THE MEDFORT) DAILY TKIBUNE, MKDPORl). OHKOOK. THURSDAY. (XJTOIMOR 7, 1001). LEAVES MINISTRY TO EASE CONSCIENCE Kansas Pastor Decides He Cannot Live Honest Life in the Ministry. LAWRENCE, Kan., Oct. 7. "1 don't biiliev a minister of. the Gos pel can lead an honest life now," was the startling statement made to day by the Rev. P. H. Carriok, who has just resigned thq pastorate of the North Lawrence Christian I'hureb. Mr. Cnrrirk has given up his am bition to teach the religion of Christ, and has accepted a job with the Lawrence Street Railway eom- pni3 as a conductor. 'The public never sees behind tin screen of the pastor's home." said Mr. Carrick. "or it midit realize the trials, the griefs and pains the pas tor and bis wife are forced to bear. A preacher's wile cannot even make a pretense of dressing or dining well or the people will think they are pay in? their pastor too much, or that he ought t,o save part ot his salary and give it to the missions. He cannot put on a pair of patent leather shoes without every single person who has contributed the smallest mite toward his salary looking at them as if to say, 1 helped to pay for those shoes; there's where our money goes. "No, sir, I don't believe a preacher can live a really honest life. If he preaches the truth he will be con demning the lives of most of his con gregation and offennding them. In stead of preaching their convictions the preachers of the Gospel avoid anything that might tread upon per sonal grounds for fear of giving of fense. The preacher passes over this and that, and lives a lie every dayl of his life in order not to of fend the influential members of his eogregation. "Thank God. I am earning nn hon est living now, and nobdy can crit icise me." Babies' Bank Account. lu SoboeiilMMK, it sutiurl) ot Ucrlit), every baby l born wltU a bunking ac count. No Scliocubcri; baby can tictp tills even if It wants (o. The !:;iiulcl pal regulations provide thin whenever the lilrtli of a chlM Is recorded Hie o!llcl;i!s of l lie municipal amines ImuU snail Issue a bank book In ttie said baby's name. The city Itself then de posits 1 mark (about -3 -vnisi and Immediately allows (merest, Willi (his uest egg the authorities believe that the parents of the child will be encouraged lu thrift aud that the baby Itself will have a fair start on tli road to wealth. No withdrawals are allowed lu less than two yours, and the ordinance applies to all children, whether they ore members of poof families or descended from million aires. Hablcs are popular In Schoenberg. The Lost Donkey, In Turkey they tell stories about Nnsr-ed-DlD and his donkey. Once upon a time whn the donkey wag lost Nasr eil Din went about seeking It. at the saute time giving thanks as be went. "Why do you give thnnks?" asked his friend. "I see no cause for thank fulness." "Cause enough!" was the prompt re ply. "Why. man alive. If I had been long with that donkey I'd have been Vjst tool" New York Tribune. Use For the Anchor. "Captain." remarked the nuisance on shlplKiard who always asks foolish questions, "what Is the object In throwing the anchor overboard ?" "Young man." replied the old salt, "do you undcrster.d the theory of seismic disturbances? Well, we throw the. anchor overboard to keep the ocean from slipping away la the fog." did Oh I you act when he pro- "How posed?" "I sank gracefully on one knee." "How ridiculous: What in the world did you sink on your knee for?" "On his knee, not mine." Houston Post A Hungry Rabbit. 'I do not think I was ever bo non plused In my life," said a conjurer. 'as once when performing my card and rabbit trick. I ask a member of the audience to tear a card Into small pieces and give them all to me except one. Later in the trick I produce a rabbit from a box, and tied round its neck is a card with a piece missing. It is then found that the piece which the member of the audience holds exactly fits and completes the second card. On Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Groesbeck of tills particular occasion I allowed the Eagle Grove, la., are making the town rabbit to remain in the box too long a business and pleasure visit. I and wneu 1 Ponced b'm fond that he had chawed the card round his neck , T -, . , ... to bits. Needless to say, the laughter The Louvre Cafe makes a specialty when the amllence tbe ck of special dinners, banquets and the- the animal bad played on me was loud ater parties. and long." Oregon Calls "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 , via the Oregon Railroad Navigation (o. , - and Southern Pacific " (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00 From Omaha $25.00 &a From St. Paul $25.00 From Kansas City ........ .$25.00 Deposit the ameunt of the fare with the nearest 0. E. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be 'delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agant, Portland, Or. Two Years Under Same Management Two veal's ago, the first day of October, this store was started in Mod ford with only a very small capital. Only the best was handled and goods have always been sold on small margins. From the very small beginning this store is carrying ten times the amount of stock it started with and employing'at this time from 13 to 20 salespeople and employes where formerly only four were employed. With storks striple what then n'ire '"s' anniversary, ire start this yrand sale with the positive knowledye that up to this time no store .in Southern Oreyon has ever shown as larye assortments of as yood merchandise for women and maintained such low prices. This side will prove to all who attend that we are selliny mcrcltun ( that is second to none in quality and style and that ire are saviny our patrons fully 25c on every dollar spent here. ' We will duplicate anything in on rline which you can buy of a mail order house for the price or less give us a chance to show yon by comparing our goods with something you have bought of an out of town concern, that pavs nothing to benefit this section of Oregon and takes nionev awav never to semi it back to circulate here. SALE NOW GOING AT FULL SWING-Best Bargains ever ottered In this country Anniversary Sale ' BEDDING Last anniversary sale we could only show you a small stock of bod ding; this year it is almost three times as large.ns last and the values are far bettei. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. 50c Blankets for . . .42? 75c Blankets for 59 $1.00 values at 87? $1.25 values at $1.09 $1.50 values at ?1.23 $2.00 values at ...$1.63 $2.50 values at $2.19 $3.00 values at $2.47 $4.00 values at $3.39 $5.00 values at . -. '. . .$4.19 Don't miss a lopk. Anniversary Sale Ladies' Waists "With a line double the size of what it was last anniversary sale we can certainly 'please you in a waist. Come and sec. $1.00 Waists for 79?' $1.25 Waists for 98? $1.50 Waists for $1.19 $2.00 Waists for $1.47 $2.50 Waists for $1.98 $3.00 Waists for $2.39 And a like reduction all through the entire line of waists. SUITCASES Here again our line is double in size what it was last season and we will take oath that the regular prices and values are far better than ever seen in this section. $1.25; $1.50; $2.00; $3.00; $4.00; $5.00; $6.00; $7.00;' $8.00; $9.00. to $20.00 Suit Oases to sell during this sale at 98? and up to $14.69. Anniversary Sale Jewelry Novelties In this department our stock is about five times as large as it was last anniversary and you will sec only the newest ideas direct from New York city, personally selected by the manager of this store. Back Combs, Side Combs, barrettes, belt and collar pins, neck chains, brace lets, brioches, hat and stick pins, belt buckles and ornaments of al most every kind and description, all new styles just received all go in this sale at a great saving to you. 25c values at 19? 35c values at 23? 50c values at 39? 75c values at 59? $1.00 values at .79? Don't miss a look. Anniversary Sale of Suits Largest Assortment In So. ('re. in Suits & Coats We are better prepared to fill your wants than ever before. NO old stock to show you and with hundreds of new stvfes all made the very best and of the very best materials and lined with guaranteed linings, vc feel sure that you can find what you wish. Here are "faie savings. These prices on covert, broadcloth and fancy coats and on suits: $4.00 Coats for ' lt' $7.50 Coats and Wuits tor . : Ya $8.00 Coats and Suits JJ-JJ $10.00 Coats and Suits for So o2 $12.50 Coats and Suits for iJ?22- $15.00 Coats and Suits for SS'JS $20.00 Coats and Suits for J J $35.00 values for !5S'2s $40.00 values for 5qq $50.00 values for $S'fH $60.00 values for JJo'22 $75.00 values for tw. Anniversary Sale ART GOODS Our art department is certainly all that it should be this season. We show many styles of fancy embroi dered styles in pillow tops and "keep all the necessary materials for mak ing up anything you desire in eith er tops, doilies, squares, scarfs or fancy pieces in either duck, natural or plain bleached linens or other, materials. We do stamping on Wednesday and Saturdays and free, instructions will be goven on free instructions will be given on Anniversary Sale MILLINERY Last season we showed only a small assortment of hats and our work room was inefficient. This season we have triple the number of trimmed hats to show and our work rooms are the largest in this section. We employ the only Chi cago trimmer in Southern Oregon and handle Gage hats exclusively. Our special anniversary prices will astonish you. $8.00 to $10.00 hats in one lot ?3 Anniversary Sale A New Lot of Furs We carried over only three fur scarfs from last season and while our stock is no larger, every piece is new and the values the best we ever saw. If you want a scarf or muff surely you want a muff this season we can save you money at this grand anniversary sale. Don't miss a look. $5.00 Umbrellas $3.19 Annlverary Sale All Staples Our stock of staples has always been popular because we always sold staples at very close prices. This is a fact that can be proven by all of the careful women of this section. As ever, best Prints . 5? 5c House Lining 4? 6c L L Muslin '. . .5? 71-2c Brown Muslin 6? 10c Bleached Muslin 8? 12 1-2c Bleached Muslin 10? 15c Bleached Muslin All Outings, Flannelettes, (lahv tcas, Percales, etc., ut. HI' MCI AL TRICMS. The Hutchason Co. SitoeoMHorH to Baker-IliitcluiMou Company.