V THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUKOOX. KIUD.YY. OOTOlJEU H. 1!)0! HEIDEL IS TO Will Choose Road for Forestry Serv ice Through Fish Lake Pass. Heiijiunm F. Ilcidcl, engineer of the bureau of good roads, department of iitiiiciiltiiie, who spent the summer in plamiini; the Crater Lake boulevard and who nt present is in charge of the good roads exhibit at the A. V. P. exposition, is to return here soon and undertake the work of mapping out a road for the forestry service through the Fish Luke pass. This road is to connect with the present road to Fish lake and on to Dead Indian and thence to Klamath Falls. It will cut off 12 miles of the present distance between Medford and Pelican Bay, and will furnish a good route for au tomobile's. Mr. Heidel should reach Medford by October 20. WORK ON FRUIT CEN SUS STARTS SQSN O'Gara Issues Call for Meeting Fruit Inspectors to Plan Fall Work. bf IOWA MAN BUYS A TRACT NEAR ASHLAND The Descending 8calt "The first letter John ever wrote to me," wild a married woman to her friend, "was shortly after we had be come acquainted and before there wa really anything like an understanding between us. This is the way he signed It: "Tonn. my dear Miss Weeton, most sincerely, . JOHN HAMILTON EASTON. "There, you see, were ten words enough for a telegram Just to bring a commonplace friendly letter to an end. But after we became engaged his first tetter to me was signed in this way: "Yours, my darling, affectlonatelv." , JOHN. "That, yon will observe, was a re duction of SO per cent from his conclu sion as a mere friend. The first letter he ever wrote to me after we were married was signed: "Yoars, JOHN." She stopped for a moment and sighed and then continued: "We have been married seventeen years now. Yesterday I received a let ter from him. Here is the way it was signed: "J." Settled the Duel. Lord March, afterward the Marquis of Queensberry, was not accustomed to view a duel with unbecoming ap prehension aud usually attended .an affair with an air of enjoyment that often was decidedly displeasing and embarrassing to his adversary. But he was served at last with that sauce which the proverb explains is for the gander as well as for the goose. It was when he was challenged to fight an Irish sportsman. Lord March ap peared on the ground accompanied by a second, surgeon nnd other witnesses. His opponent arrived soon afterward with a similar retinue, but added to by a person who staggered under the weight of a polished oak coffin, which he deposited on the ground, end up, with its lid facing Lord March and bis party. Lord March became decidedly uncomfortable when he read the in scription plate, engraved with his own name and title and the date and year of death, and peace was patched op. Scaring the Conscience. Of all ber curious customs London cannot boast of a more singular one than that formerly so strictly adhered to at Holland H?use, one of the most historic old mansions in the British capital. The last of the Lords Holland shot himself during a fit of despond ency. Everything pointed to a clear case of self murder,' yet the Holland family could never be dissuaded from the notion that the old man had been murdered by some unknown assassin. Accordingly every night to- years it was the custom for one of the family to go to the rear of the house punctu ally at 11 o'clock and fire a gun for the purpose, it Is said, of "scaring the con science" of the murderer. This curi ous practice is a relic of mediaeval days tn continental Europe, and the case in point is probably the only in stance where it has been noticed since the days of the crusades. Earlv in the coming week Trofes sor O'Cinrn will call a meeting of the fruit iu.-pectors of Jackson county for the purpose of undertaking in earnest the campaign for the full and wiiiter in Jackson county or chards. Datu is to be gathered nnd tabulated, and a complete census taken of every orchard, . which will give the number, variety and condi lion of every tree. ' A systematic study and classification will result The new office of Professor O'Onra will be readv for his occupancy on Saturday and during the afternoon fruit men of the valley are invited to call upon him. Pigeons' Air Sacks. The air sacks of the niceon eavi i Bruno Mullcr, constitute a system of Interspaces the value of which lies in their emptiness that Is, absence of ' weight and resistance. Flying Is pos- i Bible only to a body of high median- ' leal efficiency, and we attain this with rhachlnes divested of all superfluous ; material. Just so the original reptiles, ! Which by evolution became birds, were ' divested of superfluous material, nnd ; the body spaces thus obtaihed were filled with nlr sacks. The body wall, adapting Itself to the mechanical re- i quircments, became a hollow cylinder serving as a support for the organs of movement, the mobility of whose parts was assured by the surrounding air sacks. The uir cavities in the bones of birds are similarly explained. "J once shaved a man," replied the second ditto, i "Well?" i ! "Well, then I persuaded him to have a hair cut singe, shampoo, face mas sage, sea foam, electric buzx, tar spray and finally a tonic rub." , "What then?" . - "By that time," concluded barber No. 2, "he needed another ebave." London Answers. Live Spiders Food For Young Wasps. The young of some wasps can live only on live spiders, and the mother wasp therefore renders the spider powerless by her sting, after which it can live a month, and then deposits It in the cocoon where she has laid her egg. On hatching out the wasp grubs feed on the bodies of the living spi ders. Another wasp deposits her egg In the body of the spider, which is then burled alive and is fed upon by the wasp grub. London Standard. On the Fence. That womaq won"t take either side of the social dispute until she Is rea sonably sure which one is going to win. She's a cat!" Ah, then that accounts for her be- iug on the fence!" Baltimore Ameri can. Some Consolation, A detective ouce said it was all wrong to suppose that the professional housebreaker works with coolness and calculation. On the contrary, he usual ly works in terror and haste, takes too much swag from one room and too little from another and sometimes over looks the silver in carrying off the electro. London Saturday Review. Source of Supply Gone. 'Why don't you bring out an um brella on a drenching day like this?" inquired a man of a neighbor's son. "Since father gave up his club he's never brought home any more um brellas," replied the lad. Philadelphia Inquirer. Good Reason. 'Well, Johnny, do yon wish you were a grownup man?" 'You bet I do." But why?" So people 'wouldn't ask me such fool questions." Exchange. Muddled. She Of eourse I'm not as old as yon think I am. He I hope not I mean you can't be that Is how old are yon? Cleveland Plain Dealer. ( A.-hland Tidings.) II. Kcnshaw, of lnvtood, In., who has been n late visitor hero with the Mills and l.iimkin families, left for Inline last Tuesday. Mr. lieiislimv is a prominent citizen of his home town, being president of the First National bank and otherwise identified with ils leading enterprises. While hero he purchased the C. li. Koelsehe -IS-ncre orchard, south of iiu Hellview school, and will ltnVe it developed. In com pany with Hon. ('. 1!. I.iunkin, ho was an interested speentor nt the meeting of the Commercial club Monday eve ning, nnd in order to keep posted re garding events in this locality a community in which lie is much in lerested financially ns well as other wise. He expects thnt this will not be his last visit to this locality, and his friends hope thnt a second trip out in this direction may lend to n per manent residence here. COMMERCE COMMISSION HEARING SEATTLE CASE SKATTI.K, Oct. S. The first cast taken up yesterday by the interstate roiiunereo commission was that of the Humboldt Steamship company against llui White Pass Yukon rail road. The Humboldt eoinpiiny is ask ing that the railroad be compelled to establish a through rale between He little mid points on its line. The coinptiu.vn alleges discrimination ' in favor of the Ala-ka Steamship coin puny and Pacific ("oust eoinpiiny. EX-RECORDER COLLINS SAYS HE WILL PAY UP Benjamin M. Collins, former city recorder, whose books have just been experted, states that if there is a shortage in his books as reported by the experts thnt he will at once make up the difference. He. asks, however, to go over the books with the experts. As stated Wednesday the shortage was due entirely to clerical errors. Probate. Estate John Hucgnn; inventory nnd appraisement filed showing; es tr.te valued at .3110." .Estate J. K. Van Sunt; order made approving senii-anniinl account and for distribution in part. Estate Kate Van Dyke: order to no'Kinistrntor to execute deed in ac cordance with bond of deceased. Estate .Thomas Pmckmun ; ordered ihnt E. C. Gnrd. F. W. Moore and Tibnan Hartley be appointed apprais er. Herman Uros., the saddle and har ness milkers, desire to nniiounco to the trndo that they nro not only pre pared to fill all orders nt short no tice, but carry the most complete lino of harness, saddles, bridles, ' whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, touts, etc., that can bo found in southern Oregon at prices that cannot fuit to please when qunlity of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forgot tho place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. ' ' You haven't read nil tho news un less you have read the ads some in teresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS The only dnilv market report in southern Oregon in The Tribune. F SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages! MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. iDl'ilt n, i;iw;i, 1 : I i : ... - i ''' ! ' ' .' -Nr- T t u'-L ' - . . Mr. Investor Have you seen t he modern home soven rooms In the space and cost ot four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets Jam! dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to como to us for yoiir next suit, if you wnut something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work nnd chargo the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE ' rEOaRL88IVIl TAILOfc Tonsorial Triumph. "Whut wus the best Job you ever flldj" Inquired the iirst barbel, i Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 Tho property ftfees on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor nnd pump which goes with the place, nnd the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has mndo the price low in order to sell quickly, nnd the property will be on the mar ket but a short time nt this price. W. T. York 5 Co. ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves: tigate this beautiful property 0 Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street 60 feet wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and' look' this over and be con vinced. We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. . Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. t Ttt IX2.1 I . mr 1 t iYicuKji ci iron wopks ; E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. ' Foundry and Machinist I All Hr.r of. Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-T chinery, Agents In Southern Oregon for t FAIRBANKS, M0BSE & CO. t P.O. Hansen. Tom -Mnffat. We make any kind and style of window. Wo carry gliips of any sue on -hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 I via the ' u V'' II'. it''. ' Oregon RailroadJ Navigation Co. , and ' Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00 From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City $25.00 Deposit the amount ot the liiro with the iiciii'ckI 0. U. & N. or S. 1'. Afiont nnd ticket will ho dolivorod in tho Kant without cxtru cost. Scud us the miinp ami address of anyone interested in tho Slnlo for Oregon literature. WM. Mc MURRAY, General PnsseTljrer Agent, . Portland, Or.