lady." replied Smeargeiit. "what you require Is not Justice, but mercy. When I tell you to look pleas ant you don't look niilurnl. and when I tell you to look natural you don't look pleasant." London Express. Marriage In Picardy. j A IMcarily custom, founded on a broad basis of common sense a well as the Iden of complete partnership, la that which put a new bride through n ! kind of examination In the trade of her ' husband. It iniiy. of course, have be- come something of a burlesque, and tbo bride may purposely bIiow lessdex- ; tcrlty '.bail she need. Ktlll, the consld- 1 I FALL SUITS and GOWNS Perfectly Tailored AME55AOE TO MARS Some day we may be able to com municate with the planets, hut menu while we must lie content with Bend ing messages to each other. We sug gest that the next written message you send to your friend he upon 11 paper made by EATON, CRANE & PIKE They make the best writing paper in the. world. Their Highland Linen, for instance, is even more popular today than it was five years ago, nnd at that time more of it had been sold than of nny other paper. Besides Highland Linen there nre ninny oth er Katon, Crane & Pike papers, some costing mere, some less, nnd all of high quality nnd correct style. Will you not let us show you our line of these celebrated papers?1 Medford Book S'ore Every well dressed woman realizes the neces sity of a perfectly tailored Suit or Gown. We are showing an assortment of hand tailored Suits and one-piece Gowns that have never been equaled in either quality or price in this city. Suits from , $20.00 to $75.00 Gowns from ....$15.00 to $50.00 Millinery If you desire something that is different in both style and quality from the average, you will find it here in all the latest styles and designs. Corsets "We are sole agents for well known R. & G- and Gossard Corsets in all sizes. R. &Q. Corsets from $1.00 to $3.00. Gossard Corsets from $5.00 to $12.00. I! Latest styles in La dies' Hand Bags and Purses. . Reuben's Vest for babies. y Don't forget to try f the "Merode" Un derwear, 50c to $2.50 per garment. A Cod Liver Oil Fiend. "When 1 was anaemic," said n pnle man. "I took cod liver oil. I had n careless linblt of leaving the oil un- ! corked, mid It began to dlsnppenr. 1 Some one was drinking It. There wns a cod liver oil fiend in the house. I do- I elded to trap the thief." he Vent on, ! gazing thoughtfully nt tils large white ; feet, "and one night 1 purposely drank ' two cupH of Mack coffee so as to keep awake. Gentlemen, yon will hardly he- 1 lleve what happened. The thief wns n ; nit n big. sleek, fnt rat. The oil, I : guess, had agreed with him. As I ! watched him from the bed he leaped silently nu to the bureau, dipped his ; tall In the hohle,' lifted it out nnd licked It clean, nnd then dipped and licked it ngaln mid ngnln till n good ; two Inches of the oil wns gone." Ex- j change. Treee That Explode. ! All lightning blasted trees explode ns overcharged boilers do. The flame of the lightning does not bum them up, nor does the electric flush split them like an nx. They simply explode, over charged, as may be n holler with ' steiim. The lightning Is conducted Into the damp Interstices of the trunk nnd Inlo the hoilntVM under the bark. Its tremendous heat nt once turns all the moisture lu those crumped spaces Into steam. This steam In its Immediate explosion blows the tree asunder. riilliidclphln Itulletln. The First Day Out. Stewnrd Did you ring, sir? Trnv oler Yes, slejviird, 1 I rang. Steward Anything I can bring yon, sir? Trnv oler Yes, st-stewnrd. Bring mo 0 continent, If you hove one, or nn Island anything, Btcwnrd, go 1-lul-long ns It's solid. If you enn't, sus-slnk the ship. London Tit-Bit - & ropyrlprM 19 bT YOUR Hart Schaffner 6 Marx FALL SUIT AND OVERCOAT ARE NOW READY THEY'RE ALL-WOOL, MADE TX THE BEST, COR RECT STYLE, PERFECTLY TAILORED THE tITGHTEST CLASS CLOTHES MADE. NO HIGH ER IN PRICE THAN THE INDIFFERENT KIND $20 to $45 DEUEL & KENTNER