Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 07, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Kuir tonight, with light fnihl. 4
Friday, fair, warmer.
I. ('. Howard of Yri'kn, Cnl., I
vUiiitiK iii tint city.
(ilovc iii every i-liadc tu in it t I'll tin1
new f.ill culms ill Vim I '.vice's. I'
ll. iwin.l II. Dudley left Iii"! niiilit
lir Sntlici liu hi liiihinHs.
N'ii itui 1 1 wtuit your iiii'hc'ii1' your
t,ltc, tlll'IC U II llllicli til IllCct it.
Mrs. Jnlin Iv Mmlil f !. Aiis.''l"-i-.
ktniiiii; in .Medford tln week.
J. I,. l(ii(.'Miliilc iii' l.nkc Creek dis
trict wiih a loi"ine.H vi-itur to the
fily Wednesday.
Iw-hI mini for llio least money nt
ttfi) Spot 'llf.
J. F. Ditswoith wits down from hi
home up mi Unftue river the fin-t of
tlui week.
Seo l'nif. Anton Itornunoff, for
merly court violinist of Auhtrinn em
peror, for lessiiim on violin, (,'iiilnr
nnil tnundoHn. Leave ordern nt Nash
Mr. nnil Mrs, .). F. Linvncy of Titm
pa. Flu., lire lonkinir over the valley.
Mr. II. .1. J'H rent in down from Tlie
Dalle viMiinc lier iliuiKliter. Mr. Kd
If ynu knew n much ali'Mit the
Cadillac ii ii knnwii liy those who"
own llii'in. it would to- "A Cadillac
li.r" vniirs." . 1(3,
S. C. Ctillin-. n Tnl'le lioi k ranch
or. was in town Tuesday with n loiul
if produce.
Kn"!i firillopen nil tlie time. Fin
est service between Portland mi'l Sun
Mr. nnil Mr. A. W. Sture;ii ami
daughter Sadie, who liave lieen visit
ini; tlie fair at Seattle, returned Inane
Nine hundred anil ninety-nine, out
of every 10110 ('ndillne user arc sat
isfied. Tlie other one would not be
.ntisficd with anything. Thoso who
have ordered 1010 O'lidiihic are: A.
fonro Fiero. T. K. Dnnieln, W. II.
Brown and Best-Fuller Honlty Co. of
(mints Puts.
Mr. Harry Lay and children nmln
Mi'h. Klla Cook spent several days
of thin week with relatives living on
Apph-nnte. . ' ,. ,'
Hear Professor Romanoff in vio
lin solos ovcry eveninp tho Nash
Mr. and Mr. John Cnnlrnll of Ap
plepato nro spendini; n few days in
Tho Nash Orill makca a specialty
of special dinners, banquets eto. Mu
sic, every ovoninR.
Miss Leonn THrieh left for Seattle
Tnosdny eveninp, where sho will re
main for tho wintor.
C. IT. Rnvder Motor Car Co. reprc
gonts tho Piorco-Arrow Motor Car
Co. for Jaekson. Josephine and Klam
ath counties. This ear has won. for
five oonncoutivo years, tho Olidden
trophy. The (Hidden tour is eoneed-
dto he the moid, severo tost ever
(-iven a motor ear in competition. 173
Mrs. .Tallies Pel tun of Fort Klnm
alli and Mrs. J. 0. Cotchett of Onk
land. Cel., who have been the pilosis
of the Misses HueUley nt Kueh rc-
nrned Wednesday and aro visilinir
with Jacksonville friends.
Orders for sweet eroum or butter
milk promptly filled- ""' 'Jj0
Mr. and Mrs. fins Newbury of
Jacksonville hnve taken with
Mi"'. Pevlha Kddy in this eily.
Miss Martin Kiley of Wullnii U
speiiilink: a i'fw lnv in Jaekiioii
ville, thu ((uet of Mi-s Leila J'rim.
'i tin (' it m, hlaukelH and quilt at
Van Dyke's. J 72
Mr. and Mrs. Will KhIu'm of I)iiiih
iii iii r were visit iii old friend Tues
day. Mrs. KhIi'm wiih formerly M'ikh
Kimiiiii (Jriiin-H ol Jacksonville. Mrs,
Herl Orr of Mei'ford aeeouipaiiii'd
Ella Ouiinyuw, puldie Htnno(;ruiher,
room 4, I'ulm huililiiie.
Judpii Neil has cominilti'd Nellie
Aldeu of Medl'oiii to tho iiisano lisy
Inli. An altenilaiil from Salem will
lake tier to tliut institution Thurs
day. Sineial iiiusii: every evening dur
ing dinner at the Nash Orill.
Mrs, Nellie Newbury and daiiiililer
mid Miss Frances Kcnncy were the
(jiiesls of Mrs. CliarlcK Nickell Hi
"Fail view'' raneli Sunday.
Why rush homuf Try tlie Sjx.1
Cufo's 25c dinnrr.
Thursday inoriuiiK the Hear Creek
orchard took first ami second prizes
fur Cornice fiear ami also for d'An
ioiis at the district fair.
('. H. Snyder Motor Car Co. have
been alloted ten Cadillncs ol' llll
model for Jackon, Josephine and
Klamath counties. Four of these.
have already been sold, 173
Mrs. Thomas C. linilcy of Hamil
ton, Mont., arrived Thursday and
will s d n few days visitinp in
Mcilford. the fiiest of her nephew,
ilr. F. (!. Carlow.
Tho Louvre Cafe open all' the
lime. Finest service between Port
laud and San Francisco.
Mrs. Mollie Season of Oroville,
Cnl., who has been spendinp some
time at the fair and with Seattle
friends, stopped off here on her way
home to viit her nephew and niece.
Dr. and Mr. F. U. Carlow.
Full styles in fall shoes at Van
Dyke's. ' 1"'-
Misscs ICathcriiie and Hose Buck
ley, two popular younp ladies of
ltiuli. arc in M i'd ford visiting with
friends and transnetinp business wiih
local merchants.
Merchants' lunch served daily nt
the Louvre Cafe from 11:30 till
3."ie. An elaborate menu. ,
Mrs. Shearer, wife of the chief of
police, is visiting in Central Point for
tho day.
Fdward P. Tiilehrist wishes to an
nounce that his property is not on
tho market. I "2
W. F.. Warner and family of
Springfield are inspecting tho town
and valley.
Knit jnekets at all prices. Van
Dyko's. 1J2
A. Conro Fiero is down from his;
ranch near Central Point on busi
ness. C. IT. Snyder Motor Car Co. is now
the regularly authorized ngent for
tho Bniek Motor Co. in Jnekson, Jo
sephine and Klamath counties. 173
J. F. Andorson and family of Ken
ton, 0., arc sightseers in the city.
I. Bradley is repairing his home
on Laurel street and is adding throe
large rooms to it.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wnllneo of Eu
reka, Kan., aro Medford visitors this
IT. L. TTolgato is down from Klnm
alh Falls on business today.
A Lena) Query.
Tired of tlie long winded oratory
of the attorney for tho defense, tlie
Judgo luterrupied him. .
"Mr. Rliarke," lie said, "may 1 asli
you n question?"'
"Certainly, your honor. What is
"Lanituage,'' said the Judge, "we are
told, Is Vlveu to conceal thought or
words to that cITcct. Inasmuch as you
don't seem to have any thought to
conceal, I would like to know why
yon are talking?"
from Qimt to Cimt.
Me was iilmlil t tell lier right out
mill out Hull ho luveil lier, o lie begun
III a riiiiniliiliuut tv'iy, doping Mho would
catch his ill If',. I hen betray, by her
cunfiiHloii, own rovllng. lie didn't
(lreiiir. hut Unit xho loved him, but
thought that Mile, like hlinnelf, will
afraid to deiaoiimi'ite It.
"Heart iniuhle." tho repeated. "Are
you mire you're b'.nrt trouble, Alfred?
You know liiillgcutlou la very like It
at time."
"OB, I know I've got heart trouble,
all right, l-ciin't you nee It yourself?"
"Why, how Hilly, Alfred: No ono
can eo heart trouble. They linre to
feel it. Have you taken anything for
It?" .
"No, not yet. Hut I I wunt to, don't
you know."
"Then why don't you?"
"11 would t lint Is, rf I could get
"Can't you K)-t It, Alfred?"
"I -I don't know."
"Have yon irled?"
"No. not yet."
(Silence for two provoking moments.)
"Alfred:" (coldly). ,
"Let's 'hnre n game of checkers."
Bosnia Herald.
The ordinary man who Is employed
Indoors throughout the day doca not
walk enough, lie needs li.e fresh air
and sunshine of the outdoors, and, no
matter bow tired be may be. a Khort
time in Hie open air will rent hi in. If
be him no opportunity to walk during
the evening, he ought to do It In the
morning. There Is no better tonic
than a two mile walk before going to
work. Kome business men who live
omo dlstauce from their olllces or
mores walk down regulnrly every
morning and are greatly benefited
thereby. No matter bow sluggUb
they may feel on arising, the morning
walk puts them In good trim for the
day's work. Exercise In the open air
itiirls the blood to circulating In every
artery mid vein In the entire lystcm,
opens up the pores of the skin, no that
the waste mutter In the body may be
net free, limbers up the Joints and
muscles ami puts one in shape for the
duties of the dny.-St. Joseph Gazette.
Th Meredith Coconut. '
George Meredith may not have beeD
uu altogether familiar author to the
ordinary reader who craves for quick
seiisiiiJuu. lie never cume down to
the simplicity ut Sherlock Uolmes or
Captain Kettle. Meredith required an
acute and trained Intellect before be
could be apprccliiU'd.
Il was once mentioned, In referring
to tlie dlllkulty which some people ex
perience in reading Meredith's novels,
that the Meredith "cocoanut" was
very hard, but that the milk when
reached proved to be very sweet.
I'lils Joke got Into the papers.
Two days afterward a well known
flrui of fruiter! had an Inquiry after
these cocoanuts Irom n country cus
tomer! The letter was to the effect
that, having read somewhere that
Meredith's cocoanuts bave had a large
sale lately and that the milk was
fashionable, ihe writer would like to
bave a few to try. Loudon Tatler.
Queer Postal Training.
In China whoever wishes to enter the
postal service must give evidence of
courage, robustness, power of endur
ance, ability to traverse great dis
tances over mountains and valleys and
through dmigerous forests frequented
by wild beasts and robbers. After tbls
the npiillcaiit Is sent Into uncanny
places, which are considered to be the
abodes of evil spirits. When the Chl
naniau has satisfied the authorities In
regard to these matters be is appoint
ed a letter carrier.
A Matter of Mind.
"1 have a grvnt mind to go to the
club tonight." said Mr. J. to bis wife.
"What?" she replied with surprise.
"1 have u great mind to go to tbe
club tonight."
"Whose?" she asked.
"Whose what?"
.."Whose great nibjd?"
"Wby, my owu. of course, madam."
"Ob:" and tbe rising Inflection she
gave tbe ejaculation was very provok
ing to a man of line feeling.
A Weit Indian Wife Catcher.
As Is customary with Indlaus tbe
world over, the Caribs are expert
basket weavers, and many strong and
hnudsome baskets aro to be bought In
Itoscnu at reasonable prices If one
finds the right shops, writes Harriet
Qulmby In Leslie's Weekly. A pecul
iar Instrument, made of basket straw
and woven closely together so as to
form a hollow tube ending In a thong
of twisted cuds and commonly dubbed
a wife catcher, is also made and sold
by tho Carina. By slipping the hollow
end over a ninu's finger above the'
Joint and pulling on the twisted end
the catcher will tighten around the
linger and the captive will be unable
to release Ids hand. It Is claimed that
the Indians formerly employed this
device as a handcuff for prisoners,
using several for each hand and lend
ing the captives by the lingers, l-'ew
tourists are permitted to leave Uosemi
without a wife catcher, for which six.
pence Is willingly exchanged.
Women's New Wearing
Our store is resplendent with new models in SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS,
WAISTS, in addition to siu-h lines of UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY as appeal
to the disfriiTiinatiiifj buyer. Not a shading of color, not a size or quality but what
is represented in this splendid stock. If you want the most approved style or the
best quality, you must eome to this store. Xo season has demonstrated this fact
as the present one. Prices are right, too, although we are not holding any special
sales for the simple, reason that our stock moves so quickly that it-is impossible to
aecumiiiulate enough odds and ends for the purpose.
for Ladies and Children.
Looks better, feels better,
wears better and is better
than other makes. A trial,
will convince you.
Cnyx Hosiery
We feel that it is useless
to dwell on the merits of the
"Onyx" Hosiery, as there
are but few ladies in Med
ford who have not personally
eonvineed themselves that it
has no equal.
C?zrffa7?ine0J Tbe Store of
All int'inhers ut Wentnnka tribe,
N'w. DO, me reiiicted to be present at
the next regular meeting of the tribe
Saturday night, October Oth. Busi
ness of importance will come up.
17:! L. L. JACOBS. C. of R.
Xo matter what your purse or your
taste, there is a Buiek to meet it. 173
The only daily market report in
southern Oregon in The Tribune. F
SALEM is the most popular beer In Northern California and South
ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east
ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than
others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer.
If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It.
SsGJISffSMedfnrd Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co.
i ' M I ' ,' ' .
i.v' 'tS'-Zi' ,Vl
--r . ? j f. i
YOU have nothing to
lose and all to gain,
in placing it with a reliable
home nursery.
PHONE 3221