THE MEDFORD DAIIA' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OPTO H Kit .12, li)t!. 6 CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION'. . Be it resolved bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a G-iiich water main to be laid ou Tat't avenue from West Second street to West Jackson street and to assess the cost thereof ujm the property fronting on stud por tion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st day of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. r which limn nil protests against the laving of snid water, main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. Th3 foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford, on the 8th day of October, 1909. bv the followine vote: Welch . aye, Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: .tf R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the city council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to canse a 6-inch water main to be laid on "West Washington Btreet from Main street to south end of said street, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property frontine on said por tion of said street, in proportion to h fmntiN nf snid property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st day of October. 1909. at 7-30 o'clock p. m., at which time all protests against the lavine of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The forep-oine resolution was pass ed bv the dtv council of the citv of Medford, on the 8th day of October, 1909. bv the following vote: Welch ave, Merrick ave. Wortman abrent, Eifert ay and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. "RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid on Genesee street from Washington street to East Main street and to assess the cost thereof upon the property frontine on said por tion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber, in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the laving of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty frontine thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford, on the 8th dav of October, 1909. bv the following vote: Welch ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. ; Approved October 8. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. . Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the, citv of Medford. Oreeon: That it is the intention of , the council to cause a It-inch water main to be laid on Washington street from Howard street to Genesee street, and to nssess the cost thereof upon tho property fronting on snid por tion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of snid prowl v. The council will meet at the cofin cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st dav of October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time nil protests against the laving of said water main on said portion of snid street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erly frontine thereon will be honrd. The foregoing resolution was pass ed hv the oil v council of the citv nf Medford, on tho 8th day of October. 1909. bv the following vote: Welch nve. Merrick ave. Worlmnn absent. Eifert nve and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1900. ' W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of , the council to cause a 6-inch witter main to be laid on Howard street from Bennett avenue to Washington street, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property frontine on said por tion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at the eouu eil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st day of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which time all protests against the laving of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop ertv fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford, on the 8th day of October, 1909. bv the following vote: Welch aye, Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. H. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. City Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to canse a 6-inch water main to be laid on Riverside avenue from Mnnzanita street south to Jackson street, and to assess the cost thereof updn the property fronting on snid portion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of snid property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st day of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the laving of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the cit"- council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October. 1909. bv the followine vote: Welch ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 6. 1909. W. n. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the cit7 council of the citv of Medford. Oreeon : That it is the intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid on Court street from Cen tral avenue north to a point 200 feet north of north line of Manzauita street, and to assess the oust thereof upon the property frontine on said portion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the eity of Medford on the 21st day of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the lavine of said water main on said portion of said street and the assiss ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October. 1909. bv the following vote: Welch ave, Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eilert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 6. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford, Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a G-inch water main to be laid on Hollv street from pres ent terminus of water main at in tersection of Holly street and Elev enth street south to southerly ter minus of said street, and to assess the cost there of upon the property fronting on said portion of snid strct, in prportiol) to the frontage of said property. . The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21st dav of October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock n. m.. at which time all protests against the lavine of said water main on said portion of, snid street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv (lie cilv council of (be citv of Medford. on the 51 h dav of October. 1909. bv the followine vote: Welch nve, Merrick nve. Worlmnn absent. Eifert nve and Demmer nve. Approved October 6. 1909. W. IT. CANON. Mnvor. Attest : R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved bv the otiv council the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid tin Bcattv street from Cen tral avenue north lu Mnnzanita street and to assess the cost thereof upon (lie property fronting on said portion of snid street, in proportion to t he lrontngo of said property. The council will inccUiit tho coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21 t day of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock P. ni.. at which time all protests against the laving of ssjid water main ou said portion of said street nnd the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford. ou tho 5th duv of October. 1909. bv the followine vote: Welch ave. Merrick nve. Wortman absent, Eifert ave and Demmer nve. Approved October 6. 1909. W. II. CANON. .Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the city of Medford, Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid on Pine sireet from Jack son street north to the northerly terminus of said street, and to nssess the cost thereof upon the property fronting on said portion of snid street in proportion to the frontage of snid property. The council will meet nt the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on the 21t duv of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the laving of said water main ou snid portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on tho prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October. 1909. bv the followine vote: Welch ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 0. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest : R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon : That it is the intention of the council to cause a G-inch water main to be laid on South Ivy street from Ninth street to the southerly citv limits, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property fronting on said portion of said street in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet ut iho coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the city of Medford on this 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the laving of said water muin on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereoti will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the cilv council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October. J 909. bv the following vote: Welch nve. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October (i, 1909. W. II. CANON, Mavor. Attest : R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford. Oregon : That it is the intention of the council to cause a 4-inch water main to be laid on Oiiince street fiuin West Main stree to Fourth street, nnd to assess the cost thereof upon the property fronting on snid portion of snid Btreet. in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet nt the coun cil chamber in the cilv hall in the cilv of Medford on the 21st de" of October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock P. m.. at which time all protests neainst the laving of said waler main on snid portion of said street nnd the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erly frontine thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution wnfl pass ed bv tho citv council of the cilv of Medford. on the 5lh duv of October, 1909, bv the following vote: Welch ove. Merrick nve. Wortman absent, Eifert nvo nnd Demmer nve. Approved October 0. 1900. W. If. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. ' Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved bv tho city council of llio city of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to causo a 4-inch water main to bo laid ou North Orange street from West Main to Fourth streets, and to assess tho cost thereof upon the property fronting on said por tion of said street, in proportion to l lie froutugo of snid proporU. The council will meet at tho coun cil chamber in the citv hall in tho citv of Medford ou tho 21st dav of October, 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which time all protests against tho laving of said water main ou bf-.l portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof ou tho prop erty fronting thereon will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv tho citv council of tint citv of Medford. on tho 5th dav of October, 1909. bv tho following vote: Welch ave, Merrick ave. Wortman absent, Eifert ave nnd Demmer ave. Approved October 6. 1009. W. II. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TELFKJI. Citv Rocordcr. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a G-inch water main to be laid on Central avenue south from Twelfth strec to south citv lim its and to nssess tho cost thereof upon the property fronting on said portion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in tho citv hall in the citv of Medford on tho 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., nt which time all protests against the laving of said water main ou said portion of saiil street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. Tho foregoing resolution was puss ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October 1909. bv the following vote: Welch nve. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert nve and Demmer ave. Approved October . 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest : R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the ; council to causo n 6-inch water main to bo laid on Central avenue north from Second street to north city lim its, und to assess tho cost thereof upon tho properly fronting on said Portion of said street, in proportion to tho frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the citv of Medford on tho 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time all protests against the laving of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will bo heard. The forcgoin" resolution was pass ed bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford. on the 5th dav of October, 1909. bv the followine vole: Welch ave. Merrick nve, Wortman absent, Eifert ave and Demmer nve. Approved October 6. .1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. . Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon : That it is the intention of the ciincil to cause n 4-inch water main to be laid on Cottage street from Main street to tho terminus of said Cottace street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting on said portion of said street, in pro portion to the frontage of snid prop erty. The council will meet nt tho coun cil ehnmber in the citv hull in (ho citv of Medford on i ho 21-1 duv of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which time nil protests ngainst the hiving of snid water mnin on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the post thereof on the pron ertv frontine thereon will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pann ed bv the cilv council of (lie cilv of Medford, on (he 5th dav of October. 1909. J)v the following .vole: Welch nve, Merrick nve, Wortman nbsent. Eifert nve and Demmer ave., Approved October 6. 1909. W. IT. CANON, Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. lie it resolved bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford, Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to valine a ()-iuch water iiiuiu to be laid tm Manziinitu si reel from lleattv street cast to Kivta'nidu ave nue, ami to assess the cost the root upon the properly ironliug ou said portion of said si red, in proportion lo tho frontline of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil chamber in the citv hall in the cilv nf Medford on the 21s dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which lime nil protests against tlio laving of snid water main on said laving of snid water main ou said incut of tho cost thereof on the prop, ertv fronting lliereoii will bo heard The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford. on tho 5th dav of October, 1909, bv the following vote: Welch ave, Merrick nve, Wortman absent Eifort nve nnd Deminer nvo. Approved October 6. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. City Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is the intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid on Elm street from West Main street south to cud of street. and to assess the cost thereof upon the property fronting on said por tion of said street, in proportion to tho frontage of said property. The council will meet lit the coun cil chamber in tho citv hall in the cilv tif Medford on the 21st dnv of October. 1909. ut 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which time all protests against the portion of said street and the nsHe iiient of the cost thereof on the prop erty fronting (hereon will be heard. The forceohi" resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford, fin tho ftlh day of October, 19H9. bv the following vole: Welch ave. Merrick ave, Wortinan absent. Eifert ave and Deminer ave. Approved October (I. 1909. Approved October K. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFEU. Cilv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford. Oregon: That it is tho intention of the council to cause a 6-inch water main to be laid on West Fourth street from Orange street to west corporation boundary, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property fronting ou said portion of said street in pro portion lo the frontage of said prop erty. The council will meet at tho coun cil chumber in the cilv hall in the cilv of Meiltiird on the 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at which tinio all protests againbt the laving of saiil water main on said portion of suid street and tho assess ment of the cost thereof ou tho prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv coin, oil of Iho citv of Medford, on the 81 h day of October, 1909. bv the toilowing vote: Welch aye, Merrick nve, Worlmnn absent, Eifert ave nnd Denimer ave. Approved October H. 19011. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved bv the cilv council of the cilv of Medford. Oregon : That it is the ' intention of Iho council to cause a 4-inch waler main to ho laid on South Pencil street from Main street to Eighth street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon Iho property fronting on said por tion of said street, in proportion to the frontage of .said properly. The council will meet nt tho coun cil chamber in tho cilv hall in tho cilv of Medford on the 21 4 dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. nt which lime nil protests ngainst tho lavine of said Water main on said portion of said street nnd the assess ment of Iho cost thereof on (he prop erty frontine thereon will bo heard. The fnreeoinir resolution was pass ed bv Iho citv council of Iho citv of Medford, on tho 8th day of October, 1909. bv the following vole: Welch nye, Merrick ave, Worlmnn absent. J- CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION. Ho it resolved bv Iho city council of tlio cilv of Mudford, Oregon: That It is I he intention of tho council to ciiiimi a (i-iuch water inain to be laid on llcnnctt iiveime from Uoo.evclt n en mi lo Howard street, and to iisschk the cost thereof upon Iho property Ironliug ou said por tion of said street, in proportion to (he froutugo of said properly. The council will meet nt tint coun cil chamber in tho cilv hull in the cilv of Medford on Iho 21st dav of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock I), m., at which lime all protests against Iho laving of said water main ou said portion of said street and the assess ment of (lie cost (hereof ou (he prop erty fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was unus ed bv tho (tit v council of the citv of Medford, ou the Hth day of October, 1909. bv the following vole: Welch ave, Merrick ave. Wortman absont. Eifert ave and Demmer nvo. Approved October 8. 1000. W. II. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved by tho citv council of tho citv of Medford, Oregon: That it is the intention ' of tho council to cause n 0-inch water mnin to be laid on Roosevelt avenue from a point 597 feet north of East Main street to Bennett avenue, and to assess tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting ou said por tion of said street, in proportion to Iho frontage of said property. The council will meet at the coun cil cbaiiiber ill tho citv ball in the citv of Medford on the 21st-duv of October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. Hi nt which time all protests against the laving of. said water main on said portion of Hiiid street and tho assess ment of the cost (hereof on the prop erty fronting thereon will he heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the cilv council of the citv of Medford. ou (he Hth day of October, 1909. bv the following vole: Welch ave, Merrick ave, Wortman absent. Eifert live and Demmer nve. Approved October 8. 1000. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Cilv Recorder. The only daily market report in southern Oregon in Tho Tiihiire. F Acreage Property At A Bargain We have Ihreo acres, just out sido tho cily limits, plotted all around it, with a new five-room house, which wo consider n bur euin at $2200 Tho properly faces on two streets and would subdivide nicoly. There is an electric motor and pump which goes with the place, nnd tho well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has mndo the price low in ordor to sell quickly, and the property will bo on the mnr ket but a short time nt this prico. W. T. York 6 Co. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axlo fjrcaso and Ball cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Eifert ave and Demmer five. Approved October 8, 1909. W. H. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Rocordcr. City Recorder.