Oregon Historical Society City Hall "HPUTT? T T TO 17 YW? TUTFT Jiyi A QIT " f,aro Mac Grath' a Facinating Romance by One ol the Most Pop 1 X1JD 1-yUivrL KJr A rlO IVIrVOlV ular Novelists of the Day, Will Begin in The Tribune in a Few Days edford Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR MEDFORD, OR KG ON, .MONDAY, OOTOHKU 11, 100!). No. 175. M HANNA USTAINS. 4 prtnTii ninini nn ; rUKIi UAKLUAuo : Tim HANLEY STILL BARS CITY NTERING ON RANCH pao: mill linwi DC CRATER PARK UHOL HILL HUM UL FROM CARRIED TO SUPREME COURT FOR HEARING OFAPPLES FOR IE GREAT HURRICANE HEADED FOR STATES NOW HEMMED I HAVANA, Oct- 11. A great ' hurricane is raging over the Gulf today. The first death" ! reported are those of two ' chidlren who were crushed uu- 1 ikv a building which collaps- j " cd. Tlie hurricane is headed I toward the gulf states. i PIRATES TAKE THIRD GAME BY TWO Hanna Refuses to Grant Motion of City Attorney To Dissolve Injunction Stopping City From Continuing Work on Gravity Pipeline WITH MARKERS Geological Survey Completes Work of Making Boundaries . Iron Posts Each Half Mile. Judge II. K. Minimi of the circuit court on Monday morning over ruled the motion offered by City Attorney Porter J. Xoff to dissolve the injunction restraining the city from entering upon the premises of M. F. Miinley on l.ittlu lilitlc creek and laying the gravity water line. The case will now be carried o the supreme court. t'ntil i decision is-received .there tin- city will be forced to suspend all work when the lino is complet ed to the Mauley ranch, which will be within thu next few dii's. For many weeks the citizens of Medl'ord have awaited with much interest for Jndgo Manna's decision in thu case, for it is of viliily im portance to the city of Medl'ord. Now the pity must await such time as the ease can be decided in t lie supreme court of the slate. One of the interesting features of the case will he the testing of tho validity of tho statute under which Governor Benson issued orders to Judge John S. Coke of llie Second district to come to this district anil hold n term of court to try the caso. T this statute is unconstitutional, us Attorney A. E. Heamos contends, then Judge Coke will he out of a job. It will ho remembered that Judgj Coke came to this district and held a special term of court and a jury awarded Mr. Manley $f0() damages. This judgment was held up by Attorney Kennies, who secured a tempora ry iiijiincti.ni preventing the city from entering upon tho land. A motion to dissolve by Attorney Neff has just been overruled.. : BOLD ROBBER AT WORK IN SEATTLE KINSMAN OEF TO JOIN BILLY BOY Enters Express Office and Gets Away With Gold and Currency Gags Clerks. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 11. Ev ery available dotectivo in this city is seoking a trneo of tho lnno bandit who at midnight bound and gagged tho chief night clerk of tho Great Northern Express at King street sta 1ion and also his assistant and car ried off several sacks of gold coin, also n largo amount of paper monoy, totalhnr ovor $2000. Tho robber wus heavy set and wore a mi..di. Tho office was in charge nf Chief Clork William Sininnson. His assistant, I. P. White, had gono out i,.n,. I, when tho rohhor ontorod, pulled n gun on Simonson and tiod liitn. II" first "indo llim Pon lhe vaults. Shortly afterwards Whito re turned. Tho robber, undismayed, bound and gnggod tho assistant and (hen left. Tho detectives believo that be cot away with over $2000. Mrs. L. F. Schyercv of Taeoma arrived recently on a visit' with Mrs. V. J. Swcnnin!- of this placo. Member of His Race Goes to Assist ance of Indian Bandit Who Terrorized Country. . SAX BERXARDINO, Cal., Oct. 11 Word rcachod this city today that Long Boy, a cousin of Billy Boy, the Pinto buck who is wanted for tho double murder of his sweetheart and her father, has started into tho des ert in tho direction of the country where Billy Boy has built a granite rock stronghold. Long Boy was arm ed and carried many supplies with him. It is believed that ho intends to join his fugitive kinsman. Both In dians arc crack marksmen. The man hunt will be resumed by lhe sheriffs of threo counties tomor row. Supplios in niitomobilos will bo moved forward. ENGINEER CHAPMAN STRONG FOR LARGER APPROPRIATION Says Lake Should No Longer Least Known of National Wonders in U. S. Be Assistant Manager of Show in Med ford Looking After Arrange ments for Ex hibit. . ROGUE RIVER WILL . MEET HOOD RIVER HAWLEY WANTS TO MtET WITH FRUIT GROWERS Many Car Lots of Apples Entered for the $1500 Prize for First Place. Pearson Chapman, n member of the geological survey corps of the I'nited Slates, has completed , tho work of marking Die boundaries of the Grater national park. Mo arrived in Medl'ord Sunday and left for Portland. In accordance with , instructions sent out by the department, Mr. Chap man placed iron posts every half mile along the boundary of the park with cement blocks at the corners and at each entrance. . '"It is a shame,'' stated Mr. Chap man, "that congress only appropri ates $.1000 a year for tho develop ment of the Crater national, park. Twenty-fivo thousand should he the appropriation and the lake should no longer remain one of the least known wonders of the United States." Congressman Will Be Here on Octo ber 20 to Meet With Citizens of the County. COAL FROM CASCADE MINE OF SPLENDID QUALITY W. D. Finley, assistant manager of the Spokane national apple show, is in Medford working up interest in regard to the show and urging that an exhibit be sent from tho Rogue River valley. It will be remembered that at a recent meeting of the Commer cial club it was decided to exhibit a car of Spitzenbergs and one of Xcw- towns if it proved possible. Mr. Finley tells of great interest in the show. Over 40 carlots will be on exhibition as follows: WOULD KNOW MORE OF THE NEEDS OF DISTRICT Cars. Variety. 2 Jonathans 1 Xewtowns ... 1 Grimes Golden ..Jonathan .... ..Wagners ..Mixed . .Jonathans ..Rome Beauties Place. . .Fnmiington Walla Walla . . . Sunnyside . . .Waitsburg .Green Bluff Garfield Moscow . . . .Moscow Asks to Meet With Fruitgrowers and y Others Interested in Horticulture. .Mixed Wenatchee 2 Winesnps Wenatchee 1 Black Bens Wenatchee 2 Black Twins . . . . .Wenatchee i 1 Banana Wenatchee 4 Mixed Yakima 1 Jonathan , Hood River 1 Spitzenbergs ...Hood Hiver It will be seen from the above that the Rogue River valley will be brought into direct competition with Hood River. Many district exhibits will be en tered. ; Wenntcheo enters 200 boxes, as does Ynkima. Other districts will Hon. Willis C. Hawley, M. C, is making a trip of investigation into the needs of his district before re turning, to his duties in Washington, D. C. in December, and expects to be in Medford on Wednesday, October 20, when he will be very glad to meet local citizens and to have a talk with them relative to any matter concern ing which he may be of assistance, He writes that he will be glad to have an interview with many of the fruit growers aud others interested in horticulture. Pittsburg Defeats Detroit on the Ti gers' Grounds by Score of Eight to Six in , Fast Game. - SUMMER POUNDED OUT-OF THE BOX Great Crowd Greets Players in De troit Pittsburg Leads With One Game. TAFT REACHES LOS ANGELES; INSPECTS FORTIFICATIONS LOS ANGELES. Cal., Oct. 11. President Tuft arrived here this morn ing and after delivering a speech went to San Pedro, where lie inspected the harbor site and fortification sito. Tho first load of coal from the Cascade foal mine was brought to Medford by Contractor C. Stnm baugh Saturday afternoon. Tho coal is of very good chnracter, easily the best fuel yet taken from any of the coal mines, and as the coal is taken out in development, work, it will bo marketed here as fuel. The Cascade is tho furthest north of vhe three nnnl nl'nnert iea owmvl i... n. i..)j i... ni...,i served for location J. ttundv. and is considered bvl We exV,ePt lo ll?ve ottc?Jlllow innnv the most promising of all. A n" " cr, ' says Mr. Finley. Many j. .,.1,1.. i i. j i : i i..:j.. matters which marred the nrst ex- il',luiu iiu':i 11111111:1 in mii:iii , , - ... amnion nave oeen uoiiu u,, MANY BROOK TROUT RECEIVED FOR BUTTE CREEK DETROIT, Oct. 11. Pittsburg won the third game in the world's chain-: pionship series today by a score of 8 to 6. The batting order was: Pittsburg Byrne, 3b, Leach, cf, Clarke If. Wagner ss, Miller 2b, Ab stein lb, Wilson r, Gibson e, Mad dox p. ' Detroit D. Jones, If, Bush ss, Cobb, rf, Crawford eg, Delehanty 2b, Mo riarity 3b, T. Jones lb, Schmidt c, Summers p. In the first inning Summers was pounded out of the box by the Pi rates, who scored five runs. Willett. relieved Summers. Pittsburg secured another run in the second, and that ended the scor ing until the seventh, when the Ti gers chewed off four. Detroit tied the score in the eighth and the Pirates chased two across' the pan in the last. The crowd was tremendous. The series now stands, Pittsburg 2, De troit 1, with two games to play. Forty thousand brook trout fry were received Monday morning from the United States bureau of fisheries and were placed in Little Butte creek by the Rogue River Fish Protective ncennintion. The frv were received bo Hood River. British Columbia, Hp(m nppiication made by the asso Montann and eastern Washington. . ointi01, ast winter. Fifteen thousand The association will pay for cold re for Woodville, but as no stonrge, care. etc.. of the exhibits. onp wng 0H hnml to tnke enre 0f tue It will be a case of first come first lilH f;sh. n,Cv were brought on to Medford. into the coal, which has a working face of between seven and eight feet of good commercial coal. Cobne! Mnndy relumed from Port land Monday and states that devel opment work on tho Cascade will be eontiimod Mendily. COURT SAYS BANK WRECKER MUST SERVE OUT TIME NEW YORK. Oct. 11. The United States court of appeals today af firmed the decision in the, case nf Charles W. Moore, sentenced to lo years' imprisonment in the federal prison in Atlanta, On., for wrecking three banks. T trust there will he no hitch in ar rangements to have this valley represented." MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY BECOMES A CORPORATION The Medford Domestic Laundry company hn.s been organized with a capital 'stock of $8000. fully sub scribed and paid. Glen Fabrick has been elected president; E. McCordes, .vice-president; Edward Bordeaux, treasurer, and O. C. Boggs, secretary. Tt is the intention of tho company to enlarge its present plant and more completely equip it as the best laun dry in southern Oregon. The fry were dumped in tlje Little Butte above Brownsboro. Rainbow TO STUDY CRATER NATIONAL FOREST Dr. Hedgcuok, pathologist of the bureau of plmt industry, department of agriculture, was in Medford Sun day on his way to Yreka, where he will study diseases in the uutionaf forests near that place. He will then return to take up the problem in the Crater Lake national forest. In the past funguns diseases have and Skagit River steclhead fry ap- caused almost as great destruction plied for at the same' time have not been received as yet. FISHING PRIZE HERE FOR CONTEST WINNER The $80 fishing outfit given away by tho Medford Hardware company has been received from tho makers and enn be seen at the store. It will go to the angler catching the biggest steelhend trout on one of the special flies sold by the hardware firm. The rod is a $."k one. specially made to order, 912 feet long, about 0'2-ounce, with ugnto guides. Tt is enclosed in a handsome leather caso. The rod is the finest in this section. in national forests as has the saw. Dr. Hedgcock will make a strict ex amination and will then make rec ommendations for fighting them. PRESIDENT OF JUNIOR CLASS FROM GRANTS PASS In n recent article sent out by the University of Oregon it was stated that Fritz Dean of Albnny was chos en president of the junior class. Young Mr. Dean is from Grants Pass, tho third son of Robert II. Dean, formerly a resident of Jackson coun ty. Ho is a gradunto of the Grants Pass high school of 1907.