( THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OWKGOX. MONDAY. OCTOBKR 11. 1W0. Medford Daily Tribune ' Official Paper of the City of Medford. - Published every evening except Sunday. MEDPORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager, Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail $5.00 One month by mail or currier. .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferrv News Stand. Sun FrnnoUfo. Cnl. THE EDUCATIOX UVTHE MOSSBACK. To promote the good roads movement in the southwest, President B. F. Yoakum of the Rock Island and Frisco railroad system invited a number of the heads of farm ers' unions in the states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas to he his guests on an automobile tour over the improved highways of New Jersey, New York, Mas sachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connect icut, and in order that they could intelligently understand what they saw he had the construction work explained to them by the highway officials of the states they visited. The tour, which lasted nearly two weeks, was concluded on Friday in New York city, and if the. farmers were pleased, Mr. Yoakimi was equally delighted with the .work he had inaugurated, which he believes will not only help the fanners, but enormously increase the productive pow er of the states and incidentally the revenues of the lines he represents. The general opinion of the visitors is summed up by one of their number as follows: "The various states should have supervision of the good roads work, in order to secure uniformity of con struction and continuity of service. The time must soon come when the federal government will make appropria tions for interstate construction ; for certainly the public highways of our country are far more useful and fully as important as the waterways for which millions of dollars are appropriated by congress each year. Economy in han dling of products means as much to farmers as to any other business interest." The Southern Pacific could follow Mr. Yoakum's plan with advantage to itself and to Oregon. Upon the devel opment of the country depends its volume of business, and upon good roads largely depend this development. Good roads are almost unknown in Oregon and the opposition to them and to legislation for them comes from mossbacks who never saw them, know nothing of them and rarely if ever get outside the, state to see what is doing in the rest of the world. Mossbackism is nothing more nor less than concen trated narrowness, provincialism caused by isolation the ultra-conservatism of ignorance. Give a mossback a trip around the world, the scales' are brushed from his eyes, and he is no longer a mossback. Show the farmer of Oregon the fine roads of other statesand the" diminished cost of getting his product to market as well as the increas ed value of his farm on account of its accessibility, and he will no longer oppose good roads. In no way could the .Southern Pacific develop Oregon faster than by giving excursions from the Willamette' val ley to the more progressive sections of the country. The excursions would teach the opposers of progress the. first essentials of 'development, insure good highways and ul timately increase traffic for the railroad many times more than enough to justify the cost. , Of course all the defects that afflict the mossback could not be thus cured. Leopards cannot change their spots or swine get away from the trough. The Portland pig aifd the Salem hog would still retain their porcine proclivities, and the Portland Orcgonian still yelp its reactionary snarl and back-bite the heels of progress; but the education of the mossback by means of travel would result in such an era of development that the members of the ancient and honorable pork family would be in a minority, growing beautifullv less each vear. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to niiiko is to come to u fur your next unit, if yo.i want HouiethiiiK out of the ordinary. We do the best, work and ohnnjo the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB FROOBIidBITB TAILOS Rings Rings Rings All Kinds All Sizes at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. APPLES AND PEAKS AND ALL KINDS Of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. , L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON J. E. ENYART, PreHident J. A. PERRY, Vice-Preide.it. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Anit't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. SALEM BEER SALEM is' the most popular beer In Northern California and South em Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem brer. If you wish, to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, ' Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. Stale fjt:iait !fnKi-K.. !;. Capital and Surplus 125,000 Retourroi 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jnckson County Batik respect fully solicits your account, subject to your chAck, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in overy financial .transition, with this oldig iis institution. V. I. VAWTFJt, President:" O. R. L1NDLEY, Cashier. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THE LITTLE DARLING A.lauflhoyraiih. THE SEALED R00M-A blograph drama. GRATITUDE Comedy drama. COZY COMFORTABLE Follow the Crowd., ONE DIME. i t Medford Iron Works f J E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All frr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- chlncry, Agents In Southern Oregon for . FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & CO. t 1m m v n AND GET YOUR SHARE OP THAT NEW SHIPMENT OP VERTICAL GRAIN FLOORING THIS FLOORING, WITH OUR HAIR FIB RE PLASTER, AND "MIKADO" ROOFING, IS JUST WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR NEW-HOUSE. AFTER YOU GET THE HOUSE BUILT WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDER FOR SIDEWALJC MATERIAL, AS WE HAVE JUST RECEIAED A CAR AF LUMBER FOR SIDEWALKS AND ALWAYS HAVE PORTLAND STAN DA RD CE MENT IN STOCK. Lumber l