THE WKI)FOR DAILY TRIBUNE, MRDFOKI). PRECOX. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12, VM). :w fc" . LI I'liir tuiiiylit anil Wciliii'idiiy. THE WEATHER. J. A. 1 li'iuli'l -nn hi I1 to S. Wolf tun nW in I'ii lie iiilililiim, tin- ciili- iili'iiilinii licinjf ifKllll. When Imhiu'IiI m-vitiiI .vi'iii'M nt;ii i hey font $100 eiirli. Tim Mile WIIM llllllll llll'dllgll n cliifxil ii'il ml in Tim Triliunc. SpiTiiil oiitinj; I'Iiiiiiii'Ih, Oi; yanl nl Vim Dykn'H. 170 ('. KnynolilM, n former Wi-Morn I'liinn operator here, left for liin Hint crn liomo Mondny. Ifi'Kt nival for the Icnft money at thn Spot i-afo. , Carrin Mi'Intonli, who lias been ve iling frii-mlH in tlio valley for Home time, returnerl to her home in Phoe nix, Ari., Monday. William J. McLean of Chicago wo n visitor in the city recently. Special miiHio every evening dur ing dinner nt the Nnnh Grill. (leorpo W. Dunn wiih over from JackHonvilln Monday on Imikuickh. Mr. M. of Red IUuff, Col- mxl Mri. M. I.ejzhty of Denver are viKitintr L. H. Kller, n l)iiniiies man, in thin city. 1'hone 3M03 for ten or coffee. T. O. Kriclon of the forest serv ice, who lm been in Med ford for n liort time, left Monday "for K"t;le Point. .Teronie pevine of Piilntli, Minn., in n nronectiv" tattler in the valley. Why nwh home? Try thn Snot Tafn'H 2."e dinner. ' Cliir::i It. Drown of fKhWh, rc tMrned home Monday after n h"Vt Mnv in Med ford. Th-ie will he a reception '.riven on Wi dnc-diiv iiicht at the M. V. ehni-rh in honor of the new pn.ti.r. All mem her" of the church and friend- eov dinllv invited to attend. Eila ('nmiynw. pnhiic fitenncrnpher. room I. Pill :: hinldi:u'. Mis. Ada Hill of McMinnville if vi-ititiL' her dninditer. Mr. Jame Kii-.onlmVL' nf Medfnrd. K'n hard Vetnenre of fhien'o vi itinir hi old friend. C. P. Woolvcr top. n hii-iin'i'; man of this place. Sniec-i mid extracts nt HP So. 0 street. ' 1!, Shearer and fatnilv left Mondnv for fimilt. Col., where tin y will mnlic their future hoinc. P. f. Hansen left Monday for Cot tn;... flrove, where lie will attend t soive lint-incss for his company. Sen list of P.enson s hnrcaiiiK on pal;e 1. Dr. .T. F. returned Monday from a business trip to Portland. Miss Onn Maxsoit was down from Tnl.-ot the first of tlv week visitmc friends. Southern Omprn Ten nnd Coffee Co.. ofl So. 0 street. .Tames Oardner, who has been vis ilinir relatives in the vallcv. has left foV his home in Poise. Idaho. J. W. Kstoti of Grants Pass is vis Hint; friends in Med ford Ibis week. T.. A. Oiiissenberrv of flold Hill linseed tbroiiLdi here on bis way home from Jacksonville, where lie lias necn on he .jury. Order for sweet cream or bntier milk promptly filled. Phone tbi e-eamcry. Dr. K.'.T. Ponnerhas returned from Klamalh Palls, where he hjis been .'tlendintr to business affairs. W. V. Dnrd of Central Point, who lias been in Med ford for a few days. left for home Monday eveninir. .f. pvownsworth of Wondvillc re turned home the oilier day nfler a short visit in Medfnrd. Mitchell & Doeclt lifvo removed to new brick Iniildinir across nll"V from old stand. 180 Mrs. Kulh P.hrfiejd of Klamath Palls was in thn city on business Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. ,T. W. Hamlin moved to Drownsboro Monday evening, where, thev will make their home. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Z. Potts of Central Point nrn in the ei'.y making nrrnnge nientH for moving to Gold Hay, where Mr. Potts will ' work at the power house. Mr. ami .Mrs. If. II. I'o.hon are hero ri'niii Unite, Mm!,, looking for mi in vestment. Vim Pykc' lime on sale this week a large aHsortaiciit of light and dark patterns in regular JJ'a" nnd 10c outings at the special price of lie per yard. 17D It. W. Wiikuinini of Wondvillc. re turned hoini! Monday evening after a hurt business visit' in this city, T. I1). Puvis of Gold Hill was in the citv for a short slay Monday. Mr. Thomas llarlholoinew and children left recently for Pittsburg. Pa., who're they will visit her parents. Mary Painter of Central Point. wlio lias liven transacting dusmicsk in the city for some lime, returned home Monday. George W. Wilcox was a caller at I lieli county sent last Saturday. George K Marshall v.'.is in Jack sonville this week. Miss Klora Thompson Miss Ger Irude Norton npeiit Saturday and Sunday wiht friends at Central Point. Illankets and (pulls in every style ami weight nt Van Pykye's. 170 Hev. Hobert Knnis has returned from Xewherg, Oregon, where ho at tended the Prcbyecrian synod. Mrs. Vivian McCarthy of Grants Pass is visiting Mrs. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville. Tho .Nnnh Grill makes n specialty of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu sic every evening. Mr. Nolgute n incmberof the stale hoard of water commission was a business caller one day recently. Mrs. Peter Applcgalc and family and Mrs. W. It. Stansell nnd family left for Portland Saturday evening where they will make their home. Pall dress goods at Van Dyke's. 17(1 Hon. II. K. Hanim has returned from bidding court at Grants Pass. Mrs. Lizzie Liter of port Scott. Kan., is visiting in Medford this week. William llolbrook of Howard Lake. Minn., is looking over the valley and town for an investment. W. H. Harrison of A,shlimd was down on business Wednesday. Kresh shipment of crabs, oyters. 4-lnius and lisli at the Hoguo liiver I'ish Co. Telephone .'lOO"!. 170 C. II. Loomis is building a five room house on Cottage street fur Mrs. L. ('he-niirc. the consideration being !MI0. C. O. Mulliollern of Helena, Mont., is a visitor to the city this week. Seolt Pax is and family nnd II. 11. Harvey ami family made n trip to liogue river the first of the week for fin outing. Miss Minnie Pierson, who has lived iti this eily for some time, returned Wciliie-dny to her old home, King-burs,-, to visit her rein lives. IVole-sor P. .1. d'Ciara goes to Giants Pa's Thursday to look alter the pest wai lave in Josephine county and to sen how Inspector Puvkc is coming nlong. Prank Wilson of this city is spend ing the duy in Ashland. Mrs. K. W. Seott is visiting Mrs. J. M. Wiley of Ashland, n relative of hers, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Scott arc recent arrivals from Grnngeville. Idaho. Mrs. A. P. Mayer nnd children of Ashland returned home after a short visit with Mrs. Mover's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tj-nder. Mrs. Nels Pilcy of Monticello, Minn., is sightseeing in tlio Kopue vnlloy. J. T. Vance of Cnrvallis, who has been looking over tho city and sur rounding country for some time, left Wednesday for n dny in Asblnnd. C. W. Coder of Rig Lnkc, Minn.. arrived in Medford recently nnd is hniking nround. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1L It. Tracy of Se attle, tourists, stopped off in this city for n, short tinio the first of the week. Ira Jewel of Mavwond, Ncb is visiting in the city. ('. K. Huffman is down from Klam ath Palls on a business visit to the city. ,1, 1!. Lee f Chicago, who hns been hero some time, looking over real es tntc buys, left for ('rants Pnss Wed nesday on business. Mrs. Mollic Seaton left for her home in Oroville. Cal., lifter n short visit with friends bore. Jud F.dsnll nnd Mr. Marshall of Putte Falls spent Tuesday in Med ford. They aiy engaged in hauling supplies to Untie Falls, which little eily is enjoying n rush of business. TJohert ilendriekson, nn engineer from Minneapolis' is looking for n lo cation in tho city. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash- '. If. Kay, Henry Worms,' W. If. pnvcy, Louis Kob- crt-on, L. Allcnlioll, John McLvu ii ii ii, J. Hale, L, II. Thompson, W. W. Alrighau, If. C. McMillan, L. L. Young, T. I(. Wagner, Portland; W. H. I'inlcy, Spokane; K, ' II. Lynch, Chicago; N. S. liurriss, New York; A. Harehline, Ifeddiug; .Mrs. J. K. lieaiidroit, Montague; C. K. Hilff mai Klari nth Palls; A. . Helms, Ashland; P. II. Murray, Cleveland ; Ki-a 'Jueivel, Maywood; C. II. Tcr miii, Portland; II. Ii. Smith, Chicago; Paul A. Lrigg, Miles City; T. E. Lrigg Ifoeklord; A. D. Poke and family, Tensen; G. S. Dexter, Doston. At tho Moore II. P. Datchelor, Pittsburg; It. II. Palmer, New York;; If. II. Parker, Untie; Mrs. It. II. Pax son, liulle; K. M. Heid, Portland; J. p. Ktenty, Olynipiu; O. A. Uaond, St. Paulj'w. E. Wilbur, Eugene; Lil liun Ixjvc, Chicago; W. C. Ulacklin, Portland; W. II. Harrison, Ashland. HILL THOUGHT TO BE HEADED FOR LAKEVIEW Probate. Estate llennan Lav.rentz; order made appointing August Lnwrentz iiduiinistrat r and J. It. Wilson, J. S. Orth and H. C, Gurnet t appraisers. Administrator's bond filed. Estu'.c loa. Maria Carlson; inven tory ud appraisement filed showing r-stiite value! nt $1500. Estate Mery J. Stugg; inventory t.nd appraisement filed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LAKEMKW, Or., (let. 12. -Straws show which way the wind blows. Within the pa t year there. have been in Lakevie-.v two presidents and an cx-prcsidcnt, of the Oregon Trunk railroad, .hones J. I ItJ'c new line, now liiiilding ,ip the Peschutcs, whose ohjeclivo is -apposed to he San Fran-1 eisco. '. If any liiilln-r proof were needed Hint Lukcicw j to he on the route across central Oregon, it .would seem to ho found in the fact that the Hill interests have recently purchased the largo Henry Heryford ranch, two. miles north of town. For what oth-i cr purpose can railroad men want i this 700-ncre tract if not for n di vision point Biidway between the Co-! Iiimbia river and the Golden Gate?! Usual Hi(jh-Class Plcures at The Savoy. ' Oh you Savoy! Your pictures can not be beat. The scubjects are all good. Tbey are clear and flilserless and as steady as a rock wall. If you want to enjoy almost an hour of good, solid amusement attend the "Savoy" tonight and view the pic tures. "Gratitude," "Tho Seuled" and " Little Darling," each one is the best of its kind, chock full of amusement. Entire change of program tomor row night. Watch for it. One dime. FOIJ KENT Show window in cen tral location ; also office space in store it' your business suits. For particular!- address Pox No. i?, Medford. Or. Do You Know ! THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is a purely Mutual Company run for mem bers by iiiciiiIkts? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is Oli years old ? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE hns paid to members, living and dead. over ? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is IransaetinL' business for its members at. a lower cost than any other Amer ican company today? THAT (his enables' THE MUTUAL LIFE to distribute to its members over .fll. 0(11). 000 in cash dividends this year. 1900 a larger amount than was ever paid hv any ci mpaiiy in one year? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE now holds, and has previously paid, over PJ.".nOtl,00( more to its members than has been paid by them? LTn e(Ualed by any company. THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE'S as sets of over .f.'i:m,000,000 and its sur plus fund of over $S7.000,000. all belonging mutually to its members, make it the strongest financial insti tution of its kind in the, world? THAT some of its policies will ex actly suit the conditions that sur round you? THAT profits of stock conipnnies go to swell the profits of stockhold ers, not. the policyholders? Do not be deceived. There is no stock in THE MUTUAL LfFE to bo counted as nn asset instead of a liability. Do You Know DO YOU KNOW tho difference be tween n stock company, or n stock mutual company, nnd n purely mu tual compnnv like THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK? THAT new conipnnies nre nn ex periment. Results, are uncertain. Can you afford to' burden future years wilh such risk or uncertainty ? There is no uncertainty nhnnt THE MUTUAL LIFE now or in the future. DON'T YOD think it wise to ascer tain why THE MUTUAL LIFE ex ponds only S.3P er cent while sotac other companies j ay out so very much larger n percent ope oT their incomes in expenses of mnnapement? It is tho difference between profit and loss ASK PS THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York " 'Tis Best for Oregonians" J. H. COCHRAN. District Manager, Medford, Oregon. BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT Tuesday and Wednesday "TRESS" 4-aet eoiiKMiy dnnna. Come early nnd avoid the rush. Wo turned them nwnv last night. ' ADMISSION 10c AND 20c When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table AVe do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs le per meal to - operate, "We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50, Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion iies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer .and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea ' sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ' The Bi MEDFORD tore OREGON With the purchase of $1.00 or more at our store, you can have A HAIR CHAIN OR FOB Braided from Your . Lwn Hair ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE in new and up-to-date styles A lock of hair the size of a slate pencil is sufficient. Comb ings can be used. The braiding alone is presented free ; mountings you buy of the hair man if desired ALL WORK DONE IX OUR SHOW. WINDOWS BE-, FORE YOU WHILE YOU WAIT. COMBINGS MADE INTO SWITCHES AND PUFFS ONE STEM $2.00; THREE STEM, $2.50. WE BUY GOOD COMBINGS. Tuesday, October 19, The last Day Now is tho time to have your cleaning done. Don't wait till cold weath er. Oct out that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have it fixed up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, quilts, furs, por tieres, laces. We elinui everything, do all kinds of repairing. A trial or der vill convince vm. Phone 3304