TfllCT TIIE MEDFORT) DAILY TKIBUNE, MKDFOttD, PUKCON', TH1TS1)AY. OCTOBER 14, 1000. 8 w -m H WOMEN'S CLUBS OFFER i lint.l .Wi-ion tho tate emitrilmt- 0XF0RD SCHOLARSHIP ins i" s.-lilarlii will roe.uvo iivt- " I 01viioo ovor Olio t'iiu a iioii-oontnu- XEW YORK. Oot. 14. Tho Geu- utinsr state. SHIP SUBSIDY CERTAIN TO I BE CONSIDERED SOCK end Federation f APPLE ORCHARD PAYS IMS OlltTl'U "II l.iifciii. ' valued at $1500, to an American worn j an who hhall sueecssf a'v ss the. examinations, nw '.nua'i' j PROFIT OF $20,000, i WKXAtt lll'.K. Wash., O.-t. II. for 0f..r.l. Ciiiiibrlf or London tsiafKinaiv i JveJ v for ex. i , The of apples that will 2.WU0. about nations 'are to ' .nathematies. 1000 uihUt the returns ot last year, lj.tin a Oreek. and will be held in The oivhard contains JO acres of o every state in the Virion on the 19th jt 7-vear-old trees. and the 20th of this month. Candi dates must make application to of ficers of the educational branch of their state federation and will, if the eonditions an fulfilled, receive a ccr tiifcate of admission from the chair man of education of the National Federation. The candidate, a col lege graduate, must enter credentials proving her good health, literary ajid scholastic attainments and promise of distinction. She must he under J7 years of uue and unmarried. The examination papers will he read and rated at Oxford and returned to the National Federation chairman. In the The three brothers arc sawmill men and have lived at Snohomish for many years. They purchased the land 1" years f" l"rt an acre. John 'Quinn, another grower, will gal her .1"00 worth of apples from five acres of young trees, enly one third of which are in hearing. Mr. Qtiinii bought the ranch in February, !HS. for ?7.)00 and expects to pay for it with the crop in three years. Mrs. Joe Williams left Thursday for Dunsmuir. Oal., after a two weeks' viit with her parents of this place. SKATTI.K, Wash., Octo. 14. Re storative legislation for the. merchant marine is to become, a great national issue as the result of rresiilent Tail's address at the Aluska-Yuknu-l'ncil'io exposition. The nation's chief iiiclt it plain that the disappearance of tho American lltitf, 1'iuin tho pats of in ternational commerce across the ocean highway is little short of a national calamity. Recognizing the importance of the declaration, tho Hearst newspapers have undertaken a canvass of tho national legislators to feel out ilie situation, as it is cer tain the prO-idetit will recommend liic mediate action nt tho next Hussion of congress. Will K. 'Humphrey of the First Washington district will proha blv introduce the measure, as he has been the most consistent adocate of a rehabilitated menhaut marine. I're-ident Tat't showed that iii case of war our great fleet would be help less for lack of colliers and trans ports. This aside from the cuminer cial aspects in view of the fact that trade follows the flag, makes it cer tain that shipping legislation will' he roine as important as taviff revision. OBJECTS TO S. P. SPUR IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE SAI-KM, Or., Od. 1 1. On the ground that it is a public milsaucti hud should he almlishcil, Attorney L. II. McMnhou, iu his own behalf, asked an injunction against the Southern l'acific company in the cir cuit court this afternoon to restrain it from replacing n long since, nlnit doned spur leading tnun the Ireight depot down Front street to the site of the old Willamette Valley flouring niils on Xortb Mill creek. TJio mills ! have not hcou operated for the last 15 years mid wtM'K destroyed by I'irc about seven years ugo, and the truck has not been used sine.'. The track passes in front of MoMnhon'u .resi dence 1 r . J. 11. Itafl'eily of ltiiiiiiilli county, Kentucky, left Thursday for south-1 em points after n months stay in this phico. H w IF SHOW GOOD BUSINESS SENSE After years of endeavor you had gained a competency and invested your long accum- ulated savings in something that would tender but slight returns when at the same time you were given the opportunity to invest in some thing that would yield 25,50, 75 and even 100 per cent on your investment each year, an in vestment as sound as the Rock of Gibralter and growing better each year? OF COURSE YOU WOULD NOT. See list of other bargains in last column on page 4 of this paper. But how about you ? Why should' you invest your mon ey elsewhere when you can get: . 27 acres of as fine land as lays outdoors; only three and one-half miles from Medford, across the road' from' the famous Bun-ell orchard, 9 acres in Syear-old Bartlett and Cornice pears, 15 acres in alfalfa, large vegetable and' berry garden, plenty of water, 5-room house, good barn, chick en house and other, outbuildings, all for $6500, with rea sonable terms? For further infomiation apply' Sec list of other bargains in lust column on page 4 of this paper. Benson Investment Company OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL The Crowds Attend Our ANNIVERSARY SALE Don't Miss a Look It would lie impossible for us to tell you Cadi day about even ten per cent of the special bargains now on sale at this big store. "NY c give a few prices each day ns Simmies anil nslc von to come and verify them. Oni-c voti are in the store yon will see hundreds of specials that should appeal to every careful woman. Our stocks . . .. .... .. : il 1 1..,......, are complete, tlie largest ny tar in mmiuki n w" mm l ni i to all and that the lowest sale price we. can make at this season of the year. Our values and prices are sure to please you and everything is hacked by the store and guaranteed to give sansiacnou. IANNIVFRSARY SALE. Bags, Belts, and Jewelry Novelties 19 23'c ,39 .590 790 li5c articles for . . 35c art icles for . . 5()c articles f"t' . . 75c art icles for . . &1.00 articles for $1.50 articles for ..$1-19 $2.00 articles lor $3.00 articles for ..$2.47 $4.00 articles for . $3.39 $5.00 articles for ..$4.19 $(i.00 artMes for . .$4.98 $7.00 articles for . .$5.89 All other articles up to jfc'.OO at u like reduction, i'lfso jjM belts and jewelry. Don! " 1ook- ANNIVERSA.1- Dress Goods Lot one consists of ? number of pieces of styl ish Dress Fabrics to close out at llnlf I'l icc. Some 50c grades at . .390 .Some 75c grades at . .490 Some fJOc grades at . .690 Some $1.00 grades at. 830 Some $1.25 grades at.98 Some $1.50 grades. $1.19 Some $2.00 grades. $1.09 Some $2.50 grades. $1.98 Don't miss a look til the new line of full skirt slifrs ANNIVERSARY SALE. Coats and Suits $7.50 Coais and Suits ' for ,...$5.63 $S.OO (''oats and Suits . for $0.19 $1 (.( Coats and Suits for ,.$7.19 $12.50 ('.''oats and Suits ' fur 1 . $9.98 $15.00 Coats and Suits for $11.89 $20.00 Coats and Stilts for $15.93 $35.00 values for.. $28.98 $-10.00 values for.. $32.98 $50.00 values for.. $39.89 $)0.00 values for.. $47.89 $75.00 values for.. $63.49 ANNIVERSARY SALE?! Ladles' Petticoats You never did beat our prices and values on pelti ("ats at regular prices. v. " we sav . 41 ". ."nines lot ANNIVERSARY SALE. Bedding 50c Blankets for ,...42 75c Ulankets for ....590 Tihn)kcts rind Comforts $1.00 values at 870- $1.25 values at ...$1.09 $1.50 values at ,..$1.23 $2.00 values at . . .$1.03 $2.50 values at.,.. $2.19 $3.00 values at .,.$2.47" $4.00 values at ...$3.39 $5.00 values at . . .$3.19 Don't miss a took. ANNIVERSARY SALE. Fine Silks A stock of silks double the size and value of any stock in Southern Oregon. 50c Silks for 42 75c Silks for 03 $1.00 Silks for 87f $1.25 Silks for 98 $1.50 Silks for .'...$1.29 $2.00 Silks for ....$1.69 Don't miss a look. $4.00 Coats for ...$2.19 ....980 ..SI. 19 . $1.69 . .$2.19 ,.$2.47 S3.39 19 p-m . . $1.50 viu 'u's fnr $2.00 values "v $2.50 values h"11' $3.00 values for $1.00 values for $5.00 values f,.v and like reductions up l.. T I .t H . .Silk Petticoats for $11.69 ANNIVERSARY SALE.' Waists 1.00 Waists for 790 $1.25 Waists for . . . .98 $1.50 .Waists for... $1.19 $2.00 Waists for... $1.47 $2.50 Waists for... $1.98 $3.00 Witists for... $2.39 And a like reduction all through the entire line of waist's. ANNIVERSARY SAI r ' Staples As ever, best Prints. . ,5- 5c House Lining . 4 0c Yj L Muslin 50 X l-2c Brown Muslin. . 6o 10c Mltached Muslin. . .8 12 1 -2c Bleached Mus- ' lin ,....10 1 5o Bleached Miisliii . 11 All Oll.itlO-tt 1?lo,V,At et.t(s, Galateas, Percales: uu;'i special rnces. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to Baker Hutchason Co. City Recorder. L'ltv itccoruer.