THE MKUJJ'UKii UiVlLil HviUUlV tirm uiU' uuu, "Cin i nn, k BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Unlph Turker of Urownslmro brought to town fur Men-hunt lI"slu- sevornl tons of fine potatoes mid on ions. Mr Newport, whose huslmnd is with Surveyor Smvyer, wns visiiini: with Mrs. Will lVrry ill Htitto lulls during the week. Will ChHinhers has been offered $800 for his oomer residence lot. but refused to sell. He has a fine loea tion for store or restaurant. Several persons have been turned nwny from Butte Falls, being unable to buy either business or residence lots. We cannot build up the town unless lots are put on the market, at fair figures. Charley Edmonson is buildimj nn nddition to his meat shop, besides hav ing n handsome sign painted on it. Straupers are arriving iovnx n'" most daily mid appear anxious to buy roperty mid locale ahead of the in coming railroad. Mr. Schuei'fi'r and a friend from Medford are on the homestead of Schaeffer. Mr. Sawyer of the location crew of the P. & E. railroad made a visit to the Falls, looking over the townsite and viewing out the right of wiyy into the town. He reports satisfactory progress along the line and that the grade will be good. Mr. Timgate of Jacksonville is vis iting with his son, Ira Tnngate. B. H. Harris has a crew of men in the woods logging for railroad ties. The mill will soon begin getting out a large number of ties for the P. & E. railroad. A. D. Xavlor of Medford. the new mill manager, together with Mr. Hur and George Ell arrived in town on Tuesday night to open tip mill oper ations. M. A. Boiighton came in from the - vallev on Tuesday, bringing several mill hands with him. Several parties were in town on Wednesday looking for houses to rent, but none were obtainable. Mr. Kelson, the sawyer of the mill, has placed himself and family in the Harris house. Miss May Hash of Ashland is teaching the Beale school and giving satisfaction. Mrs. Poors intends to move from her homestead to Butte Falls for the winter and allow the children to at tend our school. Mrs. Albert has been visiting in 'Medford and returned on Wednesday nitrht. Mrs. C. 0. Baker is paving n visit to the vallev. It is expected she will take up her residence there for the winter. " Lloyd Elwood of Medford is a fre quent visitor to our section and ru mor has it that there is a very decided j attraction for him with one of our country belles. Scott Clasnill has been busy this week taking the location crew of sur veyors from point to point, as the roids are to bad for foot travel. Mr. Kirk, a young business man of Towa, is looking around for a bus iness siet. Fred Michaels and his wife, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mahonev. are paying a visit to Butte Falls. Mr. Michoels is from Portland. Several new comers arrived on Thursday's stage, whose names we did not get. i Our hotels and boarding houses .ire nil filled with guests and frequent ly parties sleep in outbuildings. There is one cut on the line of the railroad that will require the remo val of 80,000 square yards of earth material nnd to make this cut I was told would cost .$80,000. There are several smaller cuts the dirt from which will be used to make fills. CITY NOTICES. OlilUXANtE NO. 210. An ordinance providing for 111 eoiiMniclion o n trunk si'wer on East Main street from Bear Crook to Gotioseo street, in the ciiy of Medford, Oregon, :.';: loi the ti-n.'ssuioiit of the cost thereof on adjacent prop ertv mid providing tt meeting of the council to consider protests against said construction und assessment nnd the serving of the owners of udju oent property with notice thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows : Section 1. It is the intention of l he council to cause an 8-inch trunk sewer to be constructed along E;ik Main street from Bear Creek to tionesee street, in the citv 1 1 Medford, Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property direetlv benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in pro portion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider any protests against said construction and the asscssinsr of said property for the cost thereol at a meeting of the council to be held October 22d, 1!H1, at 7:30 p. m. in the council chamber in said citv. nnd all owners of adiueent aropertv nro hereby called upon to appear before said council at said time nnd place and show cause if anv thev have, why such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upou the property owners afore said, bv posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in n dailv newspaper published and of ceneral circulation in said citv at least ten days before the date o'f meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October 8, 1909, by the city coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the following vote: Welch nve. Merrick nve. Wortman absent. Eifert nve and Demmer nve. Approved October 8, 1909. . W. M. CANON. Mavor. " Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. BEARS SPEED STAGES IN SISKIYOU COUNTY YREKA. Cal., Oct. 12. Bears are most plentiful in Siskivou county this year. Tt is due to the presence of bruin in such large numbers that the numerous stage lines nre making schedule ilmc. The mules daily be come frightened at bears and dash in at record speed. All district school children in Sis kinyou county take with them to school an extra nllowance of food to feed the bears they meet, thus pro tecting themselves nnd also making friends with them. One rancher ha? to come to the city daily to keep his nhidlrcn supplied with food for the bears. ORDINANCE NO. 241. An ordinance providing for the construction of a 12-inch trunk trunk sewer on Genesee street from East Main street to Washington street in the city of Medford, Oregon, nnd for the assessment of the cost there of on adjacent property nnd providing a meeting of the council to consider protests against said construction and assessment nnd the serving of the owners of adjacent property with no- j tiee thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a 12-inch trunk sewer to be constructed along Genesee street from East Main street to Washington street. in the city of Medford, Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon.. Section 2. The council will hear and consider anv protests against of said property for the cot thereof at a meeting of the council to be held October 22d, 1909, at 7:30 p. m. in the council chamber in said citv.'and all owners of adincent property are herebv called upon to appear before said council at said time and pjace and show cause if anv thev have', why such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, bv postine three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in a daily newspaper nuhlished and of eenernl circulation in said citv nt least ten days before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October 8, 1909, by the city coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the following vote; Welch ave, Merrick ave, Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. .Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. CITY NOTICES OKMXANlT. NO. LMJ. An orditi.uirv providing fur the construction uf u sotwr on West Second street from Holly .-treet to west city limits, in the city of Medford, Oregon, and for the assessment of the cot there of on adjacent property nnd provid iug a mooting of the council to con .-idor protests against Said construe tiou and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent properly with notice thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to causa a sen or to bo constructed on West Second street from Holly street to west city limits, to ho 8-inch from Holly street to Ol son street ami reiuaindur to be ti-inuh, in the city of Medford, Oregon, nnd to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion o its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider anv protests against said construction and the nessing of said property for the ot thereof at a meeting of the council to he held October 22d. l'.W'.), at 7:30 p. in. in the council chamber in said citv, and all owners of adjacent properly arc herebv called upon to appear before said council lit said time and place and show cause if any thev have, whv such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners nforo aid. bv posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in n daily newspaper published nnd of general circulation in said citv nt least ten davs before the date of meeting. The foregoin" ordinance wns pass ed October 8. 1909, by the citv coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the! following vote: Welch nve. Merrick j nve. Wortman absent. Eifert nve nnd ; Demmer nve. Approved October 8, 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TEI.FF.R. Citv Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 24.1. I An ordinance providing f'r the construction of a 14-inch trunk sew-1 er on Washington street anil Wash-' ington street, Extended from fiencsse street to n point 100 feet west of ; the west bank of Bear creek and CITY NOTICES. thence n Hourly as practicable in u Minight line to the main trunk sower of ( lie city at the intcri-eciion of liiv- oi'Milo avenue unit Maple street, III the city of.Mcdford, Oregon, mid for the ns-osMtiont of the cost there of on adjacent property und provid ing a meeting of the council to con sider protests against said construe, tion mid assessment und the serving .of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof. The city of Medford doth ordnin as follows: Section 1. It i-tlio intention of the council to cause n It-inch trunk sewer to he constructed along Wash ington street mid Washington street, ENtended, from Oenesoe street to n point 1011 feet west of the west hank of Bear creek and thenco as nearly as practicable in a straight line to the main trunk sewer of the city at the extension of Riverside nvcuiie mid Maple street, and to assess the ust there of upon the properly di rectly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto said trunk sewer, being dc-1 signed to draw and specially benefit j the whole of sewer district No. 11 of said citv. Section 2. The council will bear and consider any pintcsls againsl ud const ruction nnd the Ussrssing of said property for the cost thereof nt n meeting of the council to be held October 22(1, t909, at 7:30 p. m, in the council chamber in said city, and nil owners of adjacent property are hereby called upon to nppcar before said council nt said time and place and show cause if any they hove, why such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The city recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, by posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said city nnd publishing this ordi nance once in n daily newspaper published and of general circulation in said city nt least ten days before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance wns pass ed October 8. 1909, by the city coun cil of the city of Medford. by the following vote: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Wortman absent, Eifert nve and Demmer nyo. Approved October 9. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mayor. Attest: R. W. TEI.FER. Citv Recorder. Heavy teams are advertise for in La flrmidc. Wanted for work on the new Water systum. Stanfield, tha new town in Uma tilla county, hns back of .it some glimmer of the way to build up a city. Us promoters offer lot for nothing to some builders and nt n merely ii'.-minal fiyurc to those who will re side there. , Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives nnd friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates , To Oregon will prevail from the East ". SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 . " via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. and , , ' Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00 From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City $25.00 i Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in tho State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY. Genera! Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER in r m i mm 1 Conlniniiif; two indispensable luxuries nnd two sou reus of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Oo.'.s Store, Medford. LAST CHANCE To See The Exposition Closes Oct, 15 Take advantage of the low rate and see the A. Y. P. Fair low Medford to Seattle and return S20.7D Call at the Depot for additional information i RESOLVED The hest resolution for you to mnko is to como to us for your noxt suit, if yo,i want something out of the ordinary. Wo do the host work und chnr?o tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THB PROOEt88IVE TAILOR J WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs