Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 07, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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(IRANI) Jl'NCTION, r.,o.,0t. 7.
llli'lll III' lllu lilt,'!!''"' Ullc MIIIVCIIM'Ilt
In? (Irniul Viilli'.v lint in it tnriu'ii
mill 1'nr llii' 1 1 I in' ii t )i nil previous
liuil hhiiijiiK riniii'ilu iir" cvicctcl
In III' rtlll'lillKMill, Till' winter l'l'iil
now mi ilin tree and iiliuiil ready fur
pii'liiii' is ciiiiM'i'viitivnly chliiiinliv
nl ''"illl curs within tin' lilllii terri
tory which is I'liliri'ly confined to the
uri'liiiril (Kii'liiiti nf (iriinil .Valley.
This h pi'iliiilil v iimri' iiiii's tliini
aiiyu li'M-iliiry nl' himiliir size in any
pint nl' tlin 1'iiiled States ever nn
ihii'i'il lii'l'iiii', This is I'fpi'i'iiilly V-
rmlii yi'iir in tin- iiil" market, I'm",
v illi lln Nut I'ht ri'mi 'linn n short
crop wilh iiulliint' extra in tin1 1'liixt ur
.Miililli' West, this stale will hai'vcl
lli" liit'L'i'i-l crop in it" )nhIiiv mill llio
Ol'llllll Villi')' of llll illlllll'IIMI WI'stlTII
slope in till' llosl productive spot f
In comparison wild the whole
valley's crops there, urn few facilities
fur KtorinjLf apples here mill those
llint mi' mil sold fur immediate con
sumption will liii i 1 1 i 1 1 1 I to Kansas
City mnl nlliiT ci'iitriil points mill put
into MlnriiKt1 there. Kivn weeks will
M'i every liux of apples in tliu valley
picked mnl pni'ki'il mnl cither iul in
Htorn jr hero nr shipped east nnil
Tin' piiMl ti'ii days linvi' hi'i'ii ii i'iiii
siilcrahlc fallim; off in the local fruit
shipments, n th valley has been ex
IH'ririM'iiih' n hi'lwcen season lull.
Tin iliiily shipments have run from
VI In 'JO I'll I'm mnl llli' tullll for III vt
week wu iiinli'i' Kill. Alioiit 1 LiCiO
curs have yonc out mi fur since, the
fruit started t move nliout July IV
Tin- pi'iii'li luovi'ini'iit is over ami the
melons, which lii'lil out wi'll till t lie
fii-t of llm pi'i'M'iil wi-i'k , arc now
oil' thhc Kliippinif tnarki't. Of pi-urn
iIhto hit vi lii-i'ii from I'll) to 200 cur
of lute varieties now on tin' trees mnl
they nri now moving rapidly. In
fiii t aside from apples ami n fi'W
potatoes tin' lull' ii'ii r-i 'uiii r' hi i i -
tin' total shipments at present.
Apples Int vi. of course, showed a
steady cain from day to day andu
next wi'i'k will probably sec llii'in
iiMiviiii; at llli' rati' of ItO or 10 curs
dally. While I'nlisadc mnl f'lifton
shipped n Kooii sharoof tho penches
nml pears, (fraud Junction ami
Frnitn will ship most of the apples.
Tin' .Inlti'r point to ilati! shipped
nliout 100 cars of fruit, liul expect
from 800 to 1(100 I'nrs of nppli-s.
Ill Mimo Australian towns it ix tlin
custom to offer several valualila
prizes every year fur tho liest kept
lawn, (.'iirilen anil home. Orou prop
ell V ownerK mij.')it cneourngo th
iilen, for the attractiveness of u town
inerensca its obtainable prices for
buililiiiK sites,
Hot SiiniinerH, cold Dialers and cyclones dissatisfied (his
woman with hor Eastern home. '
! Jackson County Really Co. Of (iced
i In New Bank.
Tin' Jnrksoii County Id'iilly com
iiny has li'iisi'il tlin front office
rooms over tlin new l''urmers' &
i rniilvtiowiirH' hiinli, nt Ilia corner of
jWi'hl Main mnl (Irnpii Mri-ntN. Tin
! I'ompmiy will I'oiiilurl n' (,'i'iicrul rim I
iihIiiIii liiisiiii'hs, ami will iiIho iln a
i ! I n I anil privnti' I'iiiii Inihiiii'HH. A
Inn.'!' ri'i'i'pl ion loom will lm pli'im
iintly mnl I'oiivi'iiii'iilly fittml up for
llll! (Mil II 1 1 H of till' l' l 1 1 in 1 1 . This ih
j II Unix lol'iilinn mill wlll'll til I I'll out
iih iiliiniii'il will lli! n rri'ilit to llm
I ' . .
coiiipmiy mnl iln- niy. i im pri'si-ni
ol'fii'ii in al (101 Wed Tenth Hlreel,
rollHT of KilUf.
8Hakeie0r on Baiebatl.
I will k roiiL-'Mtleliard III."
Now you Hirllte like the blind rnnn.
"Mueli Alio Aliiait NolhlliK."
Out. 1 Hii,v!--,,Miietie(li."
I will In. short. -"Ilinnlet."
Thou cansi not hit It. hit It. lilt lt!
"Love's Ijiliour'H f.ost."
He known the t'liuie. "Henry VI."
(. Iinlefiil errorl-'Mulliis ("ueKiir.''
A hit. a hit. a very palpable lilt!
He will steal. lr. "AITb Well That
Kails Well."
Whom rltiht mid wrotiK have chosen
us uniplrc.-'T.nvc's Ijilnmr's Lost."
Ix't the wortil llilu.-"TUo Tmnlng
of t Iir Hhrew."
Ho him killed n (ly.-'"Tltus Androtil
cus." The piny as I remi-niber plenaed not
the million. -"Hamlet."
What an arm he has! "Corlolnnun."
They run not sit nt enso on the old
lieiicli, "Itomeo nml Juliet."
Upon such sncrlllecH the roiIr them
elve throw Incense. "Kbit; Ix-nr."
WuHhliitfton Post.
Old Curat.
The nntlcpiiiry took down n little
Krny hook. "Here Is a 'family doc
tor.' " he said, "that was liubllshi'd us
far buck as 1501. 'J'nlk about your
,uul::t prvscrlptlons!" The first pre
scription, a truly tpiulut one. ran: "If
n mini be cri-vcd wyth the falling
hloknessee, let hl'ii take n he-wolves
harte nml make It to powder and use
It: but If It lie ii woman, let her tnko
n she-wolves hnrte." A ISC I Jnundke
cure was: "Trike eiirtliwormes and cut
them siuiill. nml liraye them wytli u Ut
ile wyiie so tint ye uiny swallow It;
illillel i' the Milne r.inlii." I'or tootli-iii-lii';
"Si'"lli :f luuiiy illlle frKI'e
litlnir upon ti'is .is 1 1 n m ninst cet,
i i iutii: tiii.e tin- fill lliiwyiij;e trnlil
tlii'in. i nil wlii'i. ! t'i' 's, iinoyiit the
' 111 Illl'I'WJ Hi."
CJviiig tic Fi.-l Kar-d.
In it" iiiis ,i ii",-t pi'Mpif there nre
i -t' ii.ii:i "ii:- Hmt arc not only bl fn:"i i;!i,i t. bet ri-i:'.i?:i Imi: in
:-,' i.'. i..,: tin- of tJice iiititiii"its
i:iy ill,. iiii it:tn it Hie uceiiii;
ii'.l'H'l. Mn-!l n:lt. .sli''.V chill llllitlll
.ini-i i;.l i-i.'iif into view. Mill nit
!!";. I..i.'l;.!i i'i.i: ;w im; ipilu. n r.i
Hi-. Is ijnii imii.' wlieii i in- iivetn'i,
i:in of unman ili:is dts or her sa
.i':" mil "I ii I'.'i.;!. :io.l lii.'s the ti;'-:
tol-il.- Moiilly's Mm;::i.Iiii'.
C-nsitivo Salmon.
S.!i'i',i:il loiui. n't It"- asked n
. 'ii'iioiii'i' iis lie rut a pound or two
t kiiIiiioii Im' a 1 1 -1 1 . 'i u r .
' "!." icpiliil uie mtter. "looks ns
f It were bluslilii. at the pr e you
i-l; for tt !" 'I.iiiidiiu Snaps.
She, They and We
(William K. Curlii;.)
Craier Lake is not the only great
natural wiunler in this locality. Tlieiu
ale sfvenil menic iuatureH within u
sliori ilistniice I nun Ashlnuil llm
iieivliiioriiiK' towns, that uro pructi
1'iilly unknown to the world, but art
ipiiln as iiitoi'i.sliii iih those which
tliousaiiils of AiiiencuiiH every, yeur
cross llm ocean to see. On the boun
dary Ipii) between Oregon mnl Cali
loi iiia, not far I rum llm thriving city
ol Ashland, in a group ol wonderful
"iivcriin, in a mountain of marble,
whit h are said In. surpass Mammoth
Save, lairuy Caves and other great
caverns as much as the moutilufiis
ot the coast ranges surpass those of
Kentucky mnl Virginia.
These mailili! grottoes, for they are
inure like grottoes than eaves, are
not newly discovered. They have been
known ever since the first white set
tlers enme into this country, and were
first reported by Klijah Davidson, u
hunter mid trnpcr, who trailed u
vvhilii face bear into them one day.
.loaiiuiii Murietla, an outlaw mid ent
ile theif, bid his stolen stock in the
euvi'H, and made them his deadquur
lers uway back in the '(ids. A white
man mid a Chiuamau were murdered
there in the early '70s, and, indeed, it
may lie said that these great wonders
have always been known, but the lit
tle knowledge we have of them has
filtered out through the dense Oregon
forests from hunters, prospectors and
adventurers of various degrees of
The caves are very difficult to
reach; there is no road, only a bridle
trail; they are 50 miles from a rail
road track, (i"i miles from a hotel,
and whoever goes there must take a
full camping outfit, and expect to
rough it in genuine frontier fashion
for a week or more. It is possible
to get im outfit at A-dilaud or Med
foril. or at any one of several sta
tions along the Southern Pacific rail
way, and scleral young men in the
' ieiuity who' have tniiile the trip mi
nually for several years, can be cm
ployed as guides.
The expense of an expedition will,
of course, depend entirely upon the
character of the outfit, hut four or
five pack horses, n couple of tentns
ami provisions for n week's stay need
not cost n great deal of money.
Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the
Sierras," made the trip this summer,
nml wrote an article about the caves
for the Sunset Magazine of San
I'rmicis.'o. I believe lie is (he only
man who has ever attempted a des
cription, and. while his rhapsodies
concerning the scenery and the won
derful beauty of the eaves are ad
mirable, the render is apt to wish that
he hud given a little more practical
information. INt may be gathered
from this article that there are 500
or more dap.zlninc chambers in a mar
Hor liiishaml came West, looked tho country -over
decided to locate in the Rojjue River Valley.
are all Happy, Buy
ble 'cliff, one on tup of the other,
soiiietiiies lour or five stories or
-drain, mid thai they extend into the
mountain Jin unknown distance, prob
ably more than live if not eight or
ten miles. .Vobody knows, because
I hey have nut been explored. Solo
mon's Temple, as Joaquin Miller has
christeni.d Iln' large-.! hall he found,
is :J50 feet lung by l',() W .jdc, and
HO feet h el , a ceiling of crys
tal stnlnct:'"-. and walls of alabas
ter. It is -in -rounded and approach
ed by many i-liamhers of lesser size,
of similar innii-rial, villi ceilings mnl
walls of iinle-cribnble beniitv. Mr.
Miller publi-lie- a list of several
chambers In which he gave fantastic
mimes, hut llm cuverns should be
explored anil charted by the geologi
cal suney m.d the. caves should be
declared a public monument and pro
tected by ''ii' -"cretary of the interior
under the general law of congress.
C. II. Snyder Motor Car Co. is now
the rfegiilaily aiilhurized agent for
the Huick Motor Co. in Jackson, Jo
sephine and Klamath counties. 73
MOOHK-Iu this city. October B,
to Mr. and Mrs. flay Moore, a son.
Mother nml child nre doing well.
Mrs. Archie Wilson left Wednesday
on No. 20 f'irfirants Pass, where she
will visit friends and relatives for (he
For the Best
in harness, saddles, whips,
ones, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axle grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main.
The eriiinal at tho Rijon
His picture at Savoy
High Class
Moving Pictures
Amission 10c
Ho returned homo and hrouijit his family
your Lumber of us
''For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate
It is so good wit cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid
Jl a pound for it.
Everything; about Folder's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aod
e sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
Allen & Reagan
When we suggest that yoa
Toast Your Bread
On Breakfast Table
We do not mean that you should eat off ' ."
the stove toast t
With an Electric Toaster
and have crisp, brown, delicious toast
costs lc per meal to' operate. We
have the best toaster on the market for
sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary
Successors to Condor Water. & Power Co.
yttrs. Urerte Ufamptott
TTnstuctor of "piano. Tlst 3tttl)C&
to Medford.
We furnished the lumher for
and You"ll Be happy
their new home.