Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 14, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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' .....
. .nit. inn f.rnnniin
Pair mill cooler tonight)
with light front. Friday, fair.'
Tcnlli Mrcet Mill tlin district Voulh
il' it is being fcnill iii with fine mod
f ill (Iwcllinfi unit in fast becoming
u strictly licM-clas resident section
Will deliver you ChhciiiIo coal, nt
11.0(1 per ton, tu uny place in the
city. Phone 701. 1H3
Mr. mill Mm, L. H. MmiKcr of Loii
F. Oseiibrugge i visitor to Port
liuiil on buaincuft.
Why rush hornet Try the Spot
Cafe't 2fe dinner.
F. 0, llrnndoii, ii local clothing
dealer, Ih lilt viiif a ncill, five-room
collage built on hix lot on Onkdnlo
outh of Tenth.
Rent moiil for tlio least money nt
the Rpot cafe,
K. J. Swcniiinii returned Wednos-
iliiy from 11 protracted May nt Crater
Lake, where hit Iiiih been employed
mi ft HiirvcyiiiK crew,
Southern Oregon Ten nml Coffee
Co., :ifl So. 0 Mrcet.
W. C. Dcblcy in building a five
room bungalow on King street. J
1.. IInokiT ih the overnMT of the
Order for aweet eremn or butter
milk nromntlv filled. Phone the
Mr. anil Mm. W. F Anderson pun
d through here on their way t o
Phm-uix on thrir return from the
lit Hi fair.
Ellii Gannynw, public stenographer,
room 4, Pa1:r. buildinc,
J. I,. Hooker Iiiih jtiht completed
n. fine fl'iOO eight -room house on
Tenth mid Newtown streets lor II
A. Frnletibtirg.
Spice and extracts nt 3C So. G
A. Whitney was viMting F.ugenc
and other northern points Wedncu
Mitrhull & Hocek have removed to
new brick building across alley from
old Htnnd. ' 180
Ir. Coiirov wiih a reeent visitor in
flrnnlH I'iihh.
See lint of llcnson's liiirgaiim on
pilRB 4.
MiMi Annie Jeffrey, who 1ms been
visiting Mm. S. S. Mntfill on Apple
pate, returned home Wednesday.
Swrct cider lit L. Mel11an'n city
ranch, Shennont street, East Side.
. 178
Fred NT. Cnmmiugs returned Wed
nesday from n business visit to Port
land. Do nvt forget that the Ttogue Riv
er I'Vh Co. wants to nee you all to-
innrruW lor 1111, cinm, ujuinn.
of the (ity. Many bungalows, cot- Beach, Cul., are tonriiiK the Rogue
luges hVid two-Mtury dwellings are in valley this week, fhey arc old uu
tlin coiiMii of construction nml many j (uiiintiinces of M. Miller, who owns
nioVc are being; planned. '" an orcliiird near Central Point.
Kam GliiKgow leaves with W. T, j Mr. und Mm. W. A. Kobbiim of
'Hlivcriilgir party of eu(ineeM to Denver, Col., are visiliiiK Mudford
n'ork at HiirveyiiiK on tho Pacitic tor n few days.
Astern Thursday. tiny Jlircsher or 1'hoeinx was a
Mm M Peek was down from ; visitor to .Medtor.l lliiiMday. Mr.
hoeni'x on a Kl,oppi..K trip Thur- Thresher i u mining expert by trade
i j llllll t II mi ill I J i ' I in if ii ii iv of
J. T. Unf e of (.orvall.H , ... the , y w Ju(.kH0 vi)Ii hmleri
II y iookiiik J"r ii luniiit'u.
is a visitor to the citv thiri week
D. C. Day, who bus been hero on M r v t'niilv ,,r Aslilmid in
busiiifHM from Portland, left for that Y-Mit;tlg nc.r hjtt,ri jjMt j, Mcl'her-
n aen on l uiMiiny. . - i u,n i.f tin ntv. i v
John Hrown of hnn rrnnoisco ieii Mr(j M jc(j ii)llffi
ThiiMdny f'T I(osebiir(( after a short w)) hft t viHitjn,, j1;r ,rther, M.
Notning Was th Matttr.
"A newaboy I knew." miiUI a juobu
Diau, "took to I lie sen. lie liecauie
cabin boy on n Ira inp collier, lie waa
a (,'ood boy, but
Once, wlieu our wlilte sguaaron
waa at Newiort. thia collier ateamed
In bcr alow way nlioreward with her
eualfii unalile down, the rIkiiiiI of (lla-
trcaa dlatrcaa or the (IIiomi. iiistnntiy
nrctty alifbt wna to be ecu. Kvery
urshlp In the Beet lowered u lifeboat,
and all of tboae henutlfiil, auowy boats,
manned by Jnekles in Hpotleaa white
duck, raced for the grimy old collier
at breakneck apeed-a pretty aight In
deed. The captain ol the collier atood
on the bridge. He waved ti in hat. and
the crews pulled all the faster.. As
they drew close they heard the man's
" 'Come op! l'uli: Get down to It!'
be roared, dancing about wildly.
What's the matter, cnptnlnT the
visit with friends in this vicinity.
Mr. mid Mm. C. Torrance of ew
York left for northern points recent
ly nfter n short slay in Medford.
Mrs. E. W. (Iroesheck or jiick-
sonvillo passed ihroriuh here on
her way to Uosclmrfr, where she will
visit with relatives. '
W. Winkle is building n fine eight-
room buiiL'iilow for A. C. Ireland on
Tenth street lit n cost of $1700.
Dr. mid Mm.. Harry Hart nre heix
from Qiiinev. 111., visiting Mr. Hurt's
brother, Dr. Henry Hart.
F. K. Deuel is visiting firnnts Pnss
on business.
3. 0. A. Farthing is building n large
seven-room, two-story dwelling for
Adam Ainiir on Newtown street at ft
eiist of $2."nn. H is to be a strictly
modern mid up-to-date home, mid will
he ermiiiletcd hv .December 1. Mr.
Farthing also will stint a seven-room
bungalow on Newtown street m n tew
dnvs fur P. E. Wynconp.
i'hoinas Cheleroft of Aldene. S. T.,
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mm. linker for the pat two wceVs.
returned to his home the first of the
Miss filadys Heard is speniTinir n
few days in Ornnts Phsm with Miss
Jessie llale.
Colonel F. 1j. Ton Velle. C. Snyder
and Hoss Kline left Thursday for
San Francisco to take in the Portola
and see the automobile Tuecs. They
will be absent about a week.
Mrs. O. T. Myers of this city left
the first of , the week for Seattle,
where she will attend the fair.
Mr. and. Mrs. W. II. Stalker, for
merly residents of Medford. arc now
residents of Minneapolis, Minn.
F. IV Stewart and A. S. Bliton vis
ited Orants Pass Thursday.
Hiehnrd nenry Smith of Minneap
olis, Minn., is traveling over the
llotrne valley nml surrounding moun
tains in search of health. Mr. Smith
is making the trip on horseback with
his gun and dog.
William Dalirn and F. V. Rotlign
Eiler of this city for some time, left
Thursday morning for her home.
Mm. h. A. Lifshitz. of Denver. Col.,
left for Portland Thursday evening
af'tr a visit with relatives here
Use Cascade coal for fuel, $0.50
per ton. Phone 701. l&a
Hcv. G. W. fiilioney of thm city
left ThiiMdny for Klamath Fulls,
whore he will stuy for a month
Mm. A. C. Randall of Talent re
turned home the last of the week aft
er a short stay in the city,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Osborne are
looking over the Rogue valley this
Now is the time to lay in n supply
of coal for winter. Phone 71)1, Cas
cmle coal, $0..r0 per ton. 183
Mm. J. N. Maney of Talent re
turned home Thursday after a short
business slay in Medford
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson of Gilby
N. D., who have been visiting
the valley on their return trip from
the fair, are in Medford this week.
Mm. John F. Allen of Eagle Point
returned ThiiMtlav from Springfield
Mo., where she went to attend the
funeral of her brother.
can yet carry Itself cheerfully Is not
without heroism. Indeed. If that hu
man ' heart doe no more than hold
its tongue about Its own aches and
pains It has a certain moral value that
the world cannot afford to lose. "Pleas
antness" does not sound as well as
self sacrifice or wisdom or spiritual
ity, but It may Include all these great
words. And certainly Jnat to start
one's husband out to bis work cheer
ily to make the hobbledehoy of a son
feel a gentler and sweeter sentiment
toward women becaose of bis own
mother's sound, sweet gayety and
strength, to help one's servants to put
good humor and friendliness lDto their
services these things make for right,
jousriess 10 the world.' Margaret De
laud. " -
It Didn't Work Out Juat Right
I saw the beat of intentions become
veritable boomerang on Broadway
n. ,.in,.,.r to r,..r.h the collier naked the other night. A policeman bad ar-
breatliiessly. rested for some small disturbance two
Why. nothing's the matter,' the wen ureaacu mm nm,
captain onswercd In a surprised voice.
" 'Then why's your ensign upside
The captain looked alott, then
It's that boy Hank ogaln." said he.
And here I thought it was a regatta.' "
Light and Dark Cigars.
A atrlklnc -example of the ordinary
smoker's Ignorance on the subject of
smokes Is the popular superstition that
a dark looking cigar Is stronger than a
lighter colored one. Some strong cigars
have dark wrappers, mil me oars:
wrapper does not by any means Indi
cate a strong clear Dark, gummy to
hawn If thnronehlv cured. Is the mild
est form. Of course If dark tobacco Is
not thoroughly cured it will be strong.
but so will lltrht tobacco, for that mat
ter. Any cluar man will bet you that
the dark color is usually, thougn not
always, n sign of a ripe, well cured
leaf, which Is therefore milder nine
times out of ten than the lighter hued
lcof. But v-lien It is known that every
manufacturer makes both dark and
light cigars and that he uses exactly
the same blend of filler In both ana
that the wranncr only constitutes a
small fractional part of the cigar It is
clearly seen that the shade of the
wrapper bns little 'o do with the
strength of the cigar. Ask the dealer
for a strong cigar He bands out a
dark one. and the imagination does
the rest. Harper's Weekly.
bad too much, but were facing the In.
evitable trip to the station without any
further fuss. A friend saw their plight
and rushed up.
Officer." be blued In a peculiarly er
f endnote voice, "1 beg that yoo win
not arrest these men. why, tbey are
no more drank than 1 am."
Oh, very well," said the cop. "I
take yon too."
And be dld.-New York xeiegrapn.
ECGENE. Or., Oct. 14. John S
Milne and E. O. Strang of Cottage
Grove have purchased the E. S. Rolfe
tract nenr this place.
The purchasers will get the ground
in shnpe and next spring will set the
whole timet to pears. The way south
ern Oregon iienM nre selling on the
eastern markets hns led people to be
lieve there is a great ninrket for them,
and a number of good pear orchards
will be set out next year.
MINERAL POINT. Wis.. Oct. 14.
Federal Attorney Gordon arrived in
this city today to investigate the
city this week. j charges that the. nlticinls ol the rust
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Keller of Conn- j National bunk here accepted deposits
eil liluffs. la., are. looking over (he i within a lew minutes before the doors
' .. ..a : -1 1 F..l
L It. Jiiciiiin will soon move, into Untrue valley nenr inis ciry. i" '""" clc
V, five. mom cottnirc on South Now- 1 F. R. Faulkner, n farmer from lies- lowing the discovery tlint a shortage
town, which is being rapidly com- ter, N. M.. is reviewing the fanning j of $200,000 existed
' possibilities ot this vicinity. ; nave oeen is.kwmi.
,.r,,l,c sl.rimo. dressed chickens, tur-! her of Girard. 111., are visiting the
keys, smoked and salt salmon, mac
nroiii and importpd cheese. 178
Phone SHOD for ten or coflco.
How Spiders Undreas.
It is an interesting sight Indeed to
watch a spider change its skin and
one that will well repaynny one for
the time taken up by waiting for the
little known gencraHy ' speaking
event to take place. When preparing
for the change the spider stops eating
for several days and makes bis pre
liminary arrangements by fastening
himself by a short thread of web to
one of the main lines of bis snare, this
to hold bim firmly while he procfeeds
to undress. First the skin cracks all
round the thorax, being held only by
the fore part. Next the lower part of
the body Is uncovered, and then comes
the struggle to free the legs. He
works and kicks vigorously, seeming
to have a very hard time of it. Fif
teen minutes of continued persever
nnce. however, brings him out of his
old dress, the struggle causing .him to
appear limp and lifeless for some time
after it Is finished.
No warrants
There's wrinkles in her dear, sweet
Her hair is streaked with gray,
But yet her form is just erect
As in the higone days.
Her spirit dazzles through her eyes
As in the days of old,
Her kindly voice is soft and lowj
It rings like . purest gold.
Good Father Time, pray stay your
.Bring back, the days sublime,
And scatter flowers in the path
Of that old sweetheart of mine.
jr-. . .. - W. M.
Kitchen Talk.
"T annnose." said the Lemon to tbe
Nutmeg, "tbnt yon were very much
hurt when tbe cook announced that
she did not intend to nse yon for flavor
ing tbe pudding."
On the contrary." retorteo me .-ui-
. )(..' Tl n 1,1.
meg. It wns a praie rein.
no re American.
Zzbh:z Leave;.
"Vit kltid of -cigars does
- p I1" !'
".!!. v lii'ii you lieht one of
!::!(: c iv- 'v l!!iil: around for
i' f.
mint to yon ;
'ie Ueircsa "I
1'! i':
Chi-r.picr..rt3 t.c Wcrm.
An ini incut that on-iined some fears
go i!iiii:iK a .-c-si"ii i f the ii.'itlsb
parliament fill ::i-l d an aniusiiig il
lustrate;!: :: r::-i-r :l mnrv t
hiing a'.. ..:ii rc.'.iiU t'n.ii soi.el' argu
ment often fulls to accomplish.
There lia ! been i:;::y.l:n.e;l a bill de
signed lo .:v...i viaclty t" wild ani
mals in captitiiy. It was .piiosod jii
tin- ground that. If passed, it would
endanger certain kinds of legitimate
When the Karl of Kiuilierlcy arose
be gravely admitted the force of this
There call lie no doubt." said he.
"that the bill would put all Mid to fish
ing with worms as Wait. It is a bill to
prevent cruelty to wIM' animals In
captivity. The s.-hedulc states that
the word animal" shall be held to in
clude reptile. A worm may be held, to
be a reptile. A worm initialed oa a
hook must certainly be held to be tu
captivity: therefore the angler who
uses a live worm for bait would be
guilty of cruelty to an in captivity."
The laugh that followed nt the ex
PULLMAN, Wash., Oct. 14. Lew
is" Smawley, the "potato king," of
this section, who has 47 acres of fine
potatoes, two miles from Pullman, is
digging hia crop. The potatoes are
nearly all Rural New Yorkers and
Burbanks. Samples brought to town
show extra good quality. ,
Mr. Smawley is believed to have
the largest acreage of potatoes in this
country, with H. J. Dart and W. F.
Smith of Palouse close second and
third, with 40 and 37 acres each.
These men are trying to "pool" their
potatoes and sell together.
OUT 750,000 THE.6.5
MILTON. Or., Oct. 14. The ship
ment of 750,000 fruit trees is being
made by the Milton Nursery com
pany for fall planting. Shipments of
tree's will be made to practically ev
ery state west of the Rocky moun
tains, and a number of eastern and
midddle west .states.
During the Inst few days the force
of men employed by the nursery com
pany was increased from 17, the
number given employment d'tring the
summer, to between 40 and 15. "i
Just PIcasErtnr:.
Perhaps Just pleasa!':!i"--s
very heroic- snnid. '-o
heart tlvii '
WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. The Des
chutes Railroad company filed a mo
tion for a review of the decision of
the interior department- rendered.
September 8j re'eetinji tts 'map of
section 3 of its road up the Deschutes
canyon. The OVfeRon Trunk line is
given 30 d6ys to make answer to this
motion before the question.goes to
the secretary of the intent tor a
decis'ion. "
- .1""
- NEW YORK, Oct. 14. A bulletin
issued at noon today statod that the
condition of State Senator Patrick
II. McCarren, the Brooklyn "boss,"
is most serious, and chance of re-
covery is slim. McCarren 'and Mur
phy nre said to lie responsible for
the nomination of Justice Gnynor for
pense of those against the bill robbed j mayor, and it is probable Ihflt Me-
the opposition of whatever force It had
and carried the measure to a suc
cessful issue. Cincinnati Commercial
Cnrren's death will grently affect the
election now approaching in New
LiUUIll a J 111 VUi 13M i
iitimn Jim
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o) nillluiid y.ii.l' mi mt:; -fi'
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