THtt "KDKOltn DAILY TRIIUJNE. Al EDFORD, OR KG OX. Fit' I DAY, OCTOBKR 1"), 1000. MYSTERY CLEARED Identity of Man Who Blew Out His Brains Known Was Painter by Trade. ASHLAND, r., (Ji t. 1j. The iden lily ol t Ik- yoiiii iiiiiii wliu wan found il 1 eml.v Wi'ilncHilay iiinriiiiiK ly Smillii'iii l'ncil'io employe in n pile ol' railroad iii'K in llm yunltt junt op posite llio loot nl' I'iiiiiiIi Klrrntt Iiiih Iiim'ii (fHlnlilihlii'il. Ho wiih 11 l n i 1 1 1 t liy trade iiml hi name wiih Hurt A tin iiik. Si-vitiiI tiniOH Im Iiiih worked in Ahlilunil I'm1 i-horl periods lor II. S, Kvmim iiml ('. 1). MarGowaii. Tlio Jirst of tlui week Im dropped off in Ashland again. Hi' ciillcil ut II. S. Kviuih' hloru Mniiilny afternoon lo Vrt ii liKKI rlicclt rlihiu'il. Tim eheek Iiml lii'i-ii paid him in - Alliimy fur work. Id' Iiml lii'i'ii drinking reocut ly iiml it in believed Unit his Miieide wiih llm I'liliiiiniitiiin of n protracted spree. I.iist sprint,' when Im wiih here Im confided t' some of his lVii'iuln Ins ili'li'riiiiiiiitinii to forever iiiil tlm tiMt of li(iiur stiiliiiK in effect tlml In; Iiml not taken a drink I'm' tmiiitliH iiml would not take mi otlii'r fur n iiiilli'Hi dollars. It in liclii'M'cl lliul in i'iiliiii(! Iii"' inabil ity In keep this pledge Id himself Im became despondent iiml determined In rnil Ii'ih life. Ill' is mill to have purchased tin) revolver with whiili Im i-lmt himself through the temple nl n mm'iiihI linnil More mi Fourth Hlri'i't. iiml thnt it wiih about HI ! i-k Tuesday nilit whi'ii Ii" used it. n pistol i-lmt having lii'i'ii hi'iinl in the vicinity about thnt time. Tlic Imily was nut fiiiinil, how i'vcr, until next luoruini;. It wiih well clothed iiml $2.:i"i was fimnil ticil up in a limiilkcrchicf on Iiik pcr nn. There wan linthinif In identify found upon tlm body save a railroad ri'lmli! clmck. indicatinc that the liolilcr Iiml puiil a fare nil the train f rum ('utilise (Irnvc to Itoselmri: last Sainrilay. Tlm body wiih taken to Slock' undcrlnlijiii; rooms. I lie cor oner summoned ami ileciileil that no impicst wiih necessary. Effort to identify the body were fruitless until this iiioriiini;. when it wiih established an stated. He had rented n room at n Koiirth street lodiiini: house for Tuesday nifht, but Im did not occupy il. Thin fact furnished Officer Cur lile n clue thnt led to the man's iden tification. AdmiiK, who had the rcpulalion of beinif a most skilled workman, was ri'J years of nj.'i. Little is known of lii. relntivi's, except thai from re marks he had occasionally dropped to his employers or fellow workmen it was inferred that his mother was well lo do. It has also developed that he has a brother who is fore man of the press room of Hie San r'nmciseo Post. Tlm latter lias been notified. ' EQUITY DOCKET IN GRANTS PASS GOES OVER GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. i:. Tho circuit court adjourned tho lat ter part of last week until tho first of November, when it will again con vene. Tlm court's attention was call ed elsewhere and as tho time, the court was in session was (alien up wiih jury eases, tlm equity docket was hardly touched, and tlm Novem ber term will probably clear llm dock et of most of these eases. Tlm jury was discharged with the exception of I'M Lister, who was held in ease there is any jurv cases tip in November, as it is necessary to have one juryman to draw another jury to the Novem ber term, being an adjournment of Ihe September session. GRANTS PASS SORE ON CURTIS WRITEUP OF CAVES (Observer. William furl is of tlm Chicago Rec ord, who recently made a trip through I his) seelioii and has written the same up for bis paper, surely did not pet his informalion first hand for bis deseriptioti of llm eaves of Joseph ine eonnly. lie says they are adja cent lo Ashland, nro practically un known ; very difficult to reach, SO miles from n railroad; (15 miles from a hotel, and that an outfit should bo trot nt Mcdford to mako the trip to I bom. Tho Commercial club might tnko this matter up with tho Chicngo Uncord nnd not only get a little free advertising, but rectify some of the misstatements. CALF KILLING CASE HEARD IN ASHLAND Mow Brothers Bound Over to Circuit Court by Juduo Eggleston In Ashland. ASHLAND, Or., Oct. l.V-Anoth er case, yesterday in Judge Kpgle slon's court goes to prove that lili- '.'iilioii like all other prominent events, iiiovch in cycles. In this particular trial, which was a criminal mm, Ches ter Mow and llichard Mow figured. (In complaint of D. W. ICincnid, n stockman of Ihe Neil creek neigh borhood, several miles out, the Mow brothers were arrested charged with appropriating and butchering u calf belonging lo Ihe Kinciiids on their range. Chester Mow lives 11 wnyH up llm Ai-hbind canyon, while Richard re sides near the lloulcvard mil urn y crossing, and upon searching their respective premises, officers found portions of the calf's cnreiiHH, identi fied them from the fact that other portions were left where the slaugh tering occurred, which wtis in the Sampson Creek region. Tlm trial brought out n "full house", not only consisling of the witnesses and other interested parlies but also spectators, the number ol' which taxed the capacity of the new ly evented municipal court headquar ters, es inlcrest in this calf case -leered ipiiie n number in that di rection. After the evidence was nil in and attorneys had gotten honked cp over the arguments, Ihe court bound Ihe Mow brolhers over for appearance nt circuit court in tlm sum of .infln each, mid default of raising of which Ihey will in all probability have to go tu the counly jail. No evidence was submitted in be half of the defendants. GRANTS PASS TREASURY IN HEALTHY CONDITION (Jr'AXTS I'ASS, Oct. Vi.Ah a ro sull of the city getting busy on tho hack sewer mid street improvement iiHHcsMiieiilH llm city's exebeipier pre sentH u much more healthy appear ance. Of those read at the council llm first time nil paid up except three, and one of these u non-resident oilers to pnv up and stop further expense. Some ol those read at the la-t council meeting bave also come through. This is as it should be, but llm Council should have collected them befure, mid liereuftcr should see that people pay up when their assessments are due, and if they do not pay up at once proceed against I hem. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (Tho Herald.) Mr. ami Mrs. O. C. Wright of Ash land are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Garvin this week. George L. Ncale, the watermelon king, captured all the prizes lit the Ashland lair last week, which is say ing something for Central Point as a watermelon center, thank yon. Mr. Ncale also captured ribbons on eu sabas, musk melons, etc. Mark P. Welch left n fine sample of peaches at this office Monday morning that arc hard to beat. They measure 11 inches in circumference and are firm and smooth. Mr. Wileli docs not know tlm name of the va riety and would like lo have some horticulturist examine and classify them. . Mrs. Albert U. S. Cutler and chil dren arrived Saturday from La Grande to join Mi'. Cutler, who re cently in connection with L. II. Tcn uy of Scuttle purchased 12 acres of the famous Noreross or Plainview or chard. Mr. anil Mrs. Cutler nro re siding temporarily in one of the Chillis' cottages, hut expect to build on their orchard as soon ns possible. An excellent exhibit of ponrs and apples from llm Snowy Untie or chards may he seen in the show win dow of W. K. Whiteside's real estate office. Mr. Whiteside has had n tiuin- ber of handsome window exhibits dur ing the past season, but this display of perfect, homo grown fruits is among Ihe best of nil. If. M. Rlocker of Ilotmsdnle, Pn., writes tho Herald in n leltev renew ing his subscription thnt the npplo crop in Pennsylvania nnd New York is not good. Mr. Sloeker owns some valuable property in Central Point mid has great faith in the town's fu ture. He visited hero three years ngo. Members of the P.aptist church nnd their friends gave n reception in the church last Friday evening in honor of I!ev. and Mrs. J. P. Hacker, who recently arrived from Adams. Or., lo take charge of the Baptist work here. Rev. K. H. Sieka loose of the Chris lion church nnd Rev. T. J. Znzelton oT tho Methodist church were present nnd each delivered short addresses. Light refreshments were served and a most pleasant evening was pnssed. M. S. Wflloh, an old and well known eilizen, was nltneked by a sudden ill ness Snturdny evening nnd in n short time his life wns despaired of, Mon day tho ease developed into pneumo nia mid his condition wnp considered very critical. Lfist evening, however, he was reported somewhat improved with Blight hope for bis recovery. NOTICH OK SALK. In the iiinlter of the cstnto of George M. Needles, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of mi order of the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, made on the Hth day of October, DKI't, in the mailer of the above named estate, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deceas ed will sell nt public miction to the highest bidder foi- cash, on Mondny, the '.'."itli day of October, 1900, nt 10 o'clock a. m., in front of whnt is known iih the "Horseshoe Club Sa loon," situated on front street in the city of Mcdford, the entire stock of merchandise contained in said sa loon, consistim; of a Inrge amount of whisky in barrels, in bottles and oth erwise, together with a variety of other kinds of lifpior usually kept by retail vendors thereof ; also including two poid tables, both in good condi tion, and each completely equipped with fixtures; also n stock of tobac cos, cigars, pipes, cigarettes, etc., and a full set of decanters, glasses and tumbler-, and other articles used in connection with and in n saloon where liquors are sold by retail. For a more definite knowledge of the kind and amount of liquors, fixtures, etc., to he disposed of at said sale, inquire at the office of Colvig & . Reames, Mcdford, Oregon. Dated October l.'ith. WO!). C'LARKNCR L., Administrator of the Kstnto of George M. Needles, Deceased. NOTICK. Notice is hereby given Jhnt the un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil of the city of Mcdford, Oregon, at the meeting thereof on October 10, 11100, for n license to sell spirit ous, vinous nnd malt liquors in quan tities less than n gallon, for the pe riod of six months, at his place of business at Nos. 22 and 21 Front street, North, inlaid citv. JOHN HARRINGTON. Dated October 0, 100!). Prepaid Raiiroan Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or 'iblo interest to the public generally and which is nerhnps not generally ders now in effect between stations of tho Southern Pacifio compnny and nil points in the United States. By means of this system tickets mny 'ic purchased nt Mcdford from nny place in tho United States and mnil ?d or telegraphed direct to the pnrty wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations nnd small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may lso be fr.iwurded at the snrae Forthe B es t In harness, saddles, whips, ".ones, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 Tho property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor nnd pump which goes with tho place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but n short time at this price. W. T. York 6 Co. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGEfiCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDF0RD. f44-4-t'4i-4-l-fi44-li-4-i-ft4-t4-f4'4'l'-' II . lO r 1 4 Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All k!r,r of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t jchincry, Agents in Southern Oregon for . FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & CO. t 4444444444 444 44444444444 Savoy Theatre TONIGHT COMMANDER R. E. PEARY AT HOME Showing reception, family and . other phases of the life of the great Arctic explorer. Don't miss it. LEGEND OF THE LIGHTHOUSE DROPPED FROM THE CLOUDS GENEVIEVE OF BR0BRANT "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good w. cannot obtain a better coffees not If we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. 3. E. ENTART, President JOHN S ORTH, Cashier. . J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. W. B. -JACKSON, Ass't Cashie. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. b C. Hansen. . Tom M of fat. We make any kind and style of windows;. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Galls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 , ' via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific . (L1XES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.0011 From Omaha ..: $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 ' From Kansas City $25.0G Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. R. & N. or S. P. Agent nnd ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.