THE "EDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY. OCTOKER 11. 1009. 3 TALES OF WEALTH From All Over Stale Conies Stories of Bl Yields and Good Prices. AI.HANY, Or., OH. 11. ricpiini tiiiim ii ru wi'll iiihIit wny I'nr lliu ii )!( 1'nir Id Iiii IicIiI in thin city Oc tober 27, i!8 mid 20. Tlio (fyinini Hiiim ill' tin' Ali'o I'luli Iiiih lici'ii h i'ihciI mill (linn nil rni!, anil flower (lih)ilayH will lid miiili) 'i:l Icvliiri'H mill liti'iury um) i'iUHii"il exercises 'w ill hi! In-Ill. Tin.' 'mini i- cent rally located mill will al'j'uril every coii vwiii'iiw l'nr I lie ixtiimoii. Tim di rector of tliu .Men club will inmio tiiicial 1'iirilH to vinitor.H from out of town ho I hat during lliuii fliiy in Al bany tlmy will imivo tin freedom of tlin rluli parlorx. In addition to tlio diHi)yu, of tip ple, which now pruaii-tx to be of n very high clini, there n ill bo given tlio fincMt exhibit or, of cluyH!itli mmnft ever nhiwn i:i rniitml Williim tto vulley. Puvoler of thin queenly flower in AlVinv ne f.c:.iiK their fini! IiiiiIh tt: ili-iliiy at tint time, .'ii itliiwt'iii! crowur rip;rtn that ulio Iiiih ii IiIohhiiiii, only partly do veloped, which inciiHtireK eight mid ono-lialf ineliVH in diameter. Wenatchee Apples Sold. ' HOOD RIVER, Or. Oet. 11. The )iiviiliiin Fruit company of Hood River rei'i'iilly pun-lnised 111 cars of Wenntclieo npplc. The bulk of the crop secured connint8 of WinesiipH, iiiilcK that lire nut grown in the Hnml Hivor vnlloy for conimercinl purposes. The apple were necureil from indi vidual grower in addition to the en tiro crop miller the control of the Fruit Grower' union. A member of the Invidon Fruit company Minted that Wen a tehee np pleK are of good ipiality and that splendid market are offered in the eust. The company i iiUo milking n larne piircliaseH of iippIeK in Colora do to Mipply the Xew York (rude. II. F. PavidHon in in Wenntchee HiiK'i'inteudiiii; the pae kand making cIohc inspection of the fruit. Many Sales Hood River. 1100!) MVKR. Or.. Oct. ll.Witb real estate triiiiMietinim HKKregntinf; .$1H.(XI(I, the week closing today lia made a i.ew record in the transl'er of Iluod lfler orchard.s. Practically all of this l:ii'i;e sii'i; ci.iue from the cen tral states, and a score of families will follow witlcn a month. Kvery nollar wan invested in orchard land. II. mil River o-clinrd land is scllinc nt $10(11) to $120(1 pel acre, ns nuaiiisl half of those prices n few years npo. 1'rnelii ally every leal estate dealer hero has an nutonii lilc, yet the livery stables can scarcely supply the de mand for rifix oci asiinicil by- land bnnirry men viistini the different sec tions o'. the va'iey. 1 he movement !' laud has been limit; nil wiinmer, but us. picking lime approached Hie lei ii 1 1 n 1 ifiiuv st(ii.'er, wilh every inilieiiln i. of i I'm ui.iii linn tliroiiith niil tliu winter. Milton Sells Alfalfa." MILTON, Or.. Oct. 11.-Five thou, '.and toil of nlfalln hay will be sold by 2."i farmers who reside in the I'leasant View di.lricl near here. During the past few weeks pruetieiil ly every ton of liny in the Hudson Hay country has been contracted to I'ortlauil and I'ligct sound buyers at prices ranuinif from $11 to $12. The principal growers of alfalfa are: M. Sliihblcfielil William llodgeu, T. L. Kauuders, K. It. Cloodinan, I). .1. Kirk, U. K. Records, !. V. Rec ords, K. Rmisome, Fred HodeiiH, Joe I'etri, William Swash, Rev. I'ershall, K. J. Hiimmerville, Withers, K. W. Wyiinns, Jim Ovcrturf, Joo I'oole, Hugh Williams. 1'. Dixon, R. Ed wards, Arthur Krahnmi, J. Wihnont, Frank llannii, O. Montgomery, Hen ry Winn. i. Hogs Pay $21,75 Each. RUMMKUVIU,K, Or., Oet. 11. T. Glenn Iiuh sold ten young hogs for which ho received $217.50. The hogs weighed 2000 pounds and the price received was 7' cent per pound, de livered nt tlio farm.' The hogs were about n year old. Mr. Glenn has been in the famine 'mil stock business in the vicinity of Snmnierville for many yearH, but this is the highest price lie ever received for hoRS. 1. Sargent, proprietor of Montague I a nn, is packing his apples for ship ment to Vladivostok, fur away Si beria. The npnlcs are especially packed in excelsior and the boxes covered with a eniivits jacket. It is expected that the shipment will go forward from Seattle in n few ilnys. $6000 From Six Acres.' WKXXTfHKK. Oct. 11. Andrew Wood has 12 acres for which ho paid $12,0110 three years ago, and since piii'chasing it has planted six acres in young trees, besides reaping a crop with $2500 the first year ho owned Mm place, $.'1000 the second, and $(1000 the third from the old trees. This year, one Blue Fearmiiin tree yielded .').'! boxes of apples for which he received $5. Mr. Wood values the place at $.'1500 an acre. Easterners See Apples. HOOD RIVF.R. Or., Oet. 11 Dr. Henry Waldo foe of Portland arrived in Hood River today with a car of hmneseekcrs from Minnesota and Da kota, Tlio ear was sidetracked here for the day, and the easterners were taken for a drive over the valley to see the mig red apples. The party left on the evening train for the Uma tilla irrigation project. Strawberries at Cottage Grove. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Oct. 11. Ripe strawberries ore still coming to market here and are creating much attention among newcomers. Only a few residents have as yet nttempted to raise thee berries in this section, but those that have have dcraonstrat-' u.l tlii ki.i.ili.1. ...... r....:,. I .... ....... v.iii .uininu strawberries in commercial quantities. Full Grown Potato Vine. CORVALI.IS, Or., Oet. 11. A po tato vine seven feet long has grown in the garden of John Webster on Van Huren street. This is the longest vine ever produced in this section of Oregon. The Nash Grill makes a specialty of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu sic every evening. Yes; the other fellow rend this, a did his wife. Moral Advertise. F. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. 222 Bushels of Wheat Off 3 Acres. CITY, Or.. Oct. 11. Of fering his wheat ns proof of his as sertion, John T.. Rol:nd yesterday stated to the manager of the Raker City flouring mil! that In; bad finish ed threshing i whem i'iiiI that it v. cut 71 bushels to the m",., Roland had three acres planted to wheat. The land lies just north of the Standard Oil company's tanks in the city. He used considerable euro in cultivating the laud and besides placed many loads of fertilizer on the ground. As a result be harvested and threshed out 74 bushels of excellent wheat to each acre of land. This was accomplished with little water. Big Prune Harvest.' SALKM. Or., Oct. 11. About 100 girls and women are engaged in the fruit packing plants operated by II. 3. Giles and II. C. Tillson & Co. hero. Just now prunes alone are being packed. Great progress has been mado in the preparation for market, until now a box of first quality prunes is put up as daintily as u choice, confection. The boxes, which are carefully turned mid made, range in size from 5 to 50 pounds, inula all of the smaller, sizes arc lined with oiled paper and many are dainty carton boxes, not unlike thoso used for lion bnns. Sanitary regulations nro strictly observed and the women employes wear largo sleev ed aprons over their street dresses. Apples to Vladivostok. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 11. Geo. LAST CHANCE. To See The Exposition Closes Oct. 15 Take advantage of the low rale and see the A. Y. P. Fair LOW RATE Medford to Seattle and return S20.70 "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." . ' It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee uot if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, m4 we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have erisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. "We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Call at the Depot , for additional information P. O. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry v glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. WHY ME ARE SUCCESSFUL TUR GRADES are much higher than our prices and the stock carried, together with our source of supply, our facilities for giving you what you want, when you want it, are the points to which we attribute our success. MEDFORD LUMBER GO.