THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORU, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1009. 5 .- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! THE WEATHER. Fair tonight. Tuesday, rn in, cooler. C, (I. Wliitii is down tin Myrtle Cll-ek llll hllsillCSH this Week. Best iiicmI for tlio IimimI money lit tint Fpnt citfo. , ltniiiliniil Connor in in Medford from Tiililu Hock on business. Tliu freshman class of tia high school ia v just purchased ii fine pennant, IPjxd feet. Tlio pennant in 1)1 ii n mill orange mid bears the leg end, "Kuri'liii." It iH by far tlio larg est i'Iiihh flag in tlm niiilitoriiiiii mill rivals, in benuty tlio artistic, Beta Zcta banner. Rpccinl music every evening dur ing ditmiT at the Nash Orill. Mrs. T. C. Bailey of Kent, O., is looking over, the valley for -a locu tion. Ella Gnuiiynw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm buildiuif. Miss I'd 1 1 ii Cummings anil her moth it returned homo Saturday evening after n days slay at fiold Kay. Mi. Archie Wilson, who him been visiting in firnnts I'nss for n short t i kk, returned home the other day. Why rnU homcT Try the Spot Tiiff's 2'm dinner. Miss Wrny Carry spent Sunday visiting with .Mm. Ous Ni-lirls on the Itoguc river. I 'hone TI03 for ten or oof fee. Miss Violet P. Stone, the lO-vcnr- old daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. S. Stone of this city, died at the homo of her pit rent Saturday evening. Ordom for sweet eremn or butter, milk promptly filled. Phono th eronmetjr. Mr. and Mr-. M. M. fianlt left Sun day for Hill, where they will visit relatives. Mr. Onitlt is the mint in ehnrL'e of the city water works. Southern Oregon Ten and Coffee Co.. rill So. I street. " Mrs. J. A. Henderson and son were visiting flcorgc Bishop mid family near Talent Sunday. See list of BensonV hnrgnins on page 4. ' Mr. and Mi-. Joe Parker returned i eutly from Oakland, t'al., where they have been attending the funeral of .Indue V. It. Parker, the former's father. The judge is n former resi dent of this eoiinty. Spices and extracts nt 3(1 So. 0 street. A. D. Helms was down from Ash land on business the first of tho week. J. 0. MeMnrlin of Butler, Tn., is an eastern visitor in tho city. M. Ohenehain of Oakland. Cal., is paying Med ford (l visit this week. C. W. McFnddon of Thilitlh, Minn., , it. -!,-- - ,1 .. was an nrnvni in ino my rceciiii.v. Charles Fetnelcv wns down from Klnmnth Falls recently Inking in the town and looking over exhibits, Mrs. F.iiireiie- Stanton of Worthing. ton, Minn., is visiting friends and rein lives in the Ttopue valley. C. R. Week of F.I Cajon. Cal.. is looking over the town and valley. Tie may locale in this place. V V.. True of Ashland, who has been in the city on business for some lime, returned home Monday. J. M. Keeac returned from n busi ness visit to Portland Monday. The Wediie-dav Study club will not hold n session thi- week. They will meet October 20 with Mrs. I). liarton Mitchell & liocck have removed to new brick building across alley from old stand. 1H0 Mrs. II. S. Minified of Portland is visiting her 'mother, Mrs. William Car roll of this place, It. W. Ib.lbrook and family of Miiicnapolis, Minn., arrived in Med ford Monday on the 1 0 ::!." and will make their home in this city. .Mr. Ilolbrook is mi iieipinintiinec of C. C. Corev, who is in business here. ,1. Nf. Pctey of Ohamii returned homo the first of Jhe week lifter a short slay in the Korku valley. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. flrmit of Buf falo, X. Y., who have been visitinir in Ilia city for some time, returned to their home Monday via San Frnn- CIHCO. Mr. Joseph M. Riney of Xew York was met at Mm , r rnneiseo o.y eir. Maudo Slono of Medford mid the party enmo on to this eity. -t A. M. Petrosky of Moscow and I'eler Petcrhoff of St. Petersburg are Medford visitors from Russia. T. X. Carter left for his home in Xashville. Tenn., after ll protracted stay in tho Ifngue valley. Mrs. 11. H. Allen returned to Port land after n spleiismit visit with Mrs. Maude St ono Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, who have been viistintr in Medford for a few davs from Brooklyn, X. Y.. re turned to their home town recently by way of San Francisco. T. M. Holme returned to Chicago Moiidav after n short business visit in this eity. F. P. Ontu-.nn of Talent spent Moil day in Medford. Mrs. P. C. Carrot of Ashland re trued home Monday after a short vis it in tho city. C. W. Anderson, is Phoenix on business. from Mrs. F. C. Itoutiedgfl of Ashland is shopping ill the city. A. I.ymel of Talent is in the city on business. Mr. ii nil Mrs. J. J. Williams, who have been making a tour of the north ern part of the state, left for their home in ltedding, Oil., niter a short stay here. Mrs. Mollio Seaton of Oroville, Cal. is visiting here from the south and is looking over some of the displays of natural re-oiirces. Mrs. F. J. Swenning, who has been visiling friends in the eity lor some time, left (lie first of the week for Ashland, where she has relatives. Mrs. K. D. Weston of this city left for Ashland Monday to attend the carnival mid to meet her husband, who is returning from n visitin Des Moines, In. Kngineer W. T. Bcveridgo hns re turned from Portland and will have, chargo of a construction pnrty on the extension of tho Pacific- & Enst orn. I. C. Hooker is building a, neat five-room bungalow on King street for W. C. Debley at a cost of about $700. O. Iv McCarthy of Portland has been in Medlord several days in the interests ot Ins company, wlueli lias Jhe northwest territory for the I.o- , coinob'ic and Oakland fins cars. Mr. j McCarthy was formerly in business j ii llo-ii lulu and is an old lime friend ; of Herv II. Hicks of this city. i j T. C. Koiillndge of Ashland spent Monday in Medford. Ernest Webb hns returned from an auto tour of California. Livendor Oil. Aj oirllftlm of tin- oil extracted fioui lavender In voiicealcd lu the bloom the InirvcMt taken place Just be fore the (lower begin to fade at the end of August. The oil In distilled by means of Mteaiii. which Is compelled to penetrate the closely packed lavender, afterward being drawn off In pIpfH that run through cold water, in thin manner the steam In reconverted Into water, but the proves of piiNHlng through the lavender hint extracted the oil, which flouts on the Murface of the water an It runs Into glass Jars down below, 'i'hesu jars have Hproum III the center, thus enabling the water to run out while the oil collcctH above the level of the exit. lu tills the firm stage the oil Is of a brownish blue tint, and It now Iiiim to bo re lined by passing once more through water. Thus all luipiirltlcii are removed, and tlio oil run out wane, suve lor a very pale blue color that observed In paralllu. Three pounds of oil will make thirty gallons of the perfume. The majority of ladled would bo iiur- prlsed If they were Informed that a bottle of lavender water contains bu: about a thimbleful of pure oil, for a larger proportion would not only ren der the water too strong for use. but would bum holes through the hand kerchief wherever the scent touched it. London Standard. The Poor Bridegroom. Even tbe Kngllsh language empha sizes the luslgulllcuuce of a man at bis own wedding," said tbe prospective bridegroom disconsolately. There Isn't an Independent word to designate him. lie Is merely called the groom of tbe bride, ns If lie were Just ubout on a level with tbe bridesmaids and a lit-1 tie below the maid of honor. Best mnn, of course, means the bridegroom's best man. but the phrase Itself tends to exalt '.his Individual at tbe expense of bis uperlor. "Theu there's no adjective to de scribe what pertains to the male half of the affair. You cun't speak of the brl(legr(M;iiiai' trousers or necktie. On the oilier hand, 'bridal' applies not only to the possessions of the girl, but to what relates to both of them equally, like the trip and the bridal chamber. Xhc very words 'matrimony' and 'mat rimonial' are from the feminine side only. 'Patrimony' has nothing to do with the nuptials. It applies only to weniiu and Kigiiiucs mai a man s pun In the iifrnlr Is to get out and bustle for tbe cash." Philadelphia Ledger. How Standing Armies Originated. The earliest European standing army was that of Macedonia, established about 3CS II. C. by Philip, futjier of Alexander the Ureal. It was the sec ond in the world's history, having been preceded only by that of- Sesotrls Pha raoh of ICgypt, who organized a mili tary caste about 1W0 It. U. Of mod ern standing armies, that formed by the Turkish Janizaries was Urst. being fully organized in lot"-'. It was a cen tury later that the standing army of France, the earliest In western Europe, was established by Charles VII. In the shape of "cotnpugnlcs d'ordonnnnce," numbering P.ootj men. Itlvnlry there upon compelled the nations to adopt similar means of defense. In Eng land a standing army proper was tlrst established by Cromwell, but was dis banded under Charles II.. with tbe ex ception of a few regiments called the guards, or household brigade. This was the nucleus of England's present A Girl'o Preparedness. Thero is something very pitiful about n girl. She wears calico, but talks knowingly about fie latest styles In silks. Her home Is furnished plainly, but she knows the latest styles In furniture; she kuofrs how the silver ware .should be arranged at dinners, the latest stitch for the marking of monograms on the llnest table, dam ask, the ethpiette to be observed at a dinner, a reception or a ball, although she never attended anything more than a neighborhood pnrty In her life. Her father's monthly Income is not ns large as the pin money n rich girl would spend in a day. but she knows what the rich girl should wear und bny to tw In touch with the times. P,est paper in southern Oregon Tho Tribune. Let us clean and rc-conUhoso blankets. They will be soft and fluffy like new. We handle everything in the cleaning line. We also do all kinds of repairing and altering. ' (.ire us one trial order and let us convince you of our superior quality of work. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re-fvm'lcd. Phone 3304 jj Jet. In in "Mirror of Stones" 0'HUilllun U'oinircluH calls jet "IiIik k iimlier" and itiitea I hat .'I o, .,. the peculiar property of atli'iictlng to It when rub bed light HiiliHiiiiitcH or nil kinds. Ho ulso tells ur Hint tin. thin Ninoke pro luced by thin friction of rubbing wnn used by the ancient llrltnluv for driv ing away devils unci IIkoIvIii( spell. "Jet." lays lr. Young, "ujipearH to bo wood In a hlli sinle of bltuinlnlza llon." And certainly Jet often appears with trace of I'khcoiii Ktructure. At tlio name lime I here are cclmet)H of holies which seemingly have been grad- ually Impregnated with and at last . wholly replaced by this substance, j Among the Jet rock there Is found a liquid hydrocarbon somewhat resem- tiling petroleum oil. which occurs In ( the cavities of ummonlies. etc, and Is ! ,, go,,,,,,!,,,,,.,, fllIld , n0(iaelIi ,he presence of which Is generally sup posed to point to a rich vein of Jet. From these and other observations It would appear that Jet existed as a liquid subaiauce and that this nub stance gradually permeated between tho laminations of the shales, etc.. cov ering over or In some cases entirely re placing any woody matter wblcb It met with. New York Post. Snuff Spoons. All tbe world Is familiar with snuff boxes, but muff spoons are pretty lit tle refinements of wblcb this genera tion has hardly beard. Very probably they came Into use about two years after Sir George Hooke's expedition to Vigo bay In 1702. wben be captured half a ton of tobacco and snuff from tbe Spanish galleons, and snuff thus hM..mB - common article In Encland. 0ne of (he characters In a comedy published at Oxford in 1704. entitled "An Act at Oxford. by Thomas Baker, says, "But 1 carry sweet Bnuff for the ladles." to which Arabella re plies: "A spoon too. That's very gal lant, for to see some people run their fat fingers Into a box Is as nauseous s eating without a fork." In the forties and fifties of the last ;cntury snutT spoons were still In use on the Scottish border. They were of bone and of a size to go Into the snuff box. People fed their noses. It was said, ns naturally as they carried soup to their mouths. As late as 1877 a farmer at Norham-on-Tweeil was seen U8mg One.-I.ondon Saturday Kevlew Hit Air Tight Compartment. The passenger who was crossing the Atlantic for the first time timidly ap proached tbe pompous purser. "Is It true, sir." he said, "that this whole ship Is divided Jnto nir tight compartments?" "True ns gospel." replied the purser In surprise. "Then." remarked the passenger gloomily. "I guess I'll have to put up with the one I'm oiA-upying if I cnii'i belter invKwIf:" -- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Men to handle lumber. Apply office of Big Pines Lumber Co. WANTED Men to handle lumber Apply office of Big Pines Lumber Co. EOK KENT Furnished rooms, with hoard. :)2" Riverside avenue, S. 177 WANTED A position by strictly Al Japanese cook; sober, and reliable private house preferred. Addres P.ox '.'(i-l. Medford. Or. 180 TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted ruo to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street,. Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3600. Do You Know THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is a purely Mutual Company nin for mem bers by members f THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is CO years old? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE has paid to members, living and dead, over ji8.'!(i,0(lfl,00(l J THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE is transacting business for its members at a Inner cost than anv other Arcr- ;,. (.mf)ftny today7 " HAT this enables THE MUTUAL . , LIFE to distribute to its members "v,,r $11,000,000 in cash dividends this year, 1900 a larger amount than was ever paid by any company in one venr? THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE now holds, and hns previously paid, over $12.1,000,000 more to its members than has been paid by them? Un efunled bv any company. THAT THE MUTUAL LIFE'S as sets of over $539,000,000 and its sur plus fund of over $87,000,000,' all belonging mutually to its members, make it the strongest financial insti tution of its kind in the world? THAT some of its policies will ex actly suit the conditions that sur round yon? THAT profits of stock companies go to swell the profits of stockhold ers, not the policyholders? Do not be deceived. There is no stock in THE MUTUAL LIFE to be counted as an asset instead of a liability. Do You Know DO YOU KXOW the difference beT tween a stock company, or a stock mutual company, and a purely mu tual company like THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK? TIIATj new companies are an ex penment. Kesults are uncertain. Can you afford to burden future years with such risk or uncertainty? There is no uncertainty about THE MUTUAL LIFE now or in the future. DON'T YOU think it wise to nseor tain why THE MUTUAL LIFE ex pends only 8.39 per cent while some ether companies pay out so very much larger a percentage of their income; in expenses of management ' It is the difference between profit and loss. ASK US THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of "cw York " Tis Best for Orerjonians" J. II. COCHRAN. District Manager. Medford. Oregon. More In His Line. "Do you think I will make a play er?" nsued a sluggish applicant for football. "Yc :i i:;:u- i:i::'.:c a clicss player." said the ei..u-!i. "Yen are ninisli in niovitr'." BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT Tuesday and Wednesday TRESS' 4-net comedy drama. Come early and avoid the rush. We turned them away last night. ADMISSION 10c AND 20c BENSON'S BARGAINS One of the very best business lo cations in the eity, corner lot 7jx 110, with good two-story frame building, clearing $100 per month. A conservative, safe investment at $11,000 Five room, bath, toilet, with all furniture, woodshed, sewer connect ed, close in $2500 Business location, large corner lot in the heart of the city, with frame building, clearing about $100 per month. Investigate $8500 Two fine building lots on the cor ner of Oakdale and Tenth streets, one of the best locations in the city for a home. Seven lots, with small honse, on Jackson street, at $1500 Seven-room house, lot 60x100, on Twelfth and Fir; bath, toilet; a snap at $2800 Six-room -house, lot 50x100, close in, , bath and, all furniture ; easy terms $3350 Rare opportunity Lot 100x100, two blocks from Central avenue' and Main street; large 14-room building, in splendid repair; can be made to pay $300 per month, boarding or lodging house $6500 Xew, modern 9-room honse in Bun galow addition, lot 50x160, with all improvements and furnishings $3850 5 acres, close in, good 5-room house, all necessary outbuildings, 2',2 acres set to fruit, s fine loca tion. Let us show yon this prop erty. Easy terms. 70 acres, one mile from Phoenix; 13 acres 2-year-old Kewtowns, 10 acres 2-year-old Spitz, 100 Bartlett pears, 350 strawberries; 40 acres un dw cultivation : new 6-room bungalow with bath, barn 32x44; old 2-room house; barn 10:32; livestock, farm ing tools,, hay in barn. Price $150 per acre. 27 acres. 4 miles south of Medford, across road southeast from the Bur rell orchards; 5-room house, good barn, chicken house, 9 acres of 3 yearfold pear orchard. 15 ucrcs al falft.. large vegetable garden; ber ries, etc. ' Price $6500. 40 acres,. 16 miles north of Med ford. 'i m'le from Beagle; 8 acres cultivated, 4 in fruit trees from 2 to 10 years old: on two good roads; small house, barn, woodshed, etc.-. two wells. This can all be cleared without a foot of waste Inn A. 23 acres enclosed in woven wire fence. Will exchange. Price $2000 Two fine building lots on West Seventh street; fine location; will soil on terms. $25 down and $12.50 per month. Two fine building lots on Oakdale, corner Tenth, one of the best loca tions in the city for a home. Terms. 28 acres of fine level lnnd, only one mile north of the P. & K. depot; A fine location. Terms. 10 acres one mile from Medford on main traveled road to Ashland; Bear creek bottom land, set to apples and pears 2 years old. Bear creek flows along one end of tbe tract. The other end fronts on the road. Trees are strong and vigorous. Here is n beautiful site. for a home. Terms. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. We have on file several applica tions for housekeeping rooms: also applicants for houses, furnished and unfurnished. If you have anylhing for rent, see us ov telephone us nt once. Fire and plate glass insurance. V represent the best companies on earth. We also have some good bniiditur lots, which we will exchange for a good driving team. BENSON INVESTMENT GO. Opposite Moore Hotel i