Oregon Historical Society t Citv Hall rt Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually edford Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, ORJXJOX, FRIDAY, OOTOI5KR 15, VMk No. 179. M ED ROOT TO HAVE OF MPERIAL FRUIT MRS. COLLINS NOT GUILTY, SAYS JURY PORTLAND, )!. 15.--Dc-clared not guilty of murdering ing Iht. husband, Dr. Hoy A. M. ColliiiH, ins July 21, Mrs. CnlliiiH was allowed to go in euro of her diiiiKhtcr toilny. The jury'H verdict was not guilty, on tlm ground of in Hiinily. Tins- verdict was pop ular in tint courtroom. I MA BOX PAID FORD'ANJOUS F CREEK Throws More Light on Recent Ac quisition of Royal Orchard for the Autocrat of All the Russlas. DEAL NEGOTIATED IN KEENE'S APARTMENT HOUSE Root Is Made Lord of the Royal Or chard Chamher Will Take Meas ures to Bar Anarchists. JURY IN THE WALSWQRTH CASE IS OUT Left Courtroom Shortly Before Noon Today After Trial Lasting Nearly a Week. "My crninin, Nick Itotimiiol'f, not the I'iilillcr, hut the czar, hns made mi) Ion of thu Itoynl Orchnril Chain her anil I will have cliurgo of the im perial pumpkins," stated K1 Hoot ex-mayor of Tolo, hoii-vivinut and man-uhout-town, after reading Ilia announcement made in the. Morning Mail hv Anton PelroKkiovitch of Moscow, lord of the outer cliamhor, . and I'eter IVIcrhof of St. Peters burg, lord of inner chamher, regard ing thu selection of thn Royal or chard for this autocrat. "I didn't Imow our negotiations for a fruit ranch were to he made politic, lest anarchists spray with paris green and put dynamite in the apple heeiN," continued Mr. Hoot, "hut ax loiif,' ax thu facts are out, I might in well give noma more detail. 1 nl wnys tried to keep my kinship with the czar secret. My real name is Kootoviteh. "I won't tell where the Royal or chard are located, lest you poison the fruit. Ask Mono. Burkdull. Hu miulo thn Bale. These chamher lords said he looked like a Russian to them. They kept pretty quiet here had chandlers in Doc Keene's new apartment house. That's where the Mail interviewed him, and was made official organ. "What made tho ehamhor lord? choose this section? Well, they read ahoiit the decisions in the Miko linn lev riirht of wav case and said il was the most like ltussia of nnythinfi thev had seen made 'em homosiek, ami that settled it that and tho Cra ii.v I.nko road injunction. Under personal instructions ol Cousin Niek I havo retainod A. E. Kennies to look over tho abstract. Nicd; says he has a fellow feeling for Evan. "The orchard will ho irrigated with distilled waler from Ilafcr's V flume and the fruit will ho shipped ovci Harris' electric lino to the city lim its, where Blakoloy's trolley will car rv it. Every applo and pear will hn whacked with a club before shipment to ho sure it contains no explosions, and its .iuiec analyzed for dopo, fot cousin Nick must run no risks, and it can never ho said that a Root bo t rayed tho family tree." inunFRRARTEN TO OPEN MONDAY AT 1009 MAIN STREET Miss Arm TTarmon, grnduato ot the Miuneapilos kindorgnrton nonnal ...i,nnl. will onen n kindorgnrton c,.liool next Monday, thus providing . .,, nf schooling tho liltlo onos II III" - - l il who are loo young to trust to tho public schools. The hours nro from fl-30 a. m. lo 12 m. and parents who (,(')nlemplnle sending their littlo ones should see Miss Harmon once. The jury in the case of the state vs. Charles Walsworth for the-kill ing of James Mankin left the court room at 13 minutes to 12 this morn ing for their deliberation. All early verdict is expected. The case has been in progress since Monday. The jury was taken to the scene of the tragedy during the week The. jury eoiikihts of J. C. Cnrnahan ):. K. Gore, II. If. Tavlor. II. (. Key ers. Jeff Neil, V. Y. Allen, X. T). Itfiiiihv. Welhorn Beeson. Marian Ifnrtlcv. Jesse Hodges, W. T. Vin cut and R. P. Little. CENTRAL POINT TO ADVERTISE Commercial Club Will Meet Manager Wells on Monday. With 1 R ENTIRE NATION AWAITS IAST TORNADO KILLS 18 IN TENNESSEE BASEBALL Car Grossed $2900 and Netted Or chard Company $2215.89 Grown on an Acre and a Half of Ground. GAM E SPAIN FACING Hans Wagner, Veteran and Star,! Tops Players at the Bat With an Average ' of .381. f i MEMPHIS, Tcnn., Oct. 15. Eighteen fatalities are re ported as the result of the destructive tornado which raged in this section last night It is expected that the proper erty loss will prove heavy. .Fifteen arc reported dead at Hamburg, Tenn. Two are dead in Denmark and one at Mulberry. MAY E SOON HOPKINS PICKS 15 BOXES NEWT0WNS TO THE TREE Will Have 3300 Boxes Choice Apples for Shipment and 4000 Boxes of Spltzenbergs. DETROIT HAS 28 RUNS, WHILE PITTSBURG HAS 26 Teams' Fielding Percentage Stands .956 to .955 Great Interest Is Taken in Game. ! PITTSBURG, Oct. 13. With the .entire country in suspense, the final game of the series for the baseball ; championship will be played tomor row. Each team has won three games and the winner of the seventh will i not only 'claim tho championship of A number of boxes of d'Anjou pears which were in the Hear Creek car, averaging $5.45 a box, sold for $7.25 a box. The detailed returns liavo been received by Manager Whisler of the Hear Creek orchards. The car grossed $2000. Mr. Whisler : 1 ..I I. p.... J.tl'11 Q(l reeeiveu a i:i vi:k mi .t-x.j.o. - ., . . . , . ' cent of the gate receipts, the losmg net returns. ..... The pears were grown on 11-year- leam taking 4U. old trees, some of the trees yielding: llie following table shows tne ten boxes of fancy fruit. The return standings in the games already play- of. $2215 represents an acre and a e(j. TAYLOR PLACE 40 ACRES. SOLD FOR $15,000 Eugene Foster of Chicago Is New Owner Owns the Helms Tract. . Manager of European Bureau of the United Press Returns From Trip " Through Spain Says Cli max Is Near. MANY INDICATIONS OF IMPENDING REVOLUTION Every City in the Kingdom in tht Throes of Civil War Masses Are Dissatisfied. half of orchard, or $1476 an acre, Big Apple Crap. A large apple crop is being har vested on the Snowy Butte orchard by Fred II. Hopkins. One block of Newtown Pippins containing 200 trees is yielding between 12 and 15 boxes of choice fruit to the tree the estimate made earlier in tho season being topped in every instance. Mr. Hopkins will have about 3300; y(lslH11. boxes ot Aewiowns mis year aim 1000 boxes of Spitzenbergs. The lat ter are of full size and are very beau tifully colored. .('nirhesA Batting. Gibson ,. . . .250 Schmidt First basemen T. Jones Absteiu Second basemen DcleliHiity Miller Shortstops A special meeting of the Conimer cial club will be held next Momia eveninc. October 18, when William Millie Wells, manager of the commu nity publicity department of the Southern Pacific company, will be present to discuss with the club mem hers a proposilion to advertise Con tral Point and locality through the cominunily advertising plan of that company, which has been so success fully employed by almost all the pro irressivo towns in Oregon, says the Herald. Whan the club was organized last spring a promotion lunu or more inaii $1000 was subscribed by tho business men and citizens and a largo amount of this fund is now available, llie club issued a small folder early m the summer, but beyond that nothing has been done towards inaugurating a systematic advertising campaign. The governing board of the club, how ever, have decided to consider the Southern Pacific plan and for that mirnose tho Monday evening meet ing is called that nil members mny have the opportunity of getting first hand information regarding the plan from Mr. TVolls himself. Medford housewives nro invited to morrow to call in nt Aitkin's plumb ing store, 211 W. Main, to tasto the food prepnred in tho Hot Fireless Cooker nnd seo n practical kitclion demonstration of tho Range Roller Insulator. Don't miss it. Miss Ttcssic Hearing of thin city was in Tnlont Friday visiting friends. OLD BLACKSMITHS IN NEW QUARTERS Popular Firm of Merriman and Elliott Move Into New Shop on Riverside Avenue in Rear of the Old. .200 .250 .211 .304 .217 .3S1 .350 Fielding. 1000 .902 1000 .955 .914 .862 .913 .913 Bush Third busonien-Bvrne Moriarity 238 Right fielders Cobb Wilson Center fielders Leach Crawford Left fielders . D. Jones .280 Clarke 211 1'itchor Mullin in three years hat ted .231. No Pittsburg piteners nave secured n hit. It will bo noted that Wagner far outranks Cobb in rat ing. Eugene Foster of Chicago has pur chased the George W. Taylor place, two miles southwest of Medford, con sisting of 40 acres newly planted to fn.it trees, for $15,000. Mr. Fos ter has also bought 18 acres of the to reports, Henry Helms tract at Talent for $0000. Five acres of the place" are in old orchard. L. E. Williams of Anaconda. Mont- has purchased the Porter J. Neff orchard of ten acres, half pears and half apples, for $10,000. The or chard is a p"art of the old att or chard nnd lies on West Oakdale ave nue, near the city limits. Mr. Wil liams has also purchased the R. O. Junken orchard of five acres of bear ing trees for $6500. These four sales were made by John D. Olwell. Warner, Wortmnn & Gore have purchased 40 acres of the Gus Law rence farm adjoining Wilbur Jones' farm in West Medford, at $250 an acre. (By Charles P. Stewart, "European Manager United Press Association.) PARIS, Oct. 15. Five bomb ex plosions were reported today in dif- ferent parts of Barcelona. Many peo ple were seriously injured, according Merriman & Elliott, the popular and well known blacksmiths and horseshoers, havo moved into their new-building on Riverside nvenue in the roar of their former establish ment, and in a modern and complete shop, with all the latest blacksmith ing machinery nnd inventions, arc prepared to cater to the wants of their largo clientele. The new shop is about 35 by 70 feet in dimensions, has three modern forges nnd all the paraphernalia a smithy is supposed to hnve. In the rear is the wngon shop. The firm of Merriman & Elliott is one of the oldest, best known nnd most reliable in the county. Their im proved facilities will aid them in keeping in tho lead. Mabel Triblott of Eugene recently passed through hero on her wny home from Jacksonville, where she' hns been transacting court business. Mrs. M. E. Hudson of Jacksonville is visiting with her father in Albany this week. .250 .273 .217 .318 .292 .964 1000 1000 1000 1000 .929 1000 .938 LONDON, Oct. 15. The throne of King Alfonso is tottering. Every city in the kingdom is in the throes of a revolution of its own. The climax may not come for weeks, possibly mouths, but Alfonso's reign is doom ed. I have just returned from a per sonal journey throughout Spain. There are many indications of a dis solution of the government. Anarch ist propaganda and universal disaf fection are'the cause of the impend ing change. MEDFORD SCHOOLS WIN SILVER MEDAL AT FAIR MANY HOMESEEKERS COME ON LOW RATE Team uniting Pittsburg Detroit Team fielding Pittsburg Detroit AB. .188 .108 PO. .'i-7 .164 R. IB. 26 44 28 51 A. E. 09 11 69 11 Pet. .234 .257 Pet. .956 .955 Piieher Adair s has wou two games ai.d lost none, perce ntage 1000. Mad dux won one and lost none, percent age 1000. Dounwr wene one, los i one. perccntag' 1001. Mulliii won two. lose iir.c. perecn rge .667. All others lost their games. REMOVAL NOTICE. Merriman and Elliott have moved to their 'new shop on Riverside ave nue, where they will bo better pre pnred to do blncksmithing in all its branches than ever before. Wo take pleasure in thanking all our old cus tomers who have stayed with us in the old shop and inviting newcomers. You will now got tho benefit of our long experience and increase facili ties. We are here to stay nnd to please our customers. Horseshoeing is our spooialty. The exhibit of school work from Medford hns received the silver med al and the Oregon building has been awarded 15 grand prizes with chances for more at the Seattle fair. Besides these, Oregon is honored with 18 gold medals, 12 silver medals and 25 bronze bedals to sny nothing of n very Inrge number of honorable men tions. One of the most interesting nnd at tractive things to bo seen in the Ore gon building is the large seed picture which is in the dome of the building. Seeds, grains nnd grasses are so arranged on a piece of canvas as to form pictures allustrnting the varied resources of Oregon. In the center is the seal of the state. The picture is 25x100 feet in size and it kept two men nisy for three months making it. Needless to sny it tooka grand prize. Other grand prizes were awarded to the butter exhibit, woolen exhibit, mvrtle wood exhibit nnd tnxidermist exhibit. The inside wnll decoration wns nlso considered superior to nny of its competitors. All considered, Oregon's building is ns good, if not better, than any of them. Third Week of Colonist Travel Brings 1015 Homeseekers to Ore gon From the East. Mrs. Arthur Brown leaves Friday evening for n visit in Eugene with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Laffertv of Cnllahnn, Cal., have become interest ed in tho city nnd nre looking her over. I T. E. Parsons is down down from were in tho citv on business tho lest MERRIMAN & ELLIOTT. J McCloud. Or., on a visit this week. of thi we k. The third week of colonist travel to Portland over the Union Pacific and O. R. & N. roads in the 30-day low ate to Oregon which is being given to easterners, brought 1015 home seekers to this state, according to tho figures prepared by General Passen ger Agent McMurray. Mr. McMurray says these figures are for seven ';iys, while for a corresponding period of eight days last year the number of colonists brought to Portland and scattered throughout Oregon was 963. The total for the three weeks is now 3794. This means an increase of popula tion in Oregon of even greater figures than these in the three weeks, as many of the colonists brought small children with them, and all bought one-way tickets under the low rates. These newcomers scattered all over Oregon, going to the Willamette and Rogue River valleys and to eastern Oregon. Mr. McMurray says the people who have come in this year on the colonist rates are of a supe rior class nnd that the majority of them have money nnd are looking for locations here. Tho low rates from the east expire October 15. Mr. and Mrs. K. Gngo of Gold Ray