8 THE MEDFORT) DAILY Til 111 UN E. MEDFORD, ORK0ONr. SATURDAY, OCTOHER 0. 100!) If you come down town tonight be sure and attend our ANNIVERSARY SALE Best assortment tonight Sale continues next week THIS SALE PROVES THE JUSTICE OF THIS STORE. BEFORE IT STARTED NO ONE COULD COME TO THIS STORK AND MUY A SINULK ARTICLE FOR LESS THAN IT WAS .MARKED AVE TREATED ALL ALIKE-ONE FAIR PROFIT FOR ALL. DURING THIS SALE VOILCAN BUY GOODS AT THE MARKED PRICES. THESE PRICES ARE SPECI AL-XOT AN ARTICLE SELECTED AT RANDOM AND MARKED AT A RIDIC ULOUS PRICE, LIKE 33c HOSIERY FOR 10, OR A $30 SUIT FOR 20, HUT VIRTUALLY EVERY LINE OF HOSIERY IS ACTUALLY REDUCED IX PRICE; SO ARE ALL THE SUITS, COATS, ETC., AS WELL AS EVERYTHING IN THIS STORK. YAU CAN BUY GOODS ONLY AT THE SPE CIAL MARKED PRICES XO FAVORITISM HERE XO SLIDING DOWN OF THE PRICE JUST BECAUSE THE CUSTOMER IS PERSISTENT AND CHARGING MORE WHEX THE CUSTOMER IS EASY. COMIC TO THIS TilO SALE AX1 I'h'OYE COXCLFSTIYELY THAT WE AltE ACTf AL LY OFFEltlXti AX EXCEPT IOX ALLY LARGE LIXE OF VEPEXDALLE HOODS AT EXCEl'TlOXAL SALE I'lilCES. The Hutchason Company Successors To Baker Hutehason Company Central Avenue Just North of Jackson County Hank Medford Oregon HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash Sum Frendlieh, San Francisco; W. G. Lloyd, Portland; Mrs. W. B. Biddle, Chicago; Miss Into Strawn, Klamath Falls; Mrs. L. R. Cardwell, Gold Hill; R. R. De pew and wife, J. J. McLemnek, Spo kane; C. W. Needle. Attack; M. P. CoJKton, E. F. Saylor, Eugene; J. C. Murray, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Pell, Manknto; P. T. Arthur. Kentucky; L. E. Steele, Virginia; II. Hardy. San Francisco; O. W. Knox, Dee Marhews, Fred Reed. Charles Copple. O. Harris, San Francisco; Mate Keye, 0. Conro Fiero, Benja min Wormson, San Francisco; Ivan Huinason, Del C. Bogart, J. C. Mur ray, Portland; M. B. Martin, A, T. Chuite, Newcastle; H. B. Tronson, Eagle Point; H. E. Crow, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilbur, Chicago; H. N. Stan-, Portland: R. C. F. Ast bury. Gold Hill; L. P. Claybaugh, Ran Francisco; O. M; Humcbaugh, Ashland. At the Moore E. Stanton, St. Paul; D. 0. Alger and wife, Boyle George J. Ulrich, Seattle; W. H. Mar ton, Portland; Mrs. Jane De Van, Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pelouse, Eagle Point; Carrie Lauglin. ORDINANCE NO. 220. An ordinance providing for the construction of a 6-iueh lateral sew er on South Ivy street from Ninth street couth to south city limits, in the city of Medford. Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost there of on adjacent property and provid ing a meeting of the council to con sider rotests against said construc tion and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof. The eitv of Medford doth ordain is follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lateral sewer to be constructed along South Ivy street from Ninth street south to south city limits, in the city of Med ford. Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directlv benefited by and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear said construction and the assessing of said property for the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to be held October 21st. 1909. at 7:30 p. m. in the council chamber in said citv. and all owners of adjacent property are herebv called upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show cause if any thev have. why such construction lliould not ho made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said., bv posting three copies of this ordinance, in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi nance once in u dailv newspaper published and of ireneral circulation in said citv at least ten davs before the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was Mass ed October 5. 1909. bv the citv coun cil of the citv of Medford. bv the following vole: Welch nve. Merrick nve. Wortman absent, Kifert nve nnd Demmer ave. Approved October (5. 1909. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TELFF.R. Citv Recorder. . ORDINANCE NO. 227. ; An ordinance providing for the construction of a fi-inch lateral sew er on Pine street from Jackson street to the northerly terminus of said street, in the citv of Medford. Ore gon, and for the assessment of the cost thereof on adjacent property and providing' a meeting of the coun cil to consider protests against said construction nnd assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof. The citv of Medford doth orduin as follows: Section I.- It is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lateral sewer to be constructed iiliinir Pine ! street from Jackson street to the northerly terminus of said street, in the city of Medford. Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directlv benefited bv and adjacent to said sewer, in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. Tho council will hear and consider any protests aguinst said construction and the assessing of said property for tho cost thereof at a meeting of the council to he held October 21st, 1909. at 7::il p. m. in the council chamber in said citv, and all owners of adjacent property are herebv called upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show cause if anv" thev have, whv such construction should not be made and the cost thereof so as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is herebv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, bv postinu three copies of this ordinance in three public places in snid citv and publishing this ordi nance once in a duilv newspaper published and of general circulation in said citv at least tun days before the date of meeting. The forcgoiug'ordiiiiiuco was pnss- wii tictoiicr . juup. tv tnc city coun cil of the citv of Medford, by tho following vote: Welch aye, Merrick nve. Wortman absent. Kifert uvo and Demmer ave. Approved October (I. 1009. W. M. CANON. Mavor. Attest: R. W. TEI.FER, Citv Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 22H. An ordinance providing lor the instruction of a 0-inch lateral sew- cr on ONo nstrect from Second street to 1'ourtli street, in llie city of Med ford. Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost thereof on adjacent prop- ,erlv and providing a meeting of the council to consider prote-ts against said const ruction and assessment and the serving of the owners of adja cent property with notice thereof. j The citv of Medford doth ordain I as follows: j Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lateral sewer to be constructed alone Olson street, from Second street to Fourth street, in the city of Medford. Oregon, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directlv benefited bv and adjacent to said sower, in pro portion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. Tho council will hour and consider any protests iigaiunt said construction and tho assessing of said property for tho cost thereof at a meeting of tho council to bo held October 21st. 1909. at 7:30 p. m. in tho council chamber in said citv, and all owners of adjacent property aro herebv called upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show cause if any thev have, whv such construction should not be made and .the cost thereof ho as sessed. Section 3. The citv recorder is i hereby directed to nerve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, bv imstiiig three enpics of this ordinance ,in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordi- 'iiiincc once in n dailv newspaper published and of general circulation , in said citv at least leu days before ; the date of meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed October ."i. 1909. bv the citv coun cil of tho citv of Medi'oril. by thn following vole: Welch nve. Merrick nve. Wortman absent, Kifert nve and Demmer nve. Approved October (1. 1900. W. M. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TELFF.R. Citv Rocorder. o YOU KNOW That it wont be long until time for setting your trees? Better come in and let me make you PRICES ON THE BEST TREES Before it is too late as they are being booked out fast at this time of year B. PATTERSONJhe QuakerNurseryman Office in Hotel Nash Office mmma