THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, ORKCIOX. MONDAY, (KTOIVKR 11. 1JMM). CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 'S36. An ordinance iirovidiui: lor the construe! ion of u U-iucli lateral sower on Eighth street l'roui Elm street to . Washington street, iii the c-iiy of Meilford, Oregon, in:-; lot the nsK'ssuieut of the cost thereof on adjacent prop ertv and providing a meeting of the council to consiuer protests agaiust said construction and assessment and the serving of the owners of adia cent nniuerlv with notice thereof. The city of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of council to cause a 15-iueh luteral sewer to be eoustruo- ed along Eighth street from Elm street to Washington street, in the citv fi Medt'.n.i. Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited bv and adjacent to said sewer, in pro portion to its frontage thoreon. Section 2. The council will kear and consider any protests against said construction and the assessing of said property for the cost thereof ut a meeting of the council to he held October 2'Jd, l'.Uti), at 7::l p. m. in the council chamber iu said citv. and all owners of adjacent property are heivbv called upon to appear before said council at said tune and place and show cause if any. they have, why such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, bv posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in a dailv newspaper published and of circulation in said citv at least ten days before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October 8. 1909. by the city conn ed of the citv of Medford. bv the following vote : Welch ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mayor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 237. An ordinance providing for the construction of a 6-inch lat eral . sewer on Twelfth street from Xewtown street to Peach street, in the city of Medford, Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost there of on adjacent property and providing a meeting of the council to consider protests against said construction and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent property with no tice thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of council to cause a 6-inch lateral sewer to be construct ed along Twelfth street from Newtown street to Peach street, in the city of Medford, Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider any protests against of said propertv fop the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to be held October 22d, 1909, at 7:30 p. m. in the council chamber in said citv. and all owners of adjacent propertv are hereby called .upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show cause if any thev have, whv such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so assessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, bv posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in a dailv newspaper published and of general circulation Vii said citv at least ten davs before the date of meeting. The fnregoinir ordinance was pass ed October 8, 1900, by the city coun cil of the citv of Medford, bv the following vote: Welch ave. Merrick ave, Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer nve. Approved October 8. 1900. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TErFER. Citv Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 238. An ordinance providing for the construction of n sewer on New town street from Eleventh street to Thirteenth street. in the city of Medford. Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost there of on adj.iccnt property and provid ing a meeting- of the council to con CITY NOTICES. sider protests against said construe tiou and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent proierty with notice thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of council to cause a sewer to be con structed on Newtown street from Eleventh street to Thirteenth street, said sewer to be 8-inch from Kiev enth street to Twelfth street on New town street, the remainder U-ineh, in the city of Medford, Oregon, .and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited by and udjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider anv protests against said construction and the assessing of said propertv for the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to bo held October 22d, 1909, nt 7:30 p. m. m the council chamber in said citv, and all owners of adjacent propertv are hereby called upon to appear before aid council at said time and place and show cause if anv thev have, whv sm-h construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notico there of upon the pniertv owners afore said, bv posting three copies ot this ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in a flniiv newspaper published and of general circulation in said citv nt least ten davs before the date of meeting. The forego in ordinance was pass ed October 8. 1900, by the city coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the following vote Welch ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eifert ave and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. CITY NOTICES. ! CITY NOTICES. of the owners of adjacent property ; from a point Mill feel south of West with notice thereof. I Main street ' south to end of street, The citv of Medford doth ordain in the city ci'MoclWd, Oi.-.-nn, and lo lollows: i assess the cost thereof upon the Section 1. It is the intention of ! pnipm'tv directly benefited bv ami the council to cause the cuii-l ruction mliacent 4 said sewur. in proportion of a sewer on Washington street from Wosi Main street south lo end of to its froulauo thereon. Section 2. The council will hear street, said sewer to be 8-iuch from 'Mid consider anv protests against West Main street to Kij-hlh street, "aid construction and the assessing remainder to be six-inch, ,,r 8"il1 T,"H', l,v1l',,r V,0Hl ."'T'.'f in the city of Medford, I ,,.! . ,,, , " .!,, . ... , , ,, , October 22d, 190 1, at 7:31) p. in. in Oregon, and to asses the cost .. . ' . . , ., . .. ,, , ... ,. i the council chamber iu said citv. " 1 hereot upon tin property diree W owl(,M of luljllcilt t nro benefited bv and ad ncont to said;, b ,.lllud , f sower, in proportion to f troiKase, ., at HflU, thno ,im, )llllC0 tlieiion. ... and show cause if anv thev have Section 2. The council will bear , ,, t.1118l.mlitm ,,,,, ()t be said construct,,.,, am the Iml(U. nm, tll(J cost uireof , os. ot said property tor the cost .thereof B)ss ,j at a meeting of the council to he held tj ': .. i m. . ..i October 22d, 1909, at 7:30 p. in. in . " "l. " "A " V ' the council chamber in said citv, and of iiiKin the propertv owners afore- nil owner of adjacent propertv are ,)y thm, PiWim-t tWl uihmi ,o appear oe ore ()I.llimim.0 ; ,,,, n,ie . !,. in said council nt said time and place ,, ,,i,,. i,:.. ,,.:0 .....1 ,inn it ,i,i., th., IIIIV'I. 1 . ... .tii.i c-i . ' ' liiiiiim, titif... hi ,i limit iinu'niiiiiiii. ...i... i. .: i. '....i.i ....f I... I 1 ' ' n sin ii i-iiusi i tu-iiuii nullum i"i i"j i ...... :i....i ,,,.,i ..p i. ;.. inaue ami uie yusi iiiereoi su n- sesscu. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed 'to serve notice there of iiiH.n the property owners afore said, bv posting three eopie-i of this ordinance iu three public places in said citv mid imlilishiinr lliis ordi nance once in a dailv newspaper published ami of general circulation in said citv at least ten davs before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October S. 1909, by the city coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the following vote: Welch nve. Merrick ave. Wortmnn absent. Eifert ave' and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TEi.FEU. Citv Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 239. An ordinance providing for liie construction of a 10-inch trunk sew er on Enst Main street from Roosevelt avenue to Genesee street, in the city of Medford. Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost there of on adjacent property and provid ing, a meeting of the council to con- ider protests against said construc tion and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof. s The city of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a 10-inch trunk sewer to be constructed along East Main street from Roosevelt avenue to Genesee street, in the city of Medford, Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof uponthe property directly benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider any protests against said construction and the assessing of said propertv for the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to be held October 22d. 1909, at 7:30-p. m. in the council chnmber in said city, and all owners of adjacent property are hereby called upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show' cause if any the'y have, why such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The city recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, by posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said city and publishing this ordi nance once in a daily newspaper published and of general circulation in sfid city at lenst ten days before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October 8. 1909. by the city coun cil of the city of Medford, by the following vote: Welch aye. Merrick aye, Wortman absent, Eifert aye and Demmer aye. Approved October 9, 1909. - W. M. CANON, Mayor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 235. An ordinance providing for the construction of u 0-inch lateral sew er on Elm street from n point 100 feet south of West Main street south to ' end of street, in the city of Me.lfnril. Ore gon, and for the assessment of the cost thereof on adjacent property and providing a meeting of the coun cil to consider protests nuainst said construction and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent propertv with notice thereof. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of council to cause a G-ineh lateral sew er to be constructed along Win street in said citv at least ten davs before the dato of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October 8, 1909. by the city coun cil of (ho citv of Medford, by the following vole: Welch nve. Merrick ave. Wortman absent. Eil'crt'n.vo and Demmer ave. Approved October 8. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFER. ' Citv Recorder. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash :'otel. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something, which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or able interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally ders now in effect between station of the Southern Pacific company and ail points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from an place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts ol cash in connection with these ticket' may also be fofvarWed at tbn sam 'in,." ORDINANCE NO. 234. An ordinance providing for the construction of a 0-inch lateral sewer on Washington street from West Main street to south end of street, in the city.f Medford, Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost there of on adjacent property and provid ing a meeting of the council to con sider protests against said construc tion and assessment and the serving Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 . via the Oregon Railroad J Navigation Co. and t Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago .$33.00 From St. Louis .. $32.00Jti From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00.,; From Kansas City $25.00 J. Deposit the amount of the fare with tha nearest 0. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. 'vi WM. McMURBAY, General Passenger' Agent, Portland, Or. COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER I VI! mi mm Containing two indispensable luxuries and two soureos of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Offiee in Aikin lliuiibiiiK C.'s St.-re, Med ford. Here Are Some Good Ones 020 aeres of the best apple or pear land, one mile from railroad, beautifully located. The most of it ran be irrigated, fair home and barn. ." per acre; also ISO acres not far from above tract, excellent fruit land ; will sell all or part of it at p(!r acre. 100 acres; lo 0f it the very best Hear Creek bot tom land ; under irrigation ; fine large house and barn. Close to Medford, the best land in the world for apple, pears, peaches or any kind of vegetables, such as potatoes, watermelons, etc. , A wonderful propo sition to plant to fruit trees; terms. A fine 8-year-old orchard of 10 aeres, Xewtown and Spitzenberg trees, house and barn, close to town. Criec $4500. A genuine bargain. "We can sell you a fine home' in Medford with a small payment down, nicely located. Price $2000. 12 acres of full bearing orchard; trees about 15 years old; Spitzenberg and Newtowns; loaded with fine large apples. There is no orchard in the valley which is more valuable than this; in fact the Spit zenbergs generally bring 25 cents more per box than other apples in the valley. This orchard is capable of yielding $1000 per acre yearly. $6000 payment will take this orchard. This is the cream orchard of the valley ; fine buildings ; one mile from railroad and town ; place under irrigation. You should see this by all means. Cusick 6 Meyers Main and Central Ave. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs