THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, ORKQOy, THURSDAY. OOTODKR 1.1. 1f)0!). TAFT WOULD HAVE MORE WEST POINTERS Only 30 Per Cent of the Officers of the Army are Graduates of the Academy SUGAR REFINERIES WAR TO ! BE FOUGHT OVER AGAIN WASHINGTON', Oetober, 14. President Taft next winter will urge Congress to increase ly 125 the num ber of cadets appointed to West Point everv three voRrs, instead of every four years, u at present. Less than 39 per cent of the whole. number of officers are graduates of West Point, and each graduating class is about 80 short of the number necessary to officer the army. The present strength of the corps . of cadets at West Point was estab lished ninny years npw., when theh army 'consisted of only 25,000 men. In 1001 the army was increased to its present strength of 80,000 men and 4500 officers. About the same time congress au thorized an enlargement of the mili tary academy buildings and has from year to year appropriated aboiit.(!. 500,000 for the purpose, but no in crease has yet been made in the size of the corps of cadets. x ' RETRACT THE CHARGE OR OR TAKE CONSEQUENCES Atlanta, October 14. A personal encounter between Democratic Con gressman Griggs and William Schlej Howard appears to be imminent, Howard who is opsing Congress man Livingston of Atlanta for re election, charged the Georgians wio supported Speaker Cannon in the rules fight were bribed: that '"Living ston vntpH -with tli- Romililimiw nn the rules "resolution,", and that "the other Democrats from Georgia were promised Democratic census super- ..: . .. L e l. li: . Mifiiifipn it., a leiiHiu iur uoilui their party. " ' ' Griggs has written Howard de manding that he "retract the charge or take the consequences." ' ' , , -.No one believes that Howard will retract. Every -one of the seven Georgians who bolted is being opposed for re election, their opixments charging them with treason to the party. Exaggerated Cruelty. A well known gentleman took hone exercise daily, accompanied by a mag nificent bloodhound, until be conceived an enthusiasm for cycling, when he altered the program by' leaving tile bloodhound at home and taking as his .'oimtu nion :i tine dachshund. The pair were passing through a v illagc recently when a laboring youth remarked to his "pal:" "If Ol wor proinie minister Oi'd put a stop ter this 'ere bicyciiu' business." "Why?" queried the other. "Cos It owt ter be stopped. If only fur tir sake o" that dog as Is a-pufDn' a Inns liehiud theer." rejoined the first speaker. "It ain't sport; It's cruelty to hanlmals." His. companion disagreed .and said he thought the dog benefltcd by the "Exercise!" retorted the other scorn fully. "D'ye call that exercise? You never saw that dog afore 'is master started blklu'. did yer?" ; "No. I didn't." "Well." said the youth, "'e wor one o' lb' Huest bloodhounds you Iver clap ped heyes on, an' wot's 'e now? 'Is body's dwindled away to nowt, while 'is legs Is worn clean darn to th' stumps. Oi repeat, It's cruelty ter han lmals." London Bystander. Got His Money's Worth. A lady palmist was recently prose cuted, and. an amusing Incident was noted In connection with the case. One oi tuc witnesses canuu uy me yunce was an Individual who did not appear to be overburdened with Intelligence. During a smart cross examination de fendant's counsel asked him: "On first going Into the room did you pay a shilling fee to the defend , ant?" , ';, "Yes," was the reply. "What did she tell you In return for the money?" "Oh," said the witness, ' "she towld me lots o' things, some on 'em true, some on 'cm balf true an' some on 'em less." : "Now," continued the counsel after ho innclitor linn died nwnv. "this Is the point I wish to get at: Was there any attempt at Imposition? Did you lady Impose upon you at all?" ' ' "Oh, dear, no!" was the response. "I Unowcd It wor all gammon, bo there couldn't be no Imposition. Besides, it wor a bad shillin' as I guv her, to start with I" Tendon TIt-Blta. WASHINGTON, Oct. II.--Action lias been begun before the Interstate Cnnimeive Cnmiuissiun by t lit Feder al Sugar ktel'iuing company of New York against the Haltimoro und Ohio railroad, the Central railroad of New Jersey, tl)he Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, the Erie, the Lehigh Vallev, and the New York, Ontario and Western and the Pennsylvania. The company alleges unjust mid un reasonable charges for the transpor tation of sugar from New York City to eastern and 'western points, and diseriinuntiou against the eomplaiil" ant in favor o John Arbuckle and William A. Jamison, who oporato su enr refineries in New York City and Brooklyn. The case involves the much mooted question of lighterage of sugar and other frieght from points within the lighterage limits of New York City and the rail terminals. Onlv n few months ago the Federal company had a complaint before the commission alleging discrimination a-rainst its factory , at Yonkers, but the commission held that the rnilrnd had authority to make arrangement with nrivate corporations for the lightering of freight within the light ering limits of New York Harbor pro vided those arrangements were not unreasonable to the shippers, whole question probobly will have to be fought over again. Promoters of Inland Electric Close Contract for Completion of Road. NO DECISION HANDED DOWN IN G0MPERS CASE WASHINGTON, 0,'.. I . The court of appeals today again failed to render it decision in the contempt cake against Samuel Goiuper, John Mitchell und Frank Morrison of tho American Federation of Labor. ,The general belief, however, is that1 the decision will he handed down wilhm the next day or two. The now A Chinese Superstition. Fengshul Is the Chinese superstition that determines good site or locality, and If a town on the Yangtze has not a good fengshul trade will not come to it, and It will be ruined. A town named Pelshib bad Its pagoda In the wrong place not far enough down the river and the result was that nil traf fic which should have come to It was swept past, Peisbib being left oat In the cold. The people pulled down the pagoda and built another one In the supposed right spot, as nothing would convince them that . the depression could arise from any other cause than that of a bad fengshul. . , . The city of Wansheln, on the other hand, has a perfect fengshul. two fine pagodas, and Is very prosperous. But the fact that Wansheln Is situated In a fertile valley, where wheat, barley and the poppy flourish abundantly, while Pelshib Is barren and miserable. does not concern the Inhabitants so much as the fengshul site. This re. markable idea In the Chinese mind Is only one of thousands like It. kum-.iii tut, t'r., uct. 1 1. At a recent meeting of the Kosebui'g com mittee withvMossrs. Huns utul Kuett uer a contract was signed whereby tho promoters of the Coos iiuy-Iioso burg electric line deposit in a Hose burg bank $50,000 in cash and the suuic amount in stock, guarantee the completion of the Coos Hay Inland r.lectnc railway witlnn two yeurs after the survey is completed and the right of way secured. The Coos Hay 'committee have ul readv signed the document, and it now remains for the Kosebui'g com mittees to raise about $25,000 for the completion of the surveys and to secure their share of the right of nay. Where any condemnation pro ceeding is necessary the company guarantees to fight it. It is thought this will be necessary onlv over Southern Pncifio land, as most of the farmers along the route have promised laud gratis. Hy eo-oix-ration between Rosehnrg and Coos Itay it is thought every thing will be ready for actual con struetion next July. Mr, Manning's Grudge. Mrs. Manning-Do you think It Is right to let that (ireyson fellow keep company with our Murtha? Mr. Man ning No. I can't say that It In. Young Oreyson Is a nice cbap. but I've a grudge his father, and I don't care if the son has to suffer for It. Exchange. - t j An Alibi. Examiner What Is nn nllbl? Can didate For the Bar An alibi Is commit ting a crime In one place when you are In another place. If you can be In two other places the alibi Is all the strong er In law. Puck. Knew Him. "Yes. I'm noxious to Ret my, daugh ter otf my hands. I'll admit." "Then why don't you let her marry me?" "What gofKl would that do?" Cleve land I.p;-.der. ' NOTICE. . j j -Notice is hereby given that the uu dersigited will upply to the city cotiu ofl of the city of Medford, Oregon nt tho meeting thereof on Ootolior IB, lilOO, lor u hconso to sell spirit ous, viiunm and malt liquors in quan tities less than a gallon, for the no- riod of siv mouths, at his plneo of business, nt Nos, 22 and 21 Front street, North, in said pit v.' ' JOHN HARRINGTON'. Dated October 0, 190!). Herman Pros., the Raddle mid har ness niakors. desire to announce to the trado that they arc not only pre pared to fill ul orders at short no tice, hut carry tho most complete! line of harness. Baddies, bridles, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, etc., that run ho found in southern Oregon nt prices that cannot fail to please .when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget the place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Pig gamo heads, fish, birds und mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do (nutting, mnke fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and muil or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Stroot, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3600. W mn OrowonTlur direct from M NO AQINTI Our TrtM are rruwn atrMIr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writs fnr fr cUln, I nm tM-k of Tsuiotloftsmk tab) o for oummorclal orshanla Chelca Frslt, Nut and OmmMUl Tr, Grata Via auil fruit PUnti and Stiruobary TlIK 1AM.E8 Nt'ItHKItlKH UlnOfflc,m4UrudAvJrtluJ,0r. Mastication. j 'The body is a manufactory." said , a doctor recently. "It has to manufac- ' rnre bene and blood nnd muscle and brain out of bread and butter, eggs, beet and milk, and a wonderful proc ess It Is. Now, the first part of the 1 process takes place In the mouth, and. as In most factories, the first Is the most Important.- If a wrong start Is made, everything that follows Is put wrong.. If the food Isn't well mas ticated and mixed witb the saliva, the stomach, the liver and the Intestines are thrown out of gear; consequent ly most of the more advanced doctors ' are paying a great deal of attention to j the condition of their patients' teeth. They know, to parble Shakespeare a bit. that "good digestion waits on mas tication, and health on both." New York Tribune. ' Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N. BARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken tamales, Mexican deans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tallies for ladies. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. Out of Her Reach. r Elsie Why Is Clara always so short of money? Didn't her father leave j her a lot? Madge Yes; but, you see, she's not to get it till she's thirty, and she'll never own up to that."r-Boston Transcript. . ' Opulence. "What Is your idea of happiness?" "To be able to spend my own money Just as if I were wring to turn in an expense account when I got home."- Chicago Record-Herald. Rank has its bores as well as plea ures. Beaeonsfield. Rings Rings ... Rings All Kinds All Sizes '' at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. Now is the time to have your cleaning done. Don't wait till cold weatli-'; er. Get- out that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have j.t fixed . up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, quilts, furs, por tieres, laces. We clean everything, do all kinds of repairing, A trial or der will convince you. ' ' .''' Phone 3304 ' 'i 'i '.'?! "p. ,M - ' 'I f,,li: COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER I' - fM . Is' v , Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J.W.WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plunibing CWm Store, Medford. LAST GRANGE To See The Exposition Closes Oct. 15 Take advantage of the low rate and see the A. Y. P. Fair E Medford to Seattle ftjnn 7fl and return Jl)C U-1 U Call at the Depot for additional information , RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your noxt suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the hest work and chnr0 tho lowost prices. W. W. EIFEET THE rEOOEfcSSIVB TAILOR WANTED timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON . , o TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES r i , FURNISHED. IB. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, ; ; OREGON p Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs