Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 11, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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You Would Hardly Believe Us If We Told You Just How Successful
Anniv e r sa ry
Has proven. You never saw so many really good bargains at this season.
This is a genuine sale, where goods are offered at genuine reductions, yet each person is treated exartly alike. WK JIAVK NO HLIDINO SOALK. We don't
offer one customer a garment for i?30 an then slid e the price to !:0 before she leaves the store. "When ye offer a garment at a certain price the governor of the stale
BORS. YOU'LL SEE PLENTY OF THEM HERE. Ask your neighbor what she thinks of our sale. If she has been here and bought something she isVsure to
say that we are offering bargains that are simply irresistible. A large force of salespeople will treat ymi courteously be glad to show goods never urge you to
buy against your will and help you in every way to be entirely pleased. DON'T MISS A LOOK AT THE OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK.
A glance at our windows will reveal
to your mind some of the many ex
ceptionally good bargains we offer.
Don't stop at the window; our goods
bear closer inspection.
The Hutehason a.
Successors To Baker-Hutchason Company
The eagerness to ptirchnso manifest
ed by a qrent number of our oldest
patrons is proof conclusive to our
minds that our offerings arc nil we
claim and are appreciated by the
careful people.
From Gms to Gam.
Hp was afraid to tell ber right out
aud out that be loved lier. so be began
Id a round si bout wiy. hoping she would
t-utcb bis drift, then betray, by ber i
confusion. !.r own feelings, tie didn't
dread, but I but sbe loved him. but !
tbougbt tbsit she, tike himself, was j
afraid to demonstrate it . ;
-Heart ivmible. sbe repeated. "Are
you sure you've bt-art trouble. Alfred?
Tou know ludigestion Is very like it
at times."
"Ob. I know I've got heart trouble,
all right. 1 can't you see It yourself?"
? "Why. bow silly. Alfred: No one
can see heart , trouble. They have to
Jpel It Have you taken anytbiog for
"No. not yet. But I I want to, don't
you know."
"Then why don't you?"
"1 I would-that Is. if I could get
"Can't you get it. Alfred?"
"11 don't know."
"Have yon tried?"
. "No. not yet."
tSilence for two provoking moments.)
"Alfred:" (coldly (.
"Let's bavp a game of checkers."
Boston Herald.
by wild beasts and robbers. After this ',
the applicant is sent Into uncanny j
placet), which nre considered to be the
abodes of evil spirits. W.bon the Chi- ;
tinman bus satisfied the authorities In j
regard to these matters be is appoint- ,
ed a letter carrier. I
The ordinary mau who Is employed
indoors throughout the day does not
walk enough. He needs tie fresh air
and sunshine of the outdoors, and. no
matter bow tired be may be. a short
time In the open air will rest bim. If
be has no opportunity to walk during
tbe evening, be ought to do it In the
morning. . There Is no better tonic
Hun n two mile walk before going to
work. Some business men -who live
some distance trom their offices or
tores walk down regularly every
morning and nre greatly benefited
thereby. No matter, how sluggish
they may feet on arising, tbe morning
walk puts them In good trim for the
day's work. Exercise In tbe open air
tarts tbe blood to circulating In every
nnarv unit rpin In the entire svstem.
, ',.m,., A Matter of Mind.
th .t manor In the hodv mnv be "I nave a grut mind to go to the
set free, limbers up the joints and co.D tonight." said Mr. J. to his wife.
muscles and puts one In shape for tbe I " "' ap re"" Mlu U,?""T
dudes of tbe day.-St. Joseph Gazette. " .oar,e"H C rauu lu
"Whose?" she asked.
"Whose what?"
"Whose great mind?"
"Why. my own. of course, madam."
Oh:'' and tbe rising Inflection she
The Meredith Cocoanut.
George Meredith uia? not have been I
an altogether familiar author to the J
ordinary reader who craves for quick I
...... .. r i 11 n i. t-i.t im. (Innrn tc ;
the slmpiicltv of Sherlock Holmes or 8"" the ejucu.utioo was very provok
Captain lietue. Mereuitn requirea an "
acute and trained intellect before be j He Got the Chair.
could be appreciated. '. On a very hot afternoon a number
It was ouce mentioned. In referring : of around town cliups wbodldu t Bee in
to the difficulty which some people ex- , to have much to do were lounging in
wanted to give hi in oue uume. and I
wanted to give him another, hut we
finally compromised and ugreed to full
him Jhu Wesley."
"I see. You iiauicu him after tbo
great founder of Metb" '
"No, Indeed." quickly Interrupted tho
mother. "That name, as 1 said. Is a
"Hut bow?"
"The 'John' Is for John Calvin, and
tbe Wesley" ,1s for John Wesley."
"Oh. I see." Youth's Companion.
perience in reading Meredith's novels.
that tbe Meredith "cocoanut" was
very bard, but that tbe milk when :
reached proved to be very sweel. j
This Joke got into the papers. !
Two clays afterward a well known ,
firm of fruiterers bad an Inquiry after
these cocoanuts from a country cus
tomer: Tbe letter was to tbe effect
that, having ' read somewhere that
Meredith's cocoanuts have bad a large
sale lately und that tbe milk was
fashionable, the writer would like to
have a few to try. London Tatler.
Queer Postal Training.
In China whoever wlsbes to enter the
postal service must give evidence of there, two corners away?"
the chairss hi front of n lending hotel.
Several traveling men inline out of the
hotel and. finding nil of the chairs
occupied, looked mid 8pokp things that
wouldn't go well in polite society.
"Lei's dump n few of then) out.'
suggested one.
"Hold on n minute." replied another.
"Watch me get a chair." With thnt
he walked over to one of tbe loungers
and iu tbe most courteous way said.
"Will you please tell me whether that
Is a drug store across the street?"
"No." replied the lounger; "that's a
"Oh. Is h? Well. say. what Is that
nice big building just down the street
courage, robustness, power of endur-
ance. ability to traverse great dis
tances over mountains and valleys and
through daugerous forests freguented
Our Autumn assortment con
tains stvles that are NEW
A little bit in advance of th(
others perhaps, but we be-
lieve in
Edmeades Bros.
"That's the iiostolfice." was the re
"You live In this charming
then?" asked the drummer.
"I do," sail the lounger.
"Well, tbm." replied tbe travella
man, "I'm it guest at this hotel f.rnl
paying for accommodations. Suppcse
you get ir and give me tbat chair."
He got the chair. Kansas City Journal.
Queer Claret.
A party of miners calling at an Inn
In Llangollen during the absence of
the landlord were shown Into the best '
room, which, oil bis return, caused bim !
to remonstrate. His wife,' however.
explained that a lot of money had ;
been spent aud that seven bottles of
claret bail already been drunk.
"Claret"' said he. ."Why. I sold the ;
last bottle the other day. You've been i
giving 'em cutchup." I'rom "Random
I'ecollcctlons of a Commercial Trav- .
A Spe'e Curious Origin.
Tho discovery of the famous Wood
ball spa tu Lincolnshire was very curi
ous? Just about a hundred years ago
a shaft was sunk In search of coal, but
the effort had to be abandoned owing
to a rush of water. In lime tho water
found Its way Into a small brook, and
In due course tho Inhabitants began to
spunk of the curntlvo powers of tho
stream. Science Investigated tho mys
tery and discovered (hat tho water In
tho con II ess shaft was richly Impreg
nated, with various salts and brum Inn
and Iodine. (ieologlNtn expressed the
Interesting opinion that ages ago the
place was the Handy bed of a shallow
lagoou or bay of n tropical sea whero
seaweeds of glflut growth abounded.
A mighty convulsion of nature lowered
tbo sea bed, n great river flowed over
tho place, in id In time It debris was
formed Into a mass of spongy rock or
sandstone. Forcing Itself through this
muss at great pressure some 000 foot
below the ground, the water now ex
tracts tho constituents of the orlglnni
ea weed. London l-'innlly Herald.
Varieties of Humor.
The Temple of Art, devoted to thnt
peculiar form of entertainment yoleni
"polite vaudeville," was crowdea to
suffocation as Messrs. Biff and Bang,
the refined sketch team and sidewalk
' conversationalists, stepped jauntily to
' tbe footlights. In response to tbe deaf
! enlng applause Messrs. Bin! and Bang
bowed condescendingly, as though It
i turt them.
Without further preliminary Mr
1 Biff bit bis partner on tbe rear of his
ample trousers with a stuffed club,
j remarking, "It's a wise man that
knows his own mind."
And Mr. Bang, not to be outdone In
this little exchange nf pleasantries,
I promptly buried an ax In the skull of
Mr. Biff, remarking the while, "It's a
, wise man that minds Ids own nose."
j Whereupon the Intelligent audience
; screamed with delight and voted Biff
i and Bang the best ever. "And yet
they were a frost In the London
j balls," commented a man In the front
! row. "The English have no apprecla
, tlon of real humor." fblladelpbla
i Ledger.
A Happy Compromise.
I "What a beimtiful little baby he Is!"
; exclaimed the neighbor who had
I called. "He Isn't six mouths old yet,
! either," said the proud young mother,
j "and he weighs over twenty pounds."
I "What him; you tunned him?"
"Well," hesitated the mother, "Henry
! and I dl'Icred a little aljput that. He
Uicful Knowledge.
Tommy-Taw. I've heard you talk
about street. Where Is It? Mr.
Tucker-It' at the further end of n
long, rough and hilly thoroughfare,
called Hard Work street my boy.
The Descending Scale.
"Tbe first letter John ever wrote to
me," said a married woman to ber
friend, "was shortly after we had be
come acquainted and before there was
really anything like nn understanding
hetwecn us. This Is the way ho signed
"Yours, my dear Miss Weston, moat
There, you see, were ten words
enough for u telegram Just to bring a
Conunonpluco friendly letter to mi end.
But after we beenvm engaged bis lirsl
letter to me was signed in this way:
"Yours, my darling, afrectlonatoly.
"That, you will observe, was a re
duction of SO per cent from his conclu
sion as a mere friend. Tho first letter
ne ever wrote tu me after we were
married was signed:
"Youri, JOHN."
She stopped for a moment and
lghed and then continued:
"We hnve been married seventeen
years now. Yesterday I received a let
ter from him. Here is the way it was
Settled the Duel.
Lord March, afterward the Mnrntils
of Qucensberry, was not accustomed !
to view a Aiol with unbecoming op-,
prehension and usually attended an
affair with nil air of enjoyment that
often was decidedly displeasing and
imharrussiiig to his adversary. But
ho was served at lust with that sauce
which the proverb explains Is for the i
gander as well as for the goose. It
wob when ho was challenged to fight !
an Irish sportsman. Lord March np-,
peared on the ground accompanied by
a second, surgeon and other witnesses.
His opponent arrived soon afterward
with a similar retinue, lint added to
by a person who staggered under the
weight of a polished oak coffin, which
ho deposited on the ground, cud up,
with Its lid facing Lord March and his
party. Lord March became decidedly
uncomfortable when he read tho In
scription pimp, etigruved with liln own
name and tlrle and tho date ami year
of dentb, and peace was patched up.
Do You Want Them?
2 for 25c
We are closing out among the many other good
things we handle here. About 20 dozen ladies' lisle fin
ish lace stripe Hose, 2'n: and 3."c qualities; colors black
and tan ; all sizes, at, your choice,
2 pairs for 25 cents
A little better quality at
a little lower price, if you
buy here. Will you come
in and be shown?
Combs, Notions, etc.,
like the little corner gro
cerya little of everything
at a little price.
10,000 Post Cards le each
3 Dr. Denton sleeping garments, size 7; fleeced back;
gray union suits, for boys. Chest measure 2G inches;,
waist measure 25 inches.
Ml I