ANIENT HSHWAY IS GREAT SUCCESS THK " DDKORD PATLY TRIP ONE, MfiDFORD, OltKOOX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, ifjofj. It Is the Only Flshwny of Its Kind In tho State Cost $3000. Tho ncnv l'iliwn.y nt llic Ainmit riiim i imi'tiriilly liiiiflicil n ml Iiiih been ii'ii oil' iiml on hiiico Iiih( l'Yiduy, mid tint t'ihh urn taking to it lilio a duck (u wiilcr unci go up without liny effort. Jl ix llio only l'ixliwny of itx kind in 11m Htnla unci mitnurully tlioro Iiiih lieen Home anxiety n to how it would W ork, iih it him co.nt coiiHidi-rithlu tnon cy und if it did not work it would liuvu placed tho ol'ficinlM in churo of thu work in had i'aith with tho I'ihIi OollilniHHion. For Homo yearn there Iiiih been con kideruhlo complaint about tho fmhwiiy nt lliix dam to tho effect that the I'ihIi bad hard work to (ot over it, which wiim true. However, tho ownern of the dam were not to blame, for they eon Irueted tho fiidiwny uncording to ulaiiH mid iiiHtruction of u fonuer miiHter fmh warden und hud kept uliHoluta faith with the stnto of Ore gon. ('oiiNviiiiitly Hometliiiift had to bo done, und iih tho ownern of tho duiii could not be forced to put in a new fiHhwity, it wuh up to tho Htuto to do it. The htuto hud never Heiit iiny money on the upper Rogue river, iiml MiiHter Fixli Warden McAlliHtcr thought thix would be a (,'oimI place to bein, und utter n conmiluilioit with Deputy Kihh Wurden Kdwnrd Clnnton of tlim city tho preHvut pluu wax di-eided upon. At first the plans called for o fish way that would cost about $1500, but after u thorough invcKtigiitiiin, and owing to the fact that the fish wnv wax to' be n nerinimcnt one. tho plans were chanced und tho present fisliwuy cost in the ix-ighliorliood of, $.'1000, most of this money being paid I out in labor. I The fishwoy is in li half circle i round llio hoiiiIi cud of the (linn, ll is .'10(1 feet long, ten deep nl tin. lieuil mil '2 leel deep ul Hie outlet, und is fix feet w'uli!. Tiie bulloni and sides nee of concrete us me also the Inn ings of Hie ground next the river ul the lower end, this work rciuiring l.'iO yards of concrete. With (lie rhimging of the plans (lie tisliwuy was iiimle louver and deeper iiuil all thu exeiiMitiii.' praetieally had to be done by bund through a heavy eeiin'iit gniyel that is worse Ijiuii go ing through the hardest concrete. It was not prnclieiil to shoot the exca vation, us the blasts might injure the I'lnbunkment next the, dam. At the present tune the bulkheads in the bottom of the chiinnel urn of wood, hut these will shortly be re placed with concrete. Mr. " Clnntnn deeming it would he better to make them of wood' until he fn odwuh they should be placed. All tho con crete in reinforced with iron rod such as are used in concrete build ing.H so that the construction of the fishwny in us substantial an the rock of Gibraltar. After the work -in all completed tho whole will be covered with heavy timbers. Mr. Clnnton linn done n lot of hard work on this piece of construction nnd has done ev erything he could to keep down the cost to the state, and it is needless 1o state that when the gates were opened nnd he miw the fish going np like n drove of sheep, lie felt pretty good. As oon as the gates were opened he counted 47 big fish go up in f0 minutes and of course the smaller fish he did not sen. The fishwny was badly needed, for the protection and propagation, of fish in Itogue river nnd the slate bus done no more than right in building this fishwny, nnd Muster Fish Wnrden McAllister and his able assistant, Mr. (Tuiilon. arc to lie commended for their efforts in this locality nnd for also constructing a work that will be pcrmnncnt and practical, even though it did cost n little more than nt first coiitemplntcd. C. IT. Snyder Motor Tar Co. is now the rfegiilarly authorized agent for the Huiek Motor Co. in Jackson, Jo sephine and Klauinlh counties. 173 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (Till! Hcil.lll.) William Muyfield has added an ad dition to hi rcri'Icncc iiuii otherwise improved Hie properly. Mrs. Kiln Stanley left Monday for ii o ridge, .Mo., where she expects to rniike her future home. I'en jiiiniii Adylott, who has been siillering from an attack of typhoid j at Meilford, was in town yesterday. William Lewis and family, who re cently sold their farm on tho Jack sonville road, leave today for Ik'ih Angeles to spend the winter. Councilman J. W. Jacobs is eon fined to his home this week with un attack of rheumatism. Curtis 1'rock bus purchased lot 3 in block (10 from S. A. T'uttison and will erect a dwelling thereon at once. )r. Anderson wus appointed city health officer at the last regular meeting of the council Monday eve ning. Mrs. John Wright has lumber on the ground for a new dwelling on" her lots on North Third street. Th,e remains of Thomas W. Stanley who met .death by accident here sev eral months ago, were exhumed last Saturday and taken to his former home at Grccnridgo, Mo., for final interment. Mr. Warner is preparing to erect a dwelling on North Third street. Lum ber is now on the ground for the dwelling. C. J. Heed of Portland, United States marshal for the district of Oregon, was the piiest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred II Hopkins Monday eve ning. A. J. Dunlap has purchased lots 9, 10. 11. 12 nnd 13, in block 9, from J. V. Hale of Orimts Pass, the con sideration being 100. , Mr. Dunlap will improve the, property this fall. The sale was made by W. E. Whiteside. Mary Mve on Saturday purchased the residence property of Ed Lamme in the Puttison addition, the consid eration being .JO0. On the same day she also bought an adjoining vncnnt lot from S. ,. Pnitison for u con sideration of E. F. Fordyen of Eureka, Cul., and I' red hurnin of l.ovelockK, Nov., were I in Central Point Monday afternoon Inking up old iicuiiinliiiice. poth are former .-uk-on county boys and after an !ilj-.-n'-; of M-vunil years have Rl::.,' .I fr n ,ut,ri vj,it. They marvel at the rapid development of .iiii nr.1,11 min i nun my mai in their travels they ,,ne ot y,.t eome across a place to heat it. It. II. Campbell has sold his farm of 31 ncres west of town to L. E. Wnkemun. a recent arrival from Minnesota, the consideration being $175 an aire. Campbell bought the place some six months ago and sold at a neat advance over the price he then paid. Mr. nnd Mrs. Campbell expect to go to Willamette valley for the winter to the regret of their many friends in this community. Whiteside & Lawrence opened their Central Theater in the new Whiteside building Tuesday evening with a good audience. The show sturts off with up-to-date moving pictures, etc., and it is the intention to add other at tractions Inter. A series of Saturday evening dances will be given in the same hall during the winter, the ini tial dance being next Saturday eve ning. The Central promises to be a very popular place of amusement for the winter. For the Best in harness, saddles, whips, dbes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. " For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coSce not if we paid SI a pound for it Everything about Folger Golden Gate Coffee is perfecf, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan OROGENIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS o Id CL CO X CO o a ee co West Side Market West Seventh Street Pot Roast, per lb. 8c Plate Rib Boil, per lb. 6c Brisket Boil, per lb. 5c IK ADDITION TO THE ABOVE SPECIAL OFFERINGS, WE DESIRE TO SAY THAT WE CARRY THE CHOICEST LINE OF SALT ANp FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS AND LARD, AS WELL AS OUR WELL KNOWN 1I01IE MADE SAUSAGE, THAN WHICH NOTHING BETTER CAN BE HAD ON THE COAST. Bybee & Heil Phone 2261 CO H C SO a o co co m o . co SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast . costs lc per meal to operate. We haA-e the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO Successors to. Condor Water & Power Co. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDPORD, O R e a O X J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S ORTH, Cn.-hipr J. A. PERRY, Viee-Presideat. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS , $10,000 . Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands! ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs ara