THE "EDFOIM) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKfiOX. TUESDAY, OCTOHrR 12, 1000 OPEN SEASON FOR QUAIL ON FRIDAY Tlio open Ni'ilNoii fur 1 1 1 1 1 i I hi'iiiK in'Xl Friday, lint Villi, nml hunter hhnnld (jet wise In the rc-lricliuiiM nl' tin1 1 1 1 w willi ri't'iiril In thin gaum bird. It kliniiM Ihi nnli'il lluit HlinutiiiK from liny public highway in forbidden, mill it IH lint permissible (l hllllllt within nn.v enclosed property without the permission 111' till' OWIICI'. Tim section on iinuil rends iih fol lows: 'Ml rliall In: uiiitiw Till within the county nl' Jackson mill Josephine to liiint, pursue, tnl(, kill, injure, tl s -troy in- have in possession, evcept for scientific or lirccdini; purposes, or lo sell or offer for sale, barter or ex change, nny ipinil lit miy t i mo be tween llm l.'illi iliiy of Iicccmber of each yciir mill the l.'illi ilny of Oc lobcr of tho following yenr, nml it Mint 1 1 he unlawful in hiiiil counties during the open himihoii mill when it is lawful lo limit or kill tlm sninc, to kill, capture, destroy or have i:: pos ncks'ioii any greater number tlimi ti'ii of tlm game birds enumerated in this section in nny one tiny or. more tlinn 20 of said liinlM in nny xevcn consec utive ilayK. (L. 1001), p. 417.)" Tlio limit in pi a c oil nt five in one day mid ti'ii in one week. HOTEL ARRIVALS. A tlio Moore Howard Mallard, Cadillac; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hub bins, K. A. Krn.icr, (Jcorgo W. Dunn I'ortlimd ; ChnrlcH ('. Dubinin, New York; M. M. Obcnehain, Oakland ; W. II. O'Hricn, San Francisco: C. V. McKndden, Dultith; Henry Wilier, Au gustn; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Scott, Ma nila ; J. L. Diivin, Ooklnnd; A. D. Helms, Aslilmul; H. C. Todd, Denver; .1. M. Spi-i r, I'orllanil; M. V. Mor ton, Sim Krniieiseo ; J. A. Mcjohnson, Sew York; 1(. H. Korapaugh, Grand Forks; .1. 0. M. Marlin, Untie; A. I'. Allen, Colony; J. J. Wilkin and wife, Portland; l,ee I.arrim, Medford; L. K. Williams, Aiiiicomlii ; L. II. Moore, Ontario; Mrs. Joe Shaska, Grants 1'iimh ; A. 1'. Allen, Colony; Harry Summers, St. Louis; William J. Mc Lean, Chicago. At '.lie Sash Mr. Finncgan, Mrs. Vance, C. II. Anderson, M. C. Ciris wold, I'ortland; J. A. Cownn. John L. Allien. St. Louis; Mrs. F.llis, Mrs. (i. W. Kllis. Mi--. K.'o. Scott. .1., A. Thomas, New York; Mr. nnd Mrs. Pearson Clinpinnn, Washington; A. C. McKinley, Sun Francisco; C. S. Ilnr riston, San Francisco; Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Preston. Myrtle Creek; Mr. nnd Mrs. C, O. White and family, Myrllo Creek; W. L. Clapp nnd wife, Lake view; Carl Young, Klmnath Falls; W. W. Ailing. Oshkosh: K. W. Saunders,. Scuttle; Mrs. II. Wendf, New Pino Creek: F.. A. Dunliam, Klnmalli Falls; K. K. Itarilcn. Newark;'C. S. Harken. Oakland; A. Dunliam, Central Point; H. T. llntelielor, Pittsburg; J. II. Mann, lieson; J. X. Thomson, Los Angeles; llondinot Cotter, Tahlo Hock; A. Conm Fiero, Central Point; C. O. While. Myrtle deck; Mr, nnd Mrs. II. II. florhnm, II. J. Iloor. San Francisco; Harvey Suniiners, Port land; Fred Schullcr, New York-. : Ji-'-x-.'V'''. ?'Zl en N. MI0V I DUO I raMIFlSIKFKY JACKSONVILLE AND VICINITY. Mr. and Mrs. TIioiiiiih Piiukey and hiihu have moved to llieir new liouiit on the ohHiclliugcr place. Mr. Pan key has liccii Jorcmaii of tlm Olwcll anil Inter of the Hopkins orchards lor years, anil is sniil to bo one of the best horlicultlirisls in the statu. Miss Maty Knyphnll. has heen upending; a week wiili her sislcr, Miss Hincc, who is the popular eighth grade teacher in the Cutilrul Point school. Mrs. K. J. Iloberts anil daughter, Miss Lulu Perry, and granddaugh ter, .Miss Nellie Perry, have returned home from n month's sojourn at the seaside. llcrhert Klmore and sister of Ap plegulc are visiting friends in the. val ley and atlemling to some business ill Medford, thus combining business with pleasure. Hev. (Iray mid wifo of flic Meth odist Kpiseopal church have removed to their new field nt Cnnyonvillc. They have many sincere friends, who regret their departure, and wish them well in their new home. Mrs. Ilnrcli nnd daughter of Med ford were guests nt the homo of Tay lor Ilnrcli Inst Thursday. A. L. Oall nnd fnmily, who have heen stopping on the Osgood place, have moved to n much nenr Tolo nnd a fnmily by the name of Smith is now stopping nt Osgood's. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Hcllinger of Medford were calling on old friends nnd neighbors last Sandfly. Mr. nnd Mrs. Olson of Ccntrnl Point spent Sunday with their daugh ter, Mrs. Thomns Pnnkey mid family. HILL'S ENGINEERS ARE ALONG WILLOW CREEK MADRAS O.-.. Oct. VJ The crew of Oregon Trunk enghiees which ar rived in Madras this week started to work this morning, after fitting up camping (pinners and are now mak ing the filial locution of the Oregon Trunk line down Willow creek can yon. These has been two other sur veys made by the Hill line down Wil low creek, and this last will be very thorough as to data concerning char acter of work and' cost of construc tion. This crew wiil make the loca tion only to the Deschutes canyon. Their locution work will be followed by cross-sectioning and selling grade stakes, mid it is also reported that they will locate sidings nnd switches for the station grounds at Madras before leaving this vicinity. Ilailway engineers who have for merly been identified with the Ore gon Trunk sny that some of the most expensive work on the central Ore gon road will be found in the Willow creek canyon. Public sentiment without any change in the law can compel ussess ors and hoards of eipialization to as sess idle lauds three times what they are now figured at on the assessment, rolls. i Tillamook has set aside $90.0(10 to be expended on road work this year. THAT TREE ORDER YOU have nothing to lose arid all to gain, in placing it with a reliable home nursery. S. BENNETT TALENT TALES. Van Dtnijiip mid wife were Med ford visitors last Tuesday. M. L. Allord mid wife nnd son were up Talent way last Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. C. Corey were in .Medford on business last Tuesduy. K. linilex and family own ure cou sins of F. S. McDonald of North Tal ent, arrived from the east to visit with Mr. McDonald nml family and will go out into Klamath county to vint fiicnds there ilso. K. S. Stephens of North Talent took a load of line potatoes to Ash land Friday. Mrs. Fred Jinpp of Talent was among those of our townspeople who attended the fair nt Ashland. A man with money to invest would make no mi. .take in buying n few lots in Talent, and having houses built upon hcm to rent. As every house thnt is hnbitnblc is taken nnd more are wanted nnd not to be bad. Mrs. A. II. Fisher of Phoenix was n Medford business visitor one day Inst week. Mrs. E. 0. fiensc eame down from Ashland nnd attended the' school en tertainment nt Talent Fridny eve ning. ' Tnlent is to hnve a new, handsome store. A gentleman from the east has leased n building from C. W. Woltcrs nnd will put in a stock immediate ly. Ad Helms of Ashland eame down to Talent Monday morning to try to effect n compromise with Mrs. Jnmes Melms. Mrs. Helms, however, thinks it best to let her attorney settle with the heirs. THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES FOR FARMERS One thousand dollars in ensh prizes have been offered by James J. Hill lor the best specimens of dry farm ing products grown in Montana, Ore iron and Washington. There nre nlso threu lnndsome sterling silver cups for. agricultural exhibits on non-irri-gated districts. The entries for these prizes must come from farms within 'J.'i miles of the Great Northern rail way lines in the three stntes named. Wheat, oats, bnrley, rye, flax, field peas, alfalfa seed nnd potatoes nre to be displayed in peck quantities. Sheaf exhibits of grains nnd hay nre nlso desirable. These prizes will be award ed nt the national dry farming con gress to be held at Billings, Mont., October 2(i, 27 and 28. Mr. Hill is a friend of the farmer nnd offers these prizes to stimulate interest in the pos sibilities of the arid regions of the northwest. Idaho has n law whereby land can be bonded to const met railroads, as well as irrigation canals, and it is i being tested in the courts with the! intention of connecting up with a dis trict built road in Oregon as soon as the amendment is authorized by the people. Tiolicminn farmers to the number of !() families have settled in Lake count v on irrigated lands. II REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. F. Speiicr to i. F. Penson, properly in block .'(, Parr's addition to Mi d lord 10 H. F. IScnson lo James Camp bell, same ns above 0 Jennie Cowgill to Phcbe M. Du kum, ilots 1 and 12, block M, Deakum's Addition to Gold Hill 10 Gold Hill Development company . to Phehe M. Dehum, lots 4, '), 0 nnd 7, block JO, Dekum's addition to Gold Hill 32." V. D. Harris to K. II. Toft, lots 3 mid 4. block 20, Medford 10 F.Iizn Convin to C. II. Denniston, property in Medford 4000 Kmma L. Anderson to Aaron Wentherby, J 80 Herts in sec tion 19, township 38, range 1 W 1 Onirics Dlnnd to Aaron Weath erby, W '. lots J nnd 2, block 35, Coolidge addition to Ash land 10 S. II. Roekhill to E. L. Miller, lot 9, block 6, Ross addition to Medford 225 William and Maggie Ross to S. IT. Roekhill, lot 9, block 6, Ross addition to Medford . . 150 The Republican s'nys that buyers are scouring the country around Un ion for good horses. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the , Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to - et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY C. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. Jror you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." 1 It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it , : ; Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, M we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. ' ' 1 Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWAEE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rings Rings Rings All Kinds All Sizes at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT 1201 N. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 3221