THE MFilJKORl) DAILY TltTHUNK, M EDFOTID, 01KO()NT, Tl UJUSDA V, OCTOMKIt 7, VM). 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444T44444444444444444444444444444444444-444-44.444-44-4444..f4....4 I Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports ' IN NEW YORK CITY Hue & llnlliclil, under (lulc nl' October I, issued the following New York ilecijliioiix market Idler: Although Hum wax not u holiday Iiiti', nil tlin receivers, excepting our xclvcx, took it iuli) tlii'ir h!ndx to go on mi excursion up I hit river In wo the New burgh nut nl' the lluilxnn Fulton celebration. They did thin, xhutliiig down their biixiuexx, not wilhxlnniling I In' good ileiiiiinil pre. vniliuu lor grapes llir piinl two days. The town nt present in full of vii- torx nml nil lintel lire crowded. I hey also limit the chilli I their fruit arriving today, dctcriornling in con ililimi, nml iliu inilor Iciniiii: New York the eml of lliix week. Mnrkel ruleil slron;;, Florin cur showing irregular color, averaged fot Toliiij'H, $131; CortiiclionH, $1.50; Wuiiillii iill'n 'I'okuyx, 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 hiiiiiII. rather ileml iippeuruuce, $1.17; To Knv froin Fresno, erceiiNh. $1.31. Malagas were in fair condition nml m.IiI high, uvcnitfiiig l.:ti; I lie lies! iivcruuu for Malaga for n long time. 444444444444444444 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 44444444 I'llilcil Hllllcx In'i'liu Sny ilcr, S ls of S W ', heetioil 'JH, township M'J, range I K. piitenl I Aniox I In 1 1 ii 1 1 to Murtlin f I In hul l', S W of S W Vi '- tioii 'JH, township :iH, range nv i .Meillonl lodge. No. 8:1, I. (I. O. I''., to Ed Knot, lot .'I, hlock ,'ilt, Oihl Fellow x' cemetery 10 Scull V. Duvix to J, A. Morcy, lots 12 nml l.'l, hlock 1, 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 I'nrk iiilililion lo Medford 1 Lniid M. Kershaw to Hugo (' von tier llcllen, IiiiiiI III town ship It", range 1 E 20(10 .1. K. Pnyctto to T. W. Daily, lot li, Mock I, IfoHH miilition to Meilford 125 Kiln Muy Towuxeiiil to Nouh Liiruse. Tnwiiscnd, nil my property in Jackson county, power of ultoriicy V. (). Johnson to George W. Stephenson, Hill acres in nee lion 'J, township 3H, range i w : i Joseph I.. WvIhimI to Laura M. . Kcishnw, 317.75 ncrcx ill towmihin .'17. range 1 K . . . 35011 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44444444444 44 444 Your Wants TAN I5 Easily Satisfied by a Want Ad In The Tribune. v Costs but a Few Cents, Saves Time and Money. Matter What It Is a Want Ad Will Supply it. Cent a Word. Six Insertions for the PriGe ot 4 4 4 4-4- No- One 4- Four. 4- 4-44-4 4-X 4444444444-444-44-44-4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 44444444444444444-4- Pnysicinns and Surgeons. 4444444444444 -WANTED. 4444444444444444 WANTED First-class porlor fit Mooro hotel. the Cur of winter penrx sold well, B.Johu II. I.ncy to George. V. ('Iiiir.'eiiii lucruging $2.70; Ilowclls $2.0H; 1'. Harry. $'.:i7a. Few f'on'w lute red plums sold for fl.'J.V Kxpeet II heavy offcriuK here hero Xloniluy, our portion coiiMiHtinj,' of li cnrH. Our Recapitulation. 1017 crulcH TokiiyK, tl to itl.7": live in t;e iH.'.'.'i; 'JH crulcH t 'ornitiehons., '1.:i7 2 to'J'i, iivcniuu $l-r0; Mil Iiiixck 15. Clnirucaii. 'J.(l"'-i to $.'l.'J.'i. iivitu(! K.70; 110 Ihixck I. Ilnrryx, nveratre 'J.:i7; .rH lioxex llowellx. $'J lo !f'J.:i7' L'. nveniBe $J.08; 111 crnlcx Coe'x l.nle Heil, iivernire ifl.'J.V MiiniifacturiuK cnlerprixex ure lie. it iitlrneleil to the Kontliern xlatex liy cxetnptionx from taxation nltoni cil to their plmitx. 4.444444444444-44. 4 a. urnrnon TIUC TARt T mturunu 1 1 nn- i A.4.4.-44444 4 4 4. 444444 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY 7:41. m 0:2'a. m 5 :2A p. in 8 p. in I Northbound. I Xii. 20 HoxulmrB PnHS. . . . No. 12 Shaxlil Limited.. . No. HiiOreitmi Kxprofw. . No. HlPortlnnel Jxjirewr, j "southbound. No. lllShastu Limited. .. I G :.ri0 n. til No, l.VCuliforniii Ksh-oskI10:35 n. m No. l :i!s ili Pi.n!l!L!jJ3 llPiEl Mcdford to Jacksonville. Stephenson. 100 ncrex i:i sec- lion 2, township MH, ranee 1 W W. V. Kurlow to JaniOH H. Wil- liamx, lot II, block i, Daley & Kinery'x miilition lo Kncle Point Kate MoAililrew-cl ul. to Gun.' II. Linillcy. 1U.3 nerex in towiinship .17, ranne 1 V. O. & C. Kailroml company to Georjre P. Grow, N W , of of N K 'Ml. rnnpe J r : . . Tilliam I.indxny to Florence N. Denney. lotx 'JS, 20 nnd HO, 'block II. Itailrond miilition lo Ashlmul V. V.. I'liipps to Hcllc Cochrnn, loN I, 5. (i. 7. mid 8. hlock .'), nnd nil block 0. Hivcrx'uli" xuliilivixion Wext'x miilition (o Meilford "i00 I. 1,, I V I 1 n r, ',.i nun . r. vi '."l section 13, towuship WANTKl) Koineiino with cooil ref- crcnccK to rent n firsl-cliisx rooni ini; house in u liie,h-rmlc locution. I'iercc & Son. ' U'ANTKI) JJ7.')0; one vcar, interest 12 per cent; payable monthly; cooil real csliile. liox 11K, Meilford. 170 WANTKU Table lonrilers wanted. :i'J1 liiversiile nvciiue, South. li'J WANTKl) .'10 to KID iicick between .Meilford ami Axhliiiul; pioil soil. Adilrcxx ('. V. IlchreiiH, care of this oi l ice. 172 f4444444444444 FOR SALE. M444444444444 R. V. STEAItNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bunk. Night call promptly answered. Office and res ident phone Main 2301. 4444-4-44444 4 44-4-4444 CUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4444-444444 4 4 4 4-4444- S A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phone Main 577, Medford. KOH SALK--A brand new fompletc job and iiew.-pnper plant nnd out fit with lnri:c slock of paper nnd first-clas-i furniture; two publicn tiium; will sell for less than cost of outfit ; .$1100 cash or $700 cash nnd balance of .$."i00 on time. Address C. K. I)., care of Medford Daily Tribune. Dit. R. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart baild- S. it. SEELY, M. D.Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in JacksoD Co. Hank Building. WANTED A Chinese first-class cook wants a situation in a. hotel oi restaurant. Address "C," care of thix office. 170 WANTED A competent girl for a small family ; Rood wages. Address P. O. Itox 423. WANTED Whole, white, clean cot ton rni;, at the Tribune office; no overall or .jumpers taken. WANTED Kirst-clas"4 waitress at the Frnnco-Aincricnn hotel; fare paid. Morrison & Liib, Yieka, Cnl. 200 ,r)00 10 WANTED Experienced qunrry man. Address P. O. I!ox 418, Medford, Or. WANTED An' experienced waitress nt the Totel Nash. FOR SALE - Why buy a town lot when you can get one acre under Fish Luke ditch. ' miles out from postofficc. lor $300; also have a 5-ucro tract. liny from owner and suve commission. No. 20 South Peach street, or P. O. Box 842. 173 FOR SALE Finely split stovewood in oak, fir nnd pine, and cordwood sawed into Mi-inch length blocks Call on F. Osenbrugge, Studebaker Bros. Warehouse. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 201, Medford. Cuiltlina aod Loan Association JACKSON COL NT Y BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. Hoggs, Acting Secretnry, 12& E. Main street. Attorneys. F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN C Ail KIN. Newman & Catkin, Court Lawyers. Corporation and criminal prac tice in state and federal courts. Of ficea over Jackson County bank. COLVJG & REAMS W. M. Colvig, C. it. Rcames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Second Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm buililin?. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore-cm Amusements. PORTER J. XEFF Attornay-at-law Ko. 9 D street, ground floor. Stenographer. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Real Estate. FOR SALE 9-room modern bunga low, completely furnished, close, in. Benson Investment Co. FOR SALE At West Side stables, one mule, one saddle pony, one sin gle driver, one young ranch team. FOR SALE 3 acres good garden land, under ditch; good house; Phoenix. Matt Calhoun. Motor cur leaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves . Motor enr lenvni . 8:00 n. in. 10:15 a. in ' 3 :35 p. in (1 :00 p. m 9:30 p. n Jacksonville to Medford. Motor innves 7:00 a. in. Train loaves 8:45 a.. m Train leaves 2:30p.m Train loaves 4 :30 p. m Motor enr Innves .... 7 :30 p. m. PACIFIC&EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 Leaves Leaves Arrives No.l No. 3 No. 4Arriv6s Medford.. Modford. . Medford.. Modford. Arrivo Englo Pt. No. 2Lonvo8 Englo Pt. Arrivos Englo Pt. No. 4Lonvos Engle Pt.. 8:00 a. m 2:20 p. m. 10 :10 a. m 6:00 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 0 :05 a. io 3 :05 p. m. 4:15 p. m. MAIL CLOSES. Northbound ... 8 :55 a. m. 8 :10 p. m. Southbound ... 9 :00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Englo Point- 2:00 p.m. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of eonsidoT 1;nnwn is tho systom of prepaid or nhlo inleroHt to the public generally mid which is norhnps not gonorally durs now in of foot hntwoon Btations of tho Southern Pacific company and nil points in tho Unit oil Statos. By means of this systom tickots nny bo piirchiiHod at Modford from any plnco in tho Unitod Statos nnd mail od or lolegrnphed direct to the party wishing to onmn horo. Sloepor nc rnmniodiitions nnd small amounts of ensh in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at tlia name. Sifi.n MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruit and V-etables. (Prices paid by Med rd merchants "i Apples l(n2c lb. j p aches 2Vis(fri4e lb; pears. l(iT2v; i.ectnrincs. 3c: sweet wiiler grapes, 2'i(7r3c; plums, l'oc; blackberries, Jfl.'JO crate; To kny grapes, 4c. Potatoes, lc lb: onions. $l.o0 cwt;', greenSmions, 35c doz. bunches; carrots, lfiTl'.c; beets. 1i.V;f; string benns, 3c; cnblingn, IVc; green peppers, (is; cucumbers, 10c dozen; tomatoes, lc; squash, 3050c doz: wnter melons. l!i(?f'25c; cnntaloupes, 30c.f dozen; grocn eorn, 1015c dozen: pumpkins, 10(iTil5c. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morelinnt.O Rnneh butter, 30c; fancy cream- cry, 37 Via. Fresh ranch eggs, 32Vic. Mixod poultry, 10c j spring chick ens, 15c; ducks. 10c; turkeys, 15c; Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Pricos pnid proditcors.) FTny Timothy, $16; alfalfa, -14; grass, $13 ton. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushol ; new, $1 i bushol ; oats, $39 ton ; barley, old, $30; now, $29. y (Soiling prieos.) . Rolled hurley, $2.00 cwt; $30 ton; bran, $1.75; middlings, $1.851.90 shorts, $1.80(B1.85. Beef, 2'A(S!3c; rrk, fle; mutton 3Vic; lamb, 4'2c; veal (drcssod), 0c. Pan' de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN . WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tierwood. Address E. W. Liljegrnii. Tolo, Or. 444-4444 T 4 44-44444 FOR RENT. 4444-4-444-4-t4444 FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 S Orange street, $350; three lots and house $2000. P. 0. Box 53G. BIJOU THEATER West Seienth st. continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures ana illns trated ballads. Entire change of pro -.gram Monday. Wednesday and Fri day. Admission 10 nnd 15 cents. Bill Posters BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Office 112 W. Main St., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. " Furniture FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 10, North Grape street. Mrs. Jennie L. Stone. FOR SALE- -Oak, fir and pine wood, cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be j sawed into 10-inch lengths when de sired; fir wood split and in blocks 10 inches in length. F. Osenbrugge. Studebnker Bros. Co.'s warehouse. FOR RENT Fnrtn in tho Meadow district, 32 acres, 280 good farming land. For one or moro years. Rent er expected to buy stock, soncict ing of hogs, horses nnd tools. Bargain on Intt'jr. Address A. J. Olson, Gold Hill, Or. ' FOR RENT Rooms nt fi04 West 10th street, corner King street; one front room upstairs, suite of rooms downstairs in suito or single; hot and cold water and bath; large screened porches; lawn nnd shade for the comfort of patrons. FOR SALE At West Side' stables, one mule, one saddle pony, one sin gle driver, one young ranch team. 172 FOR RENT Boarding house Jn bus inoss center of Medford, nicely lo cntod with beautiful grounds, nt n reascnnble rental. Inquire at Rogue Rivor Electric Company, 209 W.'Mnin St. FOR RENT Modern, up-to-date bungalow, close in, with 9 rooms, completely furnished; long lease if desired. Benson Investment Co. WRONGED POSTMASTER RIGHTE DAFTER DEATH WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The gov ernment has finally located an heir to the cstnto of Postmaster George Wear!, of Deal Beach. N. J., to whom the postal department owes $10. While Mr. Wearl was postmaster nt Deal Bench in 1905 n registered pnekuge valued nl $10 was reported lost, nnd ho wns forced to make good the loss. Subsequently it was discov ered that the package had been deliv ered to tho addressee. After retiring from ot'fieo Mr Weart went west, and shortly after ward died. For neurlv four years the department has been searching for his heirs in order to refund the $10. A few days ago the Associated Press sent out a story of the' search Today the department received from James T. Wcnrt of Portland, Or., n comniiiiiicnlion Fluting that he is a son of the former Postmaster Weart and administrator of his estate. The FOR SALE 5-room house. 31 South Orange street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, for $1350; same with 75 feet $1500: with 90 feet $1625, or three lots nnd house for $2000; one lot for $550; two lots $1000. In quire on premises. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the best equipped job office in Southern Oregon; Portia ad prices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLF; The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street and rsiirond. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ev spec;alist. when others fail. Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Mam 233. East Main near D'Anjon. Jeweler. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel, i MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. FOR SALE 7-venr-old black mare. ride or drive single or double; also good milk cow. G. L. Pnukey, iy miles northeast of Central Point, or address care Tribune. FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow on Peach street N.; pantry, bath room, closets, screened porch, mi3-. sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection, city wnter supply con tracted fot. Good well and pump. Woodiihed. Apply to W. J. Roberts, office over Medford National bank. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91. Medford. Or. Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgicnl cases a specialty; thorotigh equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop., 4 Ifi E. Evergreen St.. Medford. Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over A1- ' len & Reagan's store; entrance oo Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE, GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 561 Stand at S. P. Depot FOR SALE W0 acres good fruit land, 30 acres cleared; stock and implements with place $2000. Chns. R. Pigeon, Medford. 4- 4 LOST. 4- 4- LOST Plain gold ring, "Alice" en graved on inside. Return to this office nnd receive reward. 175 FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved land, also improved land, suitable for fruit, for salo cheap. See n. M. Cops, solo ngenl, 604 W. Tenth St., Medford. - FOR SALE Twenty ncros, near Merlin ; good fruit laud : $400 ; terms. Address S. Trilriiie. 1 run onurj i-oo m-n- nniv,.!. land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See II. M. Coss, solo agent, "0 I W. Tenth St.. Medford. If. FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-ncre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. LOST One 18-months-ol(l black mare colt ; gentle, with star brand circle B upside down. Return to V. A. Dunlnp nnd get reward. 174 LOST Scotch collie, yellow with black markings. Reward if returned to Snowy Butte orchards. Central Poiuot. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sts. Nurseries CARLTON NURSERY Grow oil all kinds of nursery stock without irrigation or fertilizer, but on deep, rich soil, producing a normal growth and a vigorous, healthy tree, with n strongo root growth. Those trees are especially adapted to Rogue River valley soil and conditions. J. P. Adams, Agent, P. O. liox 143. Office in Central Point Hotel, Cen tral Point, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev- , erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office,! in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop.' R. R. V. depot. P. 0. Box 841. . Phone 583. Medford. i Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop, Th. and sheet iron ware on hand and muds to order 128 North G street. Brick Companies. FOR SALE Choico business proper ty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address T. O. Box 418. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies lo mo for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rugs, make, remodel nnd clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, G. W. Priddy. A. T. O'Brien. 0. D. Nngle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also' lime, cement and piaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonce Mair. 545. Undcrakers. Why do they advertise in The Tri-1 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. $10 will be forwarded to him nl onco. b ine? Easy. They get results. . telephone Mam db00. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night . Phones C. W. Conklin ' 36; J. H. Butler 148. MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 5, 1909. Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. LouU, cured my daughter of a severe kidney nnd bladder trouble offer doctor? failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson, 1:15 Bnrtlctt St. Sold by Haskins' Drug Storo. jx