Oregon Historical Society Cltv Hall Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually edfoed Daily Tribune "MEDFORD, ORKliOX, Til U R SD A Y, OCT( ) B ER 1 4, 1900. FOURTH YEAR. -. No. 178. M DETROIT SIXTH GAME WON BY SCORE or FANS PRESENT i . ..7f. Tigers Still Have Even Break to Win . the Championship and the v Big End of the Receipts. ' . . .. JV- MULLIN PITCHES .GREAT ,fc GAME; WILLIS" REMOVED - r-v. ' Klem and Evans Hand Out the De cisionsGreat Crowd Present. SCORE: ; . It. .II. K. Pittsburg 4 9 2 Detroit 5 10 I ' DETROIT, Out. 1-1. -Tito Detroit Tigers loiliiy evened up lliu score o .games by taking tlio sixth from Pitls luirg by ft score of 5 to 4. Tho de ciding gliiii will lid plnyed on the Detroit grounds Saturday. Ijy their victory l"dny the Tigers won another, elmtieo to so'itre CO per Lent of the rcceipti), pratMod they win (he championship by Inkirtg tho seventh nud Innt game of tho sffrie'sV The Pittsburg lineup wan tho saifW. with Willis pitching mid .Oibson (Hitching. Detroit put Mnlliii in tlio bOX with Schmidt, receiving. Other wise" tiic lijmup wan unchanged, i Willie was replaced in the sixth' by fC'jtuinitz. Mullin lifter tho first in nin, i which Pittsburg annexed Area runs, pifclmd u imperii game. I Tlio decisions worn handed out by Umpires Klein null Evans. The attendance, ovor 20,000, wns tho largest over neon in the locnl ground in spito of the fact thnt the weothor wns very cold, although the diamond wns dry In the first hnlf of th ninth in ning Wifson ornshod into Jones, who hud been playing ft whirlwind first bnso for Detroit. Jones wns tnkon to tho clubhoiiHO seriously injured. Tlio gnnio wns suspended for sevcrnl minutes. Pittsburg 'started off with throe .runs, but wns shut out until tho ninth when she nnnexod one nioro. Dotvoit dmscd ono over in tho first; nn nexod two more in tho fourth, and ...,t ; Mm fifth mid. sixth, mak ing her ft total of fivo runs tc' Pitts burg's four. The snoro by innings : Pittsburg 3 00 0 00001-4 Detroit ...100211 00 -6 TAFT ACCEPTS RESIGNATION OF CRANE AS MINISTER WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. In n tel. . eiri-nm received nt the White Houso today, President Tuft fnrmnlly- no THOUSANDS NTH I STIC lOU.iyi l I PSHltillV ItlM jwiuuiii.T jVMIIIlUIUU I limim, i.n.ytwi um- eoptml llio vofutfimtinn nf ChurlflR K.Mnir' torture engagements in Canada I. rillie lis mimr-M'" ' ' v ". OF 5 to 4 CHAMBERLAIN IS UNABLE TO ' VISIT VALLEY q.w- - Writes That It Is Impossible for Him to Accept the Invitation of the Horticultural Society. WORK ON IRRIGATION COMMITTEE PREVENTS ;Vill, Howtver, Be Pleased to Hear From 'the Society at Any Time Sciuilor George E. Chnmberlm has written to Charles Mo.serv'e stat ing that K is impossible for. him to neeppt the invitation of the Rogue HiVer Villley Horticultural society to visit Medford and learn more of locnl needs. Senator Chnmbcrlaiii is a member of the senate committee oi irrigation, which iadoing miicli work this summer investigating different reTliitnfltinn projects and is forced to meet the ponniiittec in Denver on October 31 to continue tho work Hence it is impossible for him to visit Medford nt this time. Senator Chamberlain however, writes thnt he is ever ready to take up in Washington such matters as nro deemed important by the society nud will ho pleased to hear from them nt any time'. TARGETS BLOWN HIGH BY SUBMARINE MINES FORT KT 10 VENTS, Or., Oct. 14. One perfect shot, one almost perfect iUid one f.-iilnre were made in the explosion of submarine mines nt the month of the Columbia river recent ly. One hundred 'and twenty-five pounds of dnmpened guncotton wore et off by nh electric onblc, operated from Fort Stevens. The cotton wns enclosed in n steel case 12 feet un der the surface. The first explosion threw the tnrgot out of the wnter, ut terly domolisliing it nnd sending n column of wnter 100 feet high. The second missed the tnrgot over 50 vnrds: tho third was so close thnt I tho, tnraet wns pnrtinlly destroyed. (tenernl fllnus from Vancouver nar- r-icks nnd his aides witnessed the experiment. BRYAN AND HIS WIFE GO EAST VIA VICTORIA SEATTILE, Wash.. Oco. 14. Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. Bryan sailed for Victoria yesterday. After a visit there they will proceed east over the Canadian PaoiCin. Mr. Brynn is nil dump ink t.,.,7. TIGERS TO LINE HEY CALIFORNIA UP FORLOCAL PLANNING TO WEATHER At Meeting Wednesday Need of Local Weather Station Will Be Presented to Con gressman. " - J -CRATER LAKE APPROPRIATION WILL ALSO BE DISCUSSED Fruitgrowers Getting Data Prepared ' to Present Local Needs to Hawley. Among other matters to be preyj sented to Congressman Hawley at 'he meteinir of the Rogue River Hur- ir - - ticuit'al f'"'ity ncxt Wednesday will ul ti,ftf ' enuring a weather bu " a valley, a greater. reau station for th Crater Lake appropriation for the ildiuti national park and n federal o for Medford. 'x . While in the cast recently, Pro fessor P. .1. O'Oara took up the mat ter of the wenlhcr station with au thorities there and was greatly en couraged by their nttitnde. His re port to local fruitgrowers will lead them to make a fight for one. The remainder of tho Oregon delegation will nlso be posted regarding (he mnt ter. ' Tho Crater Lake appropriation for several years has remained around the $3000 mnrk in spite of much larg er appropriations for other national pni'ks. An effort will be made to get $25,000 next year, and this also will be presented to Mr. flawlcy. NEGRO HAS QUEER HONOR OF DEDICATING CHAIR RALEIGH, K. C, Oct. 14. Wil liam Morrison, a negro, is fo have tho doubtful honor of dedicating North Carolina's new electric chair tomorrow. Morrison has been in the penitentiary hero since July under sentence of death. His execution wns originally sot for Inst month, but the governor wns forced to grant a re- prieve on account of the failure of the chair to arrive in time for the function. Morrison will be the first to be executed under the new low which substitutes electric juice for the rope and gallows. WAR MADE ON RATS IN MANITOBA GRAIN Washington, Oct. it. Rats which mnde their nppenrnnce in the grain fields nnd grnnnries of the province of Manitoba Inst spring are proving such n menace that tho Man itoba government is taking active measures to rid the province of ro dents, according to Consul General John E. Jones of Winnipeg. A virus, said to be fatnl to the rnts, is pro duced by tho chopiist nt the Ameri can college in Winnipeg. The virus produces a fatal fever in the rnts, much resembling typhoid. BUREAU EVEN Agents of Portola Fete Buy Local Fruit and Will Palm It Off J N . as a California ij Product. AGENTS ADMIT THEY ARE FORCED TO BUY LOCALLY -"iv.; California Cannot Furnish Fruit of Similar Quality, so Must Relabel That From Rogue River Valley. California agents of the Portola fete to open soon in San Francisco have been in the valley during the week buying choice pears, apples and grapes for use during the fete. This jruit is to hf shipped, repacked, re labeled and exhibited nt" the fete as ri California product. This piece of (ju'jiHcitv on the part of California le is not new, but it will serve the nun) 3sa lJ 'oost California nt the, expense o Z fruit grow ers. The agents mnde no b ues of their mission simp! v nckuo ledgt -d thev had to tap the Rogue River valley i.or its excellent fruit. The pity is that unsuspecting visitors will be' duped into the bplief that the splendid fruit is a California product, when it is not. California fruit is not the equal of the Rogue River product in any re spect, and it is for the sole purpose of hoodwinking the world and add ing to her laurels as a state of sun shine, fruit nnd flowers that Cali fornia is borrowing from Oregon. AEROPLANE EXPERTS CLASH IN COURT BUFFALO, Oct. 14. Glenn H. Cur tiss nud the Ilerring-Curtiss com pany, manufacturers of aeroplanes at ITammondsport. X. Y., are the defen dants in a suit broucht hy the Wright Brothers, nlso aeroplane makers, who allege infringement on their patent, The defendants have been cited to show cause today why a prelimin ary injunction should not be granted restraining them from making, using or selling the so-called Curtiss nero plano, and particularly restraining the defendants from conducting pub lic exhiibtions nnd flights of such machines. The suit is the result of the bitter rivalry which has sprung up between Curtiss nnd Wilbur and Orville Wright. KERSHAW PURCHASES REGISTERED BILLY GOAT - James Kersliaw, the nngorn goat king of Jackson county, hns just re ceived a fine nngorn billy goat from U. S. Grant of Dnllns. The goat is n splendid specimen, probably the finest ever shipped into the county. Mr. Kershaw is delighted With his purchase.' UP ISSPANISB THRONE BADLY TOTTERING MADRID, Oct. 14 (via flood aye.) With the leading papers of the kingdom predicting a revolution ; with King Alfonso storming nt his cabinet for advising him to permit; tho execution of Professor Ferrer, and with the peopie aroused to a mob frenzy, Spain today is confronted with the most critical situation in the long history of her national trou bles. , . :-r; ' I f The king, horrified at the storm of protest following Ferrer's exe cution, charges his ministers with having kept him misinformed regard ing the sentiment throughout Europe. The cabinet' of fered to resign but the king refused to accept. The news of attempts of the Paris mob to attack the Spanish em- j bassy shocked the king. INDIAN UPRISING COMMITTEES BUSY MANHUNT RESULT ARRANGING JINKS Reports From Desert to Effect That Annual Meeting of Commercial Club Piutes Are Flocking to Aid of Billy gay. SAN BERNARDINO. Ca!., Oct. li. Reports from the desert today in dicate thnt the Piutes are rising to aid their tribesman, Billy Boy, twice a murderer, who is being sought tv three sheriffs with large posses'. The Chemehuevis Indians, who are blood enemies of the Piutes. are flee ing for their lives toward the reser vation from the wrathful Piutes Rands of Piutes are moving across the j'osert in the direction of the strongholu f BilI' Boy, and it is thought they wi'l endeavor to aid him in eluding the officers'. NEW PRESIDENT PRESIDES " OVER DARTMOUTH COLLEGE HANOVER. N. H., Oct. 14. Dr. Ernest Fox Nichols was today in augurated as the tenth president of Dartmouth college in succession to Dr. William Jewett Tncker. Webster Hall was thet scene of the ceremony, which was witnessed by one of the most distinguished assemblages of educators ever gathered in America. The invocation was followed by the induction and presentation of the charter. Then followed the accep tance by President Nichols, welcome to tho Wheelock succession and re sponse. Next in order wns the roll call of delegates, followed by speeches of congratulation and the new president's inaugural address. Conferring of honorary degrees clos ed the exercises of the morning. WRECK SURVIVORS ARE ATTACKED BY BIG MOB DETROIT. Oct. 14. The striking seamen today are indignantly deny ing that they were responsible for the nttnek by strike sympathizers on 'the 12 survivors of the steamer George Stone, which was wrecked on Lake Erie. Six men were drowned in the wreck. The 12 who were res cued had hardly set foot ashore When they were attacked by a mob howling "Scabs." One of the survivors wns knocked in the water and nearly drowned before he wns roscued a second time.' SCORE to Be Held on Next Thursday. 1 In " 1 ' - ' ---- V The various committees appoint "ed to arrange for the annual high jinks of the Commercial club are progressing with their work and tha affair promises to be as great a suc cess, if not greater, than the one held last, year. .- Several novei stunts are being art rangea for the events of the evening. The jink's will be held on Thursday evening, October 21, instead of Wed nesday evening ns first planned. HAVE GATHERED DATA FOR ILLINOIS ROAD On Monday evening the Orniifi Pass Commercial club met, and O. S. BInnehnrd, as chairman of the rail road committee, stated that com plete data for the proposed railroad to the Illinois valley had been s-ath- ered and that it was now ready to be printed m the form of nmsiiivhis says the Observer. However, the committee wns delaying the Drintins thereof for the reason that at the present time three separate railroad promotion concerns were in the field and all of them seemed to have am ple backing to finance the project. Much enthusiasm was aroused by the report, and the committee was rvim mended for its prompt action. ALLEGED HEIR TO LARGE ESTATE IS KIDNAPED MUSKOGEE, Okla.. Oct. 14. Owen Evans, 12 years old, son of wealthy parents, has been missiner from his home here since Saturday and his parents and the police believe he has been kidnaped. The boy disappeared soon after leaving a barber shop. Thousands of circular letters des cribing the boy were mailed to every police department in the country to day. A reward is offered. Mrs. Travis, the lad's mother, said her son was the heir to a large estate. Mrs. A. A. Roe of Lanel. Ind.. who has beon visiting her brother, L. E. Benn, loft Thursday for Pasadena. Cel., where she wi!4 visit Mrs. D. nob- son, j