THE MEDFORD DAHA' TRIBUNE. MEDFOIil), OltKdON. THURSDAY, OCTOHKIt 7, 1)0!). 6 An independent Millar. i When Frederick built his fnmom paln.ce of Sin is Soud there happened ;to lie a mill that greatly hampered hltu In the execution of hla pinna, and he Fkod tbo miller for how much he would sell It. The miller replied that for a long aeries of years his fa mil J had owned the mill, which had passed from father lo sou, and that he would not sell It for tiny price. The kins Bsed every solicitation, offered to build hi in a mill In a liettcr place and pay ihtm. besides, any sum he might tie imanil, but (he obstinate miller mill per sisted In his determination to preserve the Inheritance of his ancestors. Irritated at last by his conduct, the 'king sent for bim and said in au an gry tone: "Why do you refuse to sell your mill notwithstanding all the advantage I have offered you?" The miller repented his reasons. "Do you know." continued the king, "that 1 could take It without giving you a penny;" "Yes." returned the miller calmly. "If it were not for the chamber of Justice at Berlin." The king was so flattered by this an swer, which chowed that he was Inca pable of ni act of Injustice, that he dismissed the miller without further entreaty and changed the plan of bis garden. A Philosopher's Fable. Arthur Aull Is responsible for this one: "Folly, Genius and Common Sense once went walking and came to a tream. Genius, having his head in the clouds, naturally started to wade across, paying no attention to the depth. The waters soon went over his head, and be was drowned. Common Sense bunted for a safe way to get across, and finally he found a foot log. As he got out about the center of the stream the log swayed, and be fell Into the water and sank to rise no more. 'Folly stopped at the bank of the stream to amuse himself by throwing ' pebbles Into the water and watching the waves. He sat upon the moist, cold bank until be caught a cold which developed Into pneumonia, of which be soon died. Moral. It doesn't make ranch difference, after all. whether you are a genius, a sage or a foot. You'll get It sooner or later anyway." Exchange. ' Told to Earn His Own Salary. Commodore Vanderbllt discovered is lames H. Itiitter. then in the employ of the' Erie railroad, a man he believed the freight department of the Central needed, says the Baltimore News. It Is related that some time after be took charge of the Central's traffic office Butt-.' called on the commodore te submit a plan for Improvement. When be bad stated the case the president looked at him sharply and asked: "nutier. what dues the' New York Central pay you Slo.OOO a year for?" The reply was. "For managing the freight traffic department." - And then the commodore said. "Well, you don't eipect me to earn your sal ary for you. do you?" Rutter went out and carried through his plan on bis own judgment. The re sult was highly satisfactory. Rutter became president of the Central. (Up to Snuff, i man in workman's garb one day lied at n local dentist's, and the door is opened by a maid. .Vorkman Is the gent in that draws !tb? , Servant No. sir. but I expect he will be In shortly. roTKm'an (pausing on doorstep) tve gas? Jmt he charge?" lol faollar! Do yon mean to illow's got to swallow f gas to have one ith pulled out? Xo fear. I reckon cQowffrfrjrTjWft It, for I work jwn at the gas works myself. I'll to another dentist and have it pilled out without gas." Exchange. Stumped. oTytbingJiSuT? in ! Oregon we raise apples as big as your id - --". 4 I I -v IoLioLtoM pedtiMns Mill 1 , Uncle Phirr Whjf-ef-abr't-Chlcago Tribunes . rrggresa impeaea. TFIrst Member-Mrs. De Streak didn't hive her way at the dress reform taeet 1S (his afternoon, did she? Second Member No; her. gown fitted bcr so ut-'htly that she couldn't make a mo t)o. ruck. HhrtrbsWitrt- rm ego ulUalot Is! When you are with him pxneets von lo lip all ears. Slobbs udarOT Bi Nef- JfW;-ff :t-J' itilif Wettlzl o! le tviie wituwfiirli Itsfihme Ts pn 1 on (he map of n railroad tbat doesn't irs through It. Chicago Hecord-Ber- d. ' J Assist--i'oniiBiS iQ heuveu will flst ."our-i.n't'ii'i i'roverb. MwiBrHiaaumMii Htm maim ntwwiiimnr w. r fYes." v?rt o?rlf)-eetVi Ha Got tha Chair. On a very hot afternoon a nunibe of around town chaps who didn't seem to have much to do were lounging la the chairs in front of n lending hotel. Several traveling men came out of the hotel and. finding all of the chairs occupied, looked and spoke things that wouldn't go well In polite society. "Let' dump a few of them out," suggested one. "Hold on a minute." replied another. "Watch me get n chair." With that ho walked over to one of tho loungers and In the most courteous way said. "Will you please tell ine whether that is a drug store across the street?" "No," replied the louuger; "that's a bank." "Oh. Is It? Well, say. what Is that nice big Imlldlii;: Just down the street then1, two comers away?" "Thi it's the ,Mstot!lce." was the re ply. "You live In this charming city then?" asked the drummer. "I do," sal. I the lounger. "Well, thru." replied the travellr man. "I'm a guest at this hotel maI paying for accommodations. Suppose you get n-j and give me that chair." He got the chair. Kausas City Journal. Varieties of Humor. The Temple of Art, devoted to that peeullir form of entertainment yclw "polite vaudeville," was crowded to suffocation as Messrs. Biff and Bang, the refined sketch team and sidewalk conversationalists, stepped jauntily to the footlights. Iu response to the deaf ening applause Messrs. Biff and Bang bowed coudesceudingly. as though It hurt them. Without further preliminary Mr. Biff hit, bis partner on the rear of bis ample trousers with a stuffed club, remarking, "it's a wise man tbat knows bis own mind." And Mr. Bang, no!, to be outdone In this little exchange of pleasantries, promptly buried an ax in the skull of Mr. Biff, remarking the while, "It's a wise man that minds his own nose." Whereupon the intelligent audience screamed with delight and voted Biff and Bang the best ever. "And yet they were a frost in the Londou balls," commented a man in the front row. "The English have no apprecia tion of real humor." Philadelphia Ledger. A Happy Compromise. "What a beautiful little baby be is!" exclaimed the neighbor who had called. "Ht isn't six months old yet. either." said the proud youug mother, "and he weighs over twenty pounds." "What have you named him';" "Well." hesitated the mother. "Henry and 1 U Tie red a little about that. He wanted to give him one name, and I wanted to give him another, but we finally compromised and agreed to call bim John Wesley." "I see. You named bim after the great founder of Sletu',' "No. indeed."- qnickly interrupted the mother. "Tbat name, as I said, is a compromise." "But bow?" "The 'John' Is for John Calvin, and the 'Wesley is for John Wesley." "Oh, 1 see." Youth's Companion. Queer Claret. A party of miners calling at an Inn In Llangollen during the absence of the landlord were shown Into the best room, whic-b. on bis return, caused bim to remonstrate. His wife, however, explained tbat a lot of money bad been spent and tbat seven bottles of claret had already been drunk. "Claret!" said be. "Why, 1 sold the last bottle the other day. You've been giving 'em catchup." From "Random Recollections Of a Commercial Trav eler." . Property At A Bargain e have three acres, just out-' side the city limits, platted all 'jfjutit j, with a new five-room. house, which we consider a bar- $2200 The property faces on two- id would subdivide nicely. Thero is an electric motor and Jjunyi which goes with the place. j the well would supply water I'lrrigating. 'IBio owner has made the price luubun order to sen quicniy, uuu the property will be on the mnr "keTfnTI VsniTfime nt this price. Wf.fYofl('6 Co. Not Interacted. "I have called." said the hook agent, "to see If I can Interest you In a little work" "Young man." snapped the woman who tinswcred tho door. -"Just now I n m Intel ested 111 washing uiy dishes, il listing, cleaning up after tlie paper hanger, mailing six beds, polishing tho hardwood Moors. Ironing my husband's shirts, getting two more meals today, ilarnlng nine pairs of stockings and stringing my sweet polls, mid 1 might say that that's more work than yon men ever thi ught of doing. .No; you .an't Interest me In any more." De troit Free Press. Getting an Early Start. "Father, what do you wish mo to ti' when t grow up?" "The same as I am. my son-a law for." Then Instead of wasting any more on arithmetic, geography mid flich trii'-k I'd better be getting nt the lypothetlenl question, hadn't It" ludce. Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses and Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. "I tuko pleasure in saying that T h:vo kept Cliiimherliiin's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoen Remedy in my family medieiuo chest for about 15 years, nnd have always hud satisfac tory results from its use. I havo ad ministered if to a jircnt many trav eling men who were suffering from t-oubles for which it is reeonmipndcd. and have never failed to relieve," says J. C. Jenkins of Glasgow, Ky. This remedy is for sale by Leon B. llaskins' pharmacy. We ara Grower-Buy direct from tn NO A O K N TS , , Our Trvrm are cmwu uirtly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for fre catalog. Lance tofk of TrieUe-ultb)e for commercial orchni Choict Fruit, Nut and Ornimtntil Trw, Grip Vinet, Snull Frort PUntt and Shrobturr The Dalles Nurbkuikb Main Office. lZtf Grand Ave,lDti.wi,Ore. 4 ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street 60 feet -wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either l on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Building line 25 feet from front of lots. , There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. We also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to offer 1 J. W. Dress er Agency West Main St. P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Mprlfntvl nsh Sc Door Co. 4wW8!flEaW3MaWlWnBMW Herman ltros., tho middlu nnd har ness makers, desire to ntniotmou to the trtido llint they nro not only pre pared (o fill all orders nt hhort no tice, hut curry the wont complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, robes, lilatiketH, wugoti covers, twits, etc., that eiin he found in southern Oregon at prires that cannot fail to plea so when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget the plnco, 317 K. Seventh street, Medt'ord. ' Yes; tho oilier fellow rend this, o did his wife. Moral Advertise. V. More Than Enough Is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food I" repair the waste mid supply energy nod body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food Hum 'is nec essary for these purposes is the prime cause of fctomnch troubles, rheumatism ami disorders of the Kid neys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason mid not appetite control nnd take a few doSwn of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and yon will soon he all right again. For sale by I.eoii 1!. llaskins' pharmacy. , SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wnges. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. t t ., . ,. .. .. . n I t ... .:r i I '.1 J Mr. Investor Havo you been spniio ami cost of lour rooms; i nnu uresscrs; cnmiici Kiicnun. J. A. MflNTOSIl, Archifct't, Third Floor Medford National Bank Hiiilding. ' XJJU II I-1V'.'L illl UlUiU r t Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t I Foundry and Machinist All Hrn" of Enylnes, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-7 chlncry. Agents In Southern Oregon for 7 t FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. t Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass tho word to your relatives nnd friends to como now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prcvnil from tho East SEPTEMBER IS TO OCTOBER 15 via tho Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Southern Pacific .'. t (LINKS .IN OHEOON) . From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00 . , From Omaha . ,$25.00 . From St. Paul $25.00.V From Kansas City $25.00 Deposit tho mnoiint of tho faro wilh tha nnnrcst 0. It. & N. or S. P. Aent find ticket will ho delivered in tho Hunt without extra 'cost. Send im the nnnie nnd address of anyono interested in tho Slato for Oregon literature, WM. McMURRAY, flenernl FnKseutfer Agent, Portland, Or. T tho modern homo seven rooms In the T Inclcss refrluerntor, hullt-ln buffets t .lflll'MIIII IfllllVlllli RESOLVED . The he-it renolution for yon (o make ix to eomo to tin for ynnr nnxt anil, if yo.i wnnt Hoinclhintf "'it of (ho orilinary. Wo lo the lieht wt.rk nnil rlinn;j Ihu lownst prit'CH. W. W. EIFERT THE l'ROGIlfcSSIVE TAILOR