TOE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OliKflOX, WKTIXKS1UV. OflTOUHR IX 1l. Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. APPLES PLENTIFUL IN I THE PORTLAND MARKET! ' Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geobge Putnam, Editor and Maoaper. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail $5.00 One month by mail or carrier. .$0.60 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Stand. San Francisco, Cal. THE LAW'S DELAY. "The law's delay, The insolence of office,' enumerated by Hamlet as among the causes justifying a man's making his own quietus "with a bare bodkin," arc as bad today as in Shakespeare's time, and the following is as good a description of some office-holders as it was in the days of good Queen Bess : Clothed in a little brief authority, His fussy essence, like an angry ape, Cuts such fantastic tricks before high heaven As makes the angels weep." The National Tribune, published in "Washington, D. C, in the interest of the old soldiers, comes out with a bill which it offers congress as an amendment to the present pension act. The proposed bill provides that old soldiers who have reached the age of 62 years be given a pension of $15 a month; 65 years, $20 per month; 70 years, $30 per month ; 75 years or over, $40 per month. All classes of veterans are recognized except Indian fighters. If in troduced, the bill should be amended to include the latter, to whom the country owes as much or more than it does to Mexican or Civil war veterans. Certainly Oregon owes more to the Indian war "veterans, than to either of the others. (Telegram.) The apple supply in the Front street Horn. hold "And now. BtraniierH," wild tlio old Do not throw awny old umiirellnd. . farmer after lie had nuked about u By removing the cloth cover and cut-v eoio of (II(hiIoum, "1 want to tell yoou tln It up In "trlpB you ciin uiako a right now that down here with uyoou oumtieror duHhy neckties for your bu- ! bo mipposcO to (to to bed with tho band. Tho rllm properly twisted and 'chicken." The vounir mnn whinnered market is now the heaviest since tho woven together uinlte a very good rat ' to Ills young wife, and then both climb- Commander Peary has again shown his littleness, this, time by sending broadcast over the country a map show ing what he claims is Dr. Cook's actual route in the frozen north. A dotted line shows "Dr. Cook's alleged roitte." On the map is written, "Correct copy from original by two Eskimos." It is rather anmsing to learn of Eskimos ac quiring the art of map making. Peary has time and again proved himself so incapable of fair play and square deal ing that suspicion is raised regarding the genuineness of his own discovery. The narrow-minded partisanship and unfairness of the Portland Oregonian is again shown in its treatment of Brvan during the latter's visit to' Portland. Although Bryan came as a private citizen, the Oregonian had not the courtesy or decency to treat him fairly. He is misquoted in interview, villified in editorial, and minimized in news columns. Yet Bryan's visit was a continuous ovation and he evoked ten times the enthusiasm that the president of the United States had evoked a few days before. opening of the season, mid while the trade is mill none too active, some improvement has como as a result of the recent general loweriiiK vt prices. The offerings embrace n doren or more sorts, from Hood River, youth- em Oregon and various points in the Willamette ualley and considerable California fruit us well. In the displays today thoro was a fair proportion of good quality fruit, including Kings, Jonathans, Califor nia Helll'lowers. Nowtowns, Spitien- bergs, Grimes Ooldens and a few oth er varieties while us fur iilnoiith back back there was an abundance of poor t3 medium prude products, and a rood deal of fruit that ill some oth er nun Vets would have been condemn ed. The best of the standard sorts were quoted gene'iilly at $1.50 per boN, medium to good fruit going at $1 to $1.2."). while the off-grnde stuff was for the most part hehl at 75 to 85 cents, audit was noticeable that the medium grades were the most active. Dealers say that despite the reports of a relatively short npplo crop in this state this year, there will be plen ty for the home demnnd, though the medium grades will figure largely in consumption here. The W. B. Ulufke company an nounced todny that another shipment of Hood Kiver Kings and other stand ard full sorts is being made up for the far east and will leave next week. This consignment will for the most part go to Shanghai and Vladivostok. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. . 4. 4. trap, and the ilck when carefully mil United will do for n cane to preseut to tho clergyman ut Christians, To keep freckles from allowing got vuinll imliit put. quart ilro, mid till with a pink paint carefully matching the tone of your complex lou and with ed liiick on the farm cart. "Hoy," wild the young man, lili Up compressed with determination, "drlvo uh back to the atntlou." Tho freckled lad grinned and whip pet) up the. horse. You uui didn't loom to Uke the comers hair brush paint each freckle 1 plnceT" he chuckled. FOR SALE-vBay driving team; well matched, sound, weight about 1200 pounds; 7 years old. Address T. I.. Holdredge," Talent, Or. 182 FOR SALE easv terms. Good 4-room house, on Address P. O. Box 740. 1782 out, Young wives cunuot lie too ofton re minded that they iliould always greet their husbands with a smile. It Is 1 Safe to KJ1V Hint fhrtrn In Imthlntf In flirt I world that will mora deoply Irritate him than this, and It should therefore not be forgotten. If your lamp wicks give out, a very satisfactory substitute can be nuido of Irish point lace or Valenciennes, care fully wound round the wick holder. A kulttcd necktie will serve the sumo purpose, but Is opt to burn lltfully and give out a puugeut odor. Harper's Weekly. Judgss on Circuit. It wns the genius bud foresight of Henry I. that saw the necessity of cre ating a close connection between tho central king's court and the local courts up and down tho land. It was Norman and wandering, going where the king went. They were Saxon and stationary; heiico to link them togeth er In 1124 n speclnl deputation of judges wns for the first time sent on circuit In tho country, of whom It Is recorded that they "banged so many thieves as never wns before, being In that little while altogether forty-four men." This vigorous administration of Jus tice by royal authority gained for Hen ry the title of "the Hon of Justice" and paved the way for the permanent Insti tution In his grandson's reign. These traveling Judges were called Justices-In-eyre I. e.; In It lucre, on journey. Their head, tho Justlclur, Is still seen In our title the lord chief Justice. Henry II. In 117.1 fixed these clrculls at six the home, midland, eastern. western, northeastern and northern, which correspond roughly with those that still exist. Loudon Standard. No," said the young mail. "We have often rend about crowded furmhousos, but when It comes to shoving us off to tho heuhnuse that Is going a little too strong. I guess we'll stay Id tho city." Chicago Nows.' BENSON'S BARGAINS How L.tWr. Strike Our Eyss. Itomnn letters of various sixes are commonly called Into request by ocu lists lu testing vision. Iteccnt experi ments show great differences In tho enso with which the various letters are recogulzed by the same person. T Is especially dltllcult of recognition and Is upt to be mistaken for Y. Ily a sim ilar optical Illusion the anglo of L Is rounded off, making the letter resem ble u reversed J. V Is the easiest of all letters to recognlzo. aud O presents llttlo dllllculty. K Is more easily rec ognized tlinii II. which resembles It closely, and both N and Z aro onstly recognised. A Is onslly guessed at from Its general form, but Is dlfucult of positive recognition. Including dis tinct perception of the horizontal Hue, E oud K are among the most difficult of all letters. None of That For Them. They had la-en married only n month, and It was their first experience In seeking country board. After riding ten long tulles In a rnttllug farm cart they arrived at the door of the farmhouse. , Dlioouraging. A pompous mnn went luto drag store early the other morning to buy a cigar. Tho only person ho found there was tho soda wnter dispenser. The boy wns sweeping out the store. "Sweeping out. eh?" snld tho man. "Well, Unit's how I got my start." The boy looked lilm over aud re plied. "Aw. what do yon wnnt to dis courage me like that for?" When the mnn left he was frown lug. Denver Tost. Edifylnfl. Gentleman (looking for rooms) Did you sny a music teacher occupies tho next apnrtmcnt? Tbnt cannot bo very pleasant. Landlady (eagerly) Ob, that's nothing. Ho has eleven chil dren, and they uinko so much noise you can't , hear the piano. Harper's Bazar. The state land hoard has increased the prir-e of indem nity selection land from $8.75 to $10 an acre. The state still owns C)0,000 acres of this land. ' One of the very host business lo cations, in tlio city, corner lot 75.x 110, with good two-story, framo building, clearing $100 per month. A conservative, safu iiiveslmiint at $1 1,000 Fivo room, balh, toilet, with all furniture, woodshed, sewer connect ed, close in $2500 llminess local ion, largo corner lot in the heart of the city, with frauiu building, clearing about $100 per month. Investigate $8500 Two fiuo building lots on. tlio cor ner of Oakdalo and Tenth streets, ouo of the best locations in tho city for n homo. Seven lots, with small house, on Jackson street, at $1500 Sovcn-rooin house, lot 00x100, on Twelfth mid Fir; bath, toilet; a snap at $2800 Six-room house, lot .10x100, close in, butli and all furniture ; easy terms $3350 'are opKrtuiity Lot lOOxlOO, two blocks from Central avenue and Main street; large M-rooui building, in splendid repair; can be nuido to pay $;ioo per month, boarding or lodging house $6500 New, modern 0-room houso in Bun galow addition, lot fiUxlllU, with all improvements and furnishings $3850 5 acres, closo in, good 5 -room house, nil necessary outbuildings, 22 acres set to fruit, n fine loca tion. Let us show you this prop erty. Kasy terms. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So 10 ADJUDICATE claims and the rights they sold to the city, the investigation is u matter of ! g L'rcat public interest. WATER RIGHTS;! PRESIDENT Board of Control Will Hold Session, Next Month in This County. IN NICARAGUA Typical South American Revolution Brings About Change in Government. COLON", Oct. 13. Revolutionist The board of control, as the new state water board is called, will in vestigate and adjudicate the water with the ditches diverting therefrom have overthrown President Jose San on Monday, November 2!). The su-jtos Scnlava of Nicaragua and Juan perintendent of water division No. 1,' Estrada has been proclaimed provi II. L. Holgate of Bonanza, will begin 'sjona president. No shots were fired, taking testimony ns to relative rights: The interior will support the new prcs of the various parties claiming water iliit. It is reported that Scelaya nt the iollowmg times aim places: i Kl nnt njtempt to regain the presi On Saturday, December 4, at 10in(m.v, Americans' nrc delighted, as o'clock, at the Engle Point school; Seelnva obstructed the development ir T. 1 1! t 111 Mn,.lr , . on Aionaay, .uecemiiei u, ut j.v v 01 .Mcarngna s resources, nt the Moore hotel As the water rights in question in- brJ 7t - jv 70 acres, ono mile from Phoenix; acres 2-year-old Newtowns, 10 acres 2-year-old Spitz, 100 Hartlett pears, strawhorries; -10 acres un- d.-r cultivation ; new tl-room bungalow with balh, barn :!Jxl-l; old 2-rooui house; barn Klxri2; livestock, funn ing tools, hay in' burn. Price $150 per acre. 27 acres, -I miles south of Medford, across road southeast from the Hur rell orchards; .l-room house, good barn, chicken Ikiiiso, !) ucrcn of .1-yeiir-uld pear orchard, 1 .icrrs al faH'i,, large vegetable giirdcn; ber ries, etc. Price $6500. 10 acres, 1(1 miles north of Med ford, 'j mile from Henglc; ft acres' cultivated, 4 in fruit trees from "X to 10 years old; on two good road;; nluiill house, bnrn, woodshed, etc.; two wells. This can nil be cleared without a foot of waste Inn d. 2." acres enclosed in woven, wire fmiep. Will exchange. Price . : $2000 Two fine building lots on West Seventh street; fine location: will sell on terms, -f down nud ifl'J.fiO per nionlli. C. M. Stimebmigh of Ashland is n volve the Fish Lake company s visitor to the city this week", I Have a Full and Complete Slock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to ;et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and , Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY C. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT 28 acres of fino lovel Innd, only one mile north of the P. ii K. depot; A fine location. Terms, wwiiJummui'MajijaMimL...BJHinuicB 10 ncrcs one miln from Med ford on main traveled roud lo Ashland; Ticnr ereek hot loin lnnd, set to npple-i and pears 2 years old. Hear creek flows nlong one end of tho tract. Tim other end fronts on tho road. Trees nre strong mid vigorous. Hero is u beautiful site for a home. Terms. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Wo hnvo on file sovernl applica tions for housekeeping rooms; iiIko applicants, for houses, furnished and iinl 'i'iiished. If you lnive iinylhing for vent, see us or leleplmno ns nt once. Fire nnd plate glns insurance. Wn represent the best companies on earth. We. also hnve some good building lots, which we will exchange for a good driving tenm. BENSON INVESTMENT CO Opposite Moore Hotel