THE MEDFORD DAILY TRTRUNE, MRDFORD, ORRflOX. THURSDAY. OCTOHKW 7. 100!). LOWER PEICES APPLES PREDICTED Inactive Market I tls Said, Due to the Present Higli Cost of Fruit. (Ti'lrpram.) '"An artivo iinle market raiinot In expootod until iriocs roach a lowor level tlinn tlii' present," snid one of the leading' front street whososalers. today. "There is no use trying to hold the tipples that come to this mar ket tlit, most of whieh, as every body knows, are not fancy stork out of the reaeh of the general con siliums; public ju.t becau.-e the best grades grown at Hood Kiver and else where in the Mate command big prices in the distant markets. 'It is a simple market fact that when prices are too high the t'ryit will not move, and that is the condi tion that prevails now. There is no use arguing a scarcity of fair to good quality of fruit in this state this year. There is plenty of it. but the prices at which the product in a gen eral way is held are prohibitive. Therefore the market is a slow af fair at a time when there should be something doing in the apple trade, and until there is some sort of re adjustment in the way of prices it will remain sluggish, the fruit in a large way rotting instead of going into "consumption. ' 'The Hood River growers, as is well known, have sold the bulk of their fancy fruit, and at prices that makeapple-growing one of the most profitable industries in the state. The same may be said of other leading apple districts, and the high prices obtained have so stimulated the bull ish attitude of the growers that they are now holding their seconds and common apples at prices that market conditions .do not at all warrant. "Fruit dealers on the street today are holding Oravensteins. Kings. Snows and other sorts that cannot be graded as fancy at $1.75 to $2.25. and in some cases even $2.50 a box. wholesale of course, -while for or dinary to fair cooking apples they demand $1.5'0 to $1.75. But the fruit is not moving in anything like a. free way. and it will not until there is a change. Consumers who do not feel like paying the retail prices these wholesale charges necessitate will simply wait, or do without; that's all there in to it. "I believe apple prices in this mar ket should be lowered, and T believe they will be lowered. The fact that California apples are now coming here in a fairlv free way and good stock at that will naturally have some effect on the local trade. One car of fine California Bellflowers came in this week and it is said that a car of velloiv Kewtowns is on the way. With some of the Oregon growers who are demanding- fancv prices for only fair quality fruit it may within a short time be a question of selling or not selling." TO BE SUCCESS Crowds Flock to Fair Exhibits Are Plentiful and Good. The district fair in Ashland Is proving to be a great success, both from a financial and exhibit stand point. The exhibits are. splendid, w hile the at tendance has been large. The fair continues tomorrow. The awarded Wednesday were: First prize. - commercial .pack, all varieties of applesKoguo Kiver Fruit flrowcrs' Union. First prir.e, commercial pack. Co mice pears G. A. Hover. Second prize, same P. I?. Hill. First and second prize, plate ex hibit Spitzenberg apples W. II. Brown. First , prize same, Jonathan apples Mitchell & Boeek. First prize, same, Winesnps F. E. Merrick. . First prize, same. Bose pears II. F. Medcr. Second prize, same 0. A. Hover. Practicing cn Wooden Legs. Of the live cases In ili .accident ward that were pronounced cured at the same time throe reniainrd In t li hospital more than a week after Kip other two had sone home. They bad to stay." said an Interne, to get used to fheir wooden legs. It takes some time to learn to manage them, and most men who will haw to peg along with them for the rest ol their natural lives stay in the hospital several' days after they get well to practice stumping around ou their new legs. Of course they can learn cut side, but the man who has just ac luired a wooden leg feels so awkward ind is so likely to fall down and break the other leg or an arm or maybe his neck that we prefer to keep bim here so he can take bis first lessons under our supervision." New York Press). Victor Hugo's Masterpiece at The Savoy. .Victor Hugo created the greatest character in fiction, Jean . V aljear He will never die in literature, and his life will be an inspiration to many. Tonight at the Savoy in the pictorinl pantomime, "The Galley Slave," the early incidents of Jean Valjean's life are portrayed with dramatic inten sity seldom seen in a motion pic ture. As a work of art this film can not be improved upon and is extreme ly interesting as well as educational, "Willie Emly Can, the Hungry Ac tor," and "How Brown Got Married" are two laughographs brimfil of good clean comedy, and bring forth many a good, honest, hearty laugh. "The Savoy," the place. ' One dime. Entire change of program tomorrow night. 172 Along the Coci'uillo river lits over .ffi.OOO.OOO worth of property which would be greatly increased in value by forming a port and improving the navigation facilities, a J-niui lax would yield sufficient to bring ocean steamers to Coquille. FOH SAIjK New household goods, cheap if taken at once. Call H45 N. Riverside avenue, corner Third si. 172 Thousand Islands. The Lake of the Thousand Islands Is forty miles long and varies from four to seven miles hi width. It Is both a continuation of Lake Ontario and the beginning of the St. Ijiwrcnee river. The Thousand Islands are really about 1,700 in number. bis and little. Many of them are favorite summer resorts, with hotels and boarding house of rich Americans and Canadians. The voyage through them Is picturesque, and many of the Islands are Illumi nated at night. Who Voted? Benjamin Franklin once discussed the property qui'IlfloattMi for voting In Pennsylvania. A man owned a don key of sulllcient value to enable him to vote, but before the next election tte donkey died, and the man's vole was refused. "Now," asked 1'ranklln. "who voted at the previous election, the man or the donkey?" C. H. Snyder Motor Car Co. repre sents the Piercc-Arrow Motor Car Co. for Jackson. Josephine and Klam ath counties. This car has won, for five consecutive years, the Glidden trophy. The Glidden tour is eonced- ed to be the most severe test ever given a motor car in competition. 173 PORTALA M TO ! ENTER li STATE Will Review the Great Armada ami Receive Golden Keys of the City. A triumphal entry into S.ui 1'iau ci.v'o will be made by Don t'a-par dc I'ortohi on October I'.t, when the stal wart old Spanish warrior will return to that city after an absence of 1 10 years. The booming of guns from nil the foreign battleships in pott I'm' the purpose, will announce his eul ranee and at the same time give greetings to California's first governor. Then' will Don Caspar proceed I'roiir the ferry through the thronged cily thoroughfares, riding boldly and pic turesquely at the head of thousands of t ho best drilled and most perfectly trained troops in the world today. A full company of dragoons, recruited from the handsomest and sturdiest men in Sjin Francisco will serve as the escort of the royal don. Mounted upon spirited chargers, adorned with helmets and cuirasses, this body guard will furnish one of the most picturesque and characteristic bits of life and color in the entire pageant. Following the Spanish dragoons will march a vast procession of in fantry, artillery, cavalry, sailors fnun the various war vessels and uniform ed teams from fraternal orders which will extend through the streets for miles. Squalls of Chinese and Japanese fighting men fnun their battleships, detachments from the Dutch and Ital ian cruisers, and jnckies from the English and German warships in the harbor will inarch along, side by side, and our own soldiers jiuid sailors will follow the dragoons, mnrchiug to tin inspiring strains of huge regimental and naval bands. Passing up the streets, whose tall, stately buildings are to be a' marvel of color, and viewed by thousands and thousands of excited eyes, the king and his command will proceed to Marshall square, where the mayor will meet the noble Spaniard and aft er n formal greeting will present him with the golden key to the city gates. The key in his possession, the king will then go to meet his beautiful queen. This event will be one of the most striking and impressive of the day. Behold the doughty warrior, clad in his leather hiiskin and top boots, with clanking sword and wav ing plumes, riding forth to meet his fair consort. Queen Virgilia. also mounted on a fiery steed of purest white and wearing the velvet riding habit of the eight ecu 111 century Span ish court. C. H. Snyder Motor Cur Co. have been alloted ten Cadillacs of 11110 model for Jackson. Josephine and Klamath counties. Four of these have alreadv been sold. 17.'1 Bv the recent mishap of the stenm- r Alliance Coos Bay was cut off from Portland again for two weeks. It would seem as if Portland businesR men could nfford to keep several steamers going between the two. 1 'oil mil s nl' (he prominent land-1 The Dallas Ohhcnci' says Dial lord-, of England ale being pub-' there is an opening for a I'ruil can-li-hnl in connection n'nh the pi'oo-1 nciy Ihcrc, and lhal berries nod sals to tax them on their laud values j small I'ruil grow well. It has been exclusive of improvement. Oregon i dciuousti'titeil lhal an established has a few landlord whose picl ores , cannery raises (he value ol lauds i would look well alongside their Eng-1 w illiin lour miles suitable for in,, lish prototype. products from I'J.'i In if-'IIO an acru, j J. E. EKYART, President JOHN S ORTH. Cashiei J. A. PERRY, Vice-Preside jt. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashie-. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS ........ $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs .State ),-iiiit::ry Cutabonhed 1SSS. t:.ilal Had Surplus 125,000 Kct.uirc-i 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Itauli respect fully solicits your account, subject to your cheek, with thu strongest gnar.inlco of safely and efficiency. We offer the highest ntliiiiinieut in sysleinnlie banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. V. I. VAWTKIi, President. (J. It. LINDLKY, Cashier. .ft- A COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT TIRELESS COOKER ml .Xh ill Containing' two indispensable luxuries and two sources of ccon- 011 IV. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. wmwm mmm J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Med ford. Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N BAhTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken tamales, Mexican beans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tables for ladies. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. APPLES AND PEAES AND ALL KINDS OJb1 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first- class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE JON WWW Rings Rings n l i r ore All Kinds All Sizes at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. 0. I CD H CD cn o CD CD r r-TJ hi P CD rf r-r-.. o CD ca K CD O Li M H H CD c'w CD B B S CD O CD P PCfQ CO C' o4 tr1 cd CD 3. CD rt CD, hi g-hjog CD CD Z CD CD h- CD P. L I B Pm trl w 4 B&5 8 P M r?5 hH CD r-- LFtj-P hi Lj h r1 cd pi & H p . CD C O H O a4 o p hi rrrx O CD -j o o A La) ' i-"CD O