THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1909. 5 THE WEATHER. Fni i tonight iiihI Sunday. Jiiiiiiih Noodle, the saloon mini who has boon sick for some time, died Knlindny morning nt 8:.i0 nt tho MimIwI'iiI'iI llOSpitlll, Spices mid fxtnn-lH nl 30 So. (I I reef, llr. V. ('. I'ugc left for Kaglo l'oinl Sntiinliiy on u vi-il to his ranch at llllll pIllOC Nash Grill open n!) tlio time. Fin est ttcrvioo between 1'ortland nod Sun Francisco. August (Irocnficld of this oily !h attending tho local fair. Host rni'iil for tho least money at 'tho Siot enfo. Tlio Kov. V. Theodore Matlock, pastor of tho CliriNtian church, has leturued from a short visit to OrantH I'iifh iiikI will, take up hi work in earnest. Ilihlii school at till) church will ho hold at 10 o'clock and tho lord's HimiMir anil Mormon at 11 a. m Christian Kndenvor nt 0:30 p. in. and tho cvoninir sermon at 7:30. Tho sub ject to ho discussed in tho inoriniiK 'M "How to Keep From Hnoksliding," and in the. fening, "Thrco Hig Fools." Special music every evening lnr- injt dinner at the nsh Onll. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pell of Man knto, Wash., arc vistors to Medford thin week. Ella Gannynw. public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. H. II. Tronoon of F.ngle Point came down on Imsiufsn Saturday. Willmr nod Ami arc the entertain er. Kon'1 mis them nt the Savoy tonight. E. F. Savior enmc down from En gone on business the other day am is looking over the valley. Why rn.h liomeT Cafe's 2?c dinner. Try tho Spo J. L. Hooper Iiiih just completed a In I-J.-T; eight-room houso on Tenth mid Newtown lor II. A. Frcdenburg. The cost was nboiit 1500, finished in modern style. Miss S. K. Patrick and Miss Alice Koioheiibaoh of AhIiIhiiiI arc shop ping in the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fnrlow and son of Alliiiny, who have been visiting Wi P. Fnrlow and T. L. Farlow, who ive in the mountains near here, re- MEDFORD TIME TABLE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound. I o. 20Hoscburg Pass... No. 12ShiiK!a Limited... No. KilOrcL'on F.xnress.. No. 14!Portland K xpress. A. H. Hill. Mr. J. A. Mark. Mis. K. A. Limclcy and Mr. Weaver, nil of Jacksonville, left today for Vreka, Cal. Phone 3303 fur tea or coffee. Mrs. Will I.oomis, who has been in Jacksonville transact ing business, re turned to her home in Ashland Snlur dny. Orders for sweet erentn or bntier milk promptly filled. Phone tin creamery. W. Windd is building a large eight-room bungalow for. A. C. Ire land on Eleventh street at .ft cost of $1700. The building will be com pleted in two weeks. Tho Nash drill makes, n specialty of special dinners, bntiiiets etc. Ma sin every evening. P.. F. Clements mid J. S. Harris of Itcdlnnd, Cal., are sightseeing in the valley this week. poors will open at 7 p. m. tonight to uccommodale the lnrce crowds at t,hc Savoy- Mr. and Mrs. I,. F. Wallace come from Eureka, Kan., to see what this vallcv is like, which they heard so much about. Southern Oregon Ten and Coffee Co., 3(1 So. d street. Mr. end Mrs. J. h. Shnska nro down from flrnnts Puss on a visit. Selling out sulphur and Milestone nt cost. II. S. Evans, Ashland, Or. 170 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. IT. Smylie are T,os Angeles people in the city look ing for a locntion. See list, of P.enson's bargains page 4. Mr and Mrs. 'Frederick Pelonse are down from Eagle Point transact ing business in the oily. Pee Iho human dummy. Ami, nl Hie Savoy tonighl. Misses Wrav Curfrv and Tvy Hoeek spent Friday nl the Ashland fair. F. J. Schuocf fer is in the cily from Talent oil business. F. S. Urnudon, a local clothing dealer, is building a fine five-room ultimo on South Oakdale. lie ex pects to make bis homo there in the near future. Ilcar Frofcssor Romanoff In vio lin hoIoh every evening the Nasn Grill. Mrs. Charles Nickoll was a visitor to the city recently. J. F. Dargan of Atlanta, Ga., is a Medford visitor thin week. Mr. Dor gun is interested in real estate and fruit land and is taking in tlie valley in general. The work of putting down the cc meat walks on Myrtle street is prog- ressiug rapidly. Mrs. E. II. Morris of Medford moved to Rock Point Saturday, where she wil make her home. Iionitn Johnson of this city is vis iting with friends in Gold Hill this week. Miss Edna Cuminings and mother left on the earlv morning train Sat nrdnv for fluid Ray, where they will spend the day. W. W. Trtinr of Eagle Point was n Miidford viMttor Saturday. John A. Anderson of the Western Oregon Orchard company was a Med ford visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith are look ing over property around Eagle Point R. C. F. Astbnry of Cold Hill was in the city on iiisines jtioh.i. C. Charlev of Brownsboro was a business visitor to the city rnday Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilbur of Chi ,1. eiiuo arc easterners tourism m in c'itv this week. Mr. and Mis. C. P. Michel of M rimi' In., nre visiting Charles Wilis er of Medford for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Contrail of Ash land are viisling friends in the north em part of the valley. ' Con Soever of Cent nil Point passed through here on his way to Jackson ville, where he had business to at tend to. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Dcpew of Spo kane arrived in the city Saturday in oinpany of friends. llusse T. Joy of Knob, Cal., is visiter hero looking for infonmi- oii concerning fruit land and es pecially largo tracts. Mrs. L. R. Cnrdwcll of Goid Hill is visiting in (lie city this week. Miss Inn Steams is down from Klamath Falls on a business visit. C. W. Needle of Attack, la., wns looking over the town and valley Sat rday. NASH GRILL Mr. and Mrs. P. Walter of Coon Ranids, Ta., who have been visiting H. J. Advlott of this city, retnrne to their home by way of San Fran cisco Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. TTecke, who nrrived hero last week, are looking over the Rogue vnllcy. Mary Kittrodgo of Medford is vis itiug relatives in Ashland and is tnlt ing in tho fair. George Nelson of Steamboat Springs, Nov., who has boon in the oit v for some time, wont to Ashland Saturday to visit, tho fair. Miss Anna IToinirolli rotiirnod lo i i :.. T.'..n....;iln T.wl Sntiir licr noun' oi r.viin, nit , ....... day after n very pleasnnt visit with her brother, Chav'es Heiinroth. Miss ltetiurotli will stoit it ff at. Roscville Cnl., where sho has friends. J. C. Washburn and party passed through here Saturday on their way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. T?isdon and Mi and Mrs. IT. TT. Jenkins of Clayton Max.. are in the oily looking for location. W. Piyev is down from Hilt on visit in the city. nod home Saturday. No. lllShastii Limited.. J No. 15 California Express No. 13S. F. Express Table d'Hote Dinner October 10, 1909. Poullon en tasse Canapes IAstraknn, Husse Celery Radishes Salted Nuts Southbound. 7:41 ti.m. 0 :25 . m. 5:24 p. m. 8:30 p. m. Playing the Game 5 0 a. ra. 10:35 a. m. 3:32 p. rn. Medford to Jacksonville. Motor car leaves Train loaves Train leaves Train leaves . . . . Motor car leaves . 8 :00 a. m. 10:45 a. in. 3 :35 p. m. 6 :00 p. m. 0 :30 p. m Jacksonville to Medford. Motor leaves .... Train leaves .... Train leaves Train leave Motor car leaves 7 :00 a. m. 8 :45 a. id. 2 :30 p. ru 4:30 p. m 7:30 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. No. llLeaves Medford... No. 3 Leaves Medford . . . No. 2 Arrives Medford.. No. 4 Arrives Medford . . . No. 1 Arrive Eagle Pt. ... No. 2 Leaves Eagle Pt... No. 3 Arrives Eagle Pt. . . No. 4 Leaver. Eagle Pt.. . . 8 :00 a. m 2 :20 p. m. 10:10 a. m 5:00 p. m. 8 :45 a. m. 0 :05 a. tfc. 3 :05 p. m. 4 :15 p. m. .MAIL CLOSES. Northbound . Southbound . Eagle Point. 8:55 a. m. 9:00 p. m. 8:10 p. m, 3 :00 p. rn, 2:00 p. m. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Fillet of Halibut al Italienne Pommes O'1'.rien Cucumber: Supreme Chicken en Caisse Toulouse Asparagus Sauce .Moiissclme Punch an Maraso,uiii spring Lamb, Pifpie, Ycrtc Pre Creamed Potatoes Marroufat Pen Combination Salad Assorted Cake Ncapolitaiue Ice Cream Neufchatel Cheese Pent's Crackers Demi Tnsse . isn't, easy tlx1 (fame of life not always. And it's OJ-fttv sure to sor-m hai-der to the man or -woman made wieomfortalde bv their shoes either a mis fit or embarrassed by flonbt of their appearance Don't play the game with that sore of handicap Yon won't, if yon rely on us to fit you out this) fall. i Edmeades Bros. ME WEST SIDE SHOE STORE Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rugs, make, remodel nnd clean fur garments. Express-and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. CRESTBROOK 10 ORCHARD TRACTS 20 Acres Abandoned farms in Douglas and Josephine counties on which timber is growing up among good apple or chords need" some explanation. TH Sneeze. There exists an ancient geml-inedlcrJ tatcmcnt which tells us tbat tbe sneeze is healthy mid should not be suppressed. It Is one of those stock sayings which arp. always uttered by laymen on the vague authority of Koine traditional doctor whose name Is suppressed In favor of the adjective 'eminent." It Is one of the things about which you mentally pledge your self to ask your own doctor, hut when It comes to the point you never do. Klthcr you do not get tho opportunity or If a chance does present Itself an Inner voice seems to warn you to let It be until some future occasion. To our own mind the odds arc that sneez ing Is a wholesome habit, for it Is an unpleasant one. Of course there are people who can sneeze und not look ridiculous, but they nre few. Any oile caught In the act of trying to suppress a sneeze Is a terrible addition to the landscape, and If you want to sneeze md cannot what gargoyle could bold a Mi mile to you? That hideously con torted face, that quivering mouth and that deducted nostril why, your coun tenance Is tomethlnR worth building two cathedrals round! It Is as though some mad pottvr were gripping your facial clay nnd wrenching It this wny and that to amuse his frenzied humor, nave you ever heard a succession of half a dozcu sneezes? It Is an ex perience that has an extraordinarily tr rltntlug effect. London Globe. Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDIC ATI SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY A Spa's Curious Origin. The discovery of the famous Wood hall spn in Lincolnshire was very curi ous. Just about a hundred years ago a shaft was sunk In search of coal, but tbe cITort had to be abandoned owing to a rush of wntcr. In time the water found Its way into a small brook, nnd ; In due course the inhabitants begnn to i speak of the curative powers of the ' stream.- Science investigated the mys tery and discovered that tho water In , the conlless shaft was richly Impreg nated with various salts and broinlnn and Iodine, tieologlsis expressed the interesting opinion that ages ago tho place was the sundy bed of a shallow lagoon or bay of a tropical sen where seaweeds of giant growth abounded. A mighty convulsion of nature lowered the sea tied, a great river flowed over j the place, and In time Its debris was formed Into a mass of spongy rock or sandstone, forcing Itself through this mass at great pressure some 000 feet : Velow the ground, tho water now cx- , tracts the constituents of the nrigiw.t'. i seaweed. London Kanilly Herald. Say , Neighbor Would you put on a suit that wns iu style several years ago, for a picture today? Just as reasonable to have your photos finished in a rftyle several years behind the times. GREGORY'S for UP-TO-DATE PHOTOS Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N. BARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken tamales, Mexican beans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tables for ladies. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. f-.r . MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. W Q. Hansen. . Tom Moffai We make any kind and style of vrindovi's. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Let us cloiin and re-cord those blankets. Thej' will be soft and fluffy like new. We handle everything in the cleaning line. "We also do all kind's of repairing and altering. Give us one trial order and let us convince you of our superior quality of work. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re fmided. . Plwne 3304 9