Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 09, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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S30I10N A1I3
He it resolved bv tbe citv council
ol the cilv of Medford. Oregon:
Thut it is the intention of the
council to cause n 0-iuch water wain
to be laid on Taft avenue from West
Second street to West Jackson street
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st day ii
October. 1909. at 7 :30 o'clock p. in..
al which time all protests against the
laving of said water main on said
portion of snid street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty frontine thereon will be heard.
The furesoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October,
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave, Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave and Dcmmer ave.
Approved October 8. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the city council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch,watcr main
to. be laid on West Washington
street from Main street . to
south end of said street,
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property frontine on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property. x
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st day of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m..
at' which time all protests against the
laying of said, water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty fronting thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the litv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October,
1909. by the followine rote: Welch
ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert aye and Demmer ave.
Approved October 8. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
City Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch water main
council to cause a 6-inch water main
to be laid on Genesee street from
Washington street to East Main street
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st day of
October. 1909. at. 7:30 o'clock p.'m..
at which time all protests against the
laving of said water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty frontine thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
avo, Merrick ave. Wortman absent,
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
Approved October 8. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
City Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford, Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch water main
to be laid on Washington street from
Howard street to Genesee street,
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
The council will meet nt the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Mcdl'ord on the 21it day of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
nt which time nil protests against the
laving of snid water main oh snid
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty fronting thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed "bv (he citv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick nve. Wortman absent.
Eifert nve and Demmer nve.
Approved October 8. 1900.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
'. ' Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the city council
of the citv of Medford, Oregon:
That it is the intention of (ho
council to cause u ti-inch water main
to be laid on Howard street from
Bennett nveuuo to Washington street,
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property fronting on said por
tion of said titreet. in proportion to
the frontage of snid property.
The council will meet nt the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on '.be 21st day of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
nt which time nil protests against the
laving of said water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will be henrd.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October,
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick ave. Wortman abseut
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
Approved October 8. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
Attest :
Citv Recorder.,'
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford, Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause n 6-inch water main
to be laid on Riverside avenue from
Manzanita street south to Jackson
street, and to assess the cost thereof
upon the property fronting on snid
portion of said street, in proportion
to the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st day of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m..
at which time nil protests against the
laving of said water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on, the prop
erty fronting thereon will be henrd.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the cit" council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th day of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
.Approved October 6. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Attest :
R. W. TELFER. -Citv
Be it resolved by the citv council
of the city of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch water main
to be laid on Court street from Cen
tral avenue north to a point 200 feet
north of north line of Manzanita
street, and to assess the cost thereof
upon the property fronting on said
portion of said street, in proportion
to the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st dav of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m..
at which time nil protests against the
lavine of said water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the nrop
ertv fronting thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th day of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
Approved October 6. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mavor.
Attest: "
,' Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch water main
to be laid on Hollv street from pres
ent terminus of water main at in
tersection of Holly street and Elev
enth street south to southerly ter
minus of said street, and to assess
the cost there of upon the property
fronting on said portion of said
stret, in prportion to the frontage
of said property.
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st dav of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. m..
nt which time nil protests against the
laving of said water main on snid
portion of said street nnd the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty fronting thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th dav of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
nve. Merrick nve. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
Approved October ft. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
Ho it re.-olvcd bv tho citv council
of tho citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is tho intention of tho
council to cause a ti-inch water main
to bo laid on Bcaltv street from Cen
tral avenue north to Mnuxunitii street
and to assess tho cost thereof upon
tho property fronting on snid portion
of said street, in proportion to tlio
frontage of said propertv.
The council will meet ut tho coun
cil chamber in the citv hull in tho
citv of Medford on the 21l dav of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. ui.,
at which time all protests against the
laving of said water iiiniu on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the eo!t thereof on tho prop
ertv fronting thereon will be hoard,
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford, on the 5th day of October,
1909. bv tho following vote: Welch
nve. Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave nnd Demmer uve.
Approved October 0. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch water main
to be laid on Pine street from Jack
son street north to the northerly
terminus of snid street, and to assess
the cost thereof upon the property
fronting on said portion of said street
in proportion to the frontage of said
The council will meet nt tho coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st day of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. m..
ut which time all protests against the
laving of snid water main on said
portion of suid street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will be heurd.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th dav of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
nve. Merrick ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert ave and Demmer ave.
. Approved October . 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 6-inch wuter main
to be laid on South Ivy street from
Ninth street to the southerly citv
limits, and to ussess the cost thereof
upon the property fronting on suid
portion of suid street in proportion
to the frontage of snid property.
The council will meet ut the coun
cil chamber in the citv hull in the
citv of Medford on tha 21st duv of
October. 1909. ut 7:30 o'clock p. ra
nt which time nil protests against the
laving of said water main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th dav of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
nve. Alcrriek ave. Wortman absent.
Eifert uve nnd Demmer uve.
Approved October 0. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Attest :
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford, Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cause a 4-inch water main
to be laid on Quince street ftwin
West "Main stree to Fourth street,
and to assess the cost thereof upon
the property fronting on snid portion
of said street, in proportion to the
frontage of snid propertv.
The council will meet nt the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
citv of Medford on the 21st dc of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. in..
at which time nil protests against the
Inving of said wntcr main on snid
portion of snid street mid the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty fronting thereon will be henrd.
The foregoing resolution wns pass
ed bv the cilv council of dm citv of
Medford. on the 5lh dav of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
nve. Merrick nve. Wortman absent.
Eifert nve nnd Demmer nve.
Approved October 0. 1009.
W. II. CANON, Mnvor.
City Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the cilv council
of the citv of Medio nl, Oregon:
That it is the intention of tho
council to cause a 1-inch water umiu
to bo laid on North Orange street
from West Main to Fourth streets,
nnd to assess the cost thereof mam
the properly fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
Tho council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in the
city of Medford on tho 21st day of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in.,
at which time all protests against tho
laving of said water main on sd
portion of said street nnd the assess
ment of the cost thereof on tho prop
erty fronting thereon will bo heard
The foregoing resolution was pass.
ed bv tho citv conned of tho citv of
Aleiltonl, on the Oth dav of Octolier,
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick nve. Wortman absent,
Eifert nve nnd Demmer nve.
Approved October fi. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv tbe citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of tho
council to cause a Gtinch wuter main
to be laid on Central avenue south
from Twelfth ptrce to south citv lim
its nnd to assess the cost thereof
upon the propertv fronting on said
portion of suid street, in proportion
to the frontage of suid propertv.
The council will meet ut the coun
cil chamber in the citv hall in tho
citv of Medford on tho 21st dav of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. in.
at which time all protests aguiust the
laving of said wuter main on snid
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
erty fronting thereon will be heurd.
Tho foregoing resolution was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on tho 5th dav of October
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick nve. Wortman absent.
Eifert nve and Demmer nve.
Approved October 6. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
R. W. TF.LFElf.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is tho intention of the
council to cause u 6-iuch wuter main
to be laid on Central uvenue north
from Second street to north city lim
its, a nd to ussess the cost thereof
upon tbe propertv fronting on said
portion of said street, in proportion
to the frontage of said propertv.
The council will meet nt tho coun
cil chamber iu tbe citv hull in the
citv of Medford on tho 21st duv of
October. 1909. ut 7:30 o'clock d. m.,
at which time all protests against the
lavine of said wuter main on said
portion of said street and the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will he heurd.
The forcgoiti" resolution wus pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. on tho 5th dav of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Welch
nve. Merrick ave. Worlmun absent,
Eifert ave nnd Demmer nve.
Approved October 6. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv the citv council
of tho citv of Medford. Oregon :
That it is the intention of the
cuncil to cause n 4-inch water main
to he laid on Cottage street from
Main street to the terminus of snid
Cot tage street, nnd to assess tho oosf
thereof upon tho propertv fronting
on said portion of said street, in pro
portion to the frontage of said prop
The council will meet at the coun
cil chamber in the citv hull in the
citv of Medford on the !!1st duv of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
nt which time nil protests against the
laving of snid water main on snid
portion of said street nnd tho assess
ment of the cost. thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will be henrd.
The foregoing resolution wns pass
ed bv the cilv council of the citv of
Medford. on the 5th dav of October.
1909, bv the following vote: Welch
nve, Merrick nve, Wortmnn nbscnt,
Eifert nve nnd Demmer nve. ,
. Approved October ft. 1900.
WT. IT. CANON. Mavor.
. . City Recorder.
He it resolved by tho citv council
of I lie cilv of .Medford. Oregon:
That it is tho intuition of tho
council to cause u li-iurli water Iiiniu
to lie laid on .Miiiiziinilii street from
Itciillv street cast to Riverside uve
nue, and to ushe I ho cost thureof
upon tho propertv fronting on suid
Portion of suid street, in proportion
to tho frontage of said propertv.
The council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber in tho citv hull in tho
cilv of Medford on the 'J 1st day of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m
at which time all protest against the
hiving of said water iiiniu on said
laving of suid water iiiniu on said
mciit of the cost thereof on tho prop
ertv fronting thereon will bu hoard.
Tlio foregoing resolution wus piish-
ed bv the citv council of tho citv of
Medford. on tho 5lh dav of October
1909. bv tho following vote: Welch
ave. Merrick uve. Wortuian absent,
Kifert nve nnd Demmer avo.
Approved October tl. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
Be it resolved bv tho citv council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is tho intention of tho
council to cuuse a 6-inch water main
to bo laid on Elm street from West
Main street south to cud of street,
and to assess the cost thereof upon
tho propertv fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of suid propertv.
The council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber in tho citv hall iu tho
cilv of Medford on tho 21st dav of
October. 19119. ut 7:30 o'clock p. in.,
at which time all protests against tho
portion of said street and the usscx
incut of tho cost thereof on tho prop
ertv fronting thereon will bo heard.
The foregoimr resolution wus pass
ed bv the cilv council of tho cilv of
Medford, on tho 8th day of October,
1909, bv the following" vote : Welch
avo, Merrick nve, Wortman absent,
Eifert uvo und Demiuer nve.
Approved October 6. 1909.
Approved October 8. 191)9.
W. H. CANON. Mnvor.
Citv Recorder.
He it resolved bv the city council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cuuse n 0-iii'jh water main
to bo luid on West Fourth street from,
Oruugu street to west corporation I
boundary, and to assess tho cost
tlTcreof upon the propertv fronting
on suid portion of said street in 'pro
portion to the 1 runtime of said prop
The council will meet ut tho coun
cil chamber iu the citv hull in tho
citv of Medford on the 21st duy of
October. 1U09. ut 7:30 o'clock P. in..
ut which time all protests against tho
hiving ol suid water main on suid
portion of suid street und tho assess-
iiiout of the cost thereof on tlio prop-
ertv fronting thereon will be heurd. i
The foregoing resolution wus pass-
ed bv tho citv council of tho citv of!
Medford, on tin- 8lh day of October,!
1909, bv the following vote: Welch
ave, Merrick ave. Worlmun uoscul, i
Eifert ave and Deinmer uve. I
Approved October 8. 1909. j
W. 11. CANON. Mayor.
Citv Roeorder.
Bo it resolved bv tho citv council
of tho citv of Medford, Oregon :
Thnt it is tho intention of tho
council to cuuse n 4-inch water main
to be laid on South l'euch street from
Main street to Eighth street,
and to ussess tho (tost thereof upon
the property fronting on said por
tion of snid street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
The1 council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber iu tho citv hall in tho
cilv of Medford on the 21st duv of
October. 1909. nt 7:30 o'clock p,
at which time all protests against the
hiving of said water main on said
portion of suid street nnd the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prnp-
rtv fronlini' thereon will he henrd.
The foregoing resolution wns pnss
d bv the citv council of the cilv of
Medford, on the 8th day of October,
1909, bv the following vote: Welch
nve, Merrick nve, Wortmnn absent.
Eifert avo and Demmer nve.
lie it resolved bv the cilv council
of tho cilv of .Medford, Oregon:
Tlmt il is the iiilciiliou of tho
council to cause a ll-iiicli wuter Iiiniu
to be laid on llcntielt uvenue from
Roosevelt avenue to Unwind street,
and to ussess the cost thereof upon
llie propertv fronting on suid por
tion of said street, in proportion to
tlin I runtime of suid property.
The council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber in the cilv hull in tint
citv of Medford on I lie 2lsl dav. of
October. 1909. at 7:30 o'clock p. m
at which time all protests against tlio
hiving of snid water Iiiniu oil suid
portion of su'id street and tbe assess
incut of the cost thereof on tho prop
erty fronting thereon will be henrd.
The foregoing resolution was piihh
ed bv tho citv council of the citv of
.Medford, on the 8th duy of October,
1909, bv the following vote: Welch
nve, Merrick live. Wortniuii absent,
Eifert ave and Demmer nve.
Approved Octolier 8. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
Citv Recorder.
Ho it resolved bv tho citv council
of the cilv of Medford, Oregon:
That it is the intention of the
council to cuuse a (I-iuch water mil in
to be laid on Roosevelt avenue from
a point 597 feet north of East
Main street to Hennctt nveuuo.
and to assess tho cost thereof upon
the propertv fronting on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at I lie coun
cil chiiniber in the cilv hull iu the
citv of Medford on tha 21st dav of
October. 19119. at 7:30 o'clock P. III.,
at which time nil protests against the
laving of suid water iiiniu on snid
portion of said street nnd the assess
ment of the cost thereof on the prop
ertv fronting thereon will bo heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed li the cilv council of the citv of
Medford, on lite 8th day of October.
1909. bv the following vole: Welch
ave. Merrick nve. Wortniuii absent,
Eifert uve and Demmer live.
Approved October H. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Citv Recorder.
The only daily market report In
southern Oregon in Tho Tribune. F
At A Bargain
Wo hnvo throo acres, just out
side tho city limits, platted nil
around it, with a now five-room
houso, which wo consider a bar
gain at
Tho property faces on two
streets and would subdivido nicely.
There is on eloctric motor nnd
pump whieh goes with the place,
nnd tho woll would supply wntor
for irrigating;.
Tho owner hns mndo the prion
low in ordor to sell quickly, nnd
tho proporty will ho on tho mar
ket but a short timo at this price.
W. T. York 6 Co.
For the Best
In harness, saddles, whips,
obcfs, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axle grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main.
Approved October 8. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
Citv Recorder.