Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 13, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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What humans are chiefly hunt
ing for nowadays is inspiration
in one form or another. This
story cannot fail to give its
reader inspiration, and therefore
its value can hardly be overes
timated. The magic of the love
of mart for woman, that, aroused
simply by the sound of a voice,
causes a young millionaire to
cross oceans and traverse
foreign lands to find his fate
was never better pictured. The
story is intensely romantic and
alluringly mysterious. The in
sidious evils of unwise marriage
with foreign "noblemen" are
cleverly shown, and the familiar
Italian brand of intrigue is laid
bare. The author shows that the
reward of patience and purity is
happiness and that the wages
of sin is death. He makes you
-laugh when he pictures the ad
ventures of an American comic
opera troupe stranded in foreign
lands. He makes you thrill with
the wanderlust when he describes
La Bella Napoli and the vine
covered slopes that rim the
Med iterranean.
UT of tbe unromantic nlgbt
out of the somber blurring
... , . '
lifted in song, a soprano,
rich, full and round, young, yet ma
tured, sweet and mysterious as a
night bird's, haunting and elusive as j
"""""" "i,,""5 " " 1
lilt from "La Fllle de Mme. Angot." a j
Ught opera long since forgotten In
Jew lork. Hillard. genuinely nstou-
lsbed, lowered bis pipe and listened.
Tbe voice rose and sank and soared
again, drawing nearer and nearer. It
was joyous and unrestrained, and
there was youth In It. the touch of
spring and the breath of flowers. ' The
music was Lecocq's that Is to . say.
French but the tongue was of a coun
try which Hillard knew to be the gar
den of the world. Presently he ob
served a shadow emerge from the yel
? V, l , V1
light, which, faint as it was, limned In
against the nothingness beyond the
form of a woman. She walked direct-
y under his window. i
As the invisible comes suddenly out
of the future to assume distinct pro-
portions which either make or mur us.
so did this unknown enntatrice come
m , , tngl,tan1fnt'rIn.t.0,
Hillard s life to readjust its atnbi-
tions to divert Its aimless course, to
give impetus to it and a directness
which hitherto it had not known. (
,' , ,
f Tt ? . I a.pcrll0"s
angle, tbe bright coal of his pipe spill-
Ing comet-wise to the area way below. ,
He was only subconscious of having
spoken, but this syllable was sufllcieut i
to spoil the enchantment. The voice
ceased abruptly, with an odd break, j
The singer looked up. Possibly her
astonishment surpassed even that of
her audience. For a few minutes she :
had forgotten that she was in New j
York; she had forgotten the pain In
her heart; there had been only an Ir
resistible longing to sing.
Though she raised her face, be could
distinguish no feature, for the light
was behind. However, he was a man
who made up bis mind quickly. Bru
nette or blond, beautiful or otherwise,
It needed but, a moment to find out
Even as this, decision was made be
.was In the upper hnll, taking the stairs
two at a bound. He ran out Into the
nlgbt bareh'eaded. Up tbe street be
saw a flying shadow. Plainly she bad
anticipated bis Impulse. She was
gone. He cupped bis ear with bis
band in vnln. There was nothing but
fog and silence.
"Well. If this . doesn't beat the
Dutch!" ho murmured.
. . He touched disappointedly. It did
of the
Copyright. 1908. by IK Bobb.
Merrill Co.
not matter that he was three and thir
ty. He still retained youth enough to
feet chagrined at such a trivial defeat
Here, had been something like a gen
uine adventure, and It bad slipped like
water through bis clumsy fingers.
"Deuce take tbe fog! But for that
I'd have caught her."
But reason promptly asked him
what be should have done bad he
caught the singer. Yes. supposing he
had. what excuse would be have bad
to offer? Who could she be? What
peculiar whimsical freak bad sent her
singing past his window at 1 o'clock
of tbe morning? A grand opera singer
returning borne from a late supper?
But be dismissed this opinion even as
be advanced It. lie knew something
about grand opera singers. They at
tend late suppers, It Is true, but they
ride home In luxurious carriages and
never risk their golden voices in this
careless If romantic fashion. As for
being a comic opera star, he refused
to admit the possibility, and be rele
gated tbls well satisfied constellation
to the darks of limbo. He bad beard
a voice.
A policeman came lumbering over to
add or subtract his quota of interest
in tbe affair. Hillard wisely stopped
and waited for him.
"I beard a woman singin'," the guard-
ion of tbe law said roughly,
So did I.
"Huh! See ber?"
"For a moment," Hillard admitted.
"Well, we can't have none o' this In
tbe streets. It's disorderly."
"fv ft-fanrl ' TTIllafvl nthar nn.
noyed at the polIceman.g 'tonei ..yon
don't think for nn instant that I was
dlrectlng tbls operetta?" .
Think? Where's your hat?"
Hillard ran bis band over his bead.
Tne poIlceman had blm hcre,
I did
not bring it out."
,.Too warnj aml summery hull?
flon.t ook d r becn wutchm.
,, i,i,, ti,.. ,.n i.-
these parts fer a leddy. They call her
Lcddy Llghtflnger. an she has some
o' the gents done to a pulp when It
comes to lif tin' Jools an' trinkets.
Somebody ft-.glt9 t0 lock tne front
doorj ghe fln(Jg u mt ,wh dd
you come out without yer lid?'
"Just forgot It, that's all."
"Which way'd she go?"
"lou'II need a map and a search
light. I started to run after her my
self. I beard a voice from my win-
dow; I saw n woman; I made for tbe
glrPet. niente'"
..xlent'c nothing'"
..nh , ' Hn ' .,, tn mo nn
that tnlg wmnau wag g, ,.w
too .. Tb wcre Dcar, thp , nd
the poIIt.clnan gazed ,ntently at tlie
hMess man ..wh ,t.g Mr
Hillard! I'm surprised. Well, well!
gome rj ru ,n buncn 0. ,
cborug Iedd, jo(J, fw , ,esson Tb
,t ve, t thc rcstaurant3 ovcr on
groadway. an' thin they raise the
dead with their slngln', which often as
not Is anything but slngln'. An' here it
)g aftcr j
' ..ut t,;,g wag not cboru9 ,a(,
ed Ilm.m, tn0U(,ntfully rcachlng
into bis vest for a clgai. "The lady
bad a singing voice."
"Huh! They all think alike about
that. But mebbe she wasn't bnd at
the business. Annyhow"
"It was rather out of time and place,
eh?" helpfully,
'That's about thc size of it. ' This
Lcddy Llghtflnger is a case. She has
us all thlnkln' on our nights off. Clev
er an' edjlcnted nh' jabbers In bnlf a
dozen tongues. It's a thousan' to the
man who jugs her. But she don't
sing; at least they ain't any report to
thnt effect Terhnps your lcddy was
Jes' larkln a bit. But It's got to b
Hillard pnRsed over the cigar, and
thc policeman hit off the end, nodding
with approval at such foresight
"IMdn't gut a peep at her face?"
"Not a single feature. Thc light was
behind her."
"An' how was she dressed?"
"In fog. for nil I could see."
"On the level now, didn't you know
who she was?" The policeman gave
Iffllard sly TUg lu ttio ribs wltlTTiTs
"On my word!"
"Some swell, mobbe."
"Undoubtedly a lady. That's why It
.ooks mid why It brought me Into the
ttrvct. She snug lu classic ltallun.
And, what's more, for the privilege of
hearing that voice again I should not
r.i I ml sitting on this cold curb till the
milkman comes around In the morn
ing." "That wouldu't be for long," laughed
the policeman, taking out his watch
and holding It close to the end of his
t-lgnr. "Twenty minutes after 1. Well,
I must be glttlu' back to mo beat
Been to Italy?"
"I was boru there," patiently.
"No! Why. you're no dago!"
"Not so much as nn eyelash. The
stork happened to drop the , basket
there, that's all." 1
"Ha. 1 sec! Well, Atnerlky is good
enough fer mo au mine," complacent
ly. "I dare say!"
"An' If this stogy continues to be
have we'll say no more about tbe van
lshln' lcddy." The policeman strolled
off, his suspicious In nowise romoved.
He knew many rich young bachelors
like Hillard. If it wasn't n chorus
lady it was a prima donua, which was
not far from being the anmo thing.
' Hillard regained his room and leaned
with bis back to the radiator. Ho bad
an Idea. It was rather green and
salad, but as soon as his bauds were
warm he determined to put this Idea
Into immediate use. Tbe voice bad
stirred him deeply, stirred him with
the longing to beur It again, to lenrn
what extraordinary Impulse had loosed
the song.
Never the winter came with Its
weary round of rain and fog and
that bis heart and mind did not fly
over thc tideless southern tea to tho
Innd of his birth If not of his blood
Sorrento, that Jewel of the sun bntheil
With a quick gesture of both hands
Latin, always Latin he crossed the
room to a small writing desk, turned
on the lights and sat down. After
several attempts be realized that the
letter be bad In uilnd was not thc sim
plest to compose. There were a dozen
futile efforts before be produced any
thing like satisfaction. Then be filled
out a smnll check. A little Inter he
stole downstairs, around the corner to
thc local branch of tbe postotllce and
returned. It was only a blind throw,
such as dicers sometimes make In, the
dark. But chance loves ber true gainer
ster, and to blm she makes a faithful
He picked up a novel "I should be
sorely tempted to call any other man J
a silly ass. Leddy Llghtflnger it
would be a fine joke if my singer
turned out to be that irregular per
son." He fell to rending, but soon yawned.
He shied the book Into a corner, drew
off his boots and cast them Into tho
hall. A moment after bis valet ap
peared, gathered up the boots and
"I want nothing, Giovanni. I have
only been arouud to thc postotllce."
"I "heard the door open and close
four times, signor." '
"It was 1. If this fog does not
change I shall want my riding
breeches to morrow morning."
"It nlway3 rains here." :!ovnr;nl re
marked. "Not always. There nr p!.asunt
days in thc spring and summer. It Is
because tbls is not Italy. Thc Hol
lander wonders bow any reasonable
being can dwell In a country where
they do not drink gin. It's home. Gio
vanni Italn pelts you from a differ
ent angle here. There Is nothing
more. You may go. It is 2 o'clock, and
you are dead for sleep."
But Giovanni only bowed. He did
not stir.
"It. Is seven years now. signor." -"8b
it Is seven this coming April."
"I am now an American citizen and
i may return to my good Italia without
"That depends. If you do not run
across any official who recognizes
Giovanni spread his hands. "Official
memory seldom lasts so long as seven
years. The signor has crossed four
times In this period."
"I would gladly have taken you each
time, as you know."
"Oh, yes! But In two or three years
the police do not forget. In seven it is
"Ah!" Hillard was beginning to un
derstand the trend of this conversa
tion. "So, then, yon wish to return?"
"Yes, signor. I have snved a little
money," modestly.
"A little?" Hlllnrd laughed. "For
seven years you have received fifty
American dollars every month, and
out of it you do not spend as many
copper centcslml. 1 nm certain that
you have 20,0fjO lire tucked away In
your stocking a fortune!"
"I buy the blacking for the slgnor's
boots," gravely.
Hillard saw the twinkle In the black
eyes. "I have never." be said truth
fully, "asked you to black my boots."
"Penance, signor, penance for my
sins, and I nm not without gratitude.
There was a time when I bad rather
cut off a hand than black a boot But
all that Is changed. We of the Sabine
bills are proud, as the signor knows.
TnTe axe, Romans, out there. YEs. despise
tho cities, and wo do not hold out"our
pnlius for the traveler's pennies. I ant
l peasant, but always renumber the
ilood of tho Caesars. Who oan sayt
Itesldeo, I hnro hold a sword for the
church. I owe no nllcglnuco to tho
puny house of Savoy!" There was no
twinkle In tho black eyes now. Thoro
was n ferocious gleam. "Pardon, si
gnor. I grow boastful. I am old and
should know bettor. But does tho si
gnor return to Italy In tho spring?"
"I don't know, Giovanni; 1 don't
know. But whnt's on your mind?"
"Nothing new, signor." with eyes
cast dowu to hldo tho returning lights.
"You are a bloodthirsty rutllunl"
said Hillard shortly.
"I am as the good God nmdo me.
Besides, tho holy father will do some
thing for ono who fought for tho
"Ho will certainly nut countenance
bloodshed, Giovanni."
"Ho can absolve It."
"I was In hopes you bnd forgotten."
"Forgottcu! Tho signer will never
understand. She was so pretty and
youthful and innocent! 8 ho sang
llko the ulghtlngnle. Up with tbo
dnwn. to sleep with tbo stnrs. Wo
"Seven yeunt It It a long ilmc (o watt.'
were alone, she and I. Tho sheep sup
ported me. and sho sold ber roses and
drivd lavender. It was all so beau
tiful till bo came. Ab. bad be loved
her! But a plaything, a pastime! The
signor never hnd a duughtcr. What
Is sbo now? A nameless thing lu the
streets!" Giovanni raised bis arms
tragically. Tbe boots clattered to the
floor. "Seven years! It Is a long time
for one of my blood to wait."
"Enough!" cried Hlllnrd. but there
was a hardness In bis throat at tho
sight of the old man's tears. Where
was thc proud and stately man. tho
black bearded shepherd in faded blue ,
linen. In picturesque garters, with bis I
reedlike pipe, that he, Hlllnrd, had '
known . In his boyhood dnys? "I can j
give you only my sympathy for your
loss," said Hlllnrd. "but I abhor the
spirit of revenge whlcb cannot find
satisfaction In anything save murder."
Giovanni bowed gravely and mndo
off with his hoots. Hlllnrd remained
staring thoughtfully at. the many col-
ored squares In the rug under his feet
It would be lonesome with Giovanni
gone. Tbe old mnn bad evidently
mndo up bis mind. But tbe woman
with the voice, would she sco tbo no
tice In the paper? And If sho did
would she reply to It? What a foun
dation for a romance! Bub! He pre
pared for bed.
To thofo who reckon earthly treas
ures as the only thing worth having
John Hlllnrd was a fortunate young
man. That ho was without kith or kin
was considered by many as nn addi
tional piece of good fortune. Born In
Sorrento, in one of the charming villas
which sweep down to the very brow
of the cliffs, educated In Rome up to
his fifteenth year, taken at that ago
from the dreamy, drifting land and
thrust Into the noisy, bustling life
which was his Inheritance; fatherless
and motherless at twenty, n collcgo
youth who was forever mixing bis
Italian with bis English nnd being
laughed at. hating tumult nnd loving
quiet, warm hearted and Impulsive,
yet meeting only habitual reserve from
his compatriots whichever way ho
turned,' it Is not to be wondered nt
that he preferred tho land of his birth
to that of his blood. '
Tho old Iioiifo In which he lived was
not In the rnshlonnhlc quarter of the
town, but that did not matter. Nor
did it vary externally from any of Its
unpretentious neighbors. A cook, a
butler and a valet were his retinue.
Giovanni sought his own room nt tho
end of the hnll, squatted on a low
Blool nnd solemnly began the business
of blacking his master's boots. He
was still as lean nnd tall ns a Lorn
hardy poplar, this handsome old Bo
mnn. His hair was white: thcro was
now no black beard on bis face, which
was as brown nnd creased ns Spanish
lcvnnt, nnd some of the fullness was
gone from his chest nnd arms, but for
ajl tjjat hje carried bis fifty odd years
Out of tlie tamlicr jo) aim avotcc lt)Ud
in tang.
lightly. Ho worked swiftly tonight
but bis mind was far owny from his
Tbcro was a pitiful story, common
plnco enough a daughter, a looso liv
ing officer, a knlfo flung from a dark
alley, tho sudden flight to tho south.
Hlllnrd had found him wandering
through tho streets of Naples, hiding
from the cnmhlulcrl ns best ho could.
Hlllnrd contrived to smugglo him on
tho private yacht of a friend. Ho
found n peasant who was reconsider
ing the ndvlHablllty of digging sewers
nnd laying railroad ties In the Kldo
rado of tho west. A few pieces of all
rer and the pussport changed hands.
With this Giovanni blandly lied bis
way Into tho United States. After duo
time he applied for citizenship, and
through lllllard's liifliienco it wns ac
corded blm. He siili-inuly voted when
elections rnme round unci hoarded bis
wages, llko the thrifty man bo was.
Some day he would return to Koine or
Nuples or Venice or Florence, as tho
case might be. and (hen!
When the boots shone flawlessly ho
carried them to lllllnrd's diior and
softly tiptoed back. He put his face
against tho cold window. He. too, had
beard the voice. How his heart hurl
him with Its wild hope! Itnt only for
a moment. It was not thu voice he
hungered for. The words were Italian,
but he knew that tho woman who
sang them wns not. '
(To be continued.)
At A Bargain
Wo lmvo three ncres, j'ust out
side the city limits, platted nil
nroiuul it, with a now five-room
house, which we consider a bnr
gnin at
The property faces on two
streets and would subdivide nicely.
Thoro is nn electric motor and!
pump which goes with tho pluce,
and the well would supply wutor
for irrigating.
Tho owner hna mndo thc price
low in order to sell quickly, nnd
tho property will ho on tho .mar
ket but n short timo nt this price.
W. T. York 6 Co.
F or the Best
in harness, saddles, whips,
.ones, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axle grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main. .
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