THE MEDFORD DAILY TK-TBUNE." MKDPORD. OK1K8QX. Fit 11) A V, ()(T()BKI B. 10tt. 8 MOST EXCLUSIVE TRAIN IN WORLD 11 is said that the Shasta Limited of the Southern l'ncifio running be tween Portland mid Sun Francisco is the most exclusive train in Amer ica, t'p to the installation of the Shasta Limited the Twentieth Cen tury Limited on the Lake Shore held the record for exelusiveness. But the Twentieth Century takes on pas sengers at Rochester, N. , and lets off passengers at Elkhart, Ind., which are only 500 miles apart. The Shasta Limited, however, doesn't take on or let off a passenger he tween San Frnnciseo and Portland, 772 miles, which is tho longest dis tance for a through rim in America or tho world. VOli SALE Fine east facing build-, ing lot on South "C" street, iSOx-'Oi), level and ready for building, seven j blocks from P. 0. Inquire 'J 11 W. Main. l"s WANTED The Brotherhood of American Yoemen are 12 years old, and have 120,000 member. If you would like to help me organize in Ashland, Medford and Grants Puss, I can give you a splendid contract. See W. A. Bullock, Hotel Nash, Med ford, state manager. LADIES' 35c HOSIERY Here Tombrrow 2 Pair For 25c Ve are going to rut.on sale here tomorrow for Sat urday only, 50 dozen ladies' lisle finish, lace stripe and dropstiteh Hose; regular 33e a pair quality; here to morrow'; any size ; in colors black or tan, 2 Pair for 25c Second Anniversary Sale Two Years Under Same Management TTTJ7" 5 That is a great qucstioil when nsked in connection with the wonderful growth of thin Women's VV n I f .store., WHY, JLIAS THIS STOKE CUl OT SO FAST? Starling with u very small cap " mmm ital, we have 'doubled it ulmost ten times in two years. Again we ask, what is tho reason? Simplvthisi This store lias alwavs been run in the interest of the people of this community. THIS STORE "HAS ALWAYS SOLI) GOODS AT KXOKPTION A LLY SMALL MAKOINS, AND DURINO TINS ; CiRAND ANNIVRRSARY SALE AVE OFFER THE .NEWEST AND D EST MERCHANDISE THE MILLS OF THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES PRODUCE AT THE LOWEST SALE IMiJOES EVER ATTEMPTED AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. We can prove conclusively .to any doubttT that we do sell better qualities and for less money at regular prices than you can find in Jackson county. ' Our. Anni versary Sale prices will astonish you. You are always welcome to look. We will thank you for the opportunity to show our goods. ONE LOW SALE PRICETO ALL NOT A SLIDING SCALE. 50 ' dozen ladies' and - misses' seamless fast black Hose; the best value to be found in Medford ; any size, 2 pair for 25c Ladies' Black cashmere Hose, 25c, I 35e and 50c pair. Men's Wool Sox 25c, 35c and 40c pair in any size. Men's Work Gloves Do you want to save a little money on your work gloves? Come in and let me show you the best quality and the lowest price, to be found on plain or gauntlet gloves in town. - ' . - ' 50 dozen men's canton flannel Gloves, with tight knit wrists. f :10ga paiK 3 pair 25g Post Cards, over 10,000 to select from here, the fin est line in Medford, 1 cent Each Ribbons, Handkerchief s, Side Combs, Hair Brushes Bags, '-Purses, etc. Get acquainted with our prices and qualities before you buy 'elsewhere. HANDKERCHIEFS for the Children 1 cent each HIU THE BUSY STORE Anniversary Sale 'fi Larnest Uv 1 l7i: 111 Assortment In Southern Oregon In SUITS and COATS We nrc better prepared to fill your wants than ever before. XO old stock to .show you, and with hundred of new styles all made the best best and of the very best materials and lined with guaran teed lining, we feel sure that you can find what you wish. Here arc the savings'. These prices on co vert,, broadcloth and fancy routs and on suits: $4.00 Coats for .$2.19 $7.50 Coats and Suits for . .$5.63 $8.00 Coats and Suits for . .$6.19 $10.00 Coats and Suits for. .$7.19 $12.50 Coats and Suits for. .$9.98 $15.00 Coats and Suits for $11.89 $20.06 Coats and Suits for $15.98 $35.00 values for ... . .$28.98 $40.00 values for . '. . . . . .$32.98 $50.00 values for 1. $39.89 ; $60.00 values for . . ..... .$47.89 $75.00 values for . . . ... . .. . .$63.49 AnniversarySale Bedding L '. ast anniversary sale we could only show you a small stock of- bedding; this year it is almost three times as large as last and tlm values are far better. 50c Blankets for :...42c 75c Blankets for 59c BLANKETS AND COMFORTS $1.00 values at S7C $1.25 values at ......$1.09 $1.50 values nt .... .$1.23 $2.00 values at .......... .$1.63 $2.50 values at ..$2.19 $3.00 values at $2.47 $4.00 values at $3.39 $5.00 values at , .$4.19 Don't miss a look. AnniversarySale A New Lot of Furs We curried, .over Only lliteo fur scurfs from lust season and while muff this season surely you waul is new. anil tho-value the: best we ever saw. If you want a Scarf or muff this seson surely you waul a muff this season wo can save you money at this grand anniver sary sale. ' Don't miss a look. $5.00 Umbrellas $3.19 AnniversarySale All Staples Our stock of staples has always been popular because we always sold staples at very close prices. This is a fact that can be proven by all of tho careful women of this section. As ever, best Prints 5C 5c House Lining .4c (ie L L Muslin 5c 7'2c Brown Muslin 6C 0" Blenched Muslin . 8c J2U.0 Bleached Muslin .. 10c 15c HIeuchod Muslin 1 1 C All Outings, Flannelettes, Ga latea, Percales, etc., ut Special Prices. Anniversary Sale Ladies' Skirts This is not a skirt year, it is strictly a year for Moyonnge and l'riucuss Diescs, therefore our slock of skills is not so largo, but you will find values thai will UK: tiuiish you; many skirts selling for about half regular value. AnniversarySale Heavy Underwear Space will not permit us to go Into detail on underwear, but suf fice to say that we will have Just the wanted garment. EXCEPTIONAL SALE PRICES. AnniversarySale Millinery Lust season we showed only a small assortment of hats and our work room was inefficient. This season we hve triplti the- number ol trimmed hats' to show and our work rooms are the largest in this section. We employ the only Chi cago Jrimmer in Southern Oregon and handle Outre hats exclusive ly. Our special anniversary prices will astonish you. $8 to $10 lials in one lot.. $3.69 Anniversary Sale Moy en-age Dresses Of course you have been road ' nig about the Moyenage and this full of all seasons is truly a Moy enage season." Lust annivorsary we could only, show you a few Princess and other stylos in house, reception' and street drosses.. This season we show over a hundred of , tho now Moyenogo styles in silk, '.jersey and taffetas,' in plain, and braided effects; also a beautiful . lino, almost all shades, including black, in broadcloths, serges, pu nollas, silkenottes and brodottos, etc., many very prottily trimmed und all exceptionally low priced at the very beginning. During this sale you will find a reduction of from 15 to 25 per cent on everything in this line. Sale prices range from $8.19 TO $59.75. Anniversary Sale , Dress Goods Lust uuiiivejMirv we showed a lock of about $(i(Hi in Dress hauls. This year we show over SJ5IM) woilh of tho newest . ami swcllcsi K,U ever brought to Men, ,nl -bought direct froin the inillf.- not li-oiu iohbe rs. I i-i-ii ii I'm some nmiiviirsary specials ; Lot one consists of a number of pieces of slylisl. Dress Fabrics" to i i.,se out at Half Price. Some 50e prudes at ........ ,39c Some 7.-,,. gnu),, ut 4gc Some pile (jruilcM at 69c ome $.0) gra.h at , , 83c Some $1.25 ..,-,,,1, t no. Nome $i.:,o Krn,U.H at .....$.I9 ""me tirades at $1.69 $Sme $2.50 Kiimcs at ....$1.98 Don't miss a look at ihe new line of fall skirt styles. Anniversary Sale Dress Trimmings XI',. ..I...M I " iiiuM-iiKo any ,mc j -"'""ii of the slIllu , H,mw ieer ,- heller assortment of '"v.-H i IVimmiK ami Pultons than r s,,1"""l t l-n i,U!i 1U laive ,1,1iV(.rs1.v you buy ,, ,J,-;,SH H " "I k. let US show you buttons ''""'""Uigs at special prices winch save you from SJPECENT Anniversary Sale Fine Silk A stock of silks double "nil value of any stock in era Oregon. 50c Silks for 75c Silks for $1.00 Silks "for 1.25 Silks for ..... M.G0 Silks for .... $2.00 Silks for ' Don't miss a look. tho size Soulh- ;...42c ...,63c ...,87c ...98c ..$1.29 ..$1.69 Anniversary Sale AIIHosfory You know wo havo nlwa.ys car ried a largo stock of Hosiery and you know that wo havo cheerfully handed out anothor pair of hoso every , time one wus rotimied as not huving pro.vod worthy. Wo arc here to sell you satisfactory hosiery and you can dopend on all you get here to wear woll or another pair in place. A lot of odd sizes in children's and misses' Hosiery ut Half Price Some 20 chidlren's Hosiery at . I21jC A lino of Indies' 50c Inn, xvhito and fancy lislo Hosiery lo clean . out during this sale at. ' Don't miss a look. The Hutchason Co. Successors to BAKER-HUTCH AS0N COMPANY, Medford, Oregon. r"-..y fMMiEJipfmi.Hlil'.iiWIHIt,liiiH..