Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 12, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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The People Certainly Do Appreciate The Efforts At Our
Our Best Proof Is That We Are Selling The Goods
Saturday and Monday were record-breaking days the largest in the his tory of the store. Keen thonyh the sales Ihivc been heavy, we van sen reel; lell thai nuijthhiy has
hecn sold, the assortments are so great. You will find it a great pleasure to shop here, where stocks nre so well assorted and where there ifuiliiulniit variety. AVe show
the very newest styles in all classes of ready-to-wears for women and misses. Don't take a knocker's word almtit the quality come and see for yourself. We guar
antee every article we sell and cheerfully hand back the money when an article has proven bad. AVe know our prices are lower; wo know we are selling enormous
quantities of goods, and no one is heard to complain of anything. Wo invite you to come and SAVH .MOXHY NOW OX XKKDIOD NUIM'LI MS.
Our reason for selling goods on close margains
is to place this store firmly in the minds of the
people that we are working for your interests and
are doing all in the power of any store to give
you the best goods for the least money. OUR
Successors to Baker-Hutchason Co.
Many New Goods go In this Sale
We have just received a number of shipments ot
new goods, Including waists, dresses, sweaters,
suits, cnats, underwear, millinery, etc., which are
placed on sale at Anniversary prices. If you have
been unable to find what you wanted before, you
may find It now. DON'T MISS THE OPPOR
TUNITY TO LOOK. We are always glad to see
you, whether you come to buy or just to look.
j large profits to growers. After that,
! because of high prices having stim-
Light Yield Sends Market Up-rHi-bernians
to Meet in Portland
Next Year Cement Works.
I ulated production, more hops will lie
(IDrPnil UDD PDHD grown than "" needed and the price
imiuuii nur unur drp osaiu-
Capatin A. H. Hardy of Lincoln,
Neb., the famous rifle and shotgun
expert, will give a free exhiibtion of
his skill in this citv Fridav. October
PORTLAND. -Ore.. Oct. 1 Hop j 1 ,mder the aus,,ices f the Mcd-
growers are Vivnir tiieir lrnuigs, ford Hardware company. L upturn
with the prevailici-j (.iiotaiivu for the I Hardy represents the Peters Car
Oregon crop at. 2 cents pa.- pound.; triilge company of Cincinnati, 0.
The average price i.irt year was sev-j ' His exhibition will consist of rifle,
en cents, in 1907. seven cents, and in i revolver and shotgun work. Among
-906 12 cents. The last high priced I "ther remarkable feats he will per
year was 1904, when the Oregon hop j form will be hitting two small mar
went to 45 cents and away back in ; bles thrown in to the air by himself,
.1S82 there were sales as high as ejecting a 22-cartridge and hitting
"'$1.25 per pound. In some respects 'it; cutting a card in two edgewise
the market this year resembles that j with either rifle or revolver; hitting
of 1882. I flir targets thrown by himself, us-
Light crops all over the world are!ing an ordinary punip-gtin: shooting
responsible for the prevailing high : psrleet proine oi any picture inc
prices. Hie Uregon crop is me ngui
est since 1806. The estimate of 70,
000 bales for the year's yield in this
state is considered about right, with J fired three hundred shots he will ex
crowd mav suggest, and numerous
other feats with an east attained by
no other living exoert. After he has
Annual Convention Being Held In the
Methodist Church Two Days'
Program for Gathering.
Washington's crop 15,000 bales, com
pared with 17,000 bales laSt year, and
California has about 60,000 bales
this year compared to 68,000 bales
last season.
It is expected this year will mark
the first of series of high priced
crops. This year, he next and pos
sibly one or two more, will mean
hibit the rifle for inspection, and no
trace of fouling will be found.
He uses PETERS 22 Serai-Smokeless
Marriage Licenses.
Oliver Louis Wood and Helen' G.
The animal Sunday school conven
tion for Jackson county is being held
at Ashland at the Methodist church.
Sessions conclude Wednesday night.
The following is the program sched
uled for Tuesday: ,
Tuesday Afternoon.
Praise and prayer service, Rev. T.
I. ILuflton of Central Point; address
of welcome. Rev. W. W. Maellenry;
resjMmse bv visiting delegates. Rev.
L. F. Belknap of Mcdford and J. F.
Hutchason of Medl'ord; roll call of
delegates; appointment of commit
tees; business session, reports of
Sunday schools, nominations, resolu
tions, next meeting of convention, fi
nance, etc.; address, Rev. C. A.
Philips; best methods for opening and
closing the Sunday school; open dis
cussion led by Rev. W. F. Shields;
praise and prayer service. Rev. G. L.
Halli minutes speeches by Sunday
school workers; quartet; address, G.
F. Billings; solo, W. H. Giilis; address
by Rev. G. K. Berry, Christian church,
George W. Dunn of Barron, was a
visitor at the county sent Monday.
Attorney Porter J. Xeff was do
ing business at the courthouse Mon
day. I). K. Grant was down from Ash
laud .Monday, as was also Elmo Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colciuaii spent
Sunday in Phoenix.
Mrs. Henry Wendt, Jr., and baby
are visiting Henry Wendt, Sr., and
Miss M. B. Towne spent Sunday at
the Kennies ranch near Talent.
John S. Orth of tins Medford Na
tional bank was a Jacksonville call
er Monday.
Attorney 0. I. Newbury of Med
ford was attending court Monday, as
was also C. L. Reaines.
Splendid Attractions at the Bijou.
Special attractions can always be
found at the Bijou theater. On Mon
day night the Darling Stuck company
presented to a crowded hou-,0 the
four-act comedy, ''Tress." This is
one of the best plays which they
have as yet presented. That Med
ford people are realizing the merits
of Ibis company is evidenced by the
crowded houses which greet them
each evening.
The same play will be presented
tonight and Wednesday. Everyone
1 should make an effort to see this
I play, for it will be well worth your
Roard of Supervisors Adopt Resolu-
j tions Submitting Prohibition
. Question to oVters.
YREKA, Cnl., Oct. 12. Resolu
tions have been adopted by the board
of supervisors of Siskiyou county as
follows ;
Resolved, That on November 23,
11)011, an election be hulii in Siskiyou
.county allowing uoii-resideuls of in
corporated towns to vote upon I lie
following quc-tions:
Fir.-t Shall Siskiyou county grant
license to sell liquor.
! Second Shall vote be considered
as cost as per precinct or county?
Third Shall saloons be allowed to
continue under strict regulations?
Resolved, That no ono bo allowed
to vote unless a resilient of Siskiyou
county and that his name appear upon
the last great register of said county.
Resolutions were signed by chair
man and secretary of hoard.
There are 14 saloons in Yrekn and
ninny in the county.
' Good road clubs are to bo founded
all over Oregon. ,
Meeting of taxpayers arc being
held in Coos county to consider bet
ter roads.
Circuit Court News.
Jackson County bank vs. We stoii
B. Burnett; action to recover mon
ey; judgment by default.
Robert McClaiialiau vs. T. K. Met,
ct al; action to recover money ; judg
ment by default.
Noycs-Morrison Shoo company vs.
Rose llnyinond; judgment by default.
II. W. HunUiugcr vs. city of Ash
land; dismissed.
John L. Boss vs. city of Ashlnnd;
John Harrington vs. W. E. Phipps
et nl. ; action to recover money;
plaintiff given time in which ti file
amended complaint.
Sf. F. Itanloy vs. city of Medford
ct al.; motion to dissolve injunction
Settlers in I.anc, Lincoln out Til
lamook counties huvp been greatly
pleased over the comm ruction of trails
to remote localities through the gov
ernment reserves,
Moro Than Enou(h Is Too Much.
To maintain health, a mature man
or woman needs just enough food to
repair the waste and supply eneruy
and body heat. The habitual con
sumption of more food than is nee
cssary for these purposes is the
prime cause of stomach troubles,
rheumatism and disorders of tho Kid
neys. If troubled with indigostiou,
reviso your diet, let reason and not
appetite control nnd take a few doses
of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver
Tablets and you will soon bo all right
again. For sale by Leon B. HuHkins'
That it wont be long until time for setting your
trees? Better come in and let me make you
Before it is too late as they are being
booked out fast at this time of year
B. PATTERSONJhe Quaker Nurseryman
Office in
Hotel Nash Office